/// <summary>
        /// Validates the type of an entry in a top-level feed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityType">The type of the entry.</param>
        internal void ValidateEntry(IEdmEntityType entityType)
            Debug.Assert(entityType != null, "entityType != null");

            // If we don't have a type, store the type of the first item.
            if (this.itemType == null)
                this.itemType = entityType;

            // Validate the expected and actual types.
            if (this.itemType.IsEquivalentTo(entityType))

            // If the types are not equivalent, make sure they have a common base type.
            IEdmType commonBaseType = EdmLibraryExtensions.GetCommonBaseType(this.itemType, entityType);
            if (commonBaseType == null)
                throw new ODataException(Strings.FeedWithoutExpectedTypeValidator_IncompatibleTypes(entityType.FullTypeName(), this.itemType.FullTypeName()));

            this.itemType = (IEdmEntityType)commonBaseType;
        public void CreateEdmTypeSchemaReturnSchemaForEntityType(bool isNullable, OpenApiSpecVersion specVersion)
            // Arrange
            IEdmModel      model  = EdmModelHelper.TripServiceModel;
            IEdmEntityType entity = model.SchemaElements.OfType <IEdmEntityType>().First(c => c.Name == "Manager");

            Assert.NotNull(entity); // guard
            IEdmEntityTypeReference entityTypeReference = new EdmEntityTypeReference(entity, isNullable);
            ODataContext            context             = new ODataContext(model);

            context.Settings.OpenApiSpecVersion = specVersion;

            // Act
            var schema = context.CreateEdmTypeSchema(entityTypeReference);

            // & Assert

            if (specVersion == OpenApiSpecVersion.OpenApi2_0 || isNullable == false)
                Assert.Equal(ReferenceType.Schema, schema.Reference.Type);
                Assert.Equal(entity.FullTypeName(), schema.Reference.Id);
                var anyOf = Assert.Single(schema.AnyOf);
                Assert.Equal(ReferenceType.Schema, anyOf.Reference.Type);
                Assert.Equal(entity.FullTypeName(), anyOf.Reference.Id);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// If an entity type name is found in the payload this method is called to apply it to the current scope.
        /// This method should be called even if the type name was not found in which case a null should be passed in.
        /// The method validates that some type will be available as the current entity type after it returns (if we are parsing using metadata).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityTypeNameFromPayload">The entity type name found in the payload or null if no type was specified in the payload.</param>
        protected void ApplyEntityTypeNameFromPayload(string entityTypeNameFromPayload)
                this.scopes.Count > 0 && this.scopes.Peek().Item is ODataEntry,
                "Entity type can be applied only when in entry scope.");

            SerializationTypeNameAnnotation serializationTypeNameAnnotation;
            EdmTypeKind             targetTypeKind;
            IEdmEntityTypeReference targetEntityTypeReference =
                    /*defaultPrimitivePayloadType*/ null,
                    () => EdmTypeKind.Entity,
                    out targetTypeKind,
                    out serializationTypeNameAnnotation);

            IEdmEntityType targetEntityType = null;
            ODataEntry     entry            = this.CurrentEntry;

            if (targetEntityTypeReference != null)
                targetEntityType = targetEntityTypeReference.EntityDefinition();
                entry.TypeName   = targetEntityType.FullTypeName();

                if (serializationTypeNameAnnotation != null)
            else if (entityTypeNameFromPayload != null)
                entry.TypeName = entityTypeNameFromPayload;

            // Set the current entity type since the type from payload might be more derived than
            // the expected one.
            this.CurrentEntityType = targetEntityType;
Exemple #4
        private void VisitEntityType(IEdmEntityType entity)
            string qualifiedName = entity.FullTypeName();

            if (_types.ContainsKey(qualifiedName))
                return; // processed

            MetaEntityType metaEntity = new MetaEntityType();

            metaEntity.QualifiedName = qualifiedName;
            metaEntity.Name          = entity.Name;
            metaEntity.Abstract      = entity.IsAbstract;
            metaEntity.OpenType      = entity.IsOpen;
            metaEntity.HasStream     = entity.HasStream;
            _types[qualifiedName]    = metaEntity;

