Exemple #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Writes this object's state to a YAML emitter.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="emitter"></param>
		void IYamlSerializable.WriteYaml(IEmitter emitter)
			foreach (var item in events)
Exemple #2
 public Dumper(Stream stream, bool isCanonical = false, int indent = 2, 
     int width = 80,
     bool allowUnicode = true, LineBreak lineBreak = LineBreak.LineFeed)
     this.emitter = new Emitter(stream, isCanonical, indent, width,
         allowUnicode, lineBreak);
        public void Prepare(PICProject project)
            w = project.Relaxation;
            backscattering = project.Backscattering;
            alfa = project.BackscatteringAlfa;
            beta = project.BackscatteringBeta;
            step = project.Step;
            u = project.Voltage;

            particles = new ParticleArrayStorage<Particle>(project.ParticlesCount);
            boundaryConditions = new BoundaryConditions
                Top = new BoundaryCondition { Value = x => 0, Type = BoundaryConditionType.Neumann },
                Bottom = new BoundaryCondition { Value = x => 0, Type = BoundaryConditionType.Neumann },
                Left = new BoundaryCondition { Value = x => 0, Type = BoundaryConditionType.Dirichlet },
                Right = new BoundaryCondition { Value = x => u, Type = BoundaryConditionType.Dirichlet }

            emitter = new Emitter2D(0, project.EmitterBottom, 0, project.EmitterTop, project.ParticlesCount, 0, 0, -0.5 * Constants.ChildLangmuirCurrent(project.Length, u), step);
            mover = new Leapfrog();
            grid = new Grid2D();
            grid.InitializeGrid(project.GridN, project.GridM, 0, project.Length, 0, project.Height);
            mesh = new Mesh2D();
            mesh.InitializeMesh(grid.N * grid.M);
            interpolator = new CloudInCellCurrentLinkage(particles, grid, mesh, false);
            poissonSolver = new Poisson2DFdmSolver(grid, boundaryConditions);
            poissonSolver.FdmMatrix = poissonSolver.BuildMatrix();
            h = step * Constants.LightVelocity;
            Monitor = new PICMonitor(grid, mesh, particles, this);
            density = new double[grid.N * grid.M];
            Trajectories = new List<Tuple<int, double, double>>(particles.Count * 1000);
        public override bool Enter(IObjectDescriptor value, IEmitter context)
            var typeConverter = typeConverters.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Accepts(value.Type));
            if (typeConverter != null)
                typeConverter.WriteYaml(context, value.Value, value.Type);
                return false;

            var convertible = value.Value as IYamlConvertible;
            if (convertible != null)
                convertible.Write(context, nestedObjectSerializer);
                return false;

            #pragma warning disable 0618 // IYamlSerializable is obsolete
            var serializable = value.Value as IYamlSerializable;
            if (serializable != null)
                return false;
            #pragma warning restore

            return base.Enter(value, context);
Exemple #5
 public ExpressionListBlock(IEmitter emitter, IEnumerable<Expression> expressions, Expression paramArg)
     : base(emitter, null)
     this.Emitter = emitter;
     this.Expressions = expressions;
     this.ParamExpression = paramArg;
Exemple #6
 public ConstructorBlock(IEmitter emitter, ITypeInfo typeInfo, bool staticBlock)
     : base(emitter, typeInfo.TypeDeclaration)
     this.Emitter = emitter;
     this.TypeInfo = typeInfo;
     this.StaticBlock = staticBlock;
Exemple #7
 public void AfterTypeEmit(IEmitter emitter, ITypeInfo type)
     foreach (var plugin in this.Parts)
         plugin.AfterTypeEmit(emitter, type);
 private void CreateMethodBuilder(Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes)
     methodBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineMethod(
         "DynamicMethod", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static, returnType, parameterTypes);
     methodBuilder.InitLocals = true;
     emitter = new Emitter(methodBuilder.GetILGenerator(), parameterTypes);
Exemple #9
 public void AfterTypesEmit(IEmitter emitter, IList<ITypeInfo> types)
     foreach (var plugin in this.Parts)
         plugin.AfterTypesEmit(emitter, types);
Exemple #10
        Token id, iprop;  // id is the current ID for the current line

