internal static void PackageKeys(IDictionaryEnumerator dicEnu, out string keyPackage, out int keyCount) { StringBuilder keys = new StringBuilder(1024); keyCount = 0; while (dicEnu.MoveNext()) { keys.Append(dicEnu.Key + "\""); keyCount++; } keyPackage = keys.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Populates the trees' right list with objects contained in the enumerator. /// </summary> /// <param name="e"></param> public void Populate(IDictionaryEnumerator e) { if (e != null) { if (_rightList == null) _rightList = new ArrayList(); if (e is RedBlackEnumerator) { while (e.MoveNext()) { HashVector tbl = e.Value as HashVector; _rightList.AddRange(tbl.Keys); } } else { while (e.MoveNext()) { _rightList.Add(e.Key); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new instance of <see cref="MinifierResourceStrings"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="enumerator">The dictionary to enumerate for values.</param> public MinifierResourceStrings(IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator) { this.NameValuePairs = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (enumerator != null) { // use the IDictionaryEnumerator to add properties to the collection while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { // get the property name string propertyName = enumerator.Key.ToString(); // set the name/value in the resource object this.NameValuePairs[propertyName] = enumerator.Value.ToString(); } } }
private void SetEnumerator(int i) { if (_enumerator == null) { _enumerator = _dictionary.GetEnumerator(); _enumerator.MoveNext(); } if (_currentIndex > i) { _currentIndex = 0; _enumerator.Reset(); _enumerator.MoveNext(); } for (; _currentIndex < i; _currentIndex++) _enumerator.MoveNext(); }
static int VerifyDictionaryEnumerator(IDictionaryEnumerator de, IterationOrder order) { string prev = ""; if (order == IterationOrder.DescentOrder) prev = "9999999999999999999"; int i = 0; while (de.MoveNext()) { DictionaryEntry e1 = (DictionaryEntry)de.Current; DictionaryEntry e2 = de.Entry; Tests.Assert(e1.Equals(e2)); string k = (string)e1.Key; string k2 = (string)de.Key; Tests.Assert(k == k2); RecordFull v1 = (RecordFull)e1.Value; RecordFull v2 = (RecordFull)de.Value; Tests.Assert(v1.Equals(v2)); Tests.Assert(v1.StrVal == k); if (order == IterationOrder.AscentOrder) Tests.Assert(k.CompareTo(prev) >= 0); else Tests.Assert(k.CompareTo(prev) <= 0); prev = k; i++; } Tests.VerifyDictionaryEnumeratorDone(de); return i; }
} // GetMachineAddress // // Core Serialization and Deserialization support // internal static Header[] GetMessagePropertiesAsSoapHeader(IMessage reqMsg) { IDictionary d = reqMsg.Properties; if (d == null) { return(null); } int count = d.Count; if (count == 0) { return(null); } IDictionaryEnumerator e = (IDictionaryEnumerator)d.GetEnumerator(); // cycle through the headers to get a length bool[] map = new bool[count]; int len = 0, i = 0; IMethodMessage msg = (IMethodMessage)reqMsg; while (e.MoveNext()) { String key = (String)e.Key; if ((key.Length >= 2) && (String.CompareOrdinal(key, 0, "__", 0, 2) == 0) && ( key.Equals("__Args") || key.Equals("__OutArgs") || key.Equals("__Return") || key.Equals("__Uri") || key.Equals("__MethodName") || (key.Equals("__MethodSignature") && (!RemotingServices.IsMethodOverloaded(msg)) && (!msg.HasVarArgs)) || key.Equals("__TypeName") || key.Equals("__Fault") || (key.Equals("__CallContext") && ((e.Value != null) ? (((LogicalCallContext)e.Value).HasInfo == false) : true)) ) ) { i++; continue; } map[i] = true; i++; len++; } if (len == 0) { return(null); } Header[] ret = new Header[len]; e.Reset(); int k = 0; i = 0; while (e.MoveNext()) { Object key = e.Key; if (!map[k]) { k++; continue; } Header h = e.Value as Header; // If the property is not a header, then make a header out of it. if (h == null) { h = new Header( (String)key, e.Value, false, ""); } // < if (i == ret.Length) { InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("HTTPChannel::GetHeaders creating a new array of length " + (i + 1) + "\n"); Header[] newret = new Header[i + 1]; Array.Copy(ret, newret, i); ret = newret; } ret[i] = h; i++; k++; } return(ret); } // GetMessagePropertiesAsSoapHeader
private void btnsCrea_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Classi.ManProgrammata.CreaPiano _CP = new TheSite.Classi.ManProgrammata.CreaPiano(); if (Session["DatiList"] != null) { _CP.beginTransaction(); try { Hashtable _HS = (Hashtable)Session["DatiList"]; IDictionaryEnumerator myEnumerator = _HS.GetEnumerator(); string mesegiorno = String.Empty; string mes = String.Empty; while (myEnumerator.MoveNext()) { S_Controls.Collections.S_ControlsCollection CollezioneControlli = new S_Controls.Collections.S_ControlsCollection(); DataGridField _campi = (DataGridField)myEnumerator.Value; // DATA S_Controls.Collections.S_Object s_Data = new S_Object(); s_Data.ParameterName = "i_DataFine"; s_Data.DbType = CustomDBType.Integer; s_Data.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; s_Data.Index = 0; s_Data.Value = Int16.Parse(cmbsAnnoA.SelectedValue); CollezioneControlli.Add(s_Data); // IDBL S_Controls.Collections.S_Object s_Idbl = new S_Object(); s_Idbl.ParameterName = "i_Edificio"; s_Idbl.DbType = CustomDBType.Integer; s_Idbl.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; s_Idbl.Index = 1; s_Idbl.Value = _campi.idbl; CollezioneControlli.Add(s_Idbl); // IDSERVIZIO S_Controls.Collections.S_Object s_IdServizio = new S_Object(); s_IdServizio.ParameterName = "i_Category"; s_IdServizio.DbType = CustomDBType.Integer; s_IdServizio.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; s_IdServizio.Index = 2; s_IdServizio.Value = _campi.idservizio; CollezioneControlli.Add(s_IdServizio); // IDADDETTO S_Controls.Collections.S_Object s_IdAddetto = new S_Object(); s_IdAddetto.ParameterName = "p_idaddetto"; s_IdAddetto.DbType = CustomDBType.Integer; s_IdAddetto.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; s_IdAddetto.Index = 3; s_IdAddetto.Value = _campi.idaddetto; CollezioneControlli.Add(s_IdAddetto); //DATASTART S_Controls.Collections.S_Object s_DataStart = new S_Object(); s_DataStart.ParameterName = "p_datastart"; s_DataStart.DbType = CustomDBType.VarChar; s_DataStart.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; s_DataStart.Index = 4; s_DataStart.Value = _campi.mesegiorno; CollezioneControlli.Add(s_DataStart); //IDDITTA S_Controls.Collections.S_Object s_Ditta = new S_Object(); s_Ditta.ParameterName = "p_idditta"; s_Ditta.DbType = CustomDBType.Integer; s_Ditta.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; s_Ditta.Index = 5; s_Ditta.Value = _campi.idditta; CollezioneControlli.Add(s_Ditta); // PAOLO: 24/02/06 pippo = (resultSchedula)_CP.CreaPianoMP(CollezioneControlli); // OLD: // _result = _CP.CreaPianoMP(CollezioneControlli); } _CP.commitTransaction(); // PAOLO switch (pippo) { case resultSchedula.NO_PROCED_MAN: mes = "Nessuna procedura per l'edificio e il servizio selezionati!"; break; case resultSchedula.GIA_SCHEDULATO: mes = "Procedura già schedulata per l'anno selezionato.!"; break; case resultSchedula.NO_ADD_SPECIALIZZATO: mes = "Nessun addetto per la specializzazione corrente!"; break; case resultSchedula.DATA_FUORI_INTERVALLO: mes = "La data selezionata è fuori dell'intervallo di validità!"; break; case resultSchedula.NO_STAGIONALE: mes = "Non è stata trovata una corrispondenza stagionale!"; break; case resultSchedula.NO_FREQ_FISSE: mes = "Non sono previste frequenze di tipo fisso per il seguente servizio!"; break; case resultSchedula.SCHEDULAZIONE_OK: // Visualizzo la stringa del messaggio di conferma AGGIORNAMENTO nel DB string tot = txtTotSelezionati.Text; if (Int16.Parse(tot) > 1) { mes = "Sono stati Pianificati " + tot + " Edifici nel Piano di Manutenzione"; } else { mes = "E` stato Pianificato " + tot + " Edificio nel Piano di Manutenzione"; } break; } // FINE /* if (_result==1) * { * * // Visualizzo la stringa del messaggio di conferma AGGIORNAMENTO nel DB * string tot=txtTotSelezionati.Text; * if(Int16.Parse(tot)>1) * mes="Sono stati Pianificati " + tot + " Edifici nel Piano di Manutenzione"; * else * mes="E` stato Pianificato " + tot + " Edificio nel Piano di Manutenzione"; * } * else * { * mes="Non Tutte le attività sono state inserite nel piano"; * } */ Resetta(); DataGridRicerca.CurrentPageIndex = 0; Ricerca(true); //Visualizzo il messaggio Classi.SiteJavaScript.msgBox(this.Page, mes); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); _CP.rollbackTransaction(); string mes = String.Empty; //mes = ex.Message.ToString(); mes = "Si è verificato un errore durante la creazione del Piano."; Classi.SiteJavaScript.msgBox(this.Page, mes); } } else { Classi.SiteJavaScript.msgBox(this.Page, "Nessun Edificio selezionato."); } }
public ILocalizer Load(IDictionaryEnumerator reader, out IEnumerable<string> missing, out IEnumerable<string> extra) { var lmissing = new List<string>(); var lextra = new List<string>(); var newLocalizer = new Localizer(); while (reader.MoveNext()) { var entry = (DictionaryEntry) reader.Current; var fullKey = (string)entry.Key; var semi = fullKey.LastIndexOf(SEPARATOR[0]); var key = fullKey.Substring(0, semi); var type = fullKey.Substring(semi + 1); var val = (string)entry.Value; if (type == "VALUE") { newLocalizer.Add(key, val); } else if (type == "LIST") { newLocalizer.Add(key, val.SplitList().ToArray()); } else if (type == "TEMPLATE") { var elements = key.SplitList(); var usage = elements.First(); var fields = elements.Skip(1); var patterns = val.SplitList(); var template = new TemplateAttribute((TemplateUsage)Enum.Parse(typeof(TemplateUsage), usage), patterns.ToArray()); foreach (var field in fields) { newLocalizer.Add(field, template); } } } // Find missing and extra keys lmissing.AddRange(_translations.Keys.Except(newLocalizer._translations.Keys)); lmissing.AddRange(_arrayTranslations.Keys.Except(newLocalizer._arrayTranslations.Keys)); lmissing.AddRange(_templateTranslations.Keys.Except(newLocalizer._templateTranslations.Keys)); lextra.AddRange(newLocalizer._translations.Keys.Except(_translations.Keys)); lextra.AddRange(newLocalizer._arrayTranslations.Keys.Except(_arrayTranslations.Keys)); lextra.AddRange(newLocalizer._templateTranslations.Keys.Except(_templateTranslations.Keys)); missing = lmissing; extra = lextra; return newLocalizer; }
public KeyValueIteratorSequence(IDictionaryEnumerator iter) { this.iter = iter; if(iter != null) { hasNext = iter.MoveNext(); } }