            VisitProperties(metaEntity, entity.DeclaredProperties);
            VisitNavProperties(metaEntity, entity.DeclaredNavigationProperties());
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Translate NavigationPropertySegment to linq expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="segment">The NavigationPropertySegment</param>
        /// <returns>The linq expression</returns>
        public override Expression Translate(NavigationPropertySegment segment)
            if (!(this.LastProcessedSegment is KeySegment ||
                  this.LastProcessedSegment is SingletonSegment ||
                  this.LastProcessedSegment is TypeSegment ||
                  this.LastProcessedSegment is NavigationPropertySegment))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported URI segment before NavigationPropertySegment");

            IEdmEntityType         lastSegmentEntityType = this.LastProcessedSegment.EdmType as IEdmEntityType;
            IEdmNavigationProperty navigationProperty    = segment.NavigationProperty;

            // <context>/PropertyName will be translated to <context>.PropertyName
            Type sourceInstanceType = EdmClrTypeUtils.GetInstanceType(lastSegmentEntityType.FullTypeName());

            this.ResultExpression     = Expression.Property(this.ResultExpression, sourceInstanceType, navigationProperty.Name);
            this.LastProcessedSegment = segment;

Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates that the specified <paramref name="resource"/> is a valid resource as per the specified type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resource">The resource to validate.</param>
        /// <param name="resourceType">Optional entity type to validate the resource against.</param>
        /// <remarks>If the <paramref name="resourceType"/> is available only resource-level tests are performed, properties and such are not validated.</remarks>
        internal static void ValidateMediaResource(ODataResourceBase resource, IEdmEntityType resourceType)
            Debug.Assert(resource != null, "resource != null");

            if (resourceType != null)
                if (resource.MediaResource == null)
                    if (resourceType.HasStream)
                        throw new ODataException(Strings.ValidationUtils_ResourceWithoutMediaResourceAndMLEType(resourceType.FullTypeName()));
                    if (!resourceType.HasStream)
                        throw new ODataException(Strings.ValidationUtils_ResourceWithMediaResourceAndNonMLEType(resourceType.FullTypeName()));
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds a key property value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="namedValue">The named value to bind.</param>
        /// <param name="collectionItemEntityType">The type of a single item in a collection to apply the key value to.</param>
        /// <param name="keys">Dictionary of alias to keys.</param>
        /// <param name="keyPropertyValue">The bound key property value node.</param>
        /// <returns>The bound key property value node.</returns>
        private bool TryBindKeyPropertyValue(NamedValue namedValue, IEdmEntityType collectionItemEntityType, IDictionary <string, IEdmProperty> keys, out KeyPropertyValue keyPropertyValue)
            // These are exception checks because the data comes directly from the potentially user specified tree.
            ExceptionUtils.CheckArgumentNotNull(namedValue, "namedValue");
            ExceptionUtils.CheckArgumentNotNull(namedValue.Value, "namedValue.Value");
            Debug.Assert(collectionItemEntityType != null, "collectionItemType != null");

            IEdmProperty keyProperty = null;

            if (namedValue.Name == null)
                foreach (IEdmProperty p in keys.Values)
                    if (keyProperty == null)
                        keyProperty = p;
                        throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.MetadataBinder_UnnamedKeyValueOnTypeWithMultipleKeyProperties(collectionItemEntityType.FullTypeName()));
                keyProperty = keys.SingleOrDefault(k => string.CompareOrdinal(k.Key, namedValue.Name) == 0).Value;

                if (keyProperty == null)
                    keyPropertyValue = null;

            IEdmTypeReference keyPropertyType = keyProperty.Type;

            SingleValueNode value = (SingleValueNode)this.keyValueBindMethod(namedValue.Value);

            // TODO: Check that the value is of primitive type
            Debug.Assert(keyPropertyType.IsODataPrimitiveTypeKind(), "The key's type must be primitive.");
            value = MetadataBindingUtils.ConvertToTypeIfNeeded(value, keyPropertyType);

            Debug.Assert(keyProperty != null, "keyProperty != null");
            keyPropertyValue = new KeyPropertyValue()
                KeyProperty = keyProperty,
                KeyValue    = value