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new iCalendar parser.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">The reader that contains the stream of text iCalendar</param>
        /// <param name="_emitter">The emitter that will transform the iCalendar elements</param>
        public Parser(StreamReader reader, IEmitter _emitter)
            scanner = new Scanner(reader);
            emitter = _emitter;
            emitter.VParser = this;
            errors = new ArrayList();
Exemple #11
 public void AfterEmit(IEmitter emitter, ITranslator translator)
     foreach (var plugin in this.Parts)
         plugin.AfterEmit(emitter, translator);
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes this object's state to a YAML emitter.
 /// </summary>
 void IYamlConvertible.Write(IEmitter emitter, ObjectSerializer nestedObjectSerializer)
     foreach (var item in events)
Exemple #13
 public SwitchBlock(IEmitter emitter, CaseLabel caseLabel, string varName, bool isFirst)
     : base(emitter, caseLabel)
     this.Emitter = emitter;
     this.CaseLabel = caseLabel;
     varName_ = varName;
     isFirst_ = isFirst;
Exemple #14
 public Pdp11Assembler(Pdp11Architecture arch, Address addrBase, IEmitter emitter)
     this.arch = arch;
     this.BaseAddress = addrBase;
     this.emitter = emitter;
     this.Equates = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     this.symtab = new SymbolTable();
 public EmitComposite Add(IEmitter node)
     if (node.IsNotNull())
     return this;
 public override void Emit(MappingStartEventInfo eventInfo, IEmitter emitter)
         eventInfo.Tag = tagMappings[eventInfo.Source.Type];
     base.Emit(eventInfo, emitter);
 public ExpressionListBlock(IEmitter emitter, IEnumerable<Expression> expressions, Expression paramArg, InvocationExpression invocation = null)
     : base(emitter, null)
     this.Emitter = emitter;
     this.Expressions = expressions;
     this.ParamExpression = paramArg;
     this.InvocationExpression = invocation;
		public CustomSerializationObjectGraphVisitor(IEmitter emitter, IObjectGraphVisitor nextVisitor, IEnumerable<IYamlTypeConverter> typeConverters)
			: base(nextVisitor)
			this.emitter = emitter;
			this.typeConverters = typeConverters != null
				? typeConverters.ToList()
				: Enumerable.Empty<IYamlTypeConverter>();
        public InlineArgumentsBlock(IEmitter emitter, ArgumentsInfo argsInfo, string inline)
            : base(emitter, argsInfo.Expression)
            this.Emitter = emitter;
            this.ArgumentsInfo = argsInfo;
            this.InlineCode = inline;

        public void Serialize(IEmitter emitter, object graph)
            if (emitter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("emitter");

            EmitDocument(emitter, new ObjectDescriptor(graph, graph != null ? graph.GetType() : typeof(object), typeof(object)));
Exemple #21
 public SwitchBlock(IEmitter emitter, SwitchSection switchSection, string varName, bool isFirst, bool isEnd)
     : base(emitter, switchSection)
     this.Emitter = emitter;
     this.SwitchSection = switchSection;
     varName_ = varName;
     isFirst_ = isFirst;
     isEnd_ = isEnd;
Exemple #22
        public ArgumentsInfo(IEmitter emitter, AssignmentExpression assignmentExpression, OperatorResolveResult operatorResolveResult, IMethod method)
            this.Emitter = emitter;
            this.Expression = assignmentExpression;
            this.OperatorResolveResult = operatorResolveResult;

            this.BuildOperatorArgumentsList(new Expression[] { assignmentExpression.Left, assignmentExpression.Right }, operatorResolveResult.UserDefinedOperatorMethod ?? method);
Exemple #23
 public LambdaBlock(IEmitter emitter, IEnumerable<ParameterDeclaration> parameters, AstNode body, AstNode context, bool isAsync)
     : base(emitter, context)
     this.Emitter = emitter;
     this.Parameters = parameters;
     this.Body = body;
     this.Context = context;
     this.IsAsync = isAsync;
Exemple #24
 public FieldBlock(IEmitter emitter, ITypeInfo typeInfo, bool staticBlock, bool fieldsOnly)
     : base(emitter, typeInfo.TypeDeclaration)
     this.Emitter = emitter;
     this.TypeInfo = typeInfo;
     this.StaticBlock = staticBlock;
     this.FieldsOnly = fieldsOnly;
     this.Injectors = new List<string>();
Exemple #25
        public static TypeDefinition GetBaseType(TypeDefinition type, IEmitter emitter)
            if (type == null || type.BaseType == null)
                return null;

            return Helpers.ToTypeDefinition(type.BaseType, emitter);
Exemple #26
        public NameBlock(IEmitter emitter, string name, Expression namedExpression, Expression expression)
            : base(emitter, null)
            this.Emitter = emitter;
            this.NamedExpression = namedExpression;
            this.Expression = expression;
            this.Name = name;

