public async Task InfoAsync(EventContext e) { IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; Locale locale = new Locale(e.Channel.Id); embed.Author = embed.CreateAuthor(); embed.Author.Name = "Miki " + Bot.Instance.Information.Version; embed.SetColor(0.6f, 0.6f, 1.0f); embed.AddField(locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_made_by_header"), locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_made_by_description") + " Drummss, Fuzen, IA, Luke, Milk, n0t, Phanrazak, Rappy, Tal, Vallode, GrammarJew"); embed.AddField(e.GetResource("miki_module_general_info_links"), $"`{locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_docs").PadRight(15)}:` [documentation](\n" + $"`{"donate".PadRight(15)}:` [patreon]( | [ko-fi](\n" + $"`{locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_twitter").PadRight(15)}:` [veld]( | [miki](\n" + $"`{locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_reddit").PadRight(15)}:` [/r/mikibot]( \n" + $"`{locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_server").PadRight(15)}:` [discord](\n" + $"`{locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_website").PadRight(15)}:` [link]("); embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); await Task.Yield(); }
public async Task PrefixAsync(EventContext e) { Locale locale = Locale.GetEntity(e.Channel.Id.ToDbLong()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.arguments)) { await e.Channel.SendMessage(Utils.ErrorEmbed(locale, locale.GetString("miki_module_general_prefix_error_no_arg"))); return; } await PrefixInstance.Default.ChangeForGuildAsync(e.Guild.Id, e.arguments); IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.Title = locale.GetString("miki_module_general_prefix_success_header"); embed.Description = locale.GetString("miki_module_general_prefix_success_message", e.arguments); embed.AddField(f => { f.Name = locale.GetString("miki_module_general_prefix_example_command_header"); f.Value = $"{e.arguments}profile"; }); await e.Channel.SendMessage(embed); }
public async Task GetUserSeason(EventContext e) { int platform = 1; string[] arg = e.arguments.Split(' '); int seasonId = int.Parse(arg[1]); if (arg.Length > 2) { platform = GetPlatform(arg[2]); } IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; RocketLeagueUser user = await TryGetUser(arg[0], platform); if (user == null) { embed.Title = "Uh oh!"; embed.Description = $"We couldn't find a user with the name `{arg[0]}`. Please look up yourself on to create your profile!"; embed.ThumbnailUrl = ""; await e.Channel.SendMessage(embed); return; } embed.Title = $"{user.DisplayName}'s Season {arg[1]}"; if (user.RankedSeasons.ContainsKey(seasonId)) { Dictionary <int, RocketLeagueRankedStats> rankedseason = user.RankedSeasons[seasonId]; foreach (RocketLeaguePlaylist playlist in api.playlists.Data) { if (rankedseason.ContainsKey(playlist.Id)) { if (playlist.PlatformId == platform) { RocketLeagueRankedStats stats = rankedseason[playlist.Id]; string rank = ""; RocketLeagueTier t = api.tiers.Data.Find(z => { return(z.Id == stats.Tier); }); if (t != null) { rank = t.Name + " " + stats.Division; embed.AddField(f => { f.Name = playlist.Name.Substring(7); f.Value = $"Rank: {rank}\n\nMMR: {stats.RankPoints}\nMatches Played: {stats.MatchesPlayed}"; f.IsInline = true; }); } } } } } await e.Channel.SendMessage(embed); }
public async Task KickAsync(EventContext e) { List <string> arg = e.arguments.Split(' ').ToList(); IDiscordUser bannedUser = null; Locale locale = Locale.GetEntity(e.Channel.Id.ToDbLong()); if (e.message.MentionedUserIds.Count > 0) { bannedUser = await e.Guild.GetUserAsync(e.message.MentionedUserIds.First()); } else { bannedUser = await e.Guild.GetUserAsync(ulong.Parse(e.arguments.Split(' ')[0])); } arg.RemoveAt(0); string reason = string.Join(" ", arg); IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.Title = locale.GetString("miki_module_admin_kick_header"); embed.Description = locale.GetString("miki_module_admin_kick_description", new object[] { e.Guild.Name }); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reason)) { embed.AddField(f => { f.Name = locale.GetString("miki_module_admin_kick_reason"); f.Value = reason; f.IsInline = true; }); } embed.AddField(f => { f.Name = locale.GetString("miki_module_admin_kick_by"); f.Value = e.Author.Username + "#" + e.Author.Discriminator; f.IsInline = true; }); embed.Color = new Color(1, 1, 0); await bannedUser.SendMessage(embed); await bannedUser.Kick(); }
public async Task SoftbanAsync(EventContext e) { List <string> arg = e.arguments.Split(' ').ToList(); IDiscordUser bannedUser = null; if (e.message.MentionedUserIds.Count > 0) { bannedUser = await e.Guild.GetUserAsync(e.message.MentionedUserIds.First()); } else { bannedUser = await e.Guild.GetUserAsync(ulong.Parse(e.arguments.Split(' ')[0])); } arg.RemoveAt(0); string reason = string.Join(" ", arg); IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.Title = "⚠ SOFTBAN"; embed.Description = $"You've been banned from **{e.Guild.Name}**!"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reason)) { embed.AddField(f => { f.Name = "💬 Reason"; f.Value = reason; f.IsInline = true; }); } embed.AddField(f => { f.Name = "💁 Banned by"; f.Value = e.Author.Username + "#" + e.Author.Discriminator; f.IsInline = true; }); await bannedUser.SendMessage(embed); await bannedUser.Ban(e.Guild); await bannedUser.Unban(e.Guild); }
public async Task GetNowPlaying(EventContext e) { int platform = -1; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.arguments)) { platform = GetPlatform(e.arguments); } Dictionary <int, RocketLeaguePlaylist> d = new Dictionary <int, RocketLeaguePlaylist>(); if (platform == -1) { foreach (RocketLeaguePlaylist p in api.playlists.Data) { if (d.ContainsKey(p.Id)) { d[p.Id].Population.Players += p.Population.Players; } else { RocketLeaguePlaylist playlist = new RocketLeaguePlaylist(); playlist.Id = p.Id; playlist.Name = p.Name; playlist.PlatformId = p.PlatformId; playlist.Population = new RocketLeaguePopulation(); playlist.Population.Players = p.Population.Players; d.Add(p.Id, playlist); } } } else { foreach (RocketLeaguePlaylist p in api.playlists.Data) { if (p.PlatformId == platform) { d.Add(p.Id, p); } } } IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.Title = "Now Playing!"; foreach (RocketLeaguePlaylist p in d.Values) { embed.AddField(f => { f.Name = api.playlists.Data.Find(z => { return(z.Id == p.Id); }).Name; f.Value = p.Population.Players.ToString(); f.IsInline = true; }); } await e.Channel.SendMessage(embed); }
public void GetNowPlaying(EventContext e) { int platform = -1; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.arguments)) { platform = GetPlatform(e.arguments); } Dictionary <int, RocketLeaguePlaylist> d = new Dictionary <int, RocketLeaguePlaylist>(); if (platform == -1) { foreach (RocketLeaguePlaylist p in api.playlists.Data) { if (d.ContainsKey(p.Id)) { d[p.Id].Population.Players += p.Population.Players; } else { RocketLeaguePlaylist playlist = new RocketLeaguePlaylist() { Id = p.Id, Name = p.Name, PlatformId = p.PlatformId, Population = new RocketLeaguePopulation() { Players = p.Population.Players } }; d.Add(p.Id, playlist); } } } else { foreach (RocketLeaguePlaylist p in api.playlists.Data) { if (p.PlatformId == platform) { d.Add(p.Id, p); } } } IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.Title = "Now Playing!"; foreach (RocketLeaguePlaylist p in d.Values) { embed.AddField(api.playlists.Data.Find(z => { return(z.Id == p.Id); }).Name, p.Population.Players.ToString()); } embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); }