        /// <summary>
        /// Validates an entry in an expanded link to make sure the entity types match.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entryEntityType">The <see cref="IEdmEntityType"/> of the entry.</param>
        /// <param name="parentNavigationPropertyType">The type of the parent navigation property.</param>
        internal static void ValidateEntryInExpandedLink(IEdmEntityType entryEntityType, IEdmEntityType parentNavigationPropertyType)
            if (parentNavigationPropertyType == null)

            Debug.Assert(entryEntityType != null, "If we have a parent navigation property type we should also have an entry type.");

            // Make sure the entity types are compatible
            if (!parentNavigationPropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(entryEntityType))
                throw new ODataException(Strings.WriterValidationUtils_EntryTypeInExpandedLinkNotCompatibleWithNavigationPropertyType(entryEntityType.FullTypeName(), parentNavigationPropertyType.FullTypeName()));
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates that a navigation property with the specified name exists on a given entity type.
        /// The entity type can be null if no metadata is available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to validate.</param>
        /// <param name="owningEntityType">The owning entity type or null if no metadata is available.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="IEdmProperty"/> instance representing the navigation property with name <paramref name="propertyName"/>
        /// or null if no metadata is available.</returns>
        internal static IEdmNavigationProperty ValidateNavigationPropertyDefined(string propertyName, IEdmEntityType owningEntityType)
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName), "!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName)");

            if (owningEntityType == null)
                return null;

            IEdmProperty property = ValidatePropertyDefined(propertyName, owningEntityType);
            if (property == null)
                // We don't support open navigation properties
                Debug.Assert(owningEntityType.IsOpen, "We should have already failed on non-existing property on a closed type.");
                throw new ODataException(Strings.ValidationUtils_OpenNavigationProperty(propertyName, owningEntityType.FullTypeName()));

            if (property.PropertyKind != EdmPropertyKind.Navigation)
                // The property must be a navigation property
                throw new ODataException(Strings.ValidationUtils_NavigationPropertyExpected(propertyName, owningEntityType.FullTypeName(), property.PropertyKind.ToString()));

            return (IEdmNavigationProperty)property;
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the <see cref="IEdmModel"/> that is being created.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The <see cref="IEdmModel"/> that will be validated.</param>
        public virtual void ValidateModel(IEdmModel model)
            if (model == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull("model");

            // The type of entity set should have key(s) defined.
            foreach (IEdmEntitySet entitySet in model.EntityContainer.Elements.OfType <IEdmEntitySet>())
                if (!entitySet.EntityType().Key().Any())
                    throw Error.InvalidOperation(SRResources.EntitySetTypeHasNoKeys, entitySet.Name,

            // The type of collection navigation property should have key(s) defined.
            foreach (IEdmStructuredType structuredType in model.SchemaElementsAcrossModels().OfType <IEdmStructuredType>())
                foreach (var navigationProperty in structuredType.DeclaredNavigationProperties())
                    if (navigationProperty.TargetMultiplicity() == EdmMultiplicity.Many)
                        IEdmEntityType entityType = navigationProperty.ToEntityType();
                        if (!entityType.Key().Any())
                            throw Error.InvalidOperation(SRResources.CollectionNavigationPropertyEntityTypeDoesntHaveKeyDefined, entityType.FullTypeName(), navigationProperty.Name, structuredType.FullTypeName());
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes an OData feed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer">The ODataWriter that will write the feed.</param>
        /// <param name="entityType">The type of the entity in the feed.</param>
        /// <param name="entries">The items from the data store to write to the feed.</param>
        /// <param name="entitySet">The entity set in the model that the feed belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="targetVersion">The OData version this segment is targeting.</param>
        /// <param name="selectExpandClause">The SelectExpandClause.</param>
        public static void WriteFeed(ODataWriter writer, IEdmEntityType entityType, IEnumerable entries, IEdmEntitySetBase entitySet, ODataVersion targetVersion, SelectExpandClause selectExpandClause, long? count, Uri deltaLink, Uri nextPageLink, Dictionary<string, string> incomingHeaders = null)
            var feed = new ODataFeed
                Id = entitySet == null ? null : new Uri(ServiceConstants.ServiceBaseUri, entitySet.Name),
                DeltaLink = deltaLink,
                NextPageLink = nextPageLink

            if (entitySet == null)
                feed.SetSerializationInfo(new ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo()
                    NavigationSourceEntityTypeName = entityType.FullTypeName(),
                    NavigationSourceName = null,
                    NavigationSourceKind = EdmNavigationSourceKind.UnknownEntitySet,
                    IsFromCollection = true

            if (count.HasValue)
                feed.Count = count;


            foreach (var element in entries)
                WriteEntry(writer, element, entitySet, targetVersion, selectExpandClause, incomingHeaders);

Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Построение объекта данных по сущности OData.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="edmEntity"> Сущность OData. </param>
        /// <param name="key"> Значение ключевого поля сущности. </param>
        /// <param name="dObjs"> Список объектов для обновления. </param>
        /// <param name="endObject"> Признак, что объект добавляется в конец списка обновления. </param>
        /// <returns> Объект данных. </returns>
        private DataObject GetDataObjectByEdmEntity(EdmEntityObject edmEntity, object key, List <DataObject> dObjs, bool endObject = false)
            if (edmEntity == null)

            IEdmEntityType entityType = (IEdmEntityType)edmEntity.ActualEdmType;
            Type           objType    = _model.GetDataObjectType(_model.GetEdmEntitySet(entityType).Name);

            // Значение свойства.
            object value;

            // Получим значение ключа.
            var keyProperty = entityType.Properties().FirstOrDefault(prop => prop.Name == _model.KeyPropertyName);

            if (key != null)
                value = key;
                edmEntity.TryGetPropertyValue(keyProperty.Name, out value);

            // Загрузим объект из хранилища, если он там есть (используем представление по умолчанию), или создадим, если нет, но только для POST.
            // Тем самым гарантируем загруженность свойств при необходимости обновления и установку нужного статуса.
            DataObject obj = ReturnDataObject(objType, value);

            // Добавляем объект в список для обновления, если там ещё нет объекта с таким ключом.
            var objInList = dObjs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.__PrimaryKey.ToString() == obj.__PrimaryKey.ToString());

            if (objInList == null)
                if (!endObject)
                    // Добавляем объект в начало списка.
                    dObjs.Insert(0, obj);
                    // Добавляем в конец списка.

            // Все свойства объекта данных означим из пришедшей сущности, если они были там установлены(изменены).
            foreach (var prop in entityType.Properties())
                string dataObjectPropName = _model.GetDataObjectProperty(entityType.FullTypeName(), prop.Name).Name;
                if (edmEntity.GetChangedPropertyNames().Contains(prop.Name))
                    // Обработка мастеров и детейлов.
                    if (prop is EdmNavigationProperty)
                        EdmNavigationProperty navProp = (EdmNavigationProperty)prop;

                        edmEntity.TryGetPropertyValue(prop.Name, out value);

                        EdmMultiplicity edmMultiplicity = navProp.TargetMultiplicity();

                        // var aggregator = Information.GetAgregatePropertyName(objType);

                        // Обработка мастеров.
                        if (edmMultiplicity == EdmMultiplicity.One || edmMultiplicity == EdmMultiplicity.ZeroOrOne)
                            if (value != null && value is EdmEntityObject)
                                EdmEntityObject edmMaster = (EdmEntityObject)value;
                                DataObject      master    = GetDataObjectByEdmEntity(edmMaster, null, dObjs);

                                Information.SetPropValueByName(obj, dataObjectPropName, master);
                                Information.SetPropValueByName(obj, dataObjectPropName, null);

                        // Обработка детейлов.
                        if (edmMultiplicity == EdmMultiplicity.Many)
                            Type        detType = Information.GetPropertyType(objType, dataObjectPropName);
                            DetailArray detarr  = (DetailArray)Information.GetPropValueByName(obj, dataObjectPropName);

                            if (value != null && value is EdmEntityObjectCollection)
                                EdmEntityObjectCollection coll = (EdmEntityObjectCollection)value;
                                if (coll != null && coll.Count > 0)
                                    foreach (var edmEnt in coll)
                                        DataObject det = GetDataObjectByEdmEntity(