            this.Emitter.Translator.EmitNode = namedExpression ?? expression;
        public static OverloadsCollection Create(IEmitter emitter, IndexerDeclaration indexerDeclaration, bool isSetter = false)
            string key = indexerDeclaration.GetHashCode().ToString() + isSetter.GetHashCode().ToString();
            if (emitter.OverloadsCache.ContainsKey(key))
                return emitter.OverloadsCache[key];

            return new OverloadsCollection(emitter, indexerDeclaration, isSetter);
 protected CompilerContext(string filePath, StreamReader inputReader, Importer importer, IEmitter emitter, CompilationFlags flags)
     FilePath = filePath;
     Flags = flags;
     Emitter = emitter;
     CompileErrors = new ErrorList();
     Importer = importer;
     SymbolTable = new SymbolTable();
     Lexer = Lexer.Create(inputReader, CompileErrors);
        public override bool EnterMapping(IPropertyDescriptor key, IObjectDescriptor value, IEmitter context)
            var defaultValueAttribute = key.GetCustomAttribute<DefaultValueAttribute>();
            var defaultValue = defaultValueAttribute != null
                ? defaultValueAttribute.Value
                : GetDefault(key.Type);

            return !_objectComparer.Equals(value.Value, defaultValue)
                   && base.EnterMapping(key, value, context);
        public static OverloadsCollection Create(IEmitter emitter, ConstructorDeclaration constructorDeclaration)
            string key = constructorDeclaration.GetHashCode().ToString();
            if (emitter.OverloadsCache.ContainsKey(key))
                return emitter.OverloadsCache[key];

            return new OverloadsCollection(emitter, constructorDeclaration);
Exemple #31
 public AbstractMethodBlock(IEmitter emitter, AstNode node)
     : base(emitter, node)
Exemple #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes an object to specified stream in YAML format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="emitter">The emitter.</param>
        /// <param name="instance">The object to serialize.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
        /// <param name="keepOnlySealedOverrides">if set to <c>true</c> [keep only sealed overrides].</param>
        public static void Serialize(IEmitter emitter, object instance, Type type, bool keepOnlySealedOverrides = false)
            var serializer = GetYamlSerializer(keepOnlySealedOverrides);

            serializer.Serialize(emitter, instance, type);
Exemple #33
 public ThrowBlock(IEmitter emitter, ThrowStatement throwStatement)
     : base(emitter, throwStatement)
     this.Emitter        = emitter;
     this.ThrowStatement = throwStatement;
Exemple #34
        public static string ToJavaScript(object value, IEmitter emitter)
            string s = null;

            if (value is double)
                double d = (double)value;
                if (double.IsNaN(d))
                    s = JS.Types.Number.NaN;
                else if (double.IsPositiveInfinity(d))
                    s = JS.Types.Number.Infinity;
                else if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(d))
                    s = JS.Types.Number.InfinityNegative;
                    s = emitter.ToJavaScript(value);
            else if (value is float)
                float f = (float)value;
                if (float.IsNaN(f))
                    s = JS.Types.Number.NaN;
                else if (float.IsPositiveInfinity(f))
                    s = JS.Types.Number.Infinity;
                else if (float.IsNegativeInfinity(f))
                    s = JS.Types.Number.InfinityNegative;
                    s = emitter.ToJavaScript(value);
            else if (value is char)
                s = emitter.ToJavaScript((int)(char)value);
            else if (value is decimal)
                s = JS.Types.SYSTEM_DECIMAL + "(" + AbstractEmitterBlock.DecimalConstant((decimal)value, emitter) + ")";
            else if (value is long)
                s = JS.Types.System.Int64.NAME + "(" + AbstractEmitterBlock.LongConstant((long)value, emitter) + ")";
            else if (value is ulong)
                s = JS.Types.SYSTEM_UInt64 + "(" + AbstractEmitterBlock.ULongConstant((ulong)value, emitter) + ")";
                s = emitter.ToJavaScript(value);
Exemple #35
        public void WriteYaml(IEmitter emitter, object value, Type type)
            var version = (SemanticVersion)value;

            emitter.Emit(new Scalar(version.ToString()));
Exemple #36
 public VisitorMethodBlock(IEmitter emitter, MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration)
     : base(emitter, methodDeclaration)
     this.Emitter           = emitter;
     this.MethodDeclaration = methodDeclaration;
Exemple #37
        public void WriteYaml(IEmitter emitter, object value, Type type)
            var color = (Color)value;

