protected void reee()
            string IDstring;

            string baseUrl = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;

            IDstring = baseUrl.Substring(baseUrl.IndexOf("?=ID"));

            Label2.Text = IDstring;

            Label3.Text = IDstring.Replace("?=ID", "");

            Label1.Text = baseUrl;
        public void UnprocessInvoice()
            bool Success = false;

            ModelTMSContainer _ControlObjectContext = new ModelTMSContainer(Session["CustomerConnectString"].ToString(), Session);

            // start transaction
            using (TransactionScope TS = new TransactionScope())
                    // roll back order

                    // correct invoice if there
                    if (LabelInvoiceId.Text != "")
                        Invoice CorrInvoice = _ControlObjectContext.GetObjectByKey(new EntityKey("ModelTMSContainer.InvoiceSet", "Id", Guid.Parse(LabelInvoiceId.Text))) as Invoice;

                        // unprocess
                        CorrInvoice.UnprocessInvoice(_ControlObjectContext, CorrInvoice.GroupCode, Common.CurrentClientDateTime(Session));

                    // correct rentalitemactivity status

                    // remove any generated swap
                    if (LabelNewRIAId.Text != "")
                        string[] IDs = LabelNewRIAId.Text.Split(';');
                        foreach (string IDstring in IDs)
                            if (IDstring.Trim() != "")
                                RentalItemActivity NewRia = _ControlObjectContext.GetObjectByKey(new EntityKey("ModelTMSContainer.RentalItemActivitySet", "Id", Guid.Parse(IDstring))) as RentalItemActivity;
                                if (NewRia != null)

                    // enable any disabled item
                    if (LabelDisabledItems.Text != "")
                        string[] IDs = LabelDisabledItems.Text.Split(';');
                        foreach (string IDstring in IDs)
                            if (IDstring.Trim() != "")
                                RentalItem NewRI = _ControlObjectContext.GetObjectByKey(new EntityKey("ModelTMSContainer.RentalItemSet", "Id", Guid.Parse(IDstring))) as RentalItem;

                                if (NewRI != null)
                                    NewRI.ItemState = "Available";

                    // update the datetime from the original values in the grid.
                    GrabUpdatedEndDateTimesForRIAs(_ControlObjectContext, true, true);

                    // and save to persistent storage

                    // commit

                    Success = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // rollback transaction

                    // inform user
                    Common.InformUserOnTransactionFail(ex, Page);

            if (Success)
                // when success revert