                                        if (det.__PrimaryKey == null)
                                            detarr.SetByKey(det.__PrimaryKey, det);
                        // Обработка собственных свойств объекта (неключевых, т.к. ключ устанавливаем при начальной инициализации объекта obj).
                        if (prop.Name != keyProperty.Name)
                            Type dataObjectPropertyType = Information.GetPropertyType(objType, dataObjectPropName);
                            edmEntity.TryGetPropertyValue(prop.Name, out value);

                            // Если тип свойства относится к одному из зарегистрированных провайдеров файловых свойств,
                            // значит свойство файловое, и его нужно обработать особым образом.
                            if (FileController.HasDataObjectFileProvider(dataObjectPropertyType))
                                IDataObjectFileProvider dataObjectFileProvider = FileController.GetDataObjectFileProvider(dataObjectPropertyType);

                                // Обработка файловых свойств объектов данных.
                                string serializedFileDescription = value as string;
                                if (serializedFileDescription == null)
                                    // Файловое свойство было сброшено на клиенте.
                                    // Ассоциированный файл должен быть удален, после успешного сохранения изменений.
                                    // Для этого запоминаем метаданные ассоциированного файла, до того как свойство будет сброшено
                                    // (для получения метаданных свойство будет дочитано в объект данных).
                                    // Файловое свойство типа File хранит данные ассоциированного файла прямо в БД,
                                    // соответственно из файловой системы просто нечего удалять,
                                    // поэтому обходим его стороной, чтобы избежать лишных вычиток файлов из БД.
                                    if (dataObjectPropertyType != typeof(File))
                                        _removingFileDescriptions.Add(dataObjectFileProvider.GetFileDescription(obj, dataObjectPropName));

                                    // Сбрасываем файловое свойство в изменяемом объекте данных.
                                    Information.SetPropValueByName(obj, dataObjectPropName, null);
                                    // Файловое свойство было изменено, но не сброшено.
                                    // Если в метаданных файла присутствует FileUploadKey значит файл был загружен на сервер,
                                    // но еще не был ассоциирован с объектом данных, и это нужно сделать.
                                    FileDescription fileDescription = FileDescription.FromJson(serializedFileDescription);
                                    if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileDescription.FileUploadKey) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileDescription.FileName)))
                                        Information.SetPropValueByName(obj, dataObjectPropName, dataObjectFileProvider.GetFileProperty(fileDescription));

                                        // Файловое свойство типа File хранит данные ассоциированного файла прямо в БД,
                                        // поэтому после успешного сохранения объекта данных, оссоциированный с ним файл должен быть удален из файловой системы.
                                        // Для этого запоминаем описание загруженного файла.
                                        if (dataObjectPropertyType == typeof(File))
                                // Преобразование типов для примитивных свойств.
                                if (value is DateTimeOffset)
                                    value = ((DateTimeOffset)value).UtcDateTime;
                                if (value is EdmEnumObject)
                                    value = ((EdmEnumObject)value).Value;

                                Information.SetPropValueByName(obj, dataObjectPropName, value);

Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates that the specified <paramref name="entry"/> is a valid entry as per the specified type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entry">The entry to validate.</param>
        /// <param name="entityType">Optional entity type to validate the entry against.</param>
        /// <param name="model">Model containing the entity type.</param>
        /// <param name="validateMediaResource">true if the validation of the default MediaResource should be done; false otherwise.</param>
        /// <remarks>If the <paramref name="entityType"/> is available only entry-level tests are performed, properties and such are not validated.</remarks>
        internal static void ValidateEntryMetadataResource(ODataEntry entry, IEdmEntityType entityType, IEdmModel model, bool validateMediaResource)
            Debug.Assert(entry != null, "entry != null");

            if (entityType != null)
                Debug.Assert(model != null, "model != null");
                Debug.Assert(model.IsUserModel(), "model.IsUserModel()");

                if (validateMediaResource)
                    if (entry.MediaResource == null)
                        if (entityType.HasStream)
                            throw new ODataException(Strings.ValidationUtils_EntryWithoutMediaResourceAndMLEType(entityType.FullTypeName()));
                        if (!entityType.HasStream)
                            throw new ODataException(Strings.ValidationUtils_EntryWithMediaResourceAndNonMLEType(entityType.FullTypeName()));
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates an entry in an expanded link to make sure the entity types match.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entryEntityType">The <see cref="IEdmEntityType"/> of the entry.</param>
        /// <param name="parentNavigationPropertyType">The type of the parent navigation property.</param>
        internal static void ValidateEntryInExpandedLink(IEdmEntityType entryEntityType, IEdmEntityType parentNavigationPropertyType)
            if (parentNavigationPropertyType == null)