private void PopulateConfiugrationObject(Object config, XmlNode node) { if (node == null || config == null) { return; } XmlAttributeCollection attribColl = node.Attributes; foreach (XmlAttribute xmlAttrib in attribColl) { FillConfigWithAttribValue(config, xmlAttrib); } XmlNodeList nodeList = node.ChildNodes; Hashtable sameSections = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.Count; i++) { XmlNode sectionNode = nodeList[i]; Type sectionType = null; if (sectionNode.Name.ToLower() == DYNAMIC_CONFIG_SECTION && sectionNode.HasChildNodes) { ExtractDyanamicConfigSectionObjectType(sectionNode); } } for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.Count; i++) { XmlNode sectionNode = nodeList[i]; Type sectionType = null; if (sectionNode.Name.ToLower() == DYNAMIC_CONFIG_SECTION) { continue; } sectionType = GetConfigSectionObjectType(config, sectionNode.Name); if (sectionType != null) { if (sectionType.IsArray) { string nonArrayType = sectionType.FullName.Replace("[]", ""); ArrayList sameSessionList = null; Hashtable tmp = null; if (!sameSections.Contains(sectionType)) { tmp = new Hashtable(); tmp.Add("section-name", sectionNode.Name); sameSessionList = new ArrayList(); tmp.Add("section-list", sameSessionList); sameSections.Add(sectionType, tmp); } else { tmp = sameSections[sectionType] as Hashtable; sameSessionList = tmp["section-list"] as ArrayList; } #if !NETCORE ObjectHandle objHandle = Activator.CreateInstance(sectionType.Assembly.FullName, nonArrayType); object singleSessionObject = objHandle.Unwrap(); #elif NETCORE var singleSessionObject = Activator.CreateInstance(sectionType.GetElementType()); //TODO: ALACHISOFT (This method is changed) #endif PopulateConfiugrationObject(singleSessionObject, sectionNode); sameSessionList.Add(singleSessionObject); } else { #if !NETCORE ObjectHandle objHandle = Activator.CreateInstance(sectionType.Assembly.FullName, sectionType.FullName); object sectionConfig = objHandle.Unwrap(); #elif NETCORE var sectionConfig = Activator.CreateInstance(sectionType); //TODO: ALACHISOFT (This method is changed) #endif PopulateConfiugrationObject(sectionConfig, sectionNode); SetConfigSectionObject(config, sectionConfig, sectionNode.Name); } } } if (sameSections.Count > 0) { Hashtable tmp; IDictionaryEnumerator ide = sameSections.GetEnumerator(); while (ide.MoveNext()) { Type arrType = ide.Key as Type; tmp = ide.Value as Hashtable; ArrayList sameSessionList = tmp["section-list"] as ArrayList; string sectionName = tmp["section-name"] as string; object[] sessionArrayObj = Activator.CreateInstance(arrType, new object[] { sameSessionList.Count }) as object[]; if (sessionArrayObj != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sameSessionList.Count; i++) { sessionArrayObj[i] = sameSessionList[i]; } SetConfigSectionObject(config, sessionArrayObj, sectionName); } } } }
// Implement the IEnumerator interface. public bool MoveNext() { if(e != null) { return e.MoveNext(); } else { ++index; if(index < { return true; } e = properties.dict.GetEnumerator(); return e.MoveNext(); } }
protected void LastChangeSink(CpAVTransport sender, string LC) { if (LC == "") { return; } //LC = UPnPStringFormatter.UnEscapeString(LC); if (LC.Substring(0, 1) != "<") { LC = UPnPStringFormatter.UnEscapeString(LC); } if (LC.Substring(0, 1) != "<") { LC = UPnPStringFormatter.UnEscapeString(LC); } StringReader MyString = new StringReader(LC); XmlTextReader XMLDoc = new XmlTextReader(MyString); Hashtable T = new Hashtable(); int ID = -1; string VarName = ""; string VarValue = ""; string AttrName = ""; string AttrValue = ""; XMLDoc.Read(); XMLDoc.MoveToContent(); XMLDoc.Read(); XMLDoc.MoveToContent(); while ((XMLDoc.LocalName != "Event") && (XMLDoc.EOF == false)) { // At Start, should be InstanceID if (XMLDoc.LocalName == "InstanceID") { XMLDoc.MoveToAttribute("val"); ID = int.Parse(XMLDoc.GetAttribute("val")); if (T.ContainsKey(ID) == false) { T[ID] = new Hashtable(); } XMLDoc.MoveToContent(); XMLDoc.Read(); XMLDoc.MoveToContent(); while (XMLDoc.LocalName != "InstanceID") { if (XMLDoc.IsStartElement() == true) { VarName = XMLDoc.LocalName; VarValue = ""; AttrName = ""; AttrValue = ""; for (int a_idx = 0; a_idx < XMLDoc.AttributeCount; ++a_idx) { XMLDoc.MoveToAttribute(a_idx); if (XMLDoc.LocalName == "val") { VarValue = UPnPStringFormatter.UnEscapeString(XMLDoc.GetAttribute(a_idx)); } else { AttrName = XMLDoc.LocalName; AttrValue = XMLDoc.GetAttribute(a_idx); } } XMLDoc.MoveToContent(); if (AttrName == "") { ((Hashtable)T[ID])[VarName] = VarValue; } else { if (((Hashtable)T[ID]).ContainsKey(VarName) == false) { ((Hashtable)T[ID])[VarName] = new Hashtable(); } if (((Hashtable)((Hashtable)T[ID])[VarName]).ContainsKey(AttrName) == false) { ((Hashtable)((Hashtable)T[ID])[VarName])[AttrName] = new Hashtable(); } ((Hashtable)((Hashtable)((Hashtable)T[ID])[VarName])[AttrName])[AttrValue] = VarValue; } } XMLDoc.Read(); XMLDoc.MoveToContent(); } } else { XMLDoc.Skip(); } XMLDoc.Read(); XMLDoc.MoveToContent(); } XMLDoc.Close(); IDictionaryEnumerator inEn = T.GetEnumerator(); IDictionaryEnumerator EvEn; Hashtable TT; string TempString; DText TempParser = new DText(); while (inEn.MoveNext()) { if (inEn.Key.ToString() == InstanceID) { TT = (Hashtable)inEn.Value; EvEn = TT.GetEnumerator(); while (EvEn.MoveNext()) { switch ((string)EvEn.Key) { case "AVTransportURI": _AVTransportURI = (string)EvEn.Value; if (OnAVTransportURIChanged != null) { OnAVTransportURIChanged(this); } break; case "TransportState": _PlayState = (string)EvEn.Value; if (OnPlayStateChanged != null) { OnPlayStateChanged(this); } break; case "CurrentTrackDuration": TempString = (string)EvEn.Value; TempParser.ATTRMARK = ":"; TempParser[0] = TempString; try { this._CurrentDuration = new TimeSpan(int.Parse(TempParser[1]), int.Parse(TempParser[2]), int.Parse(TempParser[3])); } catch (Exception) {} if (this.OnCurrentPositionChanged != null) { this.OnCurrentPositionChanged(this); } break; case "RelativeTimePosition": TempString = (string)EvEn.Value; TempParser.ATTRMARK = ":"; TempParser[0] = TempString; this._CurrentPosition = new TimeSpan(int.Parse(TempParser[1]), int.Parse(TempParser[2]), int.Parse(TempParser[3])); if (this.OnCurrentPositionChanged != null) { this.OnCurrentPositionChanged(this); } break; case "NumberOfTracks": try { _NumberOfTracks = UInt32.Parse((string)EvEn.Value); if (OnNumberOfTracksChanged != null) { OnNumberOfTracksChanged(this); } } catch (Exception) {} break; case "CurrentTrack": try { _CurrentTrack = UInt32.Parse((string)EvEn.Value); if (OnCurrentTrackChanged != null) { OnCurrentTrackChanged(this); } } catch (Exception) {} break; case "CurrentTrackURI": _TrackURI = (string)EvEn.Value; if (OnTrackURIChanged != null) { OnTrackURIChanged(this); } break; case "TransportStatus": _TransportStatus = (string)EvEn.Value; if (OnTransportStatusChanged != null) { OnTransportStatusChanged(this); } break; case "AVTransportURIMetaData": _AVTransportMetaData = (string)EvEn.Value; if (this.OnCurrentURIMetaDataChanged != null) { OnCurrentURIMetaDataChanged(this); } break; case "CurrentPlayMode": _CurrentPlayMode = (string)EvEn.Value; if (this.OnCurrentPlayModeChanged != null) { OnCurrentPlayModeChanged(this); } break; } } } } }
private string checkInput() { string msg = ""; int RID = DAL.User.GetUserID(txt_Analysis.Text.Trim(), 1); if (RID == 0) { msg += "请选择正确的分析人!"; } else { hf_AnalysisID.Text = RID.ToString(); } //判断是否有重复项 List <string> All = new List <string>(); Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, object> > modifiedDict = Grid1.GetModifiedDict(); foreach (int rowIndex in modifiedDict.Keys) { All.Add(Grid1.DataKeys[rowIndex][1].ToString()); } List <Dictionary <string, object> > newAddedList = Grid1.GetNewAddedList(); for (int i = 0; i < newAddedList.Count; i++) { All.Add(newAddedList[i]["ItemName"].ToString()); } List <int> deletedRows = Grid1.GetDeletedList(); foreach (int rowIndex in deletedRows) { All.Remove(Grid1.DataKeys[rowIndex][1].ToString()); } for (int i = 0; i < All.Count; i++) { if (ht.ContainsKey(All[i])) { ht[All[i]] = int.Parse(ht[All[i]].ToString()) + 1; } else { ht.Add(All[i], 1); } } IDictionaryEnumerator ie = ht.GetEnumerator(); while (ie.MoveNext()) { if (int.Parse(ie.Value.ToString()) > 1) { msg += "监测项中出现重复项!"; } //Console.WriteLine(ie.Key.ToString() + "记录条数:" + ie.Value); } //List<string> Add = new List<string>(); //List<string> Add2 = new List<string>(); //List<string> Update = new List<string>(); //for (int i = 0; i < Add2.Count; i++) //外循环是循环的次数 //{ // for (int j = Add2.Count - 1; j > i; j--) //内循环是 外循环一次比较的次数 // { // if (Add2[i] == Add2[j]) // { // Add2.RemoveAt(j); // } // } //} //if (Add.Count > Add2.Count) //{ // msg += "分析项中出现重复项!"; //} //for (int i = 0; i < newAddedList.Count; i++) //{ // Add.Add(newAddedList[i]["ItemName"].ToString()); //} //foreach (string s in Add) //{ // if (Update.Contains(s)) // { // msg += "分析项中出现多个"+s+"!"; // } //} return(msg); }
public void LogInternal(APILogItem logItem) { using (StreamWriter w = File.AppendText(getFileName(logItem.LoggingTime))) { w.WriteLine(logItem.LoggingTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.fff tt") + "\t" + logItem.Signature); if (logItem.NoOfKeys > 1) { w.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-30}\t Number of Keys = {1}", "", logItem.NoOfKeys.ToString())); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(logItem.Key)) { w.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-30}\t Key = {1}", " ", logItem.Key)); } if (logItem.AbsolueExpiration != null) { w.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-30}\t Absolute Expiration = {1}", " ", logItem.AbsolueExpiration.ToString())); } if (logItem.SlidingExpiration != null) { w.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-30}\t Sliding Expiration = {1} milliseconds", " ", logItem.SlidingExpiration.Value.TotalMilliseconds)); } if (logItem.Priority != null) { w.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-30}\t Priority = {1}", " ", logItem.Priority.ToString())); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(logItem.Query)) { w.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-30}\t Query = {1}", " ", logItem.Query.ToString())); } if (logItem.QueryValues != null) { w.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-30}\t Values:", " ")); IDictionaryEnumerator ide = logItem.QueryValues.GetEnumerator(); while (ide.MoveNext()) { w.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-30}\t\t Key = " + ide.Key.ToString() + "\tValue = " + ide.Value.ToString(), " ")); } } if (logItem.LockTimeout != null) { w.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-30}\t LockTimeout = {1} milliseconds", " ", logItem.LockTimeout.Value.TotalMilliseconds.ToString())); } if (logItem.AcquireLock != null) { w.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-30}\t AcquireLock = {1}", " ", logItem.AcquireLock.ToString())); } if (logItem.RuntimeAPILogItem != null) { RuntimeAPILogItem rtLogItem = logItem.RuntimeAPILogItem; string avg = rtLogItem.IsBulk ? "Average " : ""; if (rtLogItem.IsBulk) { w.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-30}\t Number of Objects = {1}", " ", rtLogItem.NoOfObjects.ToString())); } w.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-30}\t {1}Object Size (bytes) = {2}", " ", avg, rtLogItem.SizeOfObject)); } if (logItem.NoOfObjectsReturned != null) { w.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-30}\t Number of Objects Returned = {1}", " ", logItem.NoOfObjectsReturned.ToString())); } if (logItem.ExceptionMessage != null) { w.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-30}\t Exception = {1}", " ", logItem.ExceptionMessage)); } w.WriteLine(); } }
