Exemple #1
        public void Run()
            // Test: Roll dice several times, and run all evaluators for each roll
            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                // Roll dice

                // Pick up evaluations
                DiceEvaluation diceEval = new DiceEvaluation(_cup.DiceFaceValues);

                // Run each evaluator against the dice
                foreach (var eval in _diceEvaluators)
                    string         evalDescription = eval.Key;
                    IDiceEvaluator iDiceEval       = eval.Value;
                    int            points          = iDiceEval.Evaluate(_cup.DiceCountByFaceValue);

                    diceEval.AddEvaluation(evalDescription, points);

                // Add this evaluation to stats

            // Print total evaluations
            // Console.WriteLine(_evaluationStats.FilterStats(new List<string>{ "Tower" }));
Exemple #2
        public void Run()
            // Test: Roll dice 10 times, and run all evaluators for each roll
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                // Roll and print dice

                // Run each evaluator against the dice
                foreach (var eval in _diceEvaluators)
                    string         evalDescription = eval.Key;
                    IDiceEvaluator diceEval        = eval.Value;
                    Console.WriteLine($"{evalDescription} evaluated to {diceEval.Evaluate(_cup.DiceCountByValue)} points");