            Debug.Assert(entryEntityType != null, "If we have a parent navigation property type we should also have an entry type.");

            // Make sure the entity types are compatible
            if (!parentNavigationPropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(entryEntityType))
                throw new ODataException(Strings.WriterValidationUtils_EntryTypeInExpandedLinkNotCompatibleWithNavigationPropertyType(entryEntityType.FullTypeName(), parentNavigationPropertyType.FullTypeName()));
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates that a navigation property with the specified name exists on a given entity type.
        /// The entity type can be null if no metadata is available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to validate.</param>
        /// <param name="owningEntityType">The owning entity type or null if no metadata is available.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="IEdmProperty"/> instance representing the navigation property with name <paramref name="propertyName"/>
        /// or null if no metadata is available.</returns>
        internal static IEdmNavigationProperty ValidateNavigationPropertyDefined(string propertyName, IEdmEntityType owningEntityType)
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName), "!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName)");

            if (owningEntityType == null)

            IEdmProperty property = ValidatePropertyDefined(propertyName, owningEntityType);

            if (property == null)
                // We don't support open navigation properties
                Debug.Assert(owningEntityType.IsOpen, "We should have already failed on non-existing property on a closed type.");
                throw new ODataException(Strings.ValidationUtils_OpenNavigationProperty(propertyName, owningEntityType.FullTypeName()));

            if (property.PropertyKind != EdmPropertyKind.Navigation)
                // The property must be a navigation property
                throw new ODataException(Strings.ValidationUtils_NavigationPropertyExpected(propertyName, owningEntityType.FullTypeName(), property.PropertyKind.ToString()));

        /// <summary>
        /// Validates that a navigation property with the specified name exists on a given entity type.
        /// The entity type can be null if no metadata is available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to validate.</param>
        /// <param name="owningEntityType">The owning entity type or null if no metadata is available.</param>
        /// <param name="messageReaderSettings">The message reader settings being used.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="IEdmNavigationProperty"/> instance representing the navigation property with name <paramref name="propertyName"/>
        /// or null if no metadata is available.</returns>
        internal static IEdmNavigationProperty ValidateNavigationPropertyDefined(
            string propertyName,
            IEdmEntityType owningEntityType,
            ODataMessageReaderSettings messageReaderSettings)
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName), "!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName)");
            Debug.Assert(messageReaderSettings != null, "messageReaderSettings != null");

            if (owningEntityType == null)
                return null;

            IEdmProperty property = ValidateLinkPropertyDefined(propertyName, owningEntityType, messageReaderSettings);
            if (property == null)
                if (owningEntityType.IsOpen && !messageReaderSettings.ReportUndeclaredLinkProperties)
                    // We don't support open navigation properties
                    throw new ODataException(Strings.ValidationUtils_OpenNavigationProperty(propertyName, owningEntityType.FullTypeName()));
            else if (property.PropertyKind != EdmPropertyKind.Navigation)
                // The property must be a navigation property
                throw new ODataException(Strings.ValidationUtils_NavigationPropertyExpected(propertyName, owningEntityType.FullTypeName(), property.PropertyKind.ToString()));

            return (IEdmNavigationProperty)property;
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the type of an entry in a top-level feed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityType">The type of the entry.</param>
        internal void ValidateEntry(IEdmEntityType entityType)
            Debug.Assert(entityType != null, "entityType != null");

            // If we don't have a type, store the type of the first item.
            if (this.itemType == null)
                this.itemType = entityType;

            // Validate the expected and actual types.
            if (this.itemType.IsEquivalentTo(entityType))