private static void WriteJson(IJsonWrapper obj, JsonWriter writer) { if (obj == null) { writer.Write(null); } else if (obj.IsString) { writer.Write(obj.GetString()); } else if (obj.IsBoolean) { writer.Write(obj.GetBoolean()); } else if (obj.IsDouble) { writer.Write(obj.GetDouble()); } else if (obj.IsInt) { writer.Write(obj.GetInt()); } else if (obj.IsLong) { writer.Write(obj.GetLong()); } else if (obj.IsArray) { writer.WriteArrayStart(); IEnumerator enumerator = ((IEnumerable)obj).GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { object current = enumerator.Current; WriteJson((JsonData)current, writer); } } finally { IDisposable disposable; if ((disposable = enumerator as IDisposable) != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } writer.WriteArrayEnd(); } else { if (!obj.IsObject) { return; } writer.WriteObjectStart(); IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator2 = ((IDictionary)obj).GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { DictionaryEntry dictionaryEntry = (DictionaryEntry)enumerator2.Current; writer.WritePropertyName((string)dictionaryEntry.Key); WriteJson((JsonData)dictionaryEntry.Value, writer); } } finally { IDisposable disposable2; if ((disposable2 = enumerator2 as IDisposable) != null) { disposable2.Dispose(); } } writer.WriteObjectEnd(); } }
/// <summary> /// Serializes the specified o. /// </summary> /// <param name="o">The o.</param> /// <param name="sb">The sb.</param> public override void Serialize(object o, StringBuilder sb) { IDictionary dic = o as IDictionary; if (dic == null) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } IDictionaryEnumerator enumerable = dic.GetEnumerator(); enumerable.Reset(); bool b = true; if (!AjaxPro.Utility.Settings.OldStyle.Contains("renderJsonCompliant")) { sb.Append("["); } else { sb.Append("{"); } while (enumerable.MoveNext()) { if (b) { b = false; } else { sb.Append(","); } if (!AjaxPro.Utility.Settings.OldStyle.Contains("renderJsonCompliant")) { sb.Append('['); JavaScriptSerializer.Serialize(enumerable.Key, sb); sb.Append(','); JavaScriptSerializer.Serialize(enumerable.Value, sb); sb.Append(','); JavaScriptUtil.QuoteString(enumerable.Key.GetType().FullName, sb); sb.Append(','); JavaScriptUtil.QuoteString(enumerable.Value.GetType().FullName, sb); sb.Append(']'); } else { if (enumerable.Key is String) { JavaScriptSerializer.Serialize(enumerable.Key, sb); } else if (enumerable.Key is Boolean) { JavaScriptSerializer.Serialize((bool)enumerable.Key == true ? "true" : "false", sb); } else { JavaScriptUtil.QuoteString(enumerable.Key.ToString(), sb); } sb.Append(':'); JavaScriptSerializer.Serialize(enumerable.Value, sb); } } if (!AjaxPro.Utility.Settings.OldStyle.Contains("renderJsonCompliant")) { sb.Append("]"); } else { sb.Append("}"); } }
private static string DictEnumKeysToString(IDictionaryEnumerator e) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(0x100); if (e.MoveNext()) { builder.Append(EncodeTab(e.Key)); while (e.MoveNext()) { builder.Append("\t"); builder.Append(EncodeTab(e.Key)); } } return builder.ToString(); }
public DateTime Solve(Block[] pBlocks) { double mOverWeight = 0; if ((mOverWeight = AddBlocks(pBlocks)) > 0) { Console.WriteLine("\nToo much weight - your blocks are over by " + mOverWeight + " pounds."); return(DateTime.Now);; } double mTotalWeight = _emptyWeight + (_gasWeight * _startingGas); foreach (Block b in _blocks) { mTotalWeight += b.Weight; } if (mTotalWeight > _maxWeight) { Console.WriteLine("\nToo much weight - you're (overall) over by " + (mTotalWeight - _maxWeight) + " pounds."); return(DateTime.Now); } if (!InitCGRange()) { return(DateTime.Now); } _solutionHash = new ArrayList(); int[] mCurrent = new int[_blocks.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < mCurrent.Length; i++) { mCurrent[i] = -1; } Hashtable mPositions = Positions(); ArrayList mAttemptedLocations = new ArrayList(); IDictionaryEnumerator mEnum = mPositions.GetEnumerator(); while (mEnum.MoveNext()) { if (mAttemptedLocations.Contains(mEnum.Value)) { continue; } ArrayList mAlreadyAdded = new ArrayList(); mAlreadyAdded.Add((int)mEnum.Key); for (int i = 0; i < mCurrent.Length; i++) { mCurrent[i] = -1; } mAttemptedLocations.Add(mEnum.Value); if (Check(mCurrent, mPositions, 0, (int)mEnum.Key)) { mCurrent[0] = (int)mEnum.Key; Next(mCurrent, mPositions, mAlreadyAdded, 0); } } Console.WriteLine("Searching " + _solutionCount + " solutions for CGs within envelope, then determining optimal CG..."); ArrayList mCGs = new ArrayList(); ArrayList mConfigurationHashes = new ArrayList(); Hashtable mConfigurations = new Hashtable(); Hashtable mConfigurationsAndRepeats = new Hashtable(); bool mRepeatConfigurationFound = false; double mTotalMOI = 0; double mBaseMOI = _momentOfInertia; double mCG = 0; double mHash = 0; string mVal = ""; if (_gasMomentSlope != 0) { mBaseMOI += ((_gasWeight * _startingGas) / _gasMomentSlope); } foreach (int[] ilist in _solutions) { if (mConfigurationsAndRepeats.Count != 0 && mConfigurationsAndRepeats.Count % 5000 == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Searched through " + mConfigurationsAndRepeats.Count + " solutions..."); } mTotalMOI = mBaseMOI; mVal = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ilist.Length; i++) { Block mBlock = (Block)_blocks[i]; mBlock.ClearPosition(); Location mLocation = (Location)mPositions[ilist[i]]; mBlock.SetPosition(mLocation); mVal += "\n\t" + mBlock.Name + "-" + mLocation.Name; } foreach (Location l in _locations) { mTotalMOI += l.GetMoment(); } mCG = mTotalMOI / mTotalWeight; mVal = "CG: " + mCG + "\n" + mVal; mHash = GetHashCode(ilist); if (!mConfigurationHashes.Contains(mHash) && mCG >= _minCG && mCG <= _maxCG) { if (mConfigurations.ContainsKey(mCG)) { mRepeatConfigurationFound = true; mConfigurationsAndRepeats.Add(mConfigurationsAndRepeats.Count, mVal); } else { mConfigurationsAndRepeats.Add(mCG, mVal); mConfigurations.Add(mCG, mVal); mCGs.Add(mCG); } mConfigurationHashes.Add(mHash); } } if (mConfigurations.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("\nNo valid solutions with a CG between " + _minCG + " and " + _maxCG + "."); return(DateTime.Now); } double mMidCG = (_maxCG + _minCG) / 2.0; double mDelta = double.MaxValue; double mOptCG = (double)mCGs[0]; for (int i = 0; i < mCGs.Count; i++) { double mCurrentCG = (double)mCGs[i]; if (Math.Abs(mMidCG - mCurrentCG) < mDelta) { mOptCG = mCurrentCG; mDelta = Math.Abs(mMidCG - mOptCG); } } Console.WriteLine("Number of solutions within envelope: " + mConfigurationsAndRepeats.Count); if (mRepeatConfigurationFound) { Console.WriteLine("Number of (additional) repeated solutions (same CG, different configuration): " + (mConfigurationsAndRepeats.Count - mConfigurations.Count)); } Console.WriteLine("\nOptimal Solution (only for w/starting gas)\n"); Console.WriteLine("Optimal CG: " + mMidCG); Console.WriteLine("Distance from optimal CG: " + mDelta); Console.Write((string)mConfigurations[mOptCG]); Console.WriteLine(); DateTime mDone = DateTime.Now; Console.Write("\nView all solutions? (Enter Y for yes, anything else to quit.) "); string mResponse = Console.ReadLine(); if (mResponse.ToUpper() == "Y") { int mSolutionCount = 0; foreach (string s in mConfigurationsAndRepeats.Values) { mSolutionCount++; Console.WriteLine("Solution #" + mSolutionCount); Console.WriteLine(s); } } return(mDone); }
public bool MoveNext() { var currentScopeMoveNext = _currentScope.MoveNext(); if (_inParentScope == false) return currentScopeMoveNext; if (currentScopeMoveNext) return true; _inParentScope = false; _currentScope = _localScope; return _currentScope.MoveNext(); }
private void Next(int[] pCurrentConfiguration, Hashtable pLocations, ArrayList pAlreadyAdded, int pCurrentBlockIndex) { if (((Block)_blocks[pCurrentBlockIndex + 1]).LockedInPosition) { return; } ArrayList mAttemptedLocations = new ArrayList(); IDictionaryEnumerator mEnum = pLocations.GetEnumerator(); while (mEnum.MoveNext()) { int i = (int)mEnum.Key; if (mAttemptedLocations.Contains(mEnum.Value)) { continue; } if (!pAlreadyAdded.Contains(i)) { ArrayList mAlreadyAdded = new ArrayList(pAlreadyAdded); mAlreadyAdded.Add(i); int mNextBlockIndex = pCurrentBlockIndex + 1; _solutionCount++; if (mNextBlockIndex < _blocks.Count) { for (int j = mNextBlockIndex; j < _blocks.Count; j++) { pCurrentConfiguration[j] = -1; } mAttemptedLocations.Add(mEnum.Value); if (Check(pCurrentConfiguration, pLocations, mNextBlockIndex, i)) { pCurrentConfiguration[mNextBlockIndex] = i; } else { continue; } } if (mNextBlockIndex == _blocks.Count - 1) { long mHash = GetHashCode(pCurrentConfiguration); if (!_solutionHash.Contains(mHash)) { _solutionHash.Add(mHash); _solutions.Add(pCurrentConfiguration.Clone()); } } else { Next(pCurrentConfiguration, pLocations, mAlreadyAdded, mNextBlockIndex); } } } }
