public LoadDslModelCommand(
     IDslModel dslModel,
     IDataTypeProvider dataTypeProvider)
     this.DslModel = dslModel;
     this.DataTypeProvider = dataTypeProvider;
 public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
     if (!Parameter.Contains("."))
         throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "ParameterType must be full type name, including Module name for a data structure, or C# namespace for other parameter types.");
Exemple #3
        public static IEnumerable<IConceptInfo> GenerateDependencies(IConceptInfo dependent, IDslModel existingConcepts, string sqlScript)
            SortedSet<string> sqlObjectsInScript;
            if (!SqlObjectsCache.TryGetValue(sqlScript, out sqlObjectsInScript))
                sqlObjectsInScript = new SortedSet<string>(ExtractPossibleObjects(sqlScript), StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                SqlObjectsCache.Add(sqlScript, sqlObjectsInScript);

            var newConcepts = new List<IConceptInfo>();

            var conceptsBySqlName = existingConcepts.GetIndex<SqlObjectsIndex>().ConceptsBySqlName;

            foreach (var sqlObjectInScript in sqlObjectsInScript)
                foreach (var conceptInfo in conceptsBySqlName.Get(sqlObjectInScript))
                    if (conceptInfo != dependent)
                        if (conceptInfo is DataStructureInfo)
                            newConcepts.Add(new SqlDependsOnDataStructureInfo { Dependent = dependent, DependsOn = (DataStructureInfo)conceptInfo });
                        else if (conceptInfo is SqlViewInfo)
                            newConcepts.Add(new SqlDependsOnSqlViewInfo { Dependent = dependent, DependsOn = (SqlViewInfo)conceptInfo });
                        else if (conceptInfo is SqlFunctionInfo)
                            newConcepts.Add(new SqlDependsOnSqlFunctionInfo { Dependent = dependent, DependsOn = (SqlFunctionInfo)conceptInfo });
                            throw new DslSyntaxException(dependent, "Internal error: Unexpected SQL concept type: " + conceptInfo.GetUserDescription() + ".");

            return newConcepts;
        public void UpdateCaption(IDslModel dslModel, IDictionary<string, string> captionsValue)
            var captionsKeys = captionsValue.Keys.ToList();
            foreach (var captionKey in captionsKeys)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                string caption = captionsValue[captionKey];

                if (caption.All(c => char.IsUpper(c)))

                bool lastWasLetter = false;
                foreach (char c in caption)
                    if (lastWasLetter && char.IsUpper(c))
                        sb.Append(' ');
                    else if (c == '_')
                        if (lastWasLetter)
                            sb.Append(' ');

                    lastWasLetter = char.IsLetter(c);

                captionsValue[captionKey] = sb.ToString();
        public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
            if (!(Subtype is IOrmDataStructure))
                throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "Is (polymorphic) may only be used on a database-mapped data structure, such as Entity or SqlQueryable. "
                                             + this.Subtype.GetUserDescription() + " is not IOrmDataStructure.");

            if (ImplementationName == null)
                throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "ImplementationName must not be null. It is allowed to be an empty string.");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImplementationName))
                DslUtility.ValidateIdentifier(ImplementationName, this, "Invalid ImplementationName value.");

            if (existingConcepts.FindByReference <PolymorphicMaterializedInfo>(pm => pm.Polymorphic, Supertype).Any())
                // Verifying if the ChangesOnChangedItemsInfo can be created (see IsSubtypeOfMacro)
                var dependsOn = DslUtility.GetBaseChangesOnDependency(Subtype, existingConcepts);
                if (!dependsOn.Any())
                    throw new DslSyntaxException(this, Subtype.GetUserDescription() + " should be an *extension* of an entity. Otherwise it cannot be used in a materialized polymorphic entity because the system cannot detect when to update the persisted data.");
Exemple #6
        public Dictionary <string, IConceptInfo> CreateKeyProperties(IDslModel existingConcepts)
            var computedPropertiesByTarget = existingConcepts
                                             .FindByReference <PropertyComputedFromInfo>(cp => cp.Dependency_EntityComputedFrom, ComputedFrom)
                                             .ToDictionary(cp => cp.Target.Name);

