public APITests() { var builder = new ContainerBuilder(); builder.RegisterModule(new IoC.Module()); var container = builder.Build(); this.service = container.Resolve<IEasyNoteService>(); service.Login( new UserInfo { Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******" }); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); var container = InitializeIoC(); this.service = container.Resolve <IEasyNoteService>(); this.SetWindowName("new"); fileContent.TextChanged += fileContent_TextChanged; bool loginSuccess = false; while (!loginSuccess) { var loginDialog = new LoginDialog(); if (loginDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { try { var logonInfo = service.Login(Globals.Credentials); signalr = new EasyNoteHubService(); signalr.connection.On <string>("FileGotLocked", message => { if (Globals.CurrentlyOpenedFile != null && Globals.CurrentlyOpenedFile.Id == int.Parse(message)) { if (!TextChanged) { Globals.CurrentlyOpenedFile.IsLocked = true; Globals.IsReadOnly = true; this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { fileContent.IsReadOnly = true; }); } } }); signalr.connection.On <string>("FileGotUnlocked", message => { if (Globals.CurrentlyOpenedFile != null && Globals.CurrentlyOpenedFile.Id == int.Parse(message)) { Globals.CurrentlyOpenedFile.IsLocked = false; Globals.IsReadOnly = false; this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { fileContent.IsReadOnly = false; }); } }); signalr.connection.On <string, string>("UnlockFileRequested", (fileId, requestor) => { if (Globals.CurrentlyOpenedFile != null && Globals.CurrentlyOpenedFile.Id == int.Parse(fileId) && !(requestor.ToString() == Globals.Credentials.Email || requestor.ToString() == Globals.Credentials.UserName)) { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { var choice = MessageBox.Show($"{requestor} wants to unlock this file, do You allow?", "Unlocking request", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); switch (choice) { case MessageBoxResult.Yes: signalr.UnlockFile(fileId); break; case MessageBoxResult.No: signalr.ForbidUnlockingFile(fileId, Globals.Credentials.UserName); break; default: break; } }); } }); signalr.connection.On <string, string>("UnlockingFileForbidden", (fileId, forbidder) => { if (Globals.CurrentlyOpenedFile != null && Globals.CurrentlyOpenedFile.Id == int.Parse(fileId)) { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { MessageBox.Show($"{forbidder} did not allow to unlock this file.", "Unlocking forbidden", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); }); } }); signalr.connection.On("FilesListChanged", () => { MessageBox.Show("File list got updated!"); }); signalr.Connect().ContinueWith(a => { MessageBox.Show(a.Result.ToString()); }); loginSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { loginSuccess = false; MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } loginDialog.Close(); } }