public static defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext( string iniFile, IDictionaryEnumerator bootstrapParameters) { if (bootstrapParameters != null) { bootstrapParameters.Reset(); while (bootstrapParameters.MoveNext()) { string key = (string)bootstrapParameters.Key; string value = (string)bootstrapParameters.Value; native_bootstrap_set(key, key.Length, value, value.Length); } } System.Console.WriteLine("Bootstrap with ini " + iniFile); // bootstrap native uno IntPtr context; if (iniFile == null) { context = native_defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext(); } else { context = native_defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext(iniFile, iniFile.Length); } return (; }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); // add ids to controls _width.ID = "width"; _height.ID = "height"; // initialize validators _widthValidator.ValidationExpression = "0*[1-9][0-9]*"; _widthValidator.ErrorMessage = "Width must be an integer"; _widthValidator.Display = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic; _widthValidator.ControlToValidate = _width.ID; _heightValidator.ValidationExpression = "0*[1-9][0-9]*"; _heightValidator.ErrorMessage = "Height must be an integer"; _heightValidator.ControlToValidate = _height.ID; _heightValidator.Display = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { string[] config = Configuration.Split("|".ToCharArray()); if (config.Length > 0) { _selectedButtons = config[0]; if (config.Length > 1) { if (config[1] == "1") { _enableRightClick.Checked = true; } } if (config.Length > 2) { _advancedUsers = config[2]; } if (config.Length > 4 && config[4].Split(',').Length > 1) { // if (config[3] == "1") // _fullWidth.Checked = true; // else // { _width.Text = config[4].Split(',')[0]; _height.Text = config[4].Split(',')[1]; // } } // if width and height are empty or lower than 0 then set default sizes: int tempWidth, tempHeight; int.TryParse(_width.Text, out tempWidth); int.TryParse(_height.Text, out tempHeight); if (_width.Text.Trim() == "" || tempWidth < 1) { _width.Text = "500"; } if (_height.Text.Trim() == "" || tempHeight < 1) { _height.Text = "400"; } if (config.Length > 4) { _stylesheets = config[5]; } } // add editor buttons IDictionaryEnumerator ide = tinyMCEConfiguration.SortedCommands.GetEnumerator(); while (ide.MoveNext()) { tinyMCECommand cmd = (tinyMCECommand)ide.Value; ListItem li = new ListItem(string.Format("<img src=\"{0}\" class=\"tinymceIcon\" alt=\"{1}\" /> ", cmd.Icon, cmd.Alias), cmd.Alias); if (_selectedButtons.IndexOf(cmd.Alias) > -1) { li.Selected = true; } _editorButtons.Items.Add(li); } // add users foreach (BusinessLogic.UserType ut in BusinessLogic.UserType.getAll) { ListItem li = new ListItem(ut.Name, ut.Id.ToString()); if (("," + _advancedUsers + ",").IndexOf("," + ut.Id.ToString() + ",") > -1) { li.Selected = true; } _advancedUsersList.Items.Add(li); } // add stylesheets foreach (Cms.BusinessLogic.web.StyleSheet st in Cms.BusinessLogic.web.StyleSheet.GetAll()) { ListItem li = new ListItem(st.Text, st.Id.ToString()); if (("," + _stylesheets + ",").IndexOf("," + st.Id.ToString() + ",") > -1) { li.Selected = true; } _stylesheetList.Items.Add(li); } // Mark the current db type _dropdownlist.SelectedValue = _datatype.DBType.ToString(); } }
public static string SAPDualExecute(Hashtable[] arrht, Hashtable ImportStr, Hashtable ImportData, string Function_Name, string RfcStructure_Name, string RfcStructure_Name2, string SetTable_Name) { RfcConfigParameters configParam = GetConfigParam(); RfcDestination destination = RfcDestinationManager.GetDestination(configParam); IRfcFunction function = destination.Repository.CreateFunction(Function_Name); IRfcTable rfcTable = function.GetTable(SetTable_Name); RfcStructureMetadata strMeta2 = destination.Repository.GetStructureMetadata(RfcStructure_Name2); IRfcStructure rfcStructure2 = strMeta2.CreateStructure(); for (int i = 0; i < arrht.Length; i++) { RfcStructureMetadata strMeta = destination.Repository.GetStructureMetadata(RfcStructure_Name); IRfcStructure rfcStructure = strMeta.CreateStructure(); IDictionaryEnumerator ie = arrht[i].GetEnumerator(); while (ie.MoveNext()) { if (ie.Value.ToString().Length <= 4000) { rfcStructure.SetValue(ie.Key.ToString(), ie.Value); } } rfcTable.Append(rfcStructure); } if (ImportStr.Count > 0) { IDictionaryEnumerator ie = ImportStr.GetEnumerator(); while (ie.MoveNext()) { if (ie.Value.ToString().Length <= 4000) { rfcStructure2.SetValue(ie.Key.ToString(), ie.Value); } } } if (ImportData.Count > 0) { IDictionaryEnumerator ie = ImportData.GetEnumerator(); while (ie.MoveNext()) { if (ie.Value.ToString().Length <= 4000) { function.SetValue(ie.Key.ToString(), ie.Value); } } } function.SetValue("IV_HEADER", rfcStructure2); function.Invoke(destination); string returnCode = function.GetString("EV_E_TYPE"); return(returnCode); }
protected virtual void WriteDictionary(IEnumerable value) { IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = value.GetEnumerator() as IDictionaryEnumerator; if (enumerator == null) { throw new JsonSerializationException(String.Format(JsonWriter.ErrorIDictionaryEnumerator, new System.Object[] { value.GetType() })); } bool appendDelim = false; if (settings.HandleCyclicReferences) { int prevIndex = 0; if (this.previouslySerializedObjects.TryGetValue(value, out prevIndex)) { this.Writer.Write(JsonReader.OperatorObjectStart); this.WriteObjectProperty("@ref", prevIndex); this.WriteLine(); this.Writer.Write(JsonReader.OperatorObjectEnd); return; } else { this.previouslySerializedObjects.Add(value, this.previouslySerializedObjects.Count); } } this.Writer.Write(JsonReader.OperatorObjectStart); this.depth++; if (this.depth > this.settings.MaxDepth) { throw new JsonSerializationException(String.Format(JsonWriter.ErrorMaxDepth, new System.Object[] { this.settings.MaxDepth })); } try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { if (appendDelim) { this.WriteObjectPropertyDelim(); } else { appendDelim = true; } bool handledRef = referenceHandler != null && enumerator.Entry.Value != null && referenceHandler.IsHandled(enumerator.Entry.Value.GetType()); if (!handledRef) { // Reference is not tracked, serialize it normally this.WriteObjectProperty(Convert.ToString(enumerator.Entry.Key), enumerator.Entry.Value); } else { // Reference is not owned by this field, write a reference to it // Dictionaries cannot own references this.WriteObjectProperty(Convert.ToString(enumerator.Entry.Key), "@" + referenceHandler.GetReferenceID(enumerator.Entry.Value), typeof(string)); } } } finally { this.depth--; } if (appendDelim) { this.WriteLine(); } this.Writer.Write(JsonReader.OperatorObjectEnd); }
/// <summary> /// Write an dictionary to a <see cref="TextWriter"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="writer">the writer to write to</param> /// <param name="repository">a <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> to use for object conversion</param> /// <param name="value">the value to write to the writer</param> /// <remarks> /// <para> /// Writes the <see cref="IDictionaryEnumerator"/> to a writer in the form: /// </para> /// <code> /// {key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3} /// </code> /// <para> /// If the <see cref="ILoggerRepository"/> specified /// is not null then it is used to render the key and value to text, otherwise /// the object's ToString method is called. /// </para> /// </remarks> protected static void WriteDictionary(TextWriter writer, ILoggerRepository repository, IDictionaryEnumerator value) { writer.Write("{"); bool first = true; // Write out all the dictionary key value pairs while (value.MoveNext()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { writer.Write(", "); } WriteObject(writer, repository, value.Key); writer.Write("="); WriteObject(writer, repository, value.Value); } writer.Write("}"); }
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal void PropagateIncomingHeadersToCallContext(IMessage msg) { BCLDebug.Assert(msg != null, "Why is the message null?"); // If it's an internal message, we can quickly tell if there are any // headers. IInternalMessage iim = msg as IInternalMessage; if (iim != null) { if (!iim.HasProperties()) { // If there are no properties just return immediately. return; } } IDictionary properties = msg.Properties; BCLDebug.Assert(properties != null, "Why are the properties null?"); IDictionaryEnumerator e = (IDictionaryEnumerator)properties.GetEnumerator(); // cycle through the properties to get a count of the headers int count = 0; while (e.MoveNext()) { String key = (String)e.Key; if (!key.StartsWith("__", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { // We don't want to have to check for special values, so we // blanketly state that header names can't start with // double underscore. if (e.Value is Header) { count++; } } } // If there are headers, create array and set it to the received header property Header[] headers = null; if (count > 0) { headers = new Header[count]; count = 0; e.Reset(); while (e.MoveNext()) { String key = (String)e.Key; if (!key.StartsWith("__", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { Header header = e.Value as Header; if (header != null) { headers[count++] = header; } } } } _recvHeaders = headers; _sendHeaders = null; } // PropagateIncomingHeadersToCallContext
public bool MoveNext() { return(list.MoveNext()); }
private object cc(object tipo) { if (tipo == null) { return(null); } if (esConocido(tipo)) { return(tipo); } else if (tipo is System.Web.UI.Triplet) { System.Web.UI.Triplet triple = (System.Web.UI.Triplet)tipo; return(new seriable3(cc(triple.First), cc(triple.Second), cc(triple.Third))); } else if (tipo is System.Web.UI.Pair) { System.Web.UI.Pair par = (System.Web.UI.Pair)tipo; return(new seriable2(cc(par.First), cc(par.Second))); } else if (tipo is ArrayList) { ArrayList trans = (ArrayList)tipo; ArrayList salida = new ArrayList(trans.Count); foreach (object x in trans) { salida.Add(cc(x)); } return(salida); } else if (tipo is Array) { Array trans = (Array)tipo; Array salida = Array.CreateInstance(tipo.GetType().GetElementType(), trans.Length); for (int x = 0; x < trans.Length; x++) { salida.SetValue(cc(trans.GetValue(x)), x); } return(salida); } else if (tipo is Hashtable) { IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = ((Hashtable)tipo).GetEnumerator(); Hashtable salida = new Hashtable(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { salida.Add(cc(enumerator.Key), cc(enumerator.Value)); } return(salida); } else { Type valueType = tipo.GetType(); Type destinationType = typeof(string); bool flag; bool flag2; System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter converter = System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(valueType); if (((converter == null) || converter is System.ComponentModel.ReferenceConverter)) { flag = false; flag2 = false; } else { flag = converter.CanConvertTo(destinationType); flag2 = converter.CanConvertFrom(destinationType); } if ((flag && flag2)) { return(new generalCnv(valueType, converter.ConvertToInvariantString(tipo))); } else { return(tipo); //Salida General } } }
