Exemple #1
        public static SearchResults <Book> SearchBooks(this IEntitySession session, BookSearch searchParams)
            // Warning about substring match (LIKE): Be careful using it in real apps, against big tables
            // Match by fragment results in LIKE operator which NEVER works on real volumes.
            // For MS SQL, it is OK to do LIKE with pattern that does not start with % (so it is StartsWith(smth) operator).
            //  AND column must be indexed - so server will use index. For match inside the string, LIKE is useless on big tables.
            // In our case, Title is indexed and we use StartsWith, so it's OK
            // An interesting article about speeding up string-match search in MS SQL:
            //  http://aboutsqlserver.com/2015/01/20/optimizing-substring-search-performance-in-sql-server/
            var categories = ConvertHelper.ParseEnumArray <BookCategory>(searchParams.Categories);

            var where = session.NewPredicate <IBook>()
                        .AndIfNotEmpty(searchParams.Title, b => b.Title.StartsWith(searchParams.Title))
                        .AndIfNotEmpty(searchParams.MaxPrice, b => b.Price <= (Decimal)searchParams.MaxPrice.Value)
                        .AndIfNotEmpty(searchParams.Publisher, b => b.Publisher.Name.StartsWith(searchParams.Publisher))
                        .AndIfNotEmpty(searchParams.PublishedAfter, b => b.PublishedOn.Value >= searchParams.PublishedAfter.Value)
                        .AndIfNotEmpty(searchParams.PublishedBefore, b => b.PublishedOn.Value <= searchParams.PublishedBefore.Value)
                        .AndIf(categories != null && categories.Length > 0, b => categories.Contains(b.Category));
            // A bit more complex clause for Author - it is many2many, results in subquery
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchParams.AuthorLastName))
                var qAuthBookIds = session.EntitySet <IBookAuthor>()
                                   .Where(ba => ba.Author.LastName.StartsWith(searchParams.AuthorLastName))
                                   .Select(ba => ba.Book.Id);
                where = where.And(b => qAuthBookIds.Contains(b.Id));
            // Alternative method for author name - results in inefficient query (with subquery for every row)
            //      if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorLastName))
            //         where = where.And(b => b.Authors.Any(a => a.LastName == authorLastName));

            //Use VITA-defined helper method ExecuteSearch - to build query from where predicate, get total count,
            // add clauses for OrderBy, Take, Skip, run query and convert to list of model objects with TotalCount

            var results = session.ExecuteSearch(where, searchParams, ibook => ibook.ToModel(), b => b.Publisher,
                                                nameMapping: _orderByMapping);
