public async Task <IActionResult> GetEducationByPersonId(int id)
            var tempEducation = await _educationService.GetEducationByPersonId(id);

            apiResult.AppResult.Message    = Constant.GET_SUCCESS;
            apiResult.AppResult.DataResult = tempEducation;

Exemple #2
        public async Task <AppResult> ImportFile(FileUpload file, int?id)
            AppResult appResult = new AppResult();
            var       fileName  = file.files.FileName;

            if (!ImportFileHandling.HasFileExtension(Path.GetExtension(fileName)))
                appResult.Result  = false;
                appResult.Message = "CV Import Failed, Invalid file format!";
            var list = await ImportFileHandling.GetInformationCV(file.files);

            if (list.Count > 0)
                var resultCheckFile = ImportFileHandling.CheckFile(list);
                if (resultCheckFile.Result)
                    int idPerson = 0;
                    List <SkillRequestModel> listSkill = new List <SkillRequestModel>();
                    List <int> listIdWorkHistory       = new List <int>();
                    List <SaveWorkHistoryResource> saveWorkHistoryResources = new List <SaveWorkHistoryResource>();
                    List <int> listIdEducation = new List <int>();
                    List <SaveEducationResource> saveEducationResources = new List <SaveEducationResource>();
                    List <int> listIdCertificate = new List <int>();
                    List <SaveCertificateResource> saveCertificateResources = new List <SaveCertificateResource>();
                    List <int>           listIdSkill        = new List <int>();
                    List <SkillResource> skillRequestModels = new List <SkillResource>();
                    List <int>           listIdProject      = new List <int>();
                    List <Project>       listProject        = new List <Project>();
                        using (TransactionScope txScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
                            Person person = ImportFileHandling.GetPerson(list);
                            Image  image  = await ImportFileHandling.GetImageCV(file.files);

                            if (id == null)
                                var resultPerson = await _personService.InsertPersonToImportFile(person, image);

                                appResult = resultPerson.AppResult;
                                idPerson  = resultPerson.PersonInfo.Id;
                                idPerson = (int)id;
                                if (idPerson > 0)
                                    var tempPerson = await _personService.GetPersonById(idPerson);

                                    var modelPerson = (Person)tempPerson;
                                    if (modelPerson != null)
                                        person.Id = (int)id;
                                        var resultPerson = await _personService.UpdatePersonToImportFile(person, image);

                                        appResult = resultPerson.AppResult;
                                        if (appResult.Result)
                                            var listWorkHistoryResourceByPersonId = await _workHistoryService.GetWorkHistoryByPersonId(idPerson);

                                            saveWorkHistoryResources = listWorkHistoryResourceByPersonId.ToList();
                                            if (saveWorkHistoryResources != null)
                                                foreach (var item in saveWorkHistoryResources)
                                                if (listIdWorkHistory != null)
                                                    foreach (var item in listIdWorkHistory)
                                                        await _workHistoryService.DeleteWorkHistory(item);
                                            var listEducationByPersonId = await _educationService.GetEducationByPersonId(idPerson);

                                            saveEducationResources = listEducationByPersonId.ToList();
                                            if (saveEducationResources != null)
                                                foreach (var item in saveEducationResources)
                                                if (listIdEducation != null)
                                                    foreach (var item in listIdEducation)
                                                        await _educationService.DeleteEducation(item);
                                            var listCertificateByPersonId = await _certificateService.GetCertificateByPersonId(idPerson);

                                            saveCertificateResources = listCertificateByPersonId.ToList();
                                            if (saveCertificateResources != null)
                                                foreach (var item in saveCertificateResources)
                                                if (listIdCertificate != null)
                                                    foreach (var item in listIdCertificate)
                                                        await _certificateService.DeleteCertificate(item);
                                            var listSkillByPeronId = await _skillService.GetSkillByPerson(idPerson);

                                            skillRequestModels = listSkillByPeronId.ToList();
                                            if (skillRequestModels != null)
                                                foreach (var item in skillRequestModels)
                                                if (listIdSkill != null)
                                                    foreach (var item in listIdSkill)
                                                        await _skillService.DeleteSkill(item);
                                            var listProjectByPersonId = await _projectService.GetProjectByPersonId(idPerson);

