public void CheckCondition() { IDoor.DoorState doorState = IDoor.DoorState.Open; foreach (IBlock block in RoomBlocks.Instance.ListRef) { if (!block.IsMoved()) { doorState = IDoor.DoorState.Closed; break; } } List <IDoor> doors = RoomDoors.Instance.ListRef as List <IDoor>; foreach (int doornum in conditionVariables) { doors[doornum].State = doorState; } if (doorState != prevState) { SoundFactory.PlaySound(SoundFactory.Instance.doorUnlock); } prevState = doorState; }
public void CheckCondition() { IDoor.DoorState doorState = IDoor.DoorState.Open; if (RoomEnemies.Instance.ListRef.Count == 0) { List <ISpawner> spawners = RoomSpawners.Instance.ListRef as List <ISpawner>; foreach (ISpawner spawner in spawners) { if (spawner.CurrentCount > 0) { doorState = IDoor.DoorState.Closed; break; } } } else { doorState = IDoor.DoorState.Closed; } List <IDoor> doors = RoomDoors.Instance.ListRef as List <IDoor>; foreach (int doornum in conditionVariables) { doors[doornum].State = doorState; } if (doorState != prevState) { SoundFactory.PlaySound(SoundFactory.Instance.doorUnlock); } prevState = doorState; }
public NormalLeftDoor(Game1 game, Vector2 center, IDoor.DoorState initialDoorState) { = game; this.initialDoorState = initialDoorState; doorSprite = DoorSpriteFactory.Instance.CreateLeftDoorSprite(game.SpriteBatch, center, initialDoorState); roomTranslationVector = new Vector3(-1, 0, 0); State = initialDoorState; this.collidable = new DoorCollidable(this); }
private IDoor CreateDoor(String type, Vector2 startingPos, IDoor.DoorState initialDoorState, Vector2 xyChange) { IDoor newDoor = null; switch (type) { case "Up": newDoor = new NormalUpDoor(game, startingPos, initialDoorState); break; case "Down": newDoor = new NormalDownDoor(game, startingPos, initialDoorState); break; case "Left": newDoor = new NormalLeftDoor(game, startingPos, initialDoorState); break; case "Right": newDoor = new NormalRightDoor(game, startingPos, initialDoorState); break; case "StairDown": newDoor = new DownStaircaseDoor(game, startingPos); break; case "OffscreenUp": newDoor = new OffscreenUpDoor(game, startingPos); break; case "PortalUp": newDoor = new PortalUp(game, startingPos, xyChange); break; case "PortalDown": newDoor = new PortalDown(game, startingPos, xyChange); break; default: break; } return(newDoor); }
public void ParseDoors(Room roomobj, XElement roomxml, XDocument doc) { XName doorsName = XName.Get("doors", doc.Root.Name.NamespaceName); XElement doors = roomxml.Element(doorsName); List <XElement> doorList = doors.Elements("door").ToList(); foreach (XElement door in doorList) { XElement typeName = door.Element("type"); XElement doorPos = door.Element("pos"); //not used for walls XElement initState = door.Element("state"); //used only for normal doors XElement xLoc = door.Element("xloc"); //not used for normal doors XElement yLoc = door.Element("yloc"); //not used for normal doors Vector2 xyChange = new Vector2(); if (typeName.Value.Equals("PortalUp") || typeName.Value.Equals("PortalDown")) { xyChange = GetXYChange(door); } RoomUtilities.DoorPos dPos = FindDoorPos(typeName.Value); Vector2 center; if (dPos == RoomUtilities.DoorPos.NONE) { center = RoomUtilities.CalculateBlockCenter(roomobj.RoomPos, new Vector2(float.Parse(xLoc.Value), float.Parse(yLoc.Value))); } else { center = RoomUtilities.CalculateDoorCenter(roomobj.RoomPos, dPos); } IDoor.DoorState initialDoorState = GetInitialDoorState(initState.Value); IDoor doorAdd = CreateDoor(typeName.Value, center, initialDoorState, xyChange); Vector3 connectingRoom = roomobj.RoomPos + GetConnectingRoom(typeName.Value, xyChange); if (roomHandler.rooms.ContainsKey(connectingRoom)) { HandleDoorConnection(connectingRoom, ref doorAdd, Int32.Parse(doorPos.Value)); } roomobj.AddDoor(doorAdd); } }
public void CheckCondition() { IDoor.DoorState doorState = IDoor.DoorState.Closed; if (RoomEnemies.Instance.ListRef.Count == 0) { doorState = IDoor.DoorState.Open; } List <IDoor> doors = RoomDoors.Instance.ListRef as List <IDoor>; foreach (int doornum in conditionVariables) { doors[doornum].State = doorState; } if (doorState != prevState) { SoundFactory.PlaySound(SoundFactory.Instance.doorUnlock); } prevState = doorState; }
public void OnCollidedWith(ICollidable collidableObject) { if (collidableObject is PlayerCollidable) { IDoor.DoorState state = this.door.State; if (state == IDoor.DoorState.Open) { if (this.door is NormalUpDoor && collidableObject.RectangleRef.Y < this.RectangleRef.Y) { this.door.Interact(); } else if (this.door is NormalDownDoor && collidableObject.RectangleRef.Y + collidableObject.RectangleRef.Height > this.RectangleRef.Y + this.RectangleRef.Height) { this.door.Interact(); } else if (this.door is NormalLeftDoor && collidableObject.RectangleRef.X < this.RectangleRef.X) { this.door.Interact(); } else if (this.door is NormalRightDoor && collidableObject.RectangleRef.X + collidableObject.RectangleRef.Width > this.RectangleRef.X + this.RectangleRef.Width) { this.door.Interact(); } } else { this.door.Interact(); } } else if (collidableObject is ProjectileCollidable) //needs to be modified to only allow bomb projectile to do this { if (this.door.State == IDoor.DoorState.Wall && this.door.ConnectedDoor != null && ((ProjectileCollidable)collidableObject).Projectile is BombProjectile) { this.door.State = IDoor.DoorState.Bombed; this.door.ConnectedDoor.State = IDoor.DoorState.Bombed; } } }
public AllEnemiesKilledOpenDoor(List <int> condVariables) { /* * condVariables[i] = index of desired door in door list of desired room to be opened * conditionVariables[conditionVariables.Count - 1] = initial state of specified doors * * There is no limit to the number of doors this can be done for in each room. */ conditionVariables = condVariables; switch (conditionVariables[conditionVariables.Count - 1]) { case 0: prevState = IDoor.DoorState.Closed; break; case 1: prevState = IDoor.DoorState.Open; break; default: //this should never happen break; } conditionVariables.RemoveAt(conditionVariables.Count - 1); }