            return(KeyProperties.Split(' ')
                   .ToDictionary(propertyName => propertyName, propertyName =>
                if (propertyName == "ID")
                    return new KeyPropertyIDComputedFromInfo
                        EntityComputedFrom = ComputedFrom
                else if (computedPropertiesByTarget.ContainsKey(propertyName))
                    return new KeyPropertyComputedFromInfo
                        PropertyComputedFrom = computedPropertiesByTarget[propertyName]
                    return (IConceptInfo)null;
 public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
     if (!(Property is ShortStringPropertyInfo) && !(Property is IntegerPropertyInfo))
         throw new DslSyntaxException("AutoCode is only available for ShortString and Integer properties.");
 public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
     if (PropertyFrom.GetType() != PropertyTo.GetType())
         throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "Range can only be used on two properties of same type.");
 public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
     if (this.Property is IntegerPropertyInfo)
         int i;
         if (!Int32.TryParse(this.Value, out i))
             throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "Value is not an integer.");
     else if (this.Property is DecimalPropertyInfo)
         if (!DecimalChecker.IsMatch(this.Value))
             throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "Value is not an valid decimal (use period as decimal separator).");
     else if (this.Property is MoneyPropertyInfo)
         if (!DecimalChecker.IsMatch(this.Value))
             throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "Value is not an valid decimal (use period as decimal separator).");
     else if (this.Property is DatePropertyInfo)
         DateTime i3;
         if (!DateTime.TryParse(this.Value, out i3))
             throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "Value is not an date.");
     else if (this.Property is DateTimePropertyInfo)
         DateTime i4;
         if (!DateTime.TryParse(this.Value, out i4))
             throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "Value is not an datetime.");
         throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "MinValue can only be used on Integer, Decimal, Money, Date or DateTime.");
Exemple #10
 public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
     string referenced = Property.Referenced.GetKeyProperties();
     const string commonPrincipal = "Common.Principal";
     if (referenced != commonPrincipal)
         throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "This property must reference '" + commonPrincipal + "' instead of '" + referenced + "'.");
Exemple #11
 public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
     if (!(Dependency_ImplementationView is ExtensibleSubtypeSqlViewInfo))
         throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "This concept cannot be used together with '" + Dependency_ImplementationView.GetUserDescription()
                                      + "'. Use either " + ConceptInfoHelper.GetKeywordOrTypeName(typeof(SubtypeImplementsPropertyInfo)) + " or " + Dependency_ImplementationView.GetKeywordOrTypeName() + ".");
        public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
            DslUtility.CheckIfPropertyBelongsToDataStructure(Property, IsSubtypeOf.Supertype, this);

            if (!(Dependency_ImplementationView is ExtensibleSubtypeSqlViewInfo))
                throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "This property implementation cannot be used together with '" + Dependency_ImplementationView.GetUserDescription()
                    + "'. Use either " + this.GetKeywordOrTypeName() + " or " + Dependency_ImplementationView.GetKeywordOrTypeName() + ".");
 public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
     if (ReferenceToMe.Referenced != Source)
         throw new DslSyntaxException("'" + this.GetUserDescription()
                                      + "' must use a reference property that points to it's own data structure. Try using FilterByReferenced instead.");
Exemple #14
 public CodeGenerator(
     ILogProvider logProvider,
     IDslModel dslModel)
     _performanceLogger = logProvider.GetLogger("Performance." + GetType().Name);
     _logger            = logProvider.GetLogger("CodeGenerator");
     _dslModel          = dslModel;
 public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
     if (!(Property.DataStructure is LegacyEntityWithAutoCreatedViewInfo))
         throw new DslSyntaxException("Invalid use of " + this.GetUserDescription() + "."
                                      + " It may only be used on LegacyEntity with auto-created view.");
        }                                                  // This redundant property is to ensure dependencies: 1. the detail entity must have pessimistic locking, and 2. this concept's code generator is executed after that one.

