public void TestRefOutMethods()
            IDynamicMethod refMethod = DynamicMethod.Create(typeof(MethodTarget).GetMethod("MethodWithRefParameter"));

            MethodTarget target = new MethodTarget();

            object[] args = new object[] { "aleks", 5 };
            refMethod.Invoke(target, args);
            Assert.AreEqual("ALEKS", args[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(25, args[1]);

            IDynamicMethod outMethod = DynamicMethod.Create(typeof(MethodTarget).GetMethod("MethodWithOutParameter"));

            args = new object[] { "aleks", null };
            outMethod.Invoke(target, args);
            Assert.AreEqual("ALEKS", args[1]);

            IDynamicMethod   refOutMethod = DynamicMethod.Create(typeof(RefOutTestObject).GetMethod("DoIt"));
            RefOutTestObject refOutTarget = new RefOutTestObject();

            args = new object[] { 0, 1, null };
            refOutMethod.Invoke(refOutTarget, args);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, args[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual("done", args[2]);
            refOutMethod.Invoke(refOutTarget, args);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, args[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual("done", args[2]);

            int    count = 0;
            string done;

            target.DoItCaller(0, ref count, out done);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, count);
            Assert.AreEqual("done", done);
        public void PassNullableArguments()
            IDynamicMethod dm = DynamicMethod.Create(typeof(TestMethods).GetMethod("PassNullableArgumentStatic"));
            DateTime       dt = DateTime.Now;

            Assert.AreEqual(dt, dm.Invoke(null, dt));
Exemple #3
        public ClassDecl CreateClass(JSValue nsValue, string typename, Type type, IDynamicMethod dynamicMethod)
            var       nameAtom = GetAtom(typename);
            JSContext ctx      = _context;
            var       protoVal = JSApi.JS_NewObject(ctx);
            var       type_id  = RegisterType(type, protoVal);
            var       ctorVal  = _db.NewDynamicConstructor(nameAtom, dynamicMethod);
            var       decl     = new ClassDecl(this, ctorVal, protoVal, type);

            JSApi.JS_SetConstructor(ctx, ctorVal, protoVal);
            JSApi.JSB_SetBridgeType(ctx, ctorVal, GetAtom(Values.KeyForCSharpTypeID), type_id);
            JSApi.JSB_SetBridgeType(ctx, protoVal, GetAtom(Values.KeyForCSharpTypeID), type_id);
            if (!nsValue.IsNullish())
                JSApi.JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, nsValue, nameAtom, ctorVal, JSPropFlags.JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE | JSPropFlags.JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);
                JSApi.JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctorVal);
            // Debug.LogFormat("define class {0}: {1}", type, protoVal);
            JSApi.JS_FreeValue(ctx, protoVal);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objectType"></param>
        /// <param name="types"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IDynamicMethod GetDynamicMethod(Type objectType, string methodName, params object[] parameters)
            MethodCacheKey key           = MethodCacheKey.Create(objectType, methodName, parameters);
            IDynamicMethod dynamicMethod = null;

            if (!_dynamicMethods.TryGetValue(key, out dynamicMethod))
                lock (_dynamicMethods)
                    if (!_dynamicMethods.TryGetValue(key, out dynamicMethod))
                        MethodInfo methodInfo = GetMethod(objectType, methodName, parameters);
                        if (methodInfo != null)
                            dynamicMethod = DynamicMethod.Create(methodInfo);
                            if (dynamicMethod != null)
                                _dynamicMethods.Add(key, dynamicMethod);

        private void CanCreateWithRestrictedPermissionsImpl()
            MethodInfo     method = this.GetType().GetMethod("RespectsPermissionsPublicMethod");
            IDynamicMethod m      = DynamicMethod.Create(method);

            m.Invoke(this, null);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses reflection to dynamically invoke a method,
        /// throwing an exception if it is not
        /// implemented on the target object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">
        /// Object containing method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="method">
        /// Name of the method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="parameters">
        /// Parameters to pass to method.
        /// </param>
        public static object CallMethod(object obj, string method, params object[] parameters)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(obj, "obj");
            Guard.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(method, "method");

