public override void OnLoadedFromXmlFile(DrawingItem obj, IDesignPane designPane, IDrawDesignControl designControl)
            Point p0 = this.Location;

            this.Copy(obj);             //contained objects are cloned in _items
            if (this.Page != null && this.Page.InDesignMode)
                DrawGroupBox dgb = obj as DrawGroupBox;
                if (dgb != null)
                    IList <DrawingItem> lst = dgb.Items;                    //cloned in _items
                    if (lst != null && designPane != null && designControl != null)
                        //for each object, create a designer control and assign it to the control
                        Control ctrl = designControl as Control;                         //control corresponding to this object
                        foreach (DrawingItem di in lst)
                            Type     t  = di.GetType();
                            object[] vs = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TypeMappingAttribute), true);
                            if (vs != null && vs.Length > 0)
                                TypeMappingAttribute tm = vs[0] as TypeMappingAttribute;
                                if (tm != null)
                                    //create designer control
                                    IComponent         ic  = designPane.CreateComponent(tm.MappedType, di.Name);
                                    IDrawDesignControl idc = ic as IDrawDesignControl;
                                    Control            c   = ic as Control;
                                    DrawingItem        d0  = idc.Item;                             //auto-created object, should be deleted
                                    idc.Item   = GetItemByID(di.DrawingId);                        //use cloned object for the new control
                                    c.Location = di.Location;
                                    if (_items != null)
                                        //remove auto-created object d0
                                        for (int i = 0; i < _items.Count; i++)
                                            if (d0 == _items[i] || d0.DrawingId == _items[i].DrawingId)
            this.Location = p0;
        private void mi_loadDrawing(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MenuItem mi = sender as MenuItem;

            if (mi != null)
                IDrawDesignControl drc = mi.Tag as IDrawDesignControl;
                if (drc != null && drc.Item != null)
                    IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost)this.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));
                    if (host != null)
                        HostSurface surface = host.GetService(typeof(DesignSurface)) as HostSurface;
                        if (surface != null)
                            ClassPointer root = surface.Loader.GetRootId();
                            if (root != null)
                                ILimnorDesignerLoader ldp = root.GetDesignerLoader();
                                if (ldp != null)
                                    IDesignPane    idp = ldp.DesignPane as IDesignPane;
                                    OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog();
                                    dlg.CheckFileExists = true;
                                    dlg.DefaultExt      = ".xml";
                                    dlg.Filter          = "XML files|*.xml";
                                    dlg.Title           = "Select XML file for loading drawing";
                                    if (dlg.ShowDialog(drc.Item.Page) == DialogResult.OK)
                                        drc.Item.LoadDrawingsFromFile(dlg.FileName, idp, drc);