                                            listProject = listProjectByPersonId.ToList();
                                            if (listProject != null)
                                                foreach (var item in listProject)
                                                if (listIdProject != null)
                                                    foreach (var item in listIdProject)
                                                        await _projectService.DeleteProject(item);
                                        idPerson = resultPerson.PersonInfo.Id;
                                        appResult.Result  = false;
                                        appResult.Message = "CV Import Failed, CV not exist";
                            if (idPerson > 0)
                                List <CreateWorkHistoryResource> workHistoryResources = ImportFileHandling.GetListWorkHistory(list, idPerson);
                                if (workHistoryResources != null)
                                    foreach (var item in workHistoryResources)
                                        if (item != null)
                                            await _workHistoryService.CreateWorkHistory(item);
                                List <CreateEducationResource> createEducationResources = ImportFileHandling.GetListEducation(list, idPerson);
                                if (createEducationResources != null)
                                    foreach (var item in createEducationResources)
                                        if (item != null)
                                            await _educationService.CreateEducation(item);
                                List <CreateCertificateResource> createCertificateResources = ImportFileHandling.GetListCertifiate(list, idPerson);
                                if (createCertificateResources != null)
                                    foreach (var item in createCertificateResources)
                                        if (item != null)
                                            await _certificateService.CreateCertificate(item);
                                List <Category> categories = ImportFileHandling.GetListCategory(list);
                                List <int>      Category   = new List <int>();
                                if (categories != null)
                                    listSkill = new List <SkillRequestModel>();
                                    foreach (var groupItem in categories)
                                        var resultCategory = await _categoryService.InsertCategory(groupItem);

                                        int idCategory = resultCategory.Category.Id;
                                        List <int> listTechnology = new List <int>();
                                        foreach (var item in groupItem.Technologies)
                                            item.CategoryId = idCategory;
                                            var resultTechnology = await _technologyService.InsertTechnology(item);

                                            int idTechnology = resultTechnology.Technology.Id;
                                        SkillRequestModel skill = new SkillRequestModel
                                            PersonId     = idPerson,
                                            CategoryId   = idCategory,
                                            TechnologyId = listTechnology
                                    if (listSkill.Count > 0)
                                        foreach (var item in listSkill)
                                            await _skillService.InserSkill(item);
                                List <Project> projects = ImportFileHandling.GetListProject(list, idPerson);
                                if (projects != null)
                                    foreach (var gorupItem in projects)
                                        List <ProjectTechnology> projectTechnologies = new List <ProjectTechnology>();
                                        var resultProject = await _projectService.InsertProject(gorupItem);

                                        int idProject = resultProject.Project.Id;
                                        foreach (var item in gorupItem.Technologies)
                                            ProjectTechnology projectTechnology = new ProjectTechnology
                                                ProjectId    = idProject,
                                                TechnologyId = await _technologyService.GetTechnologyByPersonAndNameAsync(idPerson, item.Name)
                                        await _projectTechnologyService.InsertListTechnologyAsync(projectTechnologies);
                        appResult.Result  = false;
                        appResult.Message = "CV Import Failed, file is invalid!";
                    appResult.Result  = false;
                    appResult.Message = resultCheckFile.Message;
                appResult.Result  = false;
                appResult.Message = "CV Import Failed, file is invalid!";
        public async Task <string> ExportFile(int id, string type)
            await Task.Yield();

            var profilePerson = await _personService.GetPersonById(id);

            var listSkill = await _skillService.GetSkillByPerson(id);

            var listWorkHistory = await _workHistoryService.GetWorkHistoryByPersonId(id);

            var listEducation = await _educationService.GetEducationByPersonId(id);

            var listCertificate = await _certificateService.GetCertificateByPersonId(id);

            var listProject = await _projectService.GetProjectByPersonId(id);

            if (profilePerson == null)
            ExportFileUtils exportFileUtils  = new ExportFileUtils();
            string          fullPathTemplate = $@"{_webHostEnvironment.WebRootPath}/Form_CV.xlsx";
            string          sheetName        = "Sheet1";

            using (var source = System.IO.File.OpenRead(fullPathTemplate))
                using (ExcelPackage excelPkg = new ExcelPackage(source))
                    ExcelWorksheet worksheet    = exportFileUtils.SheetTemPlate(excelPkg, sheetName);
                    int            irecordIndex = 3;
                    StringBuilder  strBuilder   = new StringBuilder(string.Empty);
                    string         defaultSpace = "   ";

                    #region Export profile Person
                    Color colFromHex = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#bdd6ee");
                    worksheet.Cells[$"B{irecordIndex}"].Value     = profilePerson.FullName;
                    worksheet.Cells[$"B{irecordIndex + 1}"].Value = defaultSpace + "Office";
                    worksheet.Cells[$"D{irecordIndex + 1}"].Value = defaultSpace + profilePerson.Location;
                    worksheet.Cells[$"B{irecordIndex + 2}"].Value = defaultSpace + "Gender";
                    worksheet.Cells[$"D{irecordIndex + 2}"].Value = defaultSpace + profilePerson.Gender;
                    worksheet.Cells[$"B{irecordIndex + 3}"].Value = defaultSpace + "Year of Birth";
                    worksheet.Cells[$"D{irecordIndex + 3}"].Value = defaultSpace + profilePerson.YearOfBirth.Year;
                    worksheet.Cells[$"B{irecordIndex + 4}:N{irecordIndex + 4}"].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(colFromHex);
                    worksheet.Cells[$"B{irecordIndex + 5}"].Value = profilePerson.Description;
                    irecordIndex += 5;