        public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
            if (Reference.DataStructure != Detail.Resource)
                throw new DslSyntaxException("Invalid PessimisticLockingParent: reference detail '" + Reference.DataStructure.GetShortDescription()
                                             + "' does not match resource '" + Detail.Resource.GetShortDescription() + "'.");
 public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
     if (!DslUtility.IsQueryable(DataStructure))
         throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "This concept can only be used on a queryable data structure, such as Entity. " + DataStructure.GetKeywordOrTypeName() + " is not queryable.");
Exemple #18
 public CaptionsValueProvider(
     IDslModel dslModel,
     IPluginsContainer <ICaptionsValuePlugin> plugins,
     ILogProvider logProvider)
     _dslModel          = dslModel;
     _plugins           = plugins;
     _performanceLogger = logProvider.GetLogger("Performance");
Exemple #19
        public IList <Claim> GetAllClaims(IDslModel dslModel)
            var claims = new List <Claim>();

            claims.AddRange(dslModel.Concepts.OfType <CustomClaimInfo>()
                            .Select(item => new Claim(item.ClaimResource, item.ClaimRight)));

        public IList<Claim> GetAllClaims(IDslModel dslModel)
            var claims = new List<Claim>();

                .Select(item => new Claim(item.ClaimResource, item.ClaimRight)));

            return claims;
Exemple #21
        public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
            DataStructureInfo baseDataStructure = GetBaseDataStructure(existingConcepts);

            if (baseDataStructure == null)
                throw new DslSyntaxException("Invalid use of " + this.GetUserDescription() + ". Filter's data structure '" + Source.GetKeyProperties() + "' is not an extension of another base class.");
Exemple #22
 public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
     if (!(Property.DataStructure is EntityInfo))
         throw new DslSyntaxException(string.Format(
                                          "SqlDefault can only be used on entity properties. Property {0} is not entity property.",
Exemple #23
 public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
     if (!(PropertyInfo.DataStructure is BrowseDataStructureInfo))
         throw new DslSyntaxException($"'{this.GetKeywordOrTypeName()}' cannot be used" +
                                      $" on {PropertyInfo.DataStructure.GetKeywordOrTypeName()} ({PropertyInfo.GetUserDescription()})." +
                                      $" It may only be used on {ConceptInfoHelper.GetKeywordOrTypeName(typeof(BrowseDataStructureInfo))}.");
Exemple #24
        public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
            var myExtends = MyExtendsConceptInfo(existingConcepts);

            if (myExtends == null)
                throw new DslSyntaxException("ComputeForNewBaseItems can only be used if the persisted data structure extends a base entity. Use 'Extends' keyword to define the extension is applicable.");
Exemple #25
        public static void ValidatePath(DataStructureInfo source, string path, IDslModel existingConcepts, IConceptInfo errorContext)
            var property = GetPropertyByPath(source, path, existingConcepts);

            if (property.IsError)
                throw new DslSyntaxException(errorContext, "Invalid path: " + property.Error);
Exemple #26
        public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
            var keyProperties       = CreateKeyProperties(existingConcepts);
            var invalidPropertyName = keyProperties.Where(kp => kp.Value == null).Select(kp => kp.Key).FirstOrDefault();

            if (invalidPropertyName != null)
                throw new DslSyntaxException(this, $"Cannot find property '{invalidPropertyName}' on '{ComputedFrom.Target.GetKeyProperties()}'.");
Exemple #27
        public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
            string       referenced      = Property.Referenced.GetKeyProperties();
            const string commonPrincipal = "Common.Principal";

            if (referenced != commonPrincipal)
                throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "This property must reference '" + commonPrincipal + "' instead of '" + referenced + "'.");
        public IList<Claim> GetAllClaims(IDslModel dslModel)
            List<Claim> allClaims =
                (from c in dslModel.Concepts
                 let dataStructure = c as DataStructureInfo
                 where dataStructure != null
                 select new Claim(dataStructure.Module.Name + "." + dataStructure.Name, "Read")).ToList();

            return allClaims;
        private static string CreateDefaultes(IDslModel dslModel, PropertyInfo info)
            bool isAutocode = dslModel.Concepts.OfType<AutoCodePropertyInfo>().Any(
                p => p.Property.Name == info.Name && p.Property.DataStructure.Module.Name == info.DataStructure.Module.Name && p.Property.DataStructure.Name == info.DataStructure.Name);

            if (isAutocode) return DefaultAutocode;

            if (info.Name.ToLower() == "active" && info is BoolPropertyInfo) return DefaultActive;
            return "";
        public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
            var extendsConcept = existingConcepts.FindByReference <UniqueReferenceInfo>(extends => extends.Extension, Computation).FirstOrDefault();

            if (extendsConcept == null)
                throw new DslSyntaxException("ChangesOnBaseItem is used on '" + Computation.GetUserDescription()
                                             + "' which does not extend another base data structure. Consider adding 'Extends' concept.");
Exemple #31
        public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
            DslUtility.CheckIfPropertyBelongsToDataStructure(Property, IsSubtypeOf.Supertype, this);