// The main method that causes the page to be created. public bool Create(Stats stats) { // Sanity check if (fSourceRecord == null) { return(false); } // Create the strings to use for the HTML file. string pageDescription = "GEDmill GEDCOM to HTML page for " + fSourceRecord.ShortTitle; string keywords = "family tree history " + fSourceRecord.ShortTitle; string filename = string.Concat(CConfig.Instance.OutputFolder, "\\sour", fSourceRecord.XRef); string fullFilename = string.Concat(filename, ".", CConfig.Instance.HtmlExtension); HTMLFile f = null; try { // Create a new file with an HTML header. f = new HTMLFile(fullFilename, fSourceRecord.ShortTitle, pageDescription, keywords); // Create a navbar to main site, front page etc. OutputPageHeader(f, "", "", true, true); f.WriteLine(" <div class=\"hr\" />"); f.WriteLine(""); f.WriteLine(" <div id=\"page\"> <!-- page -->"); // Write the page's title text. f.WriteLine(" <div id=\"main\">"); f.WriteLine(" <div id=\"summary\">"); f.WriteLine(" <div id=\"names\">"); string sourName = fSourceRecord.ShortTitle; if (sourName == "") { sourName = "Source "; bool gotSourceName = false; // Try user reference number foreach (GDMUserReference urn in fSourceRecord.UserReferences) { if (urn.StringValue != "") { sourName += urn.StringValue; gotSourceName = true; break; } } if (!gotSourceName && fSourceRecord.AutomatedRecordID != null && fSourceRecord.AutomatedRecordID != "") { sourName += fSourceRecord.AutomatedRecordID; } else if (!gotSourceName) { sourName += fSourceRecord.XRef; } } f.WriteLine("<h1>{0}</h1>", EscapeHTML(sourName, false)); // Add repository information foreach (GDMRepositoryCitation src in fSourceRecord.RepositoryCitations) { GDMRepositoryRecord rr = src.Value as GDMRepositoryRecord; if (rr != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rr.RepositoryName)) { f.WriteLine("<h2>{0}</h2>", EscapeHTML(rr.RepositoryName, false)); } foreach (GDMNotes ns in rr.Notes) { string noteText; if (CConfig.Instance.ObfuscateEmails) { noteText = ObfuscateEmail(ns.Lines.Text); } else { noteText = ns.Lines.Text; } f.WriteLine("<p>{0}</p>", EscapeHTML(noteText, false)); } } if (src.Notes != null && src.Notes.Count > 0) { foreach (GDMNotes ns in src.Notes) { string noteText; if (CConfig.Instance.ObfuscateEmails) { noteText = ObfuscateEmail(ns.Lines.Text); } else { noteText = ns.Lines.Text; } f.WriteLine("<p>{0}</p>", EscapeHTML(noteText, false)); } } } // Add Publication Information string pubFacts; if (CConfig.Instance.ObfuscateEmails) { pubFacts = ObfuscateEmail(fSourceRecord.Publication.Lines.Text); } else { pubFacts = fSourceRecord.Publication.Lines.Text; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pubFacts)) { if (pubFacts.Length > 7 && pubFacts.ToUpper().Substring(0, 7) == "HTTP://") { f.WriteLine("<h2><a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a></h2>", pubFacts, EscapeHTML(pubFacts, false)); } else { f.WriteLine("<h2>{0}</h2>", EscapeHTML(pubFacts, false)); } } f.WriteLine(" </div> <!-- names -->"); f.WriteLine(" </div> <!-- summary -->"); // Collect together multimedia links. if (CConfig.Instance.AllowMultimedia) { // Fill m_alMultimediaList: AddMultimedia(fSourceRecord.MultimediaLinks, string.Concat(fSourceRecord.XRef, "mms"), string.Concat(fSourceRecord.XRef, "mos"), CConfig.Instance.MaxSourceImageWidth, CConfig.Instance.MaxSourceImageHeight, stats); } // Add pics OutputMultimedia(f); // Add textFromSource string cleanText = fSourceRecord.Text.Lines.Text; if (CConfig.Instance.ObfuscateEmails) { cleanText = ObfuscateEmail(cleanText); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cleanText)) { f.WriteLine(" <div id=\"text\">"); f.WriteLine(" <h1>Text</h1>"); f.WriteLine(" <p class=\"pretext\">"); f.WriteLine(EscapeHTML(cleanText, false)); f.WriteLine(" </p>"); f.WriteLine(" </div> <!-- text -->"); } // Add notes OutputNotes(f, fSourceRecord.Notes); if (CConfig.Instance.SupressBackreferences == false) { f.WriteLine(" <div id=\"citations\">"); f.WriteLine(" <h1>Citations</h1>"); f.WriteLine(" <ul>"); var htBackrefs = fSourceRecord.MakeBackReferences(); IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = htBackrefs.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { GDMIndividualRecord ir = (GDMIndividualRecord)(enumerator.Value); if (ir != null && ir.GetVisibility()) { string link = MakeLink(ir); if (link != "") { f.WriteLine("<li>{0}</li>", link); } } } f.WriteLine(" </ul>"); f.WriteLine(" </div> <!-- citations -->"); } f.WriteLine(" </div> <!-- main -->"); // Add footer (Record date, W3C sticker, GEDmill credit etc.) OutputFooter(f, fSourceRecord); f.WriteLine(" </div> <!-- page -->"); } catch (IOException e) { fLogger.WriteError("Caught IO Exception(6) : ", e); } catch (ArgumentException e) { fLogger.WriteError("Caught Argument Exception(6) : ", e); } finally { if (f != null) { f.Close(); // Adds standard footer to the file } } return(true); }
private object?GetObject(string key, bool ignoreCase, bool isString) { if (key == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key)); } if (Reader == null || _resCache == null) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(null, SR.ObjectDisposed_ResourceSet); } object? value = null; ResourceLocator resLocation; lock (Reader) { if (Reader == null) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(null, SR.ObjectDisposed_ResourceSet); } if (_defaultReader != null) { // Find the offset within the data section int dataPos = -1; if (_resCache.TryGetValue(key, out resLocation)) { value = resLocation.Value; dataPos = resLocation.DataPosition; } if (dataPos == -1 && value == null) { dataPos = _defaultReader.FindPosForResource(key); } if (dataPos != -1 && value == null) { Debug.Assert(dataPos >= 0, "data section offset cannot be negative!"); // Normally calling LoadString or LoadObject requires // taking a lock. Note that in this case, we took a // lock on the entire RuntimeResourceSet, which is // sufficient since we never pass this ResourceReader // to anyone else. ResourceTypeCode typeCode; if (isString) { value = _defaultReader.LoadString(dataPos); typeCode = ResourceTypeCode.String; } else { value = _defaultReader.LoadObject(dataPos, out typeCode); } resLocation = new ResourceLocator(dataPos, (ResourceLocator.CanCache(typeCode)) ? value : null); lock (_resCache) { _resCache[key] = resLocation; } } if (value != null || !ignoreCase) { return(value); // may be null } } // if (_defaultReader != null) // At this point, we either don't have our default resource reader // or we haven't found the particular resource we're looking for // and may have to search for it in a case-insensitive way. if (!_haveReadFromReader) { // If necessary, init our case insensitive hash table. if (ignoreCase) { _caseInsensitiveTable ??= new Dictionary <string, ResourceLocator>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } if (_defaultReader == null) { IDictionaryEnumerator en = Reader.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { DictionaryEntry entry = en.Entry; string readKey = (string)entry.Key; ResourceLocator resLoc = new ResourceLocator(-1, entry.Value); _resCache.Add(readKey, resLoc); if (ignoreCase) { Debug.Assert(_caseInsensitiveTable != null); _caseInsensitiveTable.Add(readKey, resLoc); } } // Only close the reader if it is NOT our default one, // since we need it around to resolve ResourceLocators. if (!ignoreCase) { Reader.Close(); } } else { Debug.Assert(ignoreCase, "This should only happen for case-insensitive lookups"); Debug.Assert(_caseInsensitiveTable != null); ResourceReader.ResourceEnumerator en = _defaultReader.GetEnumeratorInternal(); while (en.MoveNext()) { // Note: Always ask for the resource key before the data position. string currentKey = (string)en.Key; int dataPos = en.DataPosition; ResourceLocator resLoc = new ResourceLocator(dataPos, null); _caseInsensitiveTable.Add(currentKey, resLoc); } } _haveReadFromReader = true; } object?obj = null; bool found = false; bool keyInWrongCase = false; if (_defaultReader != null) { if (_resCache.TryGetValue(key, out resLocation)) { found = true; obj = ResolveResourceLocator(resLocation, key, _resCache, keyInWrongCase); } } if (!found && ignoreCase) { Debug.Assert(_caseInsensitiveTable != null); if (_caseInsensitiveTable.TryGetValue(key, out resLocation)) { found = true; keyInWrongCase = true; obj = ResolveResourceLocator(resLocation, key, _resCache, keyInWrongCase); } } return(obj); } // lock(Reader) }
private static float ReadFloat(IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator) { var value = float.Parse((string)enumerator.Current); enumerator.MoveNext(); return value; }
/*使用示例: * DataSet ds=(DataSet)Session["AdBrowseHitDayList"]; * string ExcelFolder=Assistant.GetConfigString("ExcelFolder"); * string FilePath=Server.MapPath(".")+"\\"+ExcelFolder+"\\"; * * //生成列的中文对应表 * Hashtable nameList = new Hashtable(); * nameList.Add("ADID", "广告编码"); * nameList.Add("ADName", "广告名称"); * nameList.Add("year", "年"); * nameList.Add("month", "月"); * nameList.Add("browsum", "显示数"); * nameList.Add("hitsum", "点击数"); * nameList.Add("BrowsinglIP", "独立IP显示"); * nameList.Add("HitsinglIP", "独立IP点击"); * //利用excel对象 * DataToExcel dte=new DataToExcel(); * string filename=""; * try * { * if(ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count>0) * { * filename=dte.DataExcel(ds.Tables[0],"标题",FilePath,nameList); * } * } * catch * { * //dte.KillExcelProcess(); * } * * if(filename!="") * { * Response.Redirect(ExcelFolder+"\\"+filename,true); * } * * */ #endregion /// <summary> /// 将DataTable的数据导出显示为报表(不使用Excel对象) /// </summary> /// <param name="dt">数据DataTable</param> /// <param name="strTitle">标题</param> /// <param name="FilePath">生成文件的路径</param> /// <param name="nameList"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string DataExcel(System.Data.DataTable dt, string strTitle, string FilePath, Hashtable nameList) { COM.Excel.cExcelFile excel = new COM.Excel.cExcelFile(); ClearFile(FilePath); string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssff") + ".xls"; excel.CreateFile(FilePath + filename); excel.PrintGridLines = false; COM.Excel.cExcelFile.MarginTypes mt1 = COM.Excel.cExcelFile.MarginTypes.xlsTopMargin; COM.Excel.cExcelFile.MarginTypes mt2 = COM.Excel.cExcelFile.MarginTypes.xlsLeftMargin; COM.Excel.cExcelFile.MarginTypes mt3 = COM.Excel.cExcelFile.MarginTypes.xlsRightMargin; COM.Excel.cExcelFile.MarginTypes mt4 = COM.Excel.cExcelFile.MarginTypes.xlsBottomMargin; double height = 1.5; excel.SetMargin(ref mt1, ref height); excel.SetMargin(ref mt2, ref height); excel.SetMargin(ref mt3, ref height); excel.SetMargin(ref mt4, ref height); COM.Excel.cExcelFile.FontFormatting ff = COM.Excel.cExcelFile.FontFormatting.xlsNoFormat; string font = "宋体"; short fontsize = 9; excel.SetFont(ref font, ref fontsize, ref ff); byte b1 = 1, b2 = 12; short s3 = 12; excel.SetColumnWidth(ref b1, ref b2, ref s3); string header = "页眉"; string footer = "页脚"; excel.SetHeader(ref header); excel.SetFooter(ref footer); COM.Excel.cExcelFile.ValueTypes vt = COM.Excel.cExcelFile.ValueTypes.xlsText; COM.Excel.cExcelFile.CellFont cf = COM.Excel.cExcelFile.CellFont.xlsFont0; COM.Excel.cExcelFile.CellAlignment ca = COM.Excel.cExcelFile.CellAlignment.xlsCentreAlign; COM.Excel.cExcelFile.CellHiddenLocked chl = COM.Excel.cExcelFile.CellHiddenLocked.xlsNormal; // 报表标题 int cellformat = 1; // int rowindex = 1,colindex = 3; // object title = (object)strTitle; // excel.WriteValue(ref vt, ref cf, ref ca, ref chl,ref rowindex,ref colindex,ref title,ref cellformat); int rowIndex = 1;//起始行 int colIndex = 0; //取得列标题 foreach (DataColumn colhead in dt.Columns) { colIndex++; string name = colhead.ColumnName.Trim(); object namestr = (object)name; IDictionaryEnumerator Enum = nameList.GetEnumerator(); while (Enum.MoveNext()) { if (Enum.Key.ToString().Trim() == name) { namestr = Enum.Value; } } excel.WriteValue(ref vt, ref cf, ref ca, ref chl, ref rowIndex, ref colIndex, ref namestr, ref cellformat); } //取得表格中的数据 foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { rowIndex++; colIndex = 0; foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { colIndex++; if (col.DataType == System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime")) { object str = (object)(Convert.ToDateTime(row[col.ColumnName].ToString())).