            emitter.Emit(new Scalar(color.ToArgb().ToString("X")));
Exemple #38
 public TypeBlock(IEmitter emitter, AstType type)
     : base(emitter, type)
     this.Emitter = emitter;
     this.Type    = type;
Exemple #39
 /// <summary>
 ///   Serializes the specified object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="emitter">The <see cref="IEmitter" /> where to serialize the object.</param>
 /// <param name="obj">The object to serialize.</param>
 public void Serialize(IEmitter emitter, object obj)
     Serialize(emitter, obj, obj is null ? typeof(object) : null);
 public void Write(IEmitter emitter, ObjectSerializer nestedObjectSerializer)
 public NullReferenceBlock(IEmitter emitter, AstNode nullNode) : base(emitter, nullNode)
     this.Emitter  = emitter;
     this.NullNode = nullNode;
Exemple #42
 public ClassBlock(IEmitter emitter, ITypeInfo typeInfo)
     : base(emitter, typeInfo.TypeDeclaration)
     this.TypeInfo = typeInfo;
Exemple #43
        public static CompilerRule Get(IEmitter emitter, IEntity entity)
            CompilerRule memberRule = null;

            CompilerRule[] classRules     = null;
            CompilerRule[] assemblyRules  = null;
            CompilerRule[] interfaceRules = null;

            if (entity is IMember)
                var attr = Helpers.GetInheritedAttribute(entity, attributeName);

                if (attr != null)
                    memberRule = Rules.ToRule(attr, CompilerRuleLevel.Member);

                var typeDef = entity.DeclaringTypeDefinition;

                if (typeDef != null)
                    classRules = Rules.GetClassRules(emitter, typeDef);

                interfaceRules = Rules.GetVirtualMemberRules(emitter, entity);
            else if (entity is ITypeDefinition)
                classRules = Rules.GetClassRules(emitter, (ITypeDefinition)entity);

            var assembly = entity.ParentAssembly;

            if (emitter.AssemblyCompilerRuleCache.ContainsKey(assembly))
                assemblyRules = emitter.AssemblyCompilerRuleCache[assembly];
                IAttribute[] assemblyAttrs = assembly.AssemblyAttributes.Where(a => a.AttributeType.FullName == Rules.attributeName).ToArray();
                assemblyRules = new CompilerRule[assemblyAttrs.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < assemblyAttrs.Length; i++)
                    assemblyRules[i] = Rules.ToRule(assemblyAttrs[i], CompilerRuleLevel.Assembly);

                emitter.AssemblyCompilerRuleCache.Add(assembly, assemblyRules);

            var rules = new List <CompilerRule>();

            if (memberRule != null)

            if (classRules != null && classRules.Length > 0)

            if (interfaceRules != null && interfaceRules.Length > 0)


            if (assemblyRules != null && assemblyRules.Length > 0)

Exemple #44
 public ForeachBlock(IEmitter emitter, ForeachStatement foreachStatement)
     : base(emitter, foreachStatement)
     this.Emitter          = emitter;
     this.ForeachStatement = foreachStatement;
Exemple #45
 public void Write(IEmitter emitter, ObjectSerializer nestedObjectSerializer)
     nestedObjectSerializer(new List <Attribute>(this));
Exemple #46
        private IEventEmitter CreateEventEmitter(IEmitter emitter)
            WriterEventEmitter nextEmitter = new WriterEventEmitter(emitter);

            return(!this.IsOptionSet(SerializationOptions.JsonCompatible) ? ((IEventEmitter) new TypeAssigningEventEmitter(nextEmitter, this.IsOptionSet(SerializationOptions.Roundtrip))) : ((IEventEmitter) new JsonEventEmitter(nextEmitter)));
Exemple #47
 public void WriteYaml(IEmitter emitter, object value, Type type)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #48
 public ConditionalBlock(IEmitter emitter, ConditionalExpression conditionalExpression)
     this.Emitter = emitter;
     this.ConditionalExpression = conditionalExpression;
Exemple #49
 public Pdp11TextAssembler(IEmitter emitter)
     this.emitter      = emitter;
     this.ImageSymbols = new List <ImageSymbol>();
Exemple #50
 public EmitBlock(IEmitter emitter)
     : base(emitter, null)
     Emitter = emitter;
Exemple #51
 public static string GetThisAlias(IEmitter emitter)
Exemple #52
        public override bool EnterMapping(IPropertyDescriptor key, IObjectDescriptor value, IEmitter context)
            bool retVal = false;

            if (value.Value == null)

            if (typeof(System.Collections.IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(value.Value.GetType()))
            {                                                    // We have a collection
                var enumerableObject = (System.Collections.IEnumerable)value.Value;
                if (enumerableObject.GetEnumerator().MoveNext()) // Returns true if the collection is not empty.
                {                                                // Don't skip this item - serialize it as normal.
                    retVal = base.EnterMapping(key, value, context);
                // Else we have an empty collection and the initialized return value of false is correct.
            {   // Not a collection, normal serialization.
                retVal = base.EnterMapping(key, value, context);