            if (!(Dependency_ImplementationView is ExtensibleSubtypeSqlViewInfo))
                throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "This property implementation cannot be used together with '" + Dependency_ImplementationView.GetUserDescription()
                                             + "'. Use either " + this.GetKeywordOrTypeName() + " or " + Dependency_ImplementationView.GetKeywordOrTypeName() + ".");
 public CaptionsValueProvider(
     IDslModel dslModel,
     IPluginsContainer<ICaptionsValuePlugin> plugins,
     ILogProvider logProvider)
     _dslModel = dslModel;
     _plugins = plugins;
     _logger = logProvider.GetLogger("CaptionsValueGenerator");
     _performanceLogger = logProvider.GetLogger("Performance");
Exemple #33
        public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
            var baseDataStructure = GetBaseDataStructure(existingConcepts);

            if (baseDataStructure == null)
                throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "'" + this.GetKeywordOrTypeName() + "' can only be used on an extension. '"
                                             + RowPermissionsFilters.DataStructure.GetUserDescription() + "' does not extend another data structure.");
Exemple #34
 public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
     if (Dependency_Extends.Extension != EntityComputedFrom.Target)
         throw new DslSyntaxException("Invalid use of " + this.GetUserDescription()
                                      + ": Extension '" + Dependency_Extends.Extension.GetUserDescription()
                                      + "' is not same as " + this.GetKeywordOrTypeName()
                                      + " target '" + EntityComputedFrom.Target.GetUserDescription() + "'.");
        public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
            var rowPermissionsRead  = GetRowPermissionsRead(existingConcepts);
            var rowPermissionsWrite = GetRowPermissionsWrite(existingConcepts);

            if (rowPermissionsRead == null && rowPermissionsWrite == null)
                throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "Referenced '" + Source.GetUserDescription() + "' does not have row permissions.");
Exemple #36
        public IEnumerable <IClaim> GetAllClaims(IDslModel dslModel, Func <string, string, IClaim> newClaim)
            List <IClaim> allClaims =
                (from c in dslModel.Concepts
                 let dataStructure = c as DataStructureInfo
                                     where dataStructure != null
                                     select newClaim(dataStructure.Module.Name + "." + dataStructure.Name, "Read")).ToList();

Exemple #37
        public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
            if (!IsSupported(DataStructure))
                throw new DslSyntaxException(this,
                                             $"SQL index can only be used in a writable data structure." +
                                             $" '{DataStructure.FullName}' is a '{DataStructure.GetKeywordOrTypeName()}'.");

            DslUtility.ValidatePropertyListSyntax(PropertyNames, this);
        public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
            DslUtility.ValidatePath(Computation, ReferencePath, existingConcepts, this);
            var persistedEntities = existingConcepts.FindByReference <EntityComputedFromInfo>(cf => cf.Source, Computation)
                                    .Select(cf => cf.Target);

            foreach (var persisted in persistedEntities)
                DslUtility.ValidatePath(persisted, ReferencePath, existingConcepts, this);
Exemple #39
 public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
     if (UpdateOnChange.Computation != KeepSynchronized.EntityComputedFrom.Source)
         throw new DslSyntaxException(string.Format(
                                          "Invalid use of {0}: UpdateOnChange.Computation ({1}) should be same as EntityComputedFrom.Source ({2}).",
        public static string CreateAdditionalAttributes(IDslModel dslModel, PropertyInfo info, string dodatniAtributi)
            HashSet<string> additionalMvcAttributes = new HashSet<string>();
            additionalMvcAttributes.Add(HideLookupFields(dslModel, info));
            additionalMvcAttributes.Add(HideDetailFields(dslModel, info));
            additionalMvcAttributes.Add(CreateDefaultes(dslModel, info));
            additionalMvcAttributes.Add(HideIdFields(dslModel, info));


            return dodatniAtributi + string.Join("", additionalMvcAttributes);
        private static string HideDetailFields(IDslModel dslModel, PropertyInfo info)
            string entityName = CaptionHelper.RemoveBrowseSufix(info.DataStructure.Name);

            bool isDetail = dslModel.Concepts.OfType<ReferenceDetailInfo>().Any(
                d => d.Reference.Name == info.Name
                     && d.Reference.DataStructure.Name == entityName
                     && d.Reference.DataStructure.Module.Name == info.DataStructure.Module.Name);