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");; excel.WriteValue(ref vt, ref cf, ref ca, ref chl, ref rowIndex, ref colIndex, ref str, ref cellformat); } else { object str = (object)row[col.ColumnName].ToString(); excel.WriteValue(ref vt, ref cf, ref ca, ref chl, ref rowIndex, ref colIndex, ref str, ref cellformat); } } } int ret = excel.CloseFile(); // if(ret!=0) // { // //MessageBox.Show(this,"Error!"); // } // else // { // //MessageBox.Show(this,"请打开文件c:\\test.xls!"); // } return(filename); }
static int VerifyDictionaryEnumerator(IDictionaryEnumerator de, IterationOrder order) { long prev = long.MinValue; if (order == IterationOrder.DescentOrder) prev = long.MaxValue; int i = 0; while (de.MoveNext()) { DictionaryEntry e1 = (DictionaryEntry)de.Current; DictionaryEntry e2 = de.Entry; Tests.Assert(e1.Equals(e2)); long k = (long)e1.Key; long k2 = (long)de.Key; Tests.Assert(k == k2); RecordFull v1 = (RecordFull)e1.Value; RecordFull v2 = (RecordFull)de.Value; Tests.Assert(v1.Equals(v2)); Tests.Assert(v1.Int32Val == k); if (order == IterationOrder.AscentOrder) Tests.Assert(k >= prev); else Tests.Assert(k <= prev); prev = k; i++; } Tests.VerifyDictionaryEnumeratorDone(de); return i; }
private void SerializeDictionary(JsonWriter writer, IDictionary values, JsonDictionaryContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract collectionContract, JsonProperty containerProperty) { object underlyingDictionary = values is IWrappedDictionary wrappedDictionary ? wrappedDictionary.UnderlyingDictionary : values; OnSerializing(writer, contract, underlyingDictionary); _serializeStack.Add(underlyingDictionary); WriteObjectStart(writer, underlyingDictionary, contract, member, collectionContract, containerProperty); if (contract.ItemContract == null) { contract.ItemContract = Serializer._contractResolver.ResolveContract(contract.DictionaryValueType ?? typeof(object)); } if (contract.KeyContract == null) { contract.KeyContract = Serializer._contractResolver.ResolveContract(contract.DictionaryKeyType ?? typeof(object)); } int initialDepth = writer.Top; // Manual use of IDictionaryEnumerator instead of foreach to avoid DictionaryEntry box allocations. IDictionaryEnumerator e = values.GetEnumerator(); try { while (e.MoveNext()) { DictionaryEntry entry = e.Entry; string propertyName = GetPropertyName(writer, entry.Key, contract.KeyContract, out bool escape); propertyName = (contract.DictionaryKeyResolver != null) ? contract.DictionaryKeyResolver(propertyName) : propertyName; try { object value = entry.Value; JsonContract valueContract = contract.FinalItemContract ?? GetContractSafe(value); if (ShouldWriteReference(value, null, valueContract, contract, member)) { writer.WritePropertyName(propertyName, escape); WriteReference(writer, value); } else { if (!CheckForCircularReference(writer, value, null, valueContract, contract, member)) { continue; } writer.WritePropertyName(propertyName, escape); SerializeValue(writer, value, valueContract, null, contract, member); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (IsErrorHandled(underlyingDictionary, contract, propertyName, null, writer.ContainerPath, ex)) { HandleError(writer, initialDepth); } else { throw; } } } } finally { (e as IDisposable)?.Dispose(); } writer.WriteEndObject(); _serializeStack.RemoveAt(_serializeStack.Count - 1); OnSerialized(writer, contract, underlyingDictionary); }
protected MediaResource[] BuildResources(string Interface, IDictionaryEnumerator en) { ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); while(en.MoveNext()) { FileInfo f = (FileInfo)en.Value; MediaResource mr; ResourceBuilder.ResourceAttributes resInfo = new ResourceBuilder.ResourceAttributes(); resInfo.contentUri = "file://" + f.FullName; resInfo.protocolInfo = ProtocolInfoString.CreateHttpGetProtocolInfoString(f); mr = ResourceBuilder.CreateResource(resInfo); OpenSource.UPnP.AV.Extensions.MetaData.Finder.PopulateMetaData(mr,f); a.Add(mr); } return((MediaResource[])a.ToArray(typeof(MediaResource))); }
bool IEnumerator.MoveNext() { return(_enumerator.MoveNext()); }
private static String DictEnumKeysToString(IDictionaryEnumerator e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256); if (e.MoveNext()) { sb.Append(EncodeTab(e.Key)); while (e.MoveNext()) { sb.Append("\t"); sb.Append(EncodeTab(e.Key)); } } return sb.ToString(); }
private void FillFidMapping(GetSyncStateResult results, MailboxSession session) { foreach (DeviceData deviceData in results.Devices) { foreach (SyncStateFolderData syncStateFolderData in deviceData.SyncFolders) { if (syncStateFolderData != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(syncStateFolderData.SyncStateBlob)) { syncStateFolderData.FolderMapping = new List <FolderMappingData>(); using (PooledMemoryStream pooledMemoryStream = new PooledMemoryStream(102400)) { byte[] array = Convert.FromBase64String(syncStateFolderData.SyncStateBlob); pooledMemoryStream.Write(array, 0, array.Length); pooledMemoryStream.Flush(); pooledMemoryStream.Position = 0L; int num; int num2; long num3; long num4; Dictionary <string, bool> dictionary; GenericDictionaryData <ConstStringData, string, DerivedData <ICustomSerializableBuilder> > genericDictionaryData = SyncState.InternalDeserializeData(pooledMemoryStream, out num, out num2, out num3, out num4, out dictionary); FolderIdMapping folderIdMapping = genericDictionaryData.Data["IdMapping"].Data as FolderIdMapping; IDictionaryEnumerator syncIdIdEnumerator = folderIdMapping.SyncIdIdEnumerator; while (syncIdIdEnumerator.MoveNext()) { string shortId = syncIdIdEnumerator.Key as string; ISyncItemId syncItemId = syncIdIdEnumerator.Value as ISyncItemId; StoreObjectId storeObjectId = syncItemId.NativeId as StoreObjectId; try { using (Folder folder = Folder.Bind(session, storeObjectId, new PropertyDefinition[] { FolderSchema.DisplayName })) { DefaultFolderType defaultFolderType = session.IsDefaultFolderType(folder.Id); syncStateFolderData.FolderMapping.Add(new FolderMappingData { ShortId = shortId, LongId = storeObjectId.ToString(), Name = folder.DisplayName, DefaultFolderType = defaultFolderType.ToString(), Exception = null }); } } catch (Exception ex) { syncStateFolderData.FolderMapping.Add(new FolderMappingData { ShortId = shortId, LongId = "[Error]", Name = "[Error]", DefaultFolderType = "[Error]", Exception = ex.ToString() }); } } } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether two IDictionaryEnumerator instances are equals. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The first IDictionaryEnumerator to compare.</param> /// <param name="target">The second IDictionaryEnumerator to compare.</param> /// <returns>Return true if the first IDictionaryEnumerator contains the same values as the second IDictionaryEnumerator, otherwise return false.</returns> public static bool Equals(IDictionaryEnumerator source, IDictionaryEnumerator target) { while (source.MoveNext() && target.MoveNext()) if (source.Key.Equals(target.Key)) if (source.Value.Equals(target.Value)) return true; return false; }
public bool MoveNext() { return(_entryEnumerator?.MoveNext() ?? false); }
public static Hashtable SAPExecuteTableData_Common(Hashtable[] arrht, Hashtable ImportData, string Function_Name, string RfcStructure_Name, string Table_Name, string GetTable_Name, string GetTable_Name2) { RfcConfigParameters configParam = GetConfigParam(); RfcDestination destination = RfcDestinationManager.GetDestination(configParam); IRfcFunction function = destination.Repository.CreateFunction(Function_Name); IRfcTable rfcTable = function.GetTable(Table_Name); for (int i = 0; i < arrht.Length; i++) { RfcStructureMetadata strMeta = destination.Repository.GetStructureMetadata(RfcStructure_Name); IRfcStructure rfcStructure = strMeta.CreateStructure(); //if (arrht[i] == null) // continue; IDictionaryEnumerator ie = arrht[i].GetEnumerator(); while (ie.MoveNext()) { if (ie.Value.ToString().Length <= 4000) { rfcStructure.SetValue(ie.Key.ToString(), ie.Value); } } rfcTable.Append(rfcStructure); } if (ImportData.Count > 0) { IDictionaryEnumerator ie = ImportData.GetEnumerator(); while (ie.MoveNext()) { if (ie.Value.ToString().Length <= 4000) { function.SetValue(ie.Key.ToString(), ie.Value); } } } function.Invoke(destination); IRfcTable rfcTable2 = function.GetTable(GetTable_Name); IRfcTable rfcTable3 = null; if (GetTable_Name2 != null) { rfcTable3 = function.GetTable(GetTable_Name2); } Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); switch (Function_Name) { case "ZMM_SKD_PO_AND_GR": ht.Add("I_EBELN", function.GetString("I_EBELN")); ht.Add("I_MBLNR", function.GetString("I_MBLNR")); ht.Add("FT_RETURN_PO", rfcTable2); ht.Add("FT_RETURN_GR", rfcTable3); break; case "ZMM_SKD_PO": ht.Add("I_EBELN", function.GetString("I_EBELN")); ht.Add("FT_RETURN_PO", rfcTable2); break; case "ZMM_SKD_BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE": ht.Add("I_MBLNR", function.GetString("I_MBLNR")); ht.Add("FT_RETURN_GR", rfcTable2); break; } return(ht); }
public FieldsEnumerator(IDictionaryEnumerator it) { = it; bool fieldMoved = it.MoveNext(); //If no elements at first level , return false if(!fieldMoved) { this.field = null; } else { //We set field to the first list iterator field = (((DictionaryEntry)it.Current).Value as IList).GetEnumerator(); } }