            IDynamicMethod dynamicMethod = DynamicMethodCache.GetDynamicMethod(obj.GetType(), method, parameters);

            if (dynamicMethod == null)
                    ReflectionSR.MethodNotImplemented, obj.GetType().FullName, method, TypeHelper.GetTypesString(parameters));

            object result = null;

                result = dynamicMethod.Invoke(obj, parameters);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new CallMethodException(
                          string.Format(ReflectionSR.Culture, ReflectionSR.MethodCallFailed, obj.GetType().FullName, method), ex);

        public void TestStaticMethods()
            IDynamicMethod isNullOrEmpty = DynamicMethod.Create(typeof(StringUtils).GetMethod("IsNullOrEmpty"));

            Assert.IsTrue((bool)isNullOrEmpty.Invoke(null, new object[] { null }));
            Assert.IsTrue((bool)isNullOrEmpty.Invoke(null, new object[] { String.Empty }));
            Assert.IsFalse((bool)isNullOrEmpty.Invoke(null, new object[] { "Ana Maria" }));
        public void CanAcceptImplicitlyConvertedTypesAsSubstitutesForArguments()
            IDynamicMethod method = DynamicMethod.Create(typeof(TheClassWithMethod).GetMethod("TheMethod"));

            bool ret = (bool)(method.Invoke(new TheClassWithMethod(), new object[] { new TheClassDerivedFromTheArgumentClass() }));

Exemple #9
 public MethodCaller(IDynamicMethod dynamicMethod, IDeployPath deployPath, IOperationRetryIgnore operationRetryIgnore, IMethodOverrides methodOverrides, ResourceReference method)
     _method               = method;
     _dynamicMethod        = dynamicMethod;
     _operationRetryIgnore = operationRetryIgnore;
     _deployPath           = (method.RootType == ReferenceRoot.SR) ?
                             deployPath.GetDeployPath(methodOverrides.GetOverride(method)) : deployPath.GetDeployPath(method);
Exemple #10
        public void AddMethod(bool bStatic, string name, IDynamicMethod method)
            var nameAtom = _register.GetAtom(name);
            var db       = _register.GetTypeDB();
            var funcVal  = db.NewDynamicMethod(nameAtom, method);

            JSApi.JS_DefinePropertyValue(_context, bStatic ? _ctor : _proto, nameAtom, funcVal, JSPropFlags.DEFAULT);
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the safe method wrapper.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="method">Method to wrap.</param>
 public SafeMethod(MethodInfo method)
     this.methodInfo = method;
     if (method.IsPublic &&
         ReflectionUtils.IsTypeVisible(method.DeclaringType, DynamicReflectionManager.ASSEMBLY_NAME))
         this.dynamicMethod = DynamicMethod.Create(method);
         this.isOptimized   = true;
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns dynamic method if one exists.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="method">Method to look up.</param>
 /// <param name="createCallback">callback function that will be called to create the dynamic method</param>
 /// <returns>An <see cref="IDynamicMethod"/> for the given method.</returns>
 internal static IDynamicMethod GetDynamicMethod(MethodInfo method, CreateMethodCallback createCallback)
     lock (methodCache.SyncRoot)
         IDynamicMethod dynamicMethod = (IDynamicMethod)methodCache[method];
         if (dynamicMethod == null)
             dynamicMethod       = createCallback(method);
             methodCache[method] = dynamicMethod;
Exemple #13
 public JSValue NewDynamicConstructor(JSAtom name, IDynamicMethod method)
     if (method == null)
         var funValue = JSApi.JSB_NewCFunctionMagic(_context, JSApi.class_private_ctor, name, 0, JSCFunctionEnum.JS_CFUNC_constructor_magic, 0);
         var magic    = _dynamicMethods.Count;
         var funValue = JSApi.JSB_NewCFunctionMagic(_context, JSApi._DynamicMethodInvoke, name, 0, JSCFunctionEnum.JS_CFUNC_constructor_magic, magic);
        public void TestInstanceMethods()
            IDynamicMethod getAge = DynamicMethod.Create(typeof(Inventor).GetMethod("GetAge"));

            Assert.AreEqual(tesla.GetAge(DateTime.Today), getAge.Invoke(tesla, new object[] { DateTime.Today }));

            MethodTarget   target = new MethodTarget();
            IDynamicMethod test   = DynamicMethod.Create(typeof(MethodTarget).GetMethod("MethodReturningString"));

            Assert.AreEqual(tesla.Name, test.Invoke(target, new object[] { 5, DateTime.Today, new String[] { "xyz", "abc" }, tesla }));

            ArrayList      list     = new ArrayList(new string[] { "one", "two", "three" });
            IDynamicMethod removeAt = DynamicMethod.Create(typeof(ArrayList).GetMethod("RemoveAt"));

            removeAt.Invoke(list, new object[] { 1 });
            Assert.AreEqual(2, list.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("three", list[1]);
        public void PassInvalidNumberOfArguments()
            IDynamicMethod dm = DynamicMethod.Create(typeof(TestMethods).GetMethod("PassReferenceArgumentStatic"));
            DateTime       dt = DateTime.Now;

            Assert.IsNull(dm.Invoke(null, null)); // this is ok
                dm.Invoke(null); // this is not ok
            catch (ArgumentException) { }
                dm.Invoke(null, null, null); // this is not ok
            catch (ArgumentException) { }
        private void CanCreatePrivateMethodButThrowsOnInvokeImpl()
            MethodInfo     privateMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RespectsPermissionsPrivateMethod", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            IDynamicMethod m             = DynamicMethod.Create(privateMethod);

                object result = m.Invoke(this, null);
                if (SystemUtils.MonoRuntime)
                    Assert.AreEqual("Result", result);
                    Assert.Fail("shoud throw a security exception");
            catch (MethodAccessException)
            { }
        public void PerformanceTests()
            int    n = 10000000;
            object x = null;

            // tesla.GetAge
            start = DateTime.Now;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                x = tesla.GetAge(DateTime.Today);
            stop = DateTime.Now;
            PrintTest("tesla.GetAge (direct)", n, Elapsed);

            start = DateTime.Now;
            IDynamicMethod getAge = DynamicMethod.Create(typeof(Inventor).GetMethod("GetAge"));

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                object[] args = new object[] { DateTime.Today };
                x = getAge.Invoke(tesla, args);
            stop = DateTime.Now;
            PrintTest("tesla.GetAge (dynamic reflection)", n, Elapsed);

            start = DateTime.Now;
            MethodInfo getAgeMi = typeof(Inventor).GetMethod("GetAge");

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                object[] args = new object[] { DateTime.Today };
                x = getAgeMi.Invoke(tesla, args);
            stop = DateTime.Now;
            PrintTest("tesla.GetAge (standard reflection)", n, Elapsed);
        public void TestArgumentTypeCasts()
            IDynamicMethod sqrt   = DynamicMethod.Create(typeof(Math).GetMethod("Sqrt"));
            object         result = sqrt.Invoke(null, new object[] { 4 });

            Assert.AreEqual(Math.Sqrt(4), result);

                sqrt.Invoke(null, new object[] { null });
            catch (InvalidCastException)

                sqrt.Invoke(null, new object[] { "4" });
            catch (InvalidCastException)
            { }
Exemple #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IExecutorService executorService = Executors.NewFixedThreadPool(THREAD_POOL_SIZE);

            IFuture <int>    f1 = executorService.Submit <int>(GenerateNumbers);
            IFuture <string> f2 = executorService.Submit <string>(PrintCharacters);
            IFuture <int>    f3 = executorService.Submit <int>(PrintArray);

            Console.WriteLine("Numbers generated till {0}", f1.GetResult());
            Console.WriteLine("Original String {0}", f2.GetResult());
            Console.WriteLine("Array Count {0}", f3.GetResult());


            Console.WriteLine("Calculating sums...");

            var futures = new List <IFuture <long> >();

            // Call without method arguments
            for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++)
                SumNumbers     sumNumbers = new SumNumbers(100 + i);
                IFuture <long> submit     = executorService.Submit <long>(sumNumbers.CalculateSum);

            long sum = 0;

            foreach (var future in futures)
                sum += future.GetResult();
            Console.WriteLine("Sum = " + sum);



            Console.WriteLine("Calculating sums...");

            // Call with method arguments
            for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++)
                SumNumbers2    sumNumbers2 = new SumNumbers2();
                int            i1          = i; // copy to local variable for closure.
                IFuture <long> submit      =
                    executorService.Submit(() => sumNumbers2.CalculateSumWithArgsAndReturnValue(100 + i1));

            sum = 0;
            foreach (var future in futures)
                sum += future.GetResult();
            Console.WriteLine("Sum = " + sum);

            //Say this was created at runtime and we don't know the type or parameter values at compile time.
            object obj = new SumNumbers2();

            object[] parameters = new object[] { 100 };

            //Find the method we want to invoke
            MethodInfo methodInfo = ReflectionUtils.GetMethod(obj.GetType(),

            //Use expression trees to generate code to invoke method and assign to a delegate.
            LateBoundMethod methodCallback = DelegateFactory.Create(methodInfo);

            IFuture <object> futureLong = executorService.Submit(() => methodCallback(obj, parameters));
            var result = futureLong.GetResult();

            Console.WriteLine("LateBoundMethod Style : Result = " + result);

            ///Use Spring's IL generation to invoke method dynamically.
            IDynamicMethod method = DynamicMethod.Create(methodInfo);

            IFuture <object> futureLongViaDM = executorService.Submit(() => method.Invoke(obj, parameters));
            var resultViaDM = futureLongViaDM.GetResult();

            Console.WriteLine("Spring's IDynamicMethod Style: Result = " + resultViaDM);

            // This will make the executor accept no new threads
            // and finish all existing threads in the queue

            Console.WriteLine("Hit return to exit");
Exemple #20
 public void RegisterOperator(Type type, string op, IDynamicMethod func)
     RegisterOperator(type, op, _db.NewDynamicMethod(GetAtom(op), func));
Exemple #21
 public void RegisterOperator(Type type, string op, IDynamicMethod func, bool left, Type sideType)
     RegisterOperator(type, op, _db.NewDynamicMethod(GetAtom(op), func), left, sideType);
Exemple #22
 public void AddLeftOperator(string op, IDynamicMethod func, Type type)
     _register.RegisterOperator(_type, op, func, true, type);
Exemple #23
 public ClassDecl CreateClass(string typename, Type type, IDynamicMethod dynamicMethod)
     return(CreateClass(JSApi.JS_UNDEFINED, typename, type, dynamicMethod));
Exemple #24
 public DynamicMethodImpl(MethodInfo methodInfo, IDynamicMethod generatedMethod)
     this.nullArguments = new object[methodInfo.GetParameters().Length];
     this.methodInfo    = methodInfo;
     this.method        = generatedMethod;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the safe method wrapper.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="method">Method to wrap.</param>
 public SafeMethod(MethodInfo method)
     this.methodInfo = method;
     if (method.IsPublic && 
         ReflectionUtils.IsTypeVisible(method.DeclaringType, DynamicReflectionManager.ASSEMBLY_NAME))
         this.dynamicMethod = DynamicMethod.Create(method);
         this.isOptimized = true;
Exemple #26
 public void AddRightOperator(string op, IDynamicMethod func, Type type)
     _register.RegisterOperator(_type, op, func, false, type);
 public DynamicMethodImpl(MethodInfo methodInfo, IDynamicMethod generatedMethod)
     this.nullArguments = new object[methodInfo.GetParameters().Length];
     this.methodInfo = methodInfo;
     this.method = generatedMethod;
 public DynamicMethodWrapper(IDynamicMethod method)
     _method = method;
Exemple #29
 public void AddSelfOperator(string op, IDynamicMethod func)
     _register.RegisterOperator(_type, op, func);