            if (isDetail) return EditModeHidden;
            return "";
Exemple #42
 public ClaimGenerator(
     IPluginsContainer<IClaimProvider> claimProviders,
     IDslModel dslModel,
     IDomainObjectModel domainObjectModel,
     ILogProvider logProvider,
     IClaimRepository claimRepository)
     _claimProviders = claimProviders;
     _dslModel = dslModel;
     _performanceLogger = logProvider.GetLogger("Performance");
     _logger = logProvider.GetLogger("ClaimGenerator");
     _claimRepository = claimRepository;
 public IList<Claim> GetAllClaims(IDslModel dslModel)
     var claims = dslModel
         .Where(dataStructure =>
             dataStructure is IOrmDataStructure
             || dataStructure is BrowseDataStructureInfo
             || dataStructure is QueryableExtensionInfo
             || dataStructure is ComputedInfo)
         .Select(dataStructure => new Claim(dataStructure.Module.Name + "." + dataStructure.Name, "Read"))
     return claims;
Exemple #44
 public DatabaseGenerator(
     ISqlExecuter sqlExecuter,
     IDslModel dslModel,
     IPluginsContainer<IConceptDatabaseDefinition> plugins,
     ConceptApplicationRepository conceptApplicationRepository,
     ILogProvider logProvider)
     _sqlExecuter = sqlExecuter;
     _dslModel = dslModel;
     _plugins = plugins;
     _conceptApplicationRepository = conceptApplicationRepository;
     _logger = logProvider.GetLogger("DatabaseGenerator");
     _performanceLogger = logProvider.GetLogger("Performance");
        public IList<Claim> GetAllClaims(IDslModel dslModel)
            var writableDataStructures = dslModel.Concepts.OfType<DataStructureInfo>()
                    .Where(dataStructure => dataStructure is IWritableOrmDataStructure)
                        .Select(x => x.DataStructure)).ToArray();

            return writableDataStructures.SelectMany(dataStructure => new Claim[]
                    new Claim(dataStructure.GetKeyProperties(), "New"),
                    new Claim(dataStructure.GetKeyProperties(), "Edit"),
                    new Claim(dataStructure.GetKeyProperties(), "Remove")
        public static IEnumerable<IConceptInfo> CreateNewConcepts(this IConceptMacro conceptMacro, IConceptInfo conceptInfo, IDslModel existingConcepts)
            IEnumerable<IConceptInfo> newConcepts = null;

            foreach (var method in GetPluginMethods(conceptMacro, conceptInfo))
                var pluginCreatedConcepts = (IEnumerable<IConceptInfo>)method.InvokeEx(conceptMacro, new object[] { conceptInfo, existingConcepts });

                if (newConcepts == null)
                    newConcepts = pluginCreatedConcepts;
                else if (pluginCreatedConcepts != null)
                    newConcepts = newConcepts.Concat(pluginCreatedConcepts);

            return newConcepts;
        public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel concepts)
            if (ReferenceFromMe.DataStructure != Source)
                throw new DslSyntaxException("'" + this.GetUserDescription()
                    + "' must use a reference property that is a member of it's own data structure. Try using FilterByLinkedItems instead.");

            var availableFilters = concepts.FindByReference<ComposableFilterByInfo>(f => f.Source, ReferenceFromMe.Referenced)
                .Select(f => f.Parameter).OrderBy(f => f).ToList();

            if (!availableFilters.Contains(Parameter))
                throw new DslSyntaxException(this, string.Format(
                    "There is no {0} '{1}' on {2}. Available {0} filters are: {3}.",
                    string.Join(", ", availableFilters.Select(parameter => "'" + parameter + "'"))));
        public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel concepts)
            if (Module.Name != Source.Module.Name)
                throw new DslSyntaxException(
                    string.Format("Browse should be created in same module as referenced entity. Expecting {0} instead of {1}.",

            var properties = concepts.FindByReference<PropertyInfo>(p => p.DataStructure, this);

            var propertyWithoutSelector = properties
                .Where(p => concepts.FindByReference<BrowseFromPropertyInfo>(bfp => bfp.PropertyInfo, p).Count() == 0)

            if (propertyWithoutSelector != null)
                throw new DslSyntaxException(
                    string.Format("Browse property {0} does not have a source selected. Probably missing '{1}'.",
Exemple #49
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a writable data structure that can be used to monitor data changes (intercepting its Save function), in order to update a persisted data.
        /// Returns empty array if a required data structure is not found.
        /// </summary>
        public static IEnumerable<DataStructureInfo> GetBaseChangesOnDependency(DataStructureInfo dependsOn, IDslModel existingConcepts)
            if (dependsOn.Name.EndsWith("_History"))
                var history = existingConcepts.FindByReference<EntityHistoryInfo>(h => h.Dependency_HistorySqlQueryable, dependsOn).SingleOrDefault();
                if (history != null)
                    return new DataStructureInfo[] { history.Entity, history.Dependency_ChangesEntity };

            if (dependsOn is IWritableOrmDataStructure)
                return new[] { dependsOn };

            if (existingConcepts.FindByReference<WriteInfo>(write => write.DataStructure, dependsOn).Any())
                return new[] { dependsOn };

            var baseDataStructure = existingConcepts.FindByReference<DataStructureExtendsInfo>(ex => ex.Extension, dependsOn)
                .Select(ex => ex.Base).SingleOrDefault();
            if (baseDataStructure != null)
                return GetBaseChangesOnDependency(baseDataStructure, existingConcepts);

            return Enumerable.Empty<DataStructureInfo>();
 public ApplicationGenerator(
     ILogProvider logProvider,
     ISqlExecuter sqlExecuter,
     IDslModel dslModel,
     IDomGenerator domGenerator,
     IPluginsContainer<IGenerator> generatorsContainer,
     DatabaseCleaner databaseCleaner,
     DataMigration dataMigration,
     IDatabaseGenerator databaseGenerator,
     IDslScriptsProvider dslScriptsLoader)
     _deployPackagesLogger = logProvider.GetLogger("DeployPackages");
     _performanceLogger = logProvider.GetLogger("Performance");
     _sqlExecuter = sqlExecuter;
     _dslModel = dslModel;
     _domGenerator = domGenerator;
     _generatorsContainer = generatorsContainer;
     _databaseCleaner = databaseCleaner;
     _dataMigration = dataMigration;
     _databaseGenerator = databaseGenerator;
     _dslScriptsLoader = dslScriptsLoader;
Exemple #51
        public static IEnumerable<IConceptInfo> GenerateDependenciesToObject(IConceptInfo dependent, IDslModel existingConcepts, string sqlObjectName)
            var newConcepts = new List<IConceptInfo>();

            sqlObjectName = sqlObjectName.Trim();
            bool function = sqlObjectName.Contains('(');
            if (function)
                sqlObjectName = sqlObjectName.Substring(0, sqlObjectName.IndexOf('('));

            var nameParts = sqlObjectName.Split('.');
            if (nameParts.Length != 2)
                return newConcepts;

            if (function)
                    .Where(ci => ci.Module.Name.Equals(nameParts[0], StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                        && ci.Name.Equals(nameParts[1], StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                        && ci != dependent)
                    .Select(ci => new SqlDependsOnSqlFunctionInfo { Dependent = dependent, DependsOn = ci }));
                    .Where(ci => ci.Module.Name.Equals(nameParts[0], StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                        && ci.Name.Equals(nameParts[1], StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                        && ci != dependent)
                    .Select(ci => new SqlDependsOnDataStructureInfo { Dependent = dependent, DependsOn = ci }));

                    .Where(ci => ci.Module.Name.Equals(nameParts[0], StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                        && ci.Name.Equals(nameParts[1], StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                        && ci != dependent)
                    .Select(ci => new SqlDependsOnSqlViewInfo { Dependent = dependent, DependsOn = ci }));

            return newConcepts;
Exemple #52
        private static ValueOrError<DataStructureInfo> NavigateToNextDataStructure(DataStructureInfo source, string referenceName, IDslModel existingConcepts)
            var selectedProperty = FindProperty(existingConcepts, source, referenceName);