public async Task ShowProposalsAsync(EventContext e) { using (var context = new MikiContext()) { List <Marriage> proposals = await Marriage.GetProposalsReceived(context, e.Author.Id.ToDbLong()); List <string> proposalNames = new List <string>(); foreach (Marriage p in proposals) { User u = await context.Users.FindAsync(p.GetOther(e.Author.Id.ToDbLong())); proposalNames.Add($"{u.Name} [{u.Id}]"); } IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.Title = e.Author.Username; embed.Description = "Here it shows both the people who you've proposed to and who have proposed to you."; string output = string.Join("\n", proposalNames); embed.AddField("Proposals Recieved", string.IsNullOrEmpty(output) ? "none (yet!)" : output); proposals = await Marriage.GetProposalsSent(context, e.Author.Id.ToDbLong()); proposalNames = new List <string>(); foreach (Marriage p in proposals) { User u = await context.Users.FindAsync(p.GetOther(e.Author.Id.ToDbLong())); proposalNames.Add($"{u.Name} [{u.Id}]"); } output = string.Join("\n", proposalNames); embed.AddField("Proposals Sent", string.IsNullOrEmpty(output) ? "none (yet!)" : output); embed.Color = new Miki.Common.Color(1, 0.5f, 0); embed.ThumbnailUrl = (await e.Guild.GetUserAsync(e.Author.Id)).AvatarUrl; embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); } }
public async Task InfoAsync(EventContext e) { IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; Locale locale = Locale.GetEntity(e.Channel.Id.ToDbLong()); embed.Author = embed.CreateAuthor(); embed.Author.Name = "Miki " + Bot.instance.Version; embed.Color = new Color(1, 0.6f, 0.6f); embed.AddField(locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_made_by_header"), locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_made_by_description")); embed.AddField("Links", $"**{locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_docs")}:** \n" + $"**{locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_patreon")}:** \n" + $"**{locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_twitter")}:** / \n" + $"**{locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_reddit")}:** \n" + $"**{locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_server")}:** \n" + $"**{locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_website")}:**"); await embed.SendToChannel(e.Channel); }
public async Task GetUser(EventContext e) { string[] arg = e.arguments.Split(' '); int platform = 1; if (arg.Length > 1) { platform = GetPlatform(arg[1]); } IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; RocketLeagueUser user = await TryGetUser(arg[0], platform); if (user == null) { embed.Title = "Uh oh!"; embed.Description = $"We couldn't find a user with the name `{arg[0]}`. Please look up yourself on to create your profile!"; embed.ThumbnailUrl = ""; await e.Channel.SendMessage(embed); return; } embed.Title = user.DisplayName; foreach (RocketLeagueSeason season in api.seasons.Data) { if (user.RankedSeasons.ContainsKey(season.Id)) { Dictionary <int, RocketLeagueRankedStats> rankedseason = user.RankedSeasons[season.Id]; string s = ""; foreach (RocketLeaguePlaylist playlist in api.playlists.Data) { if (rankedseason.ContainsKey(playlist.Id)) { if (playlist.PlatformId == platform) { RocketLeagueRankedStats stats = rankedseason[playlist.Id]; s += "`" + playlist.Name.Substring(7).PadRight(13) + ":` " + stats.RankPoints.ToString() + " MMR\n"; } } } embed.AddField(f => { f.Name = "Season" + season.Id; f.Value = s; f.IsInline = true; }); } } embed.ThumbnailUrl = user.AvatarUrl; embed.ImageUrl = user.SignatureUrl; await e.Channel.SendMessage(embed); }
public async Task PrefixAsync(EventContext e) { Locale locale = new Locale(e.Channel.Id); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.arguments)) { e.ErrorEmbed(locale.GetString("miki_module_general_prefix_error_no_arg")).QueueToChannel(e.Channel); return; } await PrefixInstance.Default.ChangeForGuildAsync(e.Guild.Id, e.arguments); IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.Title = locale.GetString("miki_module_general_prefix_success_header"); embed.Description = locale.GetString("miki_module_general_prefix_success_message", e.arguments); embed.AddField(locale.GetString("miki_module_general_prefix_example_command_header"), $"{e.arguments}profile"); embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); }