                    #region Export list Skill
                    int irecordSkill = irecordIndex + 4;
                    int itemSkill    = listSkill.ToNonNullList().Count;
                    if (irecordSkill + itemSkill <= irecordIndex + 14)
                        worksheet.DeleteRow(irecordSkill, 10 - itemSkill, false);
                    else if (irecordSkill + itemSkill - 10 >= irecordIndex + 4)
                        worksheet.InsertRow(irecordSkill + 10, itemSkill - 10, irecordSkill);
                    worksheet.Cells[$"B{irecordSkill - 1}:N{irecordSkill - 1}"].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(colFromHex);
                    foreach (var item in listSkill)
                        worksheet.Cells[$"B{irecordSkill}"].Value = defaultSpace + item.Name;
                        int lengthTemp = item.Technologies.Count;
                        for (int i = 0; i < lengthTemp; i++)
                            if (i == (lengthTemp - 1))
                            strBuilder.Append($"{item.Technologies[i].Name}, ");
                        worksheet.Cells[$"D{irecordSkill}"].Value = defaultSpace + strBuilder.ToString();

                    #region Export list WorkHistory
                    int irecordWorkHistory = irecordSkill + 2;
                    int irecordNumber      = 1;
                    int itemWorkHistory    = listWorkHistory.ToNonNullList().Count;
                    if (irecordWorkHistory + itemWorkHistory <= irecordSkill + 12)
                        worksheet.DeleteRow(irecordWorkHistory, 10 - itemWorkHistory, true);
                    else if (irecordWorkHistory + itemWorkHistory - 10 >= irecordSkill + 2)
                        worksheet.InsertRow(irecordWorkHistory + 10, itemWorkHistory - 10, irecordWorkHistory);
                    worksheet.Cells[$"B{irecordWorkHistory - 2}:N{irecordWorkHistory - 2}"].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(colFromHex);
                    foreach (var item in listWorkHistory)
                        worksheet.Cells[$"B{irecordWorkHistory}"].Value = irecordNumber.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[$"C{irecordWorkHistory}"].Value = item.EndDate + "-" + item.StartDate;
                        worksheet.Cells[$"F{irecordWorkHistory}"].Value = item.CompanyName;
                        worksheet.Cells[$"M{irecordWorkHistory}"].Value = item.Position;

                    #region Export list Education
                    int irecordEducation = irecordWorkHistory + 1;
                    int itemEducation    = listEducation.ToNonNullList().Count;
                    if (irecordEducation + 2 * itemEducation <= irecordWorkHistory + 13)
                        worksheet.DeleteRow(irecordEducation, 12 - 2 * itemEducation, true);
                    else if (irecordEducation + 2 * itemEducation - 12 >= irecordWorkHistory + 1)
                        worksheet.InsertRow(irecordEducation, 2 * itemEducation - 12, irecordEducation);
                    worksheet.Cells[$"B{irecordEducation - 1}:N{irecordEducation - 1}"].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(colFromHex);
                    foreach (var item in listEducation)
                        worksheet.Cells[$"B{irecordEducation}"].Value     = defaultSpace + item.EndDate + " - " + item.StartDate + " | " + item.CollegeName;
                        worksheet.Cells[$"B{irecordEducation + 1}"].Value = defaultSpace + "Major: " + item.Major;
                        irecordEducation += 2;

                    #region Export list Certificate
                    int irecordCertificate = irecordEducation + 1;
                    int itemCertificate    = listCertificate.ToNonNullList().Count;
                    if (irecordCertificate + itemCertificate <= irecordEducation + 11)
                        worksheet.DeleteRow(irecordCertificate, 10 - itemCertificate, true);
                    else if (irecordCertificate + itemCertificate - 10 >= irecordEducation + 1)
                        worksheet.InsertRow(irecordCertificate + 10, itemCertificate - 10, irecordEducation);
                    worksheet.Cells[$"B{irecordCertificate - 1}:N{irecordCertificate - 1}"].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(colFromHex);
                    foreach (var item in listCertificate)
                        worksheet.Cells[$"B{irecordCertificate}"].Value = defaultSpace + item.StartDate + " | " + item.Name + " - " + item.Provider;

                    #region Export list Project
                    int irecordProject = irecordCertificate + 2;
                    irecordNumber = 1;
                    int itemProject = listProject.ToNonNullList().Count;
                    if (irecordProject + 5 * itemProject <= irecordEducation + 42)
                        worksheet.DeleteRow(irecordProject, 40 - 5 * itemProject, true);
                    else if (irecordProject + 5 * itemProject - 40 >= irecordCertificate + 2)
                        worksheet.InsertRow(irecordProject, 5 * itemProject - 40, irecordEducation);
                    worksheet.Cells[$"B{irecordProject - 2}:N{irecordProject - 2}"].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(colFromHex);
                    foreach (var item in listProject)
                        worksheet.Cells[$"B{irecordProject}"].Value     = irecordNumber.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[$"C{irecordProject }"].Value    = item.EndDate.ToString("MM/yyyy") + " - " + item.StartDate.ToString("MM/yyyy");
                        worksheet.Cells[$"E{irecordProject }"].Value    = item.Position;
                        worksheet.Cells[$"I{irecordProject }"].Value    = item.Name;
                        worksheet.Cells[$"I{irecordProject + 1}"].Value = "Description: " + item.Description;
                        worksheet.Cells[$"I{irecordProject + 2}"].Value = "Responsibilities: " + item.Responsibilities;
                        worksheet.Cells[$"I{irecordProject + 3}"].Value = "TeamSize: " + item.TeamSize;
                        int lengthTemp = item.Technologies.Count;
                        for (int i = 0; i < lengthTemp; i++)
                            if (i == (lengthTemp - 1))
                            strBuilder.Append($"{item.Technologies[i].Name}, ");
                        worksheet.Cells[$"I{irecordProject + 4}"].Value = "Technologies used:  " + strBuilder.ToString();
                        irecordProject += 5;

                    #region Write Image to excel
                    int    rowIndex         = 2;
                    int    colIndex         = 13;
                    int    Width            = 149;
                    int    Height           = 225;
                    string pathDefaultImage = _webHostEnvironment.WebRootPath + _appSettings.ImagePath + "avatar-default.png";
                    string pathImage        = _webHostEnvironment.WebRootPath + _appSettings.ImagePath + $"{profilePerson.Avatar}";
                    Image  avatar;
                    if (!System.IO.File.Exists(pathImage))
                        avatar = Image.FromFile(pathDefaultImage);
                        avatar = Image.FromFile(pathImage);
                    Bitmap img = new Bitmap(avatar);
                    if (img.HorizontalResolution == 0 || img.VerticalResolution == 0)
                        img.SetResolution(96, 96);
                    OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.ExcelPicture pic = worksheet.Drawings.AddPicture("Sample", img);
                    pic.SetPosition(rowIndex, 0, colIndex, 0);
                    pic.SetSize(Width, Height);


                    string p_strPath = _webHostEnvironment.WebRootPath + _appSettings.CVPath + $"CV_{profilePerson.FullName}_{profilePerson.StaffId}.xlsx";

                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(p_strPath))

                    // Create excel file on physical disk
                    FileStream objFileStrm = System.IO.File.Create(p_strPath);

                    // Write content to excel file
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(p_strPath, excelPkg.GetAsByteArray());
            #region Convert Excel to Pdf + download
            string p_strPathExcel = _webHostEnvironment.WebRootPath + _appSettings.CVPath + $"CV_{profilePerson.FullName}_{profilePerson.StaffId}.xlsx";
            string p_strPathPdf   = _webHostEnvironment.WebRootPath + _appSettings.CVPath + $"CV_{profilePerson.FullName}_{profilePerson.StaffId}.pdf";
            var    pdflName       = $"CV/CV_{profilePerson.FullName}_{profilePerson.StaffId}.pdf";
            var    excelName      = $"CV/CV_{profilePerson.FullName}_{profilePerson.StaffId}.xlsx";
            string downloadUrl    = string.Format($"{WebAPI.Helpers.HttpContext.Current.Request.Scheme}://{WebAPI.Helpers.HttpContext.Current.Request.Host.Value}/{excelName}");
            if (type == "excel")
            Workbook workBook = new Workbook();
            workBook.LoadFromFile(p_strPathExcel, ExcelVersion.Version2010);
            workBook.SaveToFile(p_strPathPdf, FileFormat.PDF);

            downloadUrl = string.Format($"{WebAPI.Helpers.HttpContext.Current.Request.Scheme}://{WebAPI.Helpers.HttpContext.Current.Request.Host.Value}/{pdflName}");