            IEnumerable<DataStructureExtendsInfo> allExtensions;
            allExtensions = existingConcepts.FindByType<DataStructureExtendsInfo>();

            if (selectedProperty == null && referenceName == "Base")
                var baseDataStructure = allExtensions
                    .Where(ex => ex.Extension == source)
                    .Select(ex => ex.Base).SingleOrDefault();
                if (baseDataStructure != null)
                    return baseDataStructure;

                if (selectedProperty == null)
                    return ValueOrError.CreateError("There is no property '" + referenceName + "' nor a base data structure on " + source.GetUserDescription() + ".");

            if (selectedProperty == null && referenceName.StartsWith("Extension_"))
                string extensionName = referenceName.Substring("Extension_".Length);
                var extendsionDataStructure = allExtensions
                    .Where(ex => ex.Base == source)
                    .Where(ex => ex.Extension.Module == source.Module && ex.Extension.Name == extensionName
                        || ex.Extension.Module.Name + "_" + ex.Extension.Name == extensionName)
                    .Select(ex => ex.Extension).SingleOrDefault();
                if (extendsionDataStructure != null)
                    return extendsionDataStructure;

                if (selectedProperty == null)
                    return ValueOrError.CreateError("There is no property '" + referenceName + "' nor an extension '" + extensionName + "' on " + source.GetUserDescription() + ".");

            if (selectedProperty == null)
                return ValueOrError.CreateError("There is no property '" + referenceName + "' on " + source.GetUserDescription() + ".");

            if (!(selectedProperty is ReferencePropertyInfo))
                return ValueOrError.CreateError(string.Format("Property {0} cannot be used in the path because it is '{1}'. Only Reference properties can be used in a path.",
                    selectedProperty.Name, selectedProperty.GetKeywordOrTypeName()));

            return ((ReferencePropertyInfo)selectedProperty).Referenced;
 public IList<Claim> GetAllClaims(IDslModel dslModel)
     return new Claim[] { };
 public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
     DslUtility.CheckIfPropertyBelongsToDataStructure(MarkProperty, InvalidData.Source, this);
Exemple #55
        public static ValueOrError<PropertyInfo> GetPropertyByPath(DataStructureInfo source, string path, IDslModel existingConcepts)
            if (path.Contains(" "))
                return ValueOrError.CreateError("The path contains a space character.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                return ValueOrError.CreateError("The path is empty.");

            var propertyNames = path.Split('.');
            var referenceNames = propertyNames.Take(propertyNames.Count() - 1).ToArray();
            var lastPropertyName = propertyNames[propertyNames.Count() - 1];

            ValueOrError<DataStructureInfo> selectedDataStructure = source;
            foreach (var referenceName in referenceNames)
                selectedDataStructure = NavigateToNextDataStructure(selectedDataStructure.Value, referenceName, existingConcepts);
                if (selectedDataStructure.IsError)
                    return ValueOrError.CreateError(selectedDataStructure.Error);

            PropertyInfo selectedProperty = FindProperty(existingConcepts, selectedDataStructure.Value, lastPropertyName);

            if (selectedProperty == null && lastPropertyName == "ID")
                return new GuidPropertyInfo { DataStructure = selectedDataStructure.Value, Name = "ID" };

            if (selectedProperty == null)
                return ValueOrError.CreateError("There is no property '" + lastPropertyName + "' on " + selectedDataStructure.Value.GetUserDescription() + ".");

            return selectedProperty;
 public IList<Claim> GetAllClaims(IDslModel dslModel)
     return dslModel.Concepts.OfType<ActionInfo>()
         .Select(actionInfo => new Claim(actionInfo.Module.Name + "." + actionInfo.Name, "Execute")).ToList();
Exemple #57
 public static void ValidatePath(DataStructureInfo source, string path, IDslModel existingConcepts, IConceptInfo errorContext)
     var property = GetPropertyByPath(source, path, existingConcepts);
     if (property.IsError)
         throw new DslSyntaxException(errorContext, "Invalid path: " + property.Error);
Exemple #58
 public static PropertyInfo FindProperty(IDslModel dslModel, DataStructureInfo dataStructure, string propertyName)
     var propertyKey = string.Format("PropertyInfo {0}.{1}.{2}", dataStructure.Module.Name, dataStructure.Name, propertyName);
     return (PropertyInfo)dslModel.FindByKey(propertyKey);
 public DatabaseGenerator_Accessor(IDslModel dslModel, PluginsContainer<IConceptDatabaseDefinition> plugins)
     : base(null, dslModel, plugins, null, new ConsoleLogProvider(), new DatabaseGeneratorOptions { ShortTransactions = false })
 public LongStringPropertyCodeGenerator(IDslModel dslModel)
     _dslModel = dslModel;