public async Task HelpAsync(EventContext e) { Locale locale = Locale.GetEntity(e.Channel.Id.ToDbLong()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.arguments)) { ICommandEvent ev = Bot.instance.Events.CommandHandler.GetCommandEvent(e.arguments); if (ev == null) { IDiscordEmbed helpListEmbed = Utils.Embed; helpListEmbed.Title = locale.GetString("miki_module_help_error_null_header"); helpListEmbed.Description = locale.GetString("miki_module_help_error_null_message", await Bot.instance.Events.GetPrefixInstance(">").GetForGuildAsync(e.Guild.Id)); helpListEmbed.Color = new Color(1.0f, 0, 0); API.StringComparison.StringComparer comparer = new API.StringComparison.StringComparer(e.commandHandler.GetAllEventNames()); API.StringComparison.StringComparison best = comparer.GetBest(e.arguments); helpListEmbed.AddField(locale.GetString("miki_module_help_didyoumean"), best.text); await helpListEmbed.SendToChannel(e.Channel); } else { if (Bot.instance.Events.CommandHandler.GetUserAccessibility(e.message) < ev.Accessibility) { return; } IDiscordEmbed explainedHelpEmbed = Utils.Embed .SetTitle(ev.Name.ToUpper()); if (ev.Aliases.Length > 0) { explainedHelpEmbed.AddInlineField( locale.GetString("miki_module_general_help_aliases"), string.Join(", ", ev.Aliases)); } explainedHelpEmbed.AddField( locale.GetString("miki_module_general_help_description"), (locale.HasString("miki_command_description_" + ev.Name.ToLower())) ? locale.GetString("miki_command_description_" + ev.Name.ToLower()) : locale.GetString("miki_placeholder_null")); explainedHelpEmbed.AddField( locale.GetString("miki_module_general_help_usage"), (locale.HasString("miki_command_usage_" + ev.Name.ToLower())) ? locale.GetString("miki_command_usage_" + ev.Name.ToLower()) : locale.GetString("miki_placeholder_null")); await explainedHelpEmbed.SendToChannel(e.Channel); } return; } IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.Description = locale.GetString("miki_module_general_help_dm"); embed.Color = new Color(0, 0.5f, 1); await embed.SendToChannel(e.Channel); await(await Bot.instance.Events.ListCommandsInEmbedAsync(e.message)).SendToUser(e.Author); }
public async Task StartSlots(EventContext e, int bet) { using (var context = new MikiContext()) { User u = await context.Users.FindAsync(e.Author.Id.ToDbLong()); Locale locale = Locale.GetEntity(e.Channel.Id.ToDbLong()); int moneyReturned = 0; if (bet <= 0) { return; } string[] objects = { "🍒", "🍒", "🍒", "🍒", "🍊", "🍊", "🍊", "🍓", "🍓", "🍍", "🍍", "🍇", "🍇", "🍉", "🍉", "⭐", "⭐", "🍉", "🍍", "🍍", "🍓", "🍓", "🍊", "🍊", "🍊", "🍒", "🍒", "🍒", "🍒", }; IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed .SetAuthor(locale.GetString(Locale.SlotsHeader) + " | " + e.Author.Username, e.Author.AvatarUrl, ""); string[] objectsChosen = { objects[MikiRandom.Next(objects.Length)], objects[MikiRandom.Next(objects.Length)], objects[MikiRandom.Next(objects.Length)] }; Dictionary <string, int> score = new Dictionary <string, int>(); foreach (string o in objectsChosen) { if (score.ContainsKey(o)) { score[o]++; continue; } score.Add(o, 1); } if (score.ContainsKey("🍒")) { if (score["🍒"] == 2) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(bet * 0.5f); } else if (score["🍒"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(bet * 1f); } } if (score.ContainsKey("🍊")) { if (score["🍊"] == 2) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(bet * 0.8f); } else if (score["🍊"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(bet * 1.5f); } } if (score.ContainsKey("🍓")) { if (score["🍓"] == 2) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(bet * 1f); } else if (score["🍓"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(bet * 2f); } } if (score.ContainsKey("🍍")) { if (score["🍍"] == 2) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(bet * 1f); } if (score["🍍"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(bet * 4f); } } if (score.ContainsKey("🍇")) { if (score["🍇"] == 2) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(bet * 1.2f); } if (score["🍇"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(bet * 6f); } } if (score.ContainsKey("🍉")) { if (score["🍉"] == 2) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(bet * 1.5f); } if (score["🍉"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(bet * 10f); } } if (score.ContainsKey("⭐")) { if (score["⭐"] == 2) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(bet * 2f); } if (score["⭐"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(bet * 12f); } } if (moneyReturned == 0) { moneyReturned = -bet; embed.AddField(locale.GetString("miki_module_fun_slots_lose_header"), locale.GetString("miki_module_fun_slots_lose_amount", bet, u.Currency - bet)); } else { embed.AddField(locale.GetString(Locale.SlotsWinHeader), locale.GetString(Locale.SlotsWinMessage, moneyReturned, u.Currency + moneyReturned)); } embed.Description = string.Join(" ", objectsChosen); await u.AddCurrencyAsync(moneyReturned, e.Channel); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); await embed.SendToChannel(e.Channel); } }
public async Task SteamUserAsync(EventContext context) { DateTime requestStart = DateTime.Now; string[] args = context.arguments.Split(' '); IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.SetAuthor("Steam Profile", steamAuthorIcon, ""); SteamUserInfo user = await steam.GetSteamUser(args[0]); if (user == null) { embed = Utils.ErrorEmbed(context, "No user was found!"); embed.QueueToChannel(context.Channel); return; } string userLevel = await steam.GetSteamLevel(user.SteamID); embed.SetThumbnailUrl(user.GetAvatarURL()); /* Current Game & Embed Colour */ if (user.IsPlayingGame()) { if (user.CurrentGameName != "???") { embed.SetDescription("Currently playing " + user.CurrentGameName); } else { embed.SetDescription("Currently in-game"); } embed.Color = new Color(0.5f, 1, 0.5f); } else if (user.PersonaState != 0) { embed.Color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 1); } /* Name & ID */ embed.AddInlineField("Name", user.GetUsername()); embed.AddInlineField("ID", user.SteamID); /* Real Name & Country */ embed.AddInlineField("Real Name", user.RealName); embed.AddInlineField("Country", (user.CountryCode != "???" ? ":flag_" + user.CountryCode.ToLower() + ": " : "") + user.CountryCode); /* Profile Link */ embed.AddField("Link", user.ProfileURL); /* Created & Status */ embed.AddInlineField("Created", String.Format("{0:MMMM d, yyyy}", user.TimeCreated)); if (user.GetStatus() == "Offline") { embed.AddInlineField("Offline Since", ToTimeString(user.OfflineSince())); } else { embed.AddInlineField("Status", user.GetStatus()); } /* Level */ embed.AddInlineField("Level", userLevel); embed.SetFooter("Request took in " + Math.Round((DateTime.Now - requestStart).TotalMilliseconds) + "ms", ""); embed.QueueToChannel(context.Channel); }
private async Task InternalSlotsAsync(EventContext e, ulong userid, Locale locale, int amount) { int moneyBet = 0; using (var context = new MikiContext()) { User u = await context.Users.FindAsync(userid.ToDbLong()); int moneyReturned = 0; if (moneyBet <= 0) { return; } string[] objects = { "🍒", "🍒", "🍒", "🍒", "🍊", "🍊", "🍓", "🍓", "🍍", "🍍", "🍇", "🍇", "⭐", "⭐", "🍍", "🍍", "🍓", "🍓", "🍊", "🍊", "🍊", "🍒", "🍒", "🍒", "🍒", }; IDiscordEmbed b = Utils.Embed; b.Title = locale.GetString(Locale.SlotsHeader); Random r = new Random(); string[] objectsChosen = { objects[r.Next(objects.Length)], objects[r.Next(objects.Length)], objects[r.Next(objects.Length)] }; Dictionary <string, int> score = new Dictionary <string, int>(); foreach (string o in objectsChosen) { if (score.ContainsKey(o)) { score[o]++; continue; } score.Add(o, 1); } if (score.ContainsKey("🍒")) { if (score["🍒"] == 2) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(moneyBet * 0.5f); } else if (score["🍒"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(moneyBet * 1f); } } if (score.ContainsKey("🍊")) { if (score["🍊"] == 2) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(moneyBet * 0.8f); } else if (score["🍊"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(moneyBet * 1.5f); } } if (score.ContainsKey("🍓")) { if (score["🍓"] == 2) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(moneyBet * 1f); } else if (score["🍓"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(moneyBet * 2f); } } if (score.ContainsKey("🍍")) { if (score["🍍"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(moneyBet * 4f); } } if (score.ContainsKey("🍇")) { if (score["🍇"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(moneyBet * 6f); } } if (score.ContainsKey("⭐")) { if (score["⭐"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(moneyBet * 12f); } } if (moneyReturned == 0) { moneyReturned = -moneyBet; } else { b.AddField(locale.GetString(Locale.SlotsWinHeader), locale.GetString(Locale.SlotsWinMessage, moneyReturned)); } b.Description = string.Join(" ", objectsChosen); u.Currency += moneyReturned; await context.SaveChangesAsync(); await b.SendToChannel(e.Channel); } }
public async Task SlotsAsync(EventContext e) { int moneyBet = 0; using (var context = new MikiContext()) { User u = await context.Users.FindAsync(e.Author.Id.ToDbLong()); Locale locale = Locale.GetEntity(e.Channel.Id.ToDbLong()); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.arguments)) { moneyBet = int.Parse(e.arguments); if (moneyBet > u.Currency) { await e.Channel.SendMessage(locale.GetString(Locale.InsufficientMekos)); return; } } int moneyReturned = 0; if (moneyBet <= 0) { return; } string[] objects = { "🍒", "🍒", "🍒", "🍒", "🍊", "🍊", "🍓", "🍓", "🍍", "🍍", "🍇", "🍇", "⭐", "⭐", "🍍", "🍍", "🍓", "🍓", "🍊", "🍊", "🍊", "🍒", "🍒", "🍒", "🍒", }; IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.Title = locale.GetString(Locale.SlotsHeader); string[] objectsChosen = { objects[MikiRandom.Next(objects.Length)], objects[MikiRandom.Next(objects.Length)], objects[MikiRandom.Next(objects.Length)] }; Dictionary <string, int> score = new Dictionary <string, int>(); foreach (string o in objectsChosen) { if (score.ContainsKey(o)) { score[o]++; continue; } score.Add(o, 1); } if (score.ContainsKey("🍒")) { if (score["🍒"] == 2) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(moneyBet * 0.5f); } else if (score["🍒"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(moneyBet * 1f); } } if (score.ContainsKey("🍊")) { if (score["🍊"] == 2) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(moneyBet * 0.8f); } else if (score["🍊"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(moneyBet * 1.5f); } } if (score.ContainsKey("🍓")) { if (score["🍓"] == 2) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(moneyBet * 1f); } else if (score["🍓"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(moneyBet * 2f); } } if (score.ContainsKey("🍍")) { if (score["🍍"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(moneyBet * 4f); } } if (score.ContainsKey("🍇")) { if (score["🍇"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(moneyBet * 6f); } } if (score.ContainsKey("⭐")) { if (score["⭐"] == 3) { moneyReturned = (int)Math.Ceiling(moneyBet * 12f); } } if (moneyReturned == 0) { moneyReturned = -moneyBet; embed.AddField(locale.GetString("miki_module_fun_slots_lose_header"), locale.GetString("miki_module_fun_slots_lose_amount", moneyBet, u.Currency - moneyBet)); } else { embed.AddField(locale.GetString(Locale.SlotsWinHeader), locale.GetString(Locale.SlotsWinMessage, moneyReturned, u.Currency + moneyReturned)); } embed.Description = string.Join(" ", objectsChosen); await u.AddCurrencyAsync(e.Channel, null, moneyReturned); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); await embed.SendToChannel(e.Channel); } }