public DigitalstromEventsHostedService(ILogger <DigitalstromEventsHostedService> logger, IOptions <DigitalstromEventProcessingConfig> config, IServiceScopeFactory serviceScopeFactory)
     _logger = logger;
     _config = config;
     _serviceScopeFactory = serviceScopeFactory;
     _serviceScope        = _serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope();
     _connProvider        = _serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IDigitalstromConnectionProvider>();
     _plugins             = _serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetServices <IDigitalstromEventProcessorPlugin>();
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides fundamental functionality to request the Digitalstrom DSS REST webservice
        /// and parse the response JSON wireframe structure as well as selecting the first reachable
        /// uri from the UriPriorityList in the given connection provider.
        /// </summary>
        internal DigitalstromClientBase(IDigitalstromConnectionProvider connectionProvider)
            _baseUris = connectionProvider.Uris.DeepClone();
            _client   = connectionProvider.HttpClient;

            foreach (var converter in _jsonConverters)

            _initializeTask = Initialize();
Exemple #3
        public DigitalstromDssTwin(IDigitalstromConnectionProvider connectionProvider)
            _dssClient        = connectionProvider is null ? null : new DigitalstromDssClient(connectionProvider);
            _subscriber       = _dssClient is null ? null : new DssEventSubscriber(_dssClient, SubscribedEventNames);
            _changeAggregator = _subscriber is null ? null : new TwinChangeAggregator(this);

            if (_subscriber is null || _changeAggregator is null)

            _subscriber.ApiEventRaised             += HandleDssApiEvent;
            _changeAggregator.SceneChangedInternal += (s, e) => CallScene(e.Zone, e.Group, e.Scene);

            // init by loading all current values for all zones
 public DigitalstromLongPollingConnectionProvider(IDigitalstromConnectionProvider inner) => this.inner = inner;
 /// <summary>
 /// Connects to the Digitalstrom DSS REST webservice with the given connection
 /// provider uris and credentials.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="connectionProvider">All necessary connection infos like uris and
 /// authentication data needed to use for the webservice or to perform a new or
 /// renewed authentication</param>
 public DigitalstromDssClient(IDigitalstromConnectionProvider connectionProvider)
     : base(connectionProvider)
 /// <summary>
 /// Connects to the Digitalstrom DSS REST webservice at the given uri with the given
 /// app and user credentials given via the IDigitalstromConnectionProvider object. If
 /// a valid application token is given in the auth data, it is used directly.
 /// This abstract base class handles the authentication flow including fetching and
 /// activating the application token, obtaining a session token as well as deserializing
 /// responses and unpacking the wiremessage.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="connectionProvider">All necessary connection infos like uris and
 /// authentication data needed to use for the webservice or to perform a new or
 /// renewed authentication</param>
 public DigitalstromAuthenticatingClientBase(IDigitalstromConnectionProvider connectionProvider)
     : base(connectionProvider)
     _authData = connectionProvider.AuthData;