protected virtual void WriteDictionary(IEnumerable value) { IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = value.GetEnumerator() as IDictionaryEnumerator; if (enumerator == null) { throw new JsonSerializationException(String.Format(JsonWriter.ErrorIDictionaryEnumerator, value.GetType())); } bool appendDelim = false; if (settings.HandleCyclicReferences) { int prevIndex = 0; if (this.previouslySerializedObjects.TryGetValue(value, out prevIndex)) { this.Writer.Write(JsonReader.OperatorObjectStart); this.WriteObjectProperty("@ref", prevIndex); this.WriteLine(); this.Writer.Write(JsonReader.OperatorObjectEnd); return; } else { this.previouslySerializedObjects.Add(value, this.previouslySerializedObjects.Count); } } this.Writer.Write(JsonReader.OperatorObjectStart); this.depth++; if (this.depth > this.settings.MaxDepth) { throw new JsonSerializationException(String.Format(JsonWriter.ErrorMaxDepth, this.settings.MaxDepth)); } try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { if (appendDelim) { this.WriteObjectPropertyDelim(); } else { appendDelim = true; } this.WriteObjectProperty(Convert.ToString(enumerator.Entry.Key), enumerator.Entry.Value); } } finally { this.depth--; } if (appendDelim) { this.WriteLine(); } this.Writer.Write(JsonReader.OperatorObjectEnd); }
public static IRfcTable SAPExecuteTableData2(Hashtable[] arrht, Hashtable[] arrht2, Hashtable ImportData, string Function_Name, string RfcStructure_Name, string RfcStructure_Name2, string GetTable_Name, string SetTable_Name, string SetTable_Name2) { RfcConfigParameters configParam = GetConfigParam(); RfcDestination destination = RfcDestinationManager.GetDestination(configParam); IRfcFunction function = destination.Repository.CreateFunction(Function_Name); IRfcTable rfcTable = function.GetTable(SetTable_Name); IRfcTable rfcTable2 = function.GetTable(SetTable_Name2); for (int i = 0; i < arrht.Length; i++) { RfcStructureMetadata strMeta = destination.Repository.GetStructureMetadata(RfcStructure_Name); IRfcStructure rfcStructure = strMeta.CreateStructure(); if (arrht[i] == null) { continue; } IDictionaryEnumerator ie = arrht[i].GetEnumerator(); while (ie.MoveNext()) { if (ie.Value.ToString().Length <= 4000) { rfcStructure.SetValue(ie.Key.ToString(), ie.Value); } } rfcTable.Append(rfcStructure); } for (int i = 0; i < arrht2.Length; i++) { RfcStructureMetadata strMeta = destination.Repository.GetStructureMetadata(RfcStructure_Name2); IRfcStructure rfcStructure = strMeta.CreateStructure(); if (arrht2[i] == null) { continue; } IDictionaryEnumerator ie = arrht2[i].GetEnumerator(); while (ie.MoveNext()) { if (ie.Value.ToString().Length <= 4000) { rfcStructure.SetValue(ie.Key.ToString(), ie.Value); } } rfcTable2.Append(rfcStructure); } if (ImportData.Count > 0) { IDictionaryEnumerator ie = ImportData.GetEnumerator(); while (ie.MoveNext()) { if (ie.Value.ToString().Length <= 4000) { function.SetValue(ie.Key.ToString(), ie.Value); } } } function.Invoke(destination); IRfcTable rfcTable3 = function.GetTable(GetTable_Name); return(rfcTable3); }
/// <summary> A SearchId is only created from an ArrayVar object. The ArrayVar /// constructs a new SearchId object by passing it's current keys /// stored as an enumeration, a unique string that ArrayVar creates, /// and an index value used for future SearchId objects. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="e">initial Enumeration /// </param> /// <param name="s">String as the unique identifier for the searchId /// </param> /// <param name="e">index value for this object /// </param> internal SearchId(IDictionaryEnumerator e, string s, int i) { enum_Renamed = e; str = s; index = i; hasMore = enum_Renamed.MoveNext(); if (hasMore) entry = enum_Renamed.Entry; }
static string NonTerminals; // список нетерминалов static void Execute() { Console.WriteLine("\nИсходная "); Info(); RemoveEpsilonRules(); Console.WriteLine("\nПосле удаления е-продукций"); Grammar.Add("П S"); //дополнить грамматику правилом П -> S NonTerminals += "П"; Terminals += "$"; Console.WriteLine("\nПравила: \n "); for (IEnumerator rule = Grammar.GetEnumerator(); rule.MoveNext();) { Console.WriteLine(rule.Current); } Console.WriteLine("Терминалы : " + Terminals); Console.WriteLine("Нетерминалы: " + NonTerminals); Console.WriteLine("-----"); Console.ReadLine(); // генерация LR(1) таблицы // ComputeFirstSets(); // вычислить множества FIRST Console.WriteLine("Вычислены множества FIRST для символов грамматики и строк \n "); string Symbols = NonTerminals; for (int i = 0; i < Symbols.Length; i++) { //для каждого символа грамматики X char X = Symbols[i]; Console.WriteLine("First( " + X + " ): " + First(X)); } Console.WriteLine(); for (IEnumerator rule = Grammar.GetEnumerator(); rule.MoveNext();) { string str = ((string)rule.Current).Substring(2); Console.WriteLine("First( " + str + " ): " + First(str)); } Console.ReadLine(); ArrayList[] CArray = CreateCArray(); // создать последовательность С Console.WriteLine("Cоздана последовательность С: \n "); for (int i = 0; i < CArray.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine("I" + i + DebugArrayList(CArray[i])); } Hashtable ACTION = CreateActionTable(CArray); // создать ACTION таблицу if (ACTION == null) { Console.WriteLine("Грамматика не является LR(1)"); Console.ReadLine(); return; } Hashtable GOTO = CreateGotoTable(CArray); // создать GOTO таблицу // распечатать содержимое ACTION и GOTO таблиц: Console.WriteLine("\nСоздана ACTION таблица \n "); for (IDictionaryEnumerator c = ACTION.GetEnumerator(); c.MoveNext();) { Console.WriteLine("ACTION[" + ((Tablekey)c.Key).I + ", " + ((Tablekey)c.Key).J + "] = " + c.Value); } Console.WriteLine("\nСоздана GOTO таблица \n "); for (IDictionaryEnumerator c = GOTO.GetEnumerator(); c.MoveNext();) { Console.WriteLine("GOTO[" + ((Tablekey)c.Key).I + ", " + ((Tablekey)c.Key).J + "] = " + c.Value); } Console.ReadLine(); //синтакический анлиз string answer = "y"; while (answer[0] == 'y') { string input; Console.WriteLine("Введите строку: "); input = Console.In.ReadLine() + "$"; //считать входную строку Console.WriteLine("\nВведена строка: " + input + "\n"); Console.WriteLine("\nПроцесс вывода: \n "); if (input.Equals("$")) { //случай пустой строки Console.WriteLine(AcceptEmptyString ? "Строка допущена" : "Строка отвергнута"); Console.ReadLine(); continue; // return; } Stack stack = new Stack(); //Стек автомата stack.Push("0"); //поместить стартовое //нулевое состояние try { for (; ;) { int s = Convert.ToInt32((string)stack.Peek()); //вершина стека char a = input[0]; //входной симол string action = (string)ACTION[new Tablekey(s, a)]; //элемент //ACTION -таблицы if (action[0] == 's') { //shift stack.Push(a.ToString()); //поместить в стек а stack.Push(action.Substring(2)); //поместить в стек s' input = input.Substring(1); //перейти к следующему символу строки } else if (action[0] == 'r') { //reduce //rule[1] = A, rule[2] = alpha string[] rule = action.Split(' '); //удалить 2 * Length(alpha) элементов стека for (int i = 0; i < 2 * rule[2].Length; i++) { stack.Pop(); } //вершина стека int state = Convert.ToInt32((string)stack.Peek()); //поместить в стек А и GOTO[state, A] stack.Push(rule[1]); stack.Push((GOTO[new Tablekey(state, rule[1][0])]).ToString()); //вывести правило Console.WriteLine(rule[1] + "->" + rule[2]); Console.ReadLine(); } else if (action[0] == 'a') //accept { break; } } Console.WriteLine("Строка допущена"); // Console.ReadLine(); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Строка отвергнута"); } // Console.ReadLine(); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("\n Продолжить? (y or n) \n"); answer = Console.ReadLine(); } }
private void CompareDictionaryIgnoreOrder(string breadCrumb, IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator1, IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator2) { var loopedBack = false; var needLoopBack = false; var enumerator1Index = -1; var enumerator2Index = 0; int? limit = null; //if object2 holds more items than object1 we need to track, and then show diffs of the remaining //items var needTrackingOfObject2 = IsBigger(enumerator1, enumerator2); var foundObject2Items = new List<int>(); while (enumerator1.MoveNext()) { enumerator1Index++; //currentCrumb = AddBreadCrumb(breadCrumb, info.Name, string.Empty, i); var found = false; // expect order, but don't assume it. this improves performance // where the collections are ordered in sync (wittingly, or un-), but // the logic is a bit different than the above index compare, var movedNext = enumerator2.MoveNext(); if (!movedNext) { enumerator2.Reset(); movedNext = enumerator2.MoveNext(); enumerator2Index = 0; } string currentBreadCrumb = breadCrumb; while (movedNext) { var clone = Clone(); clone.Differences = new List<Difference>(); currentBreadCrumb = AddBreadCrumb(breadCrumb, "Current", string.Empty, enumerator1Index); if (HasMatchingSpecEntry(enumerator1.Key)) { if (clone.MatchObjects(enumerator1.Key, enumerator2.Key, ref breadCrumb)) { found = true; Compare(enumerator1.Key, enumerator2.Key, breadCrumb); foundObject2Items.Add(enumerator2Index); break; } } else { clone.Compare(enumerator1.Key, enumerator2.Key, currentBreadCrumb); } if (clone.Differences.Count == 0) { clone.Compare(enumerator1.Value, enumerator2.Value, currentBreadCrumb); if (clone.Differences.Count == 0) { found = true; foundObject2Items.Add(enumerator2Index); break; } } movedNext = enumerator2.MoveNext(); enumerator2Index++; if (enumerator2Index == limit) break; if (!movedNext && needLoopBack && !loopedBack) { enumerator2.Reset(); limit = enumerator2Index; enumerator2Index = 0; movedNext = enumerator2.MoveNext(); loopedBack = true; } } if (!found) { Difference difference = new Difference { ExpectedName = ExpectedName, ActualName = ActualName, PropertyName = currentBreadCrumb, Object1Value = NiceString(enumerator1.Key), Object2Value = "(null)", ChildPropertyName = "Item", Object1 = new WeakReference(enumerator1), Object2 = null }; AddDifference(difference); } if (Differences.Count >= MaxDifferences) return; needLoopBack = true; } enumerator2.Reset(); if (needTrackingOfObject2) { var j = 0; while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { if (!foundObject2Items.Contains(j)) { object objectValue2 = enumerator2.Key; var matchingEntry = GetMatchingSpecEntry(objectValue2); var currentCrumb = AddBreadCrumb(breadCrumb, string.Empty, (null == matchingEntry) ? string.Empty : GetMatchPhrase(objectValue2), j); Compare(null, objectValue2, currentCrumb); if (Differences.Count >= MaxDifferences) return; } j++; } } }
/// <summary> /// Compila o resultado. /// </summary> /// <param name="resultSet">Resultado que será usado na compilação.</param> public void Compile(QueryResultSet resultSet) { if (!_isInitialized) { Initialize(resultSet); } else { switch (this.Type) { case QueryType.SearchKeys: if (SearchKeysResult != null) { SearchKeysResult.AddRange(resultSet.SearchKeysResult); return; } this.SearchKeysResult = resultSet.SearchKeysResult; return; case QueryType.SearchEntries: if (this.SearchEntriesResult != null) { IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = resultSet.SearchEntriesResult.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { SearchEntriesResult[enumerator.Key] = enumerator.Value; } return; } this.SearchEntriesResult = resultSet.SearchEntriesResult; return; case QueryType.AggregateFunction: decimal num; decimal num2; object obj2; object obj3; IComparable comparable; IComparable comparable2; switch (((AggregateFunctionType)this.AggregateFunctionResult.Key)) { case AggregateFunctionType.SUM: { obj2 = this.AggregateFunctionResult.Value; obj3 = resultSet.AggregateFunctionResult.Value; decimal?nullable = null; if ((obj2 == null) && (obj3 != null)) { nullable = new decimal?((decimal)obj3); } else if ((obj2 != null) && (obj3 == null)) { nullable = new decimal?((decimal)obj2); } else if ((obj2 != null) && (obj3 != null)) { num = (decimal)obj2; num2 = (decimal)obj3; nullable = new decimal?(num + num2); } if (nullable.HasValue) { this.AggregateFunctionResult = new DictionaryEntry(AggregateFunctionType.SUM, nullable); return; } this.AggregateFunctionResult = new DictionaryEntry(AggregateFunctionType.SUM, null); return; } case AggregateFunctionType.COUNT: { num = (decimal)this.AggregateFunctionResult.Value; num2 = (decimal)resultSet.AggregateFunctionResult.Value; decimal num3 = num + num2; this.AggregateFunctionResult = new DictionaryEntry(AggregateFunctionType.COUNT, num3); return; } case AggregateFunctionType.MIN: { comparable = (IComparable)this.AggregateFunctionResult.Value; comparable2 = (IComparable)resultSet.AggregateFunctionResult.Value; IComparable comparable3 = comparable; if ((comparable == null) && (comparable2 != null)) { comparable3 = comparable2; } else if ((comparable != null) && (comparable2 == null)) { comparable3 = comparable; } else if ((comparable == null) && (comparable2 == null)) { comparable3 = null; } else if (comparable2.CompareTo(comparable) < 0) { comparable3 = comparable2; } this.AggregateFunctionResult = new DictionaryEntry(AggregateFunctionType.MIN, comparable3); return; } case AggregateFunctionType.MAX: { comparable = (IComparable)this.AggregateFunctionResult.Value; comparable2 = (IComparable)resultSet.AggregateFunctionResult.Value; IComparable comparable4 = comparable; if ((comparable == null) && (comparable2 != null)) { comparable4 = comparable2; } else if ((comparable != null) && (comparable2 == null)) { comparable4 = comparable; } else if ((comparable == null) && (comparable2 == null)) { comparable4 = null; } else if (comparable2.CompareTo(comparable) > 0) { comparable4 = comparable2; } this.AggregateFunctionResult = new DictionaryEntry(AggregateFunctionType.MAX, comparable4); return; } case AggregateFunctionType.AVG: { obj2 = this.AggregateFunctionResult.Value; obj3 = resultSet.AggregateFunctionResult.Value; AverageResult result = null; if ((obj2 == null) && (obj3 != null)) { result = (AverageResult)obj3; } else if ((obj2 != null) && (obj3 == null)) { result = (AverageResult)obj2; } else if ((obj2 != null) && (obj3 != null)) { AverageResult result2 = (AverageResult)obj2; AverageResult result3 = (AverageResult)obj3; result = new AverageResult(); result.Sum = result2.Sum + result3.Sum; result.Count = result2.Count + result3.Count; } if (result != null) { this.AggregateFunctionResult = new DictionaryEntry(AggregateFunctionType.AVG, result); return; } this.AggregateFunctionResult = new DictionaryEntry(AggregateFunctionType.AVG, null); return; } } return; } } }
private string createTransTable(IDictionaryEnumerator translist) { translist.Reset(); string res = ""; while (translist.MoveNext()) { Translation trans = (Translation) translist.Value; res += "<tr>\n\t\t\t<td></td><td colspan=\"3\" bgcolor=\"dddddd\">" + trans.ToString() + "</td></tr>\n\t\t"; res += "<tr>\n\t\t\t<td colspan=\"4\" style=\"padding:10px;\" bgcolor=\"#f4f4f4\">" + this.cleanText(trans.Text, this.checkBox1.Checked) + "</td></tr>\n\t\t"; } return res; }
/// <remarks> /// Builds ResAsm files out of resource files /// </remarks> static void Disassemble(string pattern) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), pattern); foreach (string file in files) { Hashtable resources = new Hashtable(); int length = 0; // read resource files into the hashtable switch (Path.GetExtension(file).ToUpper()) { case ".RESX": ResXResourceReader rx = new ResXResourceReader(file); IDictionaryEnumerator n = rx.GetEnumerator(); while (n.MoveNext()) { if (!resources.ContainsKey(n.Key)) { length = Math.Max(length, n.Key.ToString().Length); resources.Add(n.Key, n.Value); } } rx.Close(); break; case ".RESOURCES": ResourceReader rr = new ResourceReader(file); foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in rr) { if (!resources.ContainsKey(entry.Key)) { length = Math.Max(length, entry.Key.ToString().Length); resources.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value); } } rr.Close(); break; } // write the hashtable to the resource file string fname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file); string path = fname + "-data"; StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(fname + ".res"); writer.Write("# this file was automatically generated by ResAsm\r\n\r\n"); foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in resources) { // strings are put directly into the resasm format if (entry.Value is string) { writer.Write(entry.Key.ToString() + "=\"" + ConvertIllegalChars(entry.Value.ToString()) + "\"\r\n"); } else { // all other files are referenced as a file and the filename // is saved in the resasm format, the files need to be generated. string extension = ""; string outputname = path + '\\' + entry.Key.ToString(); if (entry.Value is Icon) { extension = ".ico"; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } ((Icon)entry.Value).Save(File.Create(outputname + extension)); } else if (entry.Value is Image) { // all bitmaps are saved in the png format extension = ".png"; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } ((Image)entry.Value).Save(outputname + extension, ImageFormat.Png); } else { Console.WriteLine("can't save " + entry.Key + " unknown format."); continue; } writer.Write(entry.Key.ToString().PadRight(length) + " = " + outputname + extension + "\r\n"); } } writer.Close(); } }
public virtual object rewind(ScriptContext context) { if (iterator != null) { // we can make use of standard foreach enumerator enumerator = iterator.GetForeachEnumerator(true, false, null); isValid = enumerator.MoveNext(); } return null; }
public override void ExecuteCommand(ClientManager clientManager, Common.Protobuf.Command command) { CommandInfo cmdInfo = new CommandInfo(); int overload; string exception = null; Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); try { overload = command.MethodOverload; cmdInfo = ParseCommand(command, clientManager, clientManager.CmdExecuter.ID); } catch (Exception exc) { invokeEntryProcessorResult = Command.OperationResult.Failure; _serializedResponsePackets.Add(Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Util.ResponseHelper.SerializeExceptionResponse(exc, command.requestID, command.commandID)); return; } NCache nCache = clientManager.CmdExecuter as NCache; try { OperationContext operationContext = new OperationContext(OperationContextFieldName.OperationType, OperationContextOperationType.CacheOperation); operationContext.Add(OperationContextFieldName.ClientLastViewId, cmdInfo.clientLastViewId); operationContext.Add(OperationContextFieldName.ReadThru, cmdInfo.readOptionFlag.IsBitSet(BitSetConstants.ReadThru)); if (cmdInfo.defaultReadThru != null) { operationContext.Add(OperationContextFieldName.ReadThruProviderName, cmdInfo.defaultReadThru); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdInfo.intendedRecipient)) { operationContext.Add(OperationContextFieldName.IntendedRecipient, cmdInfo.intendedRecipient); } Hashtable getResult = (Hashtable)nCache.Cache.InvokeEntryProcessor(cmdInfo.keys, cmdInfo.entryProcessor, cmdInfo.arguments, cmdInfo.writeOptionFlag, cmdInfo.defaultWriteThru, operationContext); stopWatch.Stop(); Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Response response = new Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Response(); Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.InvokeEntryProcessorResponse invokeEntryProcessorResponse = new Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.InvokeEntryProcessorResponse(); response.requestId = Convert.ToInt64(cmdInfo.requestId); Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.InvokeEPKeyValuePackageResponse invokeEPKeyValuePackage = new Common.Protobuf.InvokeEPKeyValuePackageResponse(); IDictionaryEnumerator dictEnumerator = getResult.GetEnumerator(); while (dictEnumerator.MoveNext()) { invokeEPKeyValuePackage.keys.Add((string)dictEnumerator.Key); invokeEPKeyValuePackage.values.Add(CompactBinaryFormatter.ToByteBuffer(dictEnumerator.Value, nCache.CacheId)); } invokeEntryProcessorResponse.keyValuePackage = invokeEPKeyValuePackage; response.responseType = Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Response.Type.INVOKE_ENTRY_PROCESSOR; response.invokeEntryProcessorResponse = invokeEntryProcessorResponse; response.commandID = command.commandID; _serializedResponsePackets.Add(Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Util.ResponseHelper.SerializeResponse(response)); } catch (Exception exc) { invokeEntryProcessorResult = OperationResult.Failure; //PROTOBUF:RESPONSE exception = exc.ToString(); _serializedResponsePackets.Add(ResponseHelper.SerializeExceptionResponse(exc, command.requestID, command.commandID)); } finally { TimeSpan executionTime = stopWatch.Elapsed; try { if (Alachisoft.NCache.Management.APILogging.APILogManager.APILogManger != null && Alachisoft.NCache.Management.APILogging.APILogManager.EnableLogging) { APILogItemBuilder log = new APILogItemBuilder(MethodsName.Invoke.ToLower()); log.GenerateEntryProcessorAPILogItem(cmdInfo.keys.Length, cmdInfo.entryProcessor.ToString(), cmdInfo.readOptionFlag, cmdInfo.defaultReadThru, cmdInfo.writeOptionFlag, cmdInfo.defaultWriteThru, cmdInfo.arguments, overload, exception, executionTime, clientManager.ClientID.ToLower(), clientManager.ClientSocketId.ToString()); } } catch { } } }