            // If the types are not equivalent, make sure they have a common base type.
            IEdmType commonBaseType = EdmLibraryExtensions.GetCommonBaseType(this.itemType, entityType);

            if (commonBaseType == null)
                throw new ODataException(Strings.FeedWithoutExpectedTypeValidator_IncompatibleTypes(entityType.FullTypeName(), this.itemType.FullTypeName()));

            this.itemType = (IEdmEntityType)commonBaseType;
        /// <summary>
        /// Осуществляет получение набора EDM-сущностей, соответствующего заданному типу EDM-сущности.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityType">Тип EDM-сущности, для которого необходимо получить, соответствующий ему набор.</param>
        /// <returns>Набор EDM-сущностей, соответствующий заданному типу EDM-сущности.</returns>
        public EdmEntitySet GetEdmEntitySet(IEdmEntityType entityType)
            if (entityType == null)

            return((EdmEntitySet)EntityContainer.EntitySets().FirstOrDefault(el => el.Type.TypeKind == EdmTypeKind.Collection &&
                                                                             ((EdmCollectionType)el.Type).ElementType.FullName() == entityType.FullTypeName()));
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds a key property value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="namedValue">The named value to bind.</param>
        /// <param name="collectionItemEntityType">The type of a single item in a collection to apply the key value to.</param>
        /// <param name="keys">Dictionary of alias to keys.</param>
        /// <param name="keyPropertyValue">The bound key property value node.</param>
        /// <returns>The bound key property value node.</returns>
        private bool TryBindKeyPropertyValue(NamedValue namedValue, IEdmEntityType collectionItemEntityType, IDictionary<string, IEdmProperty> keys, out KeyPropertyValue keyPropertyValue)
            // These are exception checks because the data comes directly from the potentially user specified tree.
            ExceptionUtils.CheckArgumentNotNull(namedValue, "namedValue");
            ExceptionUtils.CheckArgumentNotNull(namedValue.Value, "namedValue.Value");
            Debug.Assert(collectionItemEntityType != null, "collectionItemType != null");

            IEdmProperty keyProperty = null;
            if (namedValue.Name == null)
                foreach (IEdmProperty p in keys.Values)
                    if (keyProperty == null)
                        keyProperty = p;
                        throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.MetadataBinder_UnnamedKeyValueOnTypeWithMultipleKeyProperties(collectionItemEntityType.FullTypeName()));
                keyProperty = keys.SingleOrDefault(k => string.CompareOrdinal(k.Key, namedValue.Name) == 0).Value;

                if (keyProperty == null)
                    keyPropertyValue = null;
                    return false;

            IEdmTypeReference keyPropertyType = keyProperty.Type;

            SingleValueNode value = (SingleValueNode)this.keyValueBindMethod(namedValue.Value);

            // TODO: Check that the value is of primitive type
            Debug.Assert(keyPropertyType.IsODataPrimitiveTypeKind(), "The key's type must be primitive.");
            value = MetadataBindingUtils.ConvertToTypeIfNeeded(value, keyPropertyType);

            Debug.Assert(keyProperty != null, "keyProperty != null");
            keyPropertyValue = new KeyPropertyValue()
                KeyProperty = keyProperty,
                KeyValue = value

            return true;
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates that the specified <paramref name="entry"/> is a valid entry as per the specified type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entry">The entry to validate.</param>
        /// <param name="entityType">Optional entity type to validate the entry against.</param>
        /// <param name="model">Model containing the entity type.</param>
        /// <param name="validateMediaResource">true if the validation of the default MediaResource should be done; false otherwise.</param>
        /// <remarks>If the <paramref name="entityType"/> is available only entry-level tests are performed, properties and such are not validated.</remarks>
        internal static void ValidateEntryMetadataResource(ODataEntry entry, IEdmEntityType entityType, IEdmModel model, bool validateMediaResource)
            Debug.Assert(entry != null, "entry != null");

            if (entityType != null)
                Debug.Assert(model != null, "model != null");
                Debug.Assert(model.IsUserModel(), "model.IsUserModel()");

                if (validateMediaResource)
                    if (entry.MediaResource == null)
                        if (entityType.HasStream)
                            throw new ODataException(Strings.ValidationUtils_EntryWithoutMediaResourceAndMLEType(entityType.FullTypeName()));
                        if (!entityType.HasStream)
                            throw new ODataException(Strings.ValidationUtils_EntryWithMediaResourceAndNonMLEType(entityType.FullTypeName()));