/// <summary>
            /// Constructor
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="ToEmailAddress">E-mails To Send Too</param>
            /// <param name="CCEmailAddress">CC E-mails To Send Too</param>
            /// <param name="BCCEmailAddress">Bcc E-mails To Send Too</param>
            /// <param name="FromEmailAddress">From E-mail which we send from</param>
            /// <param name="Subject">Subtract Of E-mail</param>
            /// <param name="EmailBody">E-mail Body</param>
            /// <param name="BodyIsHTML">Is The Body Html Or Just Plain Text?</param>
            /// <param name="Priority">Mail Message Priority</param>
            /// <param name="FileAttachments">Dictionary of file names and value of file bytes</param>
            /// <remarks>Class is immutable</remarks>
            public SMTPEmailMessageHelper(IEnumerable<string> ToEmailAddress,
                                          IEnumerable<string> CCEmailAddress,
                                          IEnumerable<string> BCCEmailAddress,
                                          string FromEmailAddress,
                                          string Subject,
                                          string EmailBody,
                                          bool BodyIsHTML,
                                          MailPriority Priority,
                                          IDictionary<string, byte[]> FileAttachments)
                //first let's create a new instace of the property
                MailMessageToSend = new MailMessage();

                //Validate The List Of People To Send The E-mail To
                if (!ToEmailAddress.AnyWithNullCheck() && !CCEmailAddress.AnyWithNullCheck() && !BCCEmailAddress.AnyWithNullCheck())
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("Need To The E-mail Message To Atleast 1 Person");

                //if you have a from access then add it. Otherwise if you pass in null it will grab it from the web config (if available - error's if it can't load the web.config)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FromEmailAddress))
                    //add the from e-mail address
                    MailMessageToSend.From = new MailAddress(FromEmailAddress);

                    //Add the reply to
                    MailMessageToSend.ReplyToList.Add(new MailAddress(FromEmailAddress));

                //Add the subject
                MailMessageToSend.Subject = Subject;

                //add the body
                MailMessageToSend.Body = EmailBody;

                //add the MailPriority
                MailMessageToSend.Priority = Priority;

                //does the body contain html
                MailMessageToSend.IsBodyHtml = BodyIsHTML;

                //if we have an attachment then attach it now
                if (FileAttachments.AnyWithNullCheck())
                    //let's loop through each of the attachments and add it to the email
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, byte[]> FileToAttach in FileAttachments)
                        //add this attachment
                        MailMessageToSend.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(BuildAttachmentMemoryStream(FileToAttach.Value), FileToAttach.Key));

                //*****************Add The Recipients*****************

                //Add the To E-mail Address's if the list is valid
                if (ToEmailAddress.AnyWithNullCheck())
                    foreach (string ToEmail in ToEmailAddress)
                        //validate it's a valid e-mail address
                        if (!ToEmail.IsValidEmailAddress())
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("ToEmail", ToEmail, $"{ToEmail} Is An Invalid E-mail Address In The ToEmailAddress List");

                        //it's a valid email address..add it

                //Add the CC's if the list is valid
                if (CCEmailAddress.AnyWithNullCheck())
                    foreach (string CCEmail in CCEmailAddress)
                        //validate it's a valid e-mail address
                        if (!CCEmail.IsValidEmailAddress())
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("CCEmail", CCEmail, $"{CCEmail} Is An Invalid E-mail Address In The CCEmailAddress List");

                        //it's a valid email address..add it

                //Add the BCC if the list is valid
                if (BCCEmailAddress.AnyWithNullCheck())
                    foreach (string BCCEmail in BCCEmailAddress)
                        //validate it's a valid e-mail address
                        if (!BCCEmail.IsValidEmailAddress())
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("BCCEmail", BCCEmail, $"{BCCEmail} Is An Invalid E-mail Address In The BCCEmailAddress List");

                        //it's a valid email address..add it

                //*****************End Of The Recipients*****************