Exemple #53
 public AssignmentBlock(IEmitter emitter, AssignmentExpression assignmentExpression)
     : base(emitter, assignmentExpression)
     this.Emitter = emitter;
     this.AssignmentExpression = assignmentExpression;
 public PropertyBlock(IEmitter emitter, PropertyDeclaration propertyDeclaration)
     : base(emitter, propertyDeclaration)
     this.Emitter             = emitter;
     this.PropertyDeclaration = propertyDeclaration;
Exemple #55
 public EmptyBlock(IEmitter emitter, EmptyStatement emptyStatement)
     : base(emitter, emptyStatement)
     Emitter        = emitter;
     EmptyStatement = emptyStatement;
Exemple #56
 public ParenthesizedBlock(IEmitter emitter, ParenthesizedExpression parenthesizedExpression)
     : base(emitter, parenthesizedExpression)
     this.Emitter = emitter;
     this.ParenthesizedExpression = parenthesizedExpression;
Exemple #57
 public OperatorBlock(IEmitter emitter, OperatorDeclaration operatorDeclaration)
     : base(emitter, operatorDeclaration)
     this.Emitter             = emitter;
     this.OperatorDeclaration = operatorDeclaration;
Exemple #58
 public ContinueBlock(IEmitter emitter, ContinueStatement continueStatement)
     this.Emitter           = emitter;
     this.ContinueStatement = continueStatement;
Exemple #59
 public EventDeclarationBlock(IEmitter emitter, EventDeclaration eventDeclaration)
     : base(emitter, eventDeclaration)
     this.Emitter          = emitter;
     this.EventDeclaration = eventDeclaration;
Exemple #60
        public static string ToJsName(IType type, IEmitter emitter, bool asDefinition = false, bool excludens = false, bool isAlias = false, bool skipMethodTypeParam = false, bool removeScope = true, bool nomodule = false, bool ignoreLiteralName = true, bool ignoreVirtual = false, bool excludeTypeOnly = false)
            var    itypeDef = type.GetDefinition();
            H5Type h5Type   = emitter.H5Types.Get(type, true);

            if (itypeDef != null)
                string globalTarget = H5Types.GetGlobalTarget(itypeDef, null, removeScope);

                if (globalTarget != null)
                    if (h5Type != null && !nomodule)
                        bool customName;
                        globalTarget = H5Types.AddModule(globalTarget, h5Type, excludens, false, out customName);

            if (itypeDef != null && itypeDef.Attributes.Any(a => a.AttributeType.FullName == "H5.NonScriptableAttribute"))
                throw new EmitterException(emitter.Translator.EmitNode, "Type " + type.FullName + " is marked as not usable from script");

            if (type.Kind == TypeKind.Array)
                if (type is ArrayType arrayType && arrayType.ElementType != null)
                    string typedArrayName;
                    if (emitter.AssemblyInfo.UseTypedArrays && (typedArrayName = Helpers.GetTypedArrayName(arrayType.ElementType)) != null)

                    var elementAlias = H5Types.ToJsName(arrayType.ElementType, emitter, asDefinition, excludens, isAlias, skipMethodTypeParam, excludeTypeOnly: excludeTypeOnly);

                    if (isAlias)
                        return($"{elementAlias}$Array{(arrayType.Dimensions > 1 ? "$" + arrayType.Dimensions : "")}");

                    if (arrayType.Dimensions > 1)
                        return(string.Format(JS.Types.System.Array.TYPE + "({0}, {1})", elementAlias, arrayType.Dimensions));
                    return(string.Format(JS.Types.System.Array.TYPE + "({0})", elementAlias));


            if (type.Kind == TypeKind.Delegate)

            if (type.Kind == TypeKind.Dynamic)

            if (type is ByReferenceType)
                return(H5Types.ToJsName(((ByReferenceType)type).ElementType, emitter, asDefinition, excludens, isAlias, skipMethodTypeParam, excludeTypeOnly: excludeTypeOnly));

            if (ignoreLiteralName)
                var isObjectLiteral = itypeDef != null && emitter.Validator.IsObjectLiteral(itypeDef);
                var isPlainMode     = isObjectLiteral && emitter.Validator.GetObjectCreateMode(emitter.GetTypeDefinition(type)) == 0;

                if (isPlainMode)

            if (type.Kind == TypeKind.Anonymous)
                if (type is AnonymousType at && emitter.AnonymousTypes.ContainsKey(at))