/// <summary>
        /// Starts a drag.
        /// It creates a bitmap of the view being dragged. That bitmap is what you see moving.
        /// The actual view can be repositioned if that is what the onDrop handle chooses to do.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="v"> The view that is being dragged </param>
        /// <param name="source"> An object representing where the drag originated </param>
        /// <param name="dragInfo"> The data associated with the object that is being dragged </param>
        /// <param name="dragAction"> The drag action: either <seealso cref="#DRAG_ACTION_MOVE"/> or
        ///        <seealso cref="#DRAG_ACTION_COPY"/> </param>
        public void StartDrag(View v, IDragSource source, object dragInfo, int dragAction)
            // Start dragging, but only if the source has something to drag.
            bool doDrag = source.AllowDrag();

            if (!doDrag)

            mOriginator = v;

            Bitmap b = GetViewBitmap(v);

            if (b == null)
                // out of memory?

            int[] loc = mCoordinatesTemp;
            int screenX = loc[0];
            int screenY = loc[1];

            StartDrag(b, screenX, screenY, 0, 0, b.Width, b.Height, source, dragInfo, dragAction);


            if (dragAction == DRAG_ACTION_MOVE)
                v.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone;