public virtual void LoadAll(IItemData[] rootItemsData, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker, Action<IItemData> rootLoadedCallback = null)
			Assert.ArgumentNotNull(rootItemsData, "rootItems");
			Assert.IsTrue(rootItemsData.Length > 0, "No root items were passed!");

			CacheManager.ClearAllCaches(); // BOOM! This clears all caches before we begin; 
										   // because for a TpSync configuration we could have TpSync items in the data cache which 'taint' the item comparisons and result in missed updates

			bool disableNewSerialization = UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization;
				UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization = true;

				using (new EventDisabler())
					foreach (var rootItem in rootItemsData)
						LoadTree(rootItem, retryer, consistencyChecker);
						if (rootLoadedCallback != null) rootLoadedCallback(rootItem);

					retryer.RetryAll(SourceDataStore, item => DoLoadItem(item, null), item => LoadTreeInternal(item, retryer, null));
				UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization = disableNewSerialization;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads all items in the configured predicate
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void LoadAll(IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");

            var roots = PredicateRootPathResolver.GetRootSerializedItems();
            LoadAll(roots, retryer, consistencyChecker);
        public virtual void LoadAll(IItemData[] rootItemsData, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker, Action <IItemData> rootLoadedCallback = null)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(rootItemsData, "rootItems");
            Assert.IsTrue(rootItemsData.Length > 0, "No root items were passed!");

            if (DataProviderConfiguration.EnableTransparentSync)
                // BOOM! This clears all caches before we begin;
                // because for a TpSync configuration we could have TpSync items in the data cache which 'taint' the item comparisons and result in missed updates

            bool disableNewSerialization = UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization;

                UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization = true;

                using (new EventDisabler())
                    foreach (var rootItem in rootItemsData)
                        LoadTree(rootItem, retryer, consistencyChecker);

                    retryer.RetryAll(SourceDataStore, item => DoLoadItem(item, null), item => LoadTreeInternal(item, retryer, null));
                UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization = disableNewSerialization;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a tree from serialized items on disk.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal virtual void LoadTree(IItemData rootItemData, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(rootItemData, "rootItem");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(consistencyChecker, "consistencyChecker");

            _itemsProcessed = 0;
            var timer = new Stopwatch();



            // LoadTreeInternal does not load the root item passed to it (only the children thereof)
            // so we have to seed the load by loading the root item
            using (new UnicornOperationContext())
                    DoLoadItem(rootItemData, consistencyChecker);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    retryer.AddItemRetry(rootItemData, exception);

            // load children of the root
            LoadTreeInternal(rootItemData, retryer, consistencyChecker);

            Logger.EndLoadingTree(rootItemData, _itemsProcessed, timer.ElapsedMilliseconds);

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads all items in the configured predicate
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void LoadAll(IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");

            var roots = PredicateRootPathResolver.GetRootSerializedItems();

            LoadAll(roots, retryer, consistencyChecker);
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursive method that loads a given tree and retries failures already present if any
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void LoadTreeInternal(IItemData root, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(root, "root");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");

            var included = Predicate.Includes(root);

            if (!included.IsIncluded)
                if (!ReactorContext.IsActive)
                    // we skip this when Dilithium is active because it's entirely probable that another config, containing ignored children, may also be in the cache - so we cannot guarantee this log message being accurate.
                    Logger.SkippedItemPresentInSerializationProvider(root, Predicate.FriendlyName, TargetDataStore.GetType().Name, included.Justification ?? string.Empty);


            var processQueue = new Queue <IItemData>();

            // put the root in the queue

            using (new UnicornOperationContext())             // disablers only work on the current thread. So we need to disable on all worker threads
                IItemData parentItem;
                while (processQueue.Count > 0)
                    parentItem = processQueue.Dequeue();
                        // load the current level
                        LoadOneLevel(parentItem, retryer, consistencyChecker);

                        // check if we have child paths to process down
                        var children = TargetDataStore.GetChildren(parentItem).ToArray();

                        if (children.Length > 0)
                            // load each child path
                            foreach (var child in children)
                        }                         // children.length > 0
                    catch (ConsistencyException)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        retryer.AddTreeRetry(root, ex);
                }                 // end while
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursive method that loads a given tree and retries failures already present if any
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void LoadTreeRecursive(IItemData root, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(root, "root");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");

            var included = Predicate.Includes(root);

            if (!included.IsIncluded)
                Logger.SkippedItemPresentInSerializationProvider(root, Predicate.FriendlyName, TargetDataStore.GetType().Name, included.Justification ?? string.Empty);

                // load the current level
                LoadOneLevel(root, retryer, consistencyChecker);

                // check if we have child paths to recurse down
                var children = TargetDataStore.GetChildren(root).ToArray();

                if (children.Length > 0)
                    // make sure if a "templates" item exists in the current set, it goes first
                    if (children.Length > 1)
                        int templateIndex = Array.FindIndex(children, x => x.Path.EndsWith("templates", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                        if (templateIndex > 0)
                            var zero = children[0];
                            children[0]             = children[templateIndex];
                            children[templateIndex] = zero;

                    // load each child path recursively
                    foreach (var child in children)
                        LoadTreeRecursive(child, retryer, consistencyChecker);

                    // pull out any standard values failures for immediate retrying
                    retryer.RetryStandardValuesFailures(item => DoLoadItem(item, null));
                }                 // children.length > 0
            catch (ConsistencyException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                retryer.AddTreeRetry(root, ex);
Exemple #8
        private void TestLoadTree(SerializationLoader loader, IItemData root, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer = null, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker = null)
            if (retryer == null)
                retryer = Substitute.For <IDeserializeFailureRetryer>();
            if (consistencyChecker == null)
                var checker = Substitute.For <IConsistencyChecker>();
                checker.IsConsistent(Arg.Any <IItemData>()).Returns(true);
                consistencyChecker = checker;

            loader.LoadTree(root, retryer, consistencyChecker);
Exemple #9
        private void TestLoadTree(SerializationLoader loader, ISerializedItem root, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer = null, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker = null)
            if (retryer == null)
                retryer = new Mock <IDeserializeFailureRetryer>().Object;
            if (consistencyChecker == null)
                var checker = new Mock <IConsistencyChecker>();
                checker.Setup(x => x.IsConsistent(It.IsAny <ISerializedItem>())).Returns(true);
                consistencyChecker = checker.Object;

            loader.LoadTree(root, retryer, consistencyChecker);
        public virtual void LoadAll(IItemData[] rootItemsData, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker, Action<IItemData> rootLoadedCallback = null)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(rootItemsData, "rootItems");
            Assert.IsTrue(rootItemsData.Length > 0, "No root items were passed!");

            using (new EventDisabler())
                foreach (var rootItem in rootItemsData)
                    LoadTree(rootItem, retryer, consistencyChecker);
                    if (rootLoadedCallback != null) rootLoadedCallback(rootItem);

            retryer.RetryAll(SourceDataStore, item => DoLoadItem(item, null), item => LoadTreeRecursive(item, retryer, null));
        public virtual void LoadAll(ISerializedItem[] rootItems, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker, Action<ISerializedItem> rootLoadedCallback = null)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(rootItems, "rootItems");
            Assert.IsTrue(rootItems.Length > 0, "No root items were passed!");

            using (new EventDisabler())
                foreach (var rootItem in rootItems)
                    LoadTree(rootItem, retryer, consistencyChecker);
                    if (rootLoadedCallback != null) rootLoadedCallback(rootItem);

            retryer.RetryAll(SourceDataProvider, item => DoLoadItem(item, null), item => LoadTreeRecursive(item, retryer, null));

        public virtual void LoadAll(IItemData[] rootItemsData, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker, Action <IItemData> rootLoadedCallback = null)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(rootItemsData, "rootItems");
            Assert.IsTrue(rootItemsData.Length > 0, "No root items were passed!");

            using (new EventDisabler())
                foreach (var rootItem in rootItemsData)
                    LoadTree(rootItem, retryer, consistencyChecker);
                    if (rootLoadedCallback != null)

            retryer.RetryAll(SourceDataStore, item => DoLoadItem(item, null), item => LoadTreeRecursive(item, retryer, null));
Exemple #13
        public virtual void LoadAll(ISerializedItem[] rootItems, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker, Action <ISerializedItem> rootLoadedCallback = null)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(rootItems, "rootItems");
            Assert.IsTrue(rootItems.Length > 0, "No root items were passed!");

            using (new EventDisabler())
                foreach (var rootItem in rootItems)
                    LoadTree(rootItem, retryer, consistencyChecker);
                    if (rootLoadedCallback != null)

            retryer.RetryAll(SourceDataProvider, item => DoLoadItem(item, null), item => LoadTreeRecursive(item, retryer, null));

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a tree from serialized items on disk.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal virtual void LoadTree(IItemData rootItemData, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(rootItemData, "rootItem");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(consistencyChecker, "consistencyChecker");

            _itemsProcessed = 0;
            var timer = new Stopwatch();



            // load the root item (LoadTreeRecursive only evaluates children)
            DoLoadItem(rootItemData, consistencyChecker);

            // load children of the root
            LoadTreeRecursive(rootItemData, retryer, consistencyChecker);

            Logger.EndLoadingTree(rootItemData, _itemsProcessed, timer.ElapsedMilliseconds);

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a tree from serialized items on disk.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal virtual void LoadTree(IItemData rootItemData, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(rootItemData, "rootItem");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(consistencyChecker, "consistencyChecker");

            _itemsProcessed = 0;
            var timer = new Stopwatch();


            // load the root item (LoadTreeRecursive only evaluates children)
            DoLoadItem(rootItemData, consistencyChecker);

            // load children of the root
            LoadTreeRecursive(rootItemData, retryer, consistencyChecker);

            Logger.EndLoadingTree(rootItemData, _itemsProcessed, timer.ElapsedMilliseconds);

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a set of children from a serialized path
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void LoadOneLevel(ISerializedReference root, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(root, "root");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");

            var orphanCandidates = new Dictionary<ID, ISourceItem>();

            // grab the root item's full metadata
            var rootSerializedItem = root.GetItem();

            if (rootSerializedItem == null)
                Logger.SkippedItemMissingInSerializationProvider(root, SerializationProvider.GetType().Name);

            // get the corresponding item from Sitecore
            ISourceItem rootItem = SourceDataProvider.GetItemById(rootSerializedItem.DatabaseName, rootSerializedItem.Id);

            // we add all of the root item's direct children to the "maybe orphan" list (we'll remove them as we find matching serialized children)
            if (rootItem != null)
                var rootChildren = rootItem.Children;
                foreach (ISourceItem child in rootChildren)
                    // if the preset includes the child add it to the orphan-candidate list (if we don't deserialize it below, it will be marked orphan)
                    var included = Predicate.Includes(child);
                    if (included.IsIncluded)
                        orphanCandidates[child.Id] = child;
                        Logger.SkippedItem(child, Predicate.GetType().Name, included.Justification ?? string.Empty);

            // check for direct children of the target path
            var children = rootSerializedItem.GetChildItems();
            foreach (var child in children)
                    if (child.IsStandardValuesItem)
                        orphanCandidates.Remove(child.Id); // avoid marking standard values items orphans
                        retryer.AddItemRetry(child, new StandardValuesException(child.ItemPath));
                        // load a child item
                        var loadedItem = DoLoadItem(child, consistencyChecker);
                        if (loadedItem.Item != null)

                            // check if we have any child serialized items under this loaded child item (existing children) -
                            // if we do not, we can orphan any children of the loaded item as well
                            var loadedItemsChildren = child.GetChildReferences(false);

                            if (loadedItemsChildren.Length == 0) // no children were serialized on disk
                                var loadedChildren = loadedItem.Item.Children;
                                foreach (ISourceItem loadedChild in loadedChildren)
                                    orphanCandidates.Add(loadedChild.Id, loadedChild);
                        else if (loadedItem.Status == ItemLoadStatus.Skipped) // if the item got skipped we'll prevent it from being deleted
                catch (ConsistencyException)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // if a problem occurs we attempt to retry later
                    retryer.AddItemRetry(child, ex);

                    // don't treat errors as cause to delete an item

            // if we're forcing an update (ie deleting stuff not on disk) we send the items that we found that weren't on disk off to get evaluated as orphans
            if (orphanCandidates.Count > 0)
                bool disableNewSerialization = UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization;
                    UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization = true;
                    UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization = disableNewSerialization;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a preset from serialized items on disk.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void LoadTree(ISerializedItem rootItem, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(rootItem, "rootItem");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(consistencyChecker, "consistencyChecker");

            _itemsProcessed = 0;
            var timer = new Stopwatch();


            using (new EventDisabler())
                // load the root item (LoadTreeRecursive only evaluates children)
                DoLoadItem(rootItem, consistencyChecker);

                // load children of the root
                LoadTreeRecursive(rootItem, retryer, consistencyChecker);

                retryer.RetryAll(SourceDataProvider, item => DoLoadItem(item, null), item => LoadTreeRecursive(item, retryer, null));


            Logger.EndLoadingTree(rootItem, _itemsProcessed, timer.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Exemple #18
		private void TestLoadTree(SerializationLoader loader, IItemData root, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer = null, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker = null)
			if (retryer == null) retryer = Substitute.For<IDeserializeFailureRetryer>();
			if (consistencyChecker == null)
				var checker = Substitute.For<IConsistencyChecker>();
				consistencyChecker = checker;

			loader.LoadTree(root, retryer, consistencyChecker);
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a set of children from a serialized path
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void LoadOneLevel(IItemData rootSerializedItemData, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(rootSerializedItemData, "root");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");

            var orphanCandidates = new Dictionary<Guid, IItemData>();

            // get the corresponding item from Sitecore
            IItemData rootSourceItemData = SourceDataStore.GetByPathAndId(rootSerializedItemData.Path, rootSerializedItemData.Id, rootSerializedItemData.DatabaseName);

            // we add all of the root item's direct children to the "maybe orphan" list (we'll remove them as we find matching serialized children)
            if (rootSourceItemData != null)
                var rootSourceChildren = SourceDataStore.GetChildren(rootSourceItemData);
                foreach (IItemData child in rootSourceChildren)
                    // if the preset includes the child add it to the orphan-candidate list (if we don't deserialize it below, it will be marked orphan)
                    var included = Predicate.Includes(child);
                    if (included.IsIncluded)
                        orphanCandidates[child.Id] = child;
                        Logger.SkippedItem(child, Predicate.FriendlyName, included.Justification ?? string.Empty);

            // check for direct children of the target path
            var serializedChildren = TargetDataStore.GetChildren(rootSerializedItemData);
            foreach (var serializedChild in serializedChildren)
                    // Because the load order is breadth-first, standard values will be loaded PRIOR TO THEIR TEMPLATE FIELDS
                    // So if we find a standard values item, we throw it straight onto the retry list, which will make it load last
                    // after everything else, ensuring its fields all exist first. (This is also how Sitecore serialization does it...)
                    if (serializedChild.Path.EndsWith("__Standard Values", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        retryer.AddItemRetry(serializedChild, new Exception("Pushing standard values item to the end of loading."));

                    // load a child item
                    var loadedSourceItem = DoLoadItem(serializedChild, consistencyChecker);
                    if (loadedSourceItem.ItemData != null)

                        // check if we have any child serialized items under this loaded child item (existing children) -
                        // if we do not, we can orphan any included children of the loaded item as well
                        var loadedItemSerializedChildren = TargetDataStore.GetChildren(serializedChild);

                        if (!loadedItemSerializedChildren.Any()) // no children were serialized on disk
                            var loadedSourceChildren = SourceDataStore.GetChildren(loadedSourceItem.ItemData);
                            foreach (IItemData loadedSourceChild in loadedSourceChildren)
                                // place any included source children on the orphan list for deletion, as no serialized children existed
                                if (Predicate.Includes(loadedSourceChild).IsIncluded)
                                    orphanCandidates.Add(loadedSourceChild.Id, loadedSourceChild);
                    else if (loadedSourceItem.Status == ItemLoadStatus.Skipped) // if the item got skipped we'll prevent it from being deleted
                catch (ConsistencyException)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // if a problem occurs we attempt to retry later
                    retryer.AddItemRetry(serializedChild, ex);

                    // don't treat errors as cause to delete an item

            // if we're forcing an update (ie deleting stuff not on disk) we send the items that we found that weren't on disk off to get evaluated as orphans
            if (orphanCandidates.Count > 0)
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a set of children from a serialized path
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void LoadOneLevel(IItemData rootSerializedItemData, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(rootSerializedItemData, "root");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");

            var orphanCandidates = new Dictionary <Guid, IItemData>();

            // get the corresponding item from Sitecore
            IItemData rootSourceItemData = SourceDataStore.GetByPathAndId(rootSerializedItemData.Path, rootSerializedItemData.Id, rootSerializedItemData.DatabaseName);

            // we add all of the root item's direct children to the "maybe orphan" list (we'll remove them as we find matching serialized children)
            if (rootSourceItemData != null)
                var rootSourceChildren = SourceDataStore.GetChildren(rootSourceItemData);
                foreach (IItemData child in rootSourceChildren)
                    // if the preset includes the child add it to the orphan-candidate list (if we don't deserialize it below, it will be marked orphan)
                    var included = Predicate.Includes(child);
                    if (included.IsIncluded)
                        orphanCandidates[child.Id] = child;
                        Logger.SkippedItem(child, Predicate.FriendlyName, included.Justification ?? string.Empty);

            // check for direct children of the target path
            var serializedChildren = TargetDataStore.GetChildren(rootSerializedItemData);

            foreach (var serializedChild in serializedChildren)
                    if (serializedChild.IsStandardValuesItem())
                        orphanCandidates.Remove(serializedChild.Id);                         // avoid marking standard values items orphans
                        retryer.AddItemRetry(serializedChild, new StandardValuesException(serializedChild.Path));
                        // load a child item
                        var loadedSourceItem = DoLoadItem(serializedChild, consistencyChecker);
                        if (loadedSourceItem.ItemData != null)

                            // check if we have any child serialized items under this loaded child item (existing children) -
                            // if we do not, we can orphan any included children of the loaded item as well
                            var loadedItemSerializedChildren = TargetDataStore.GetChildren(serializedChild);

                            if (!loadedItemSerializedChildren.Any())                             // no children were serialized on disk
                                var loadedSourceChildren = SourceDataStore.GetChildren(loadedSourceItem.ItemData);
                                foreach (IItemData loadedSourceChild in loadedSourceChildren)
                                    // place any included source children on the orphan list for deletion, as no serialized children existed
                                    if (Predicate.Includes(loadedSourceChild).IsIncluded)
                                        orphanCandidates.Add(loadedSourceChild.Id, loadedSourceChild);
                        else if (loadedSourceItem.Status == ItemLoadStatus.Skipped)                         // if the item got skipped we'll prevent it from being deleted
                catch (ConsistencyException)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // if a problem occurs we attempt to retry later
                    retryer.AddItemRetry(serializedChild, ex);

                    // don't treat errors as cause to delete an item

            // if we're forcing an update (ie deleting stuff not on disk) we send the items that we found that weren't on disk off to get evaluated as orphans
            if (orphanCandidates.Count > 0)
                bool disableNewSerialization = UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization;
                    UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization = true;
                    UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization = disableNewSerialization;
Exemple #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a set of children from a serialized path
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void LoadOneLevel(ISerializedReference root, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(root, "root");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");

            var orphanCandidates = new Dictionary <ID, ISourceItem>();

            // grab the root item's full metadata
            var rootSerializedItem = root.GetItem();

            if (rootSerializedItem == null)
                Logger.SkippedItemMissingInSerializationProvider(root, SerializationProvider.GetType().Name);

            // get the corresponding item from Sitecore
            ISourceItem rootItem = SourceDataProvider.GetItemById(rootSerializedItem.DatabaseName, rootSerializedItem.Id);

            // we add all of the root item's direct children to the "maybe orphan" list (we'll remove them as we find matching serialized children)
            if (rootItem != null)
                var rootChildren = rootItem.Children;
                foreach (ISourceItem child in rootChildren)
                    // if the preset includes the child add it to the orphan-candidate list (if we don't deserialize it below, it will be marked orphan)
                    var included = Predicate.Includes(child);
                    if (included.IsIncluded)
                        orphanCandidates[child.Id] = child;
                        Logger.SkippedItem(child, Predicate.GetType().Name, included.Justification ?? string.Empty);

            // check for direct children of the target path
            var children = rootSerializedItem.GetChildItems();

            foreach (var child in children)
                    if (child.IsStandardValuesItem)
                        orphanCandidates.Remove(child.Id);                         // avoid marking standard values items orphans
                        retryer.AddItemRetry(child, new StandardValuesException(child.ItemPath));
                        // load a child item
                        var loadedItem = DoLoadItem(child, consistencyChecker);
                        if (loadedItem.Item != null)

                            // check if we have any child serialized items under this loaded child item (existing children) -
                            // if we do not, we can orphan any included children of the loaded item as well
                            var loadedItemsChildren = child.GetChildReferences(false);

                            if (loadedItemsChildren.Length == 0)                             // no children were serialized on disk
                                var loadedChildren = loadedItem.Item.Children;
                                foreach (ISourceItem loadedChild in loadedChildren)
                                    if (Predicate.Includes(loadedChild).IsIncluded)
                                        orphanCandidates.Add(loadedChild.Id, loadedChild);
                        else if (loadedItem.Status == ItemLoadStatus.Skipped)                         // if the item got skipped we'll prevent it from being deleted
                catch (ConsistencyException)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // if a problem occurs we attempt to retry later
                    retryer.AddItemRetry(child, ex);

                    // don't treat errors as cause to delete an item

            // if we're forcing an update (ie deleting stuff not on disk) we send the items that we found that weren't on disk off to get evaluated as orphans
            if (orphanCandidates.Count > 0)
                bool disableNewSerialization = UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization;
                    UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization = true;
                    UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization = disableNewSerialization;
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursive method that loads a given tree and retries failures already present if any
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void LoadTreeInternal(IItemData root, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(root, "root");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");

            var included = Predicate.Includes(root);

            if (!included.IsIncluded)
                Logger.SkippedItemPresentInSerializationProvider(root, Predicate.FriendlyName, TargetDataStore.GetType().Name, included.Justification ?? string.Empty);

            // we throw items into this queue, and let a thread pool pick up anything available to process in parallel. only the children of queued items are processed, not the item itself
            ConcurrentQueue <IItemData> processQueue = new ConcurrentQueue <IItemData>();

            // exceptions thrown on background threads are left in here
            ConcurrentQueue <Exception> errors = new ConcurrentQueue <Exception>();

            // we keep track of how many threads are actively processing something so we know when to end the threads
            // (e.g. a thread could have nothing in the queue right now, but that's because a different thread is about
            // to add 8 things to the queue - so it shouldn't quit till all is done)
            int activeThreads = 0;

            // put the root in the queue

            Thread[] pool = Enumerable.Range(0, ThreadCount).Select(i => new Thread(() =>
                Interlocked.Increment(ref activeThreads);

                using (new UnicornOperationContext())                 // disablers only work on the current thread. So we need to disable on all worker threads
                    IItemData parentItem;
                    while (processQueue.TryDequeue(out parentItem) && errors.Count == 0)
                            // load the current level
                            LoadOneLevel(parentItem, retryer, consistencyChecker);

                            // check if we have child paths to process down
                            var children = TargetDataStore.GetChildren(parentItem).ToArray();

                            if (children.Length > 0)
                                // load each child path
                                foreach (var child in children)
                            }                             // children.length > 0
                        catch (ConsistencyException cex)
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            retryer.AddTreeRetry(root, ex);
                    }                     // end while

                // if we get here, the queue was empty. let's make ourselves inactive.
                Interlocked.Decrement(ref activeThreads);

                // if some other thread in our pool was doing stuff, sleep for a sec to see if we can pick up their work
                if (activeThreads > 0)
                    goto Process;                     // OH MY GOD :)

            // start the thread pool
            foreach (var thread in pool)

            // ...and then wait for all the threads to finish
            foreach (var thread in pool)

            if (errors.Count > 0)
                throw new AggregateException(errors);
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursive method that loads a given tree and retries failures already present if any
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void LoadTreeInternal(IItemData root, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(root, "root");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");

            var included = Predicate.Includes(root);
            if (!included.IsIncluded)
                Logger.SkippedItemPresentInSerializationProvider(root, Predicate.FriendlyName, TargetDataStore.GetType().Name, included.Justification ?? string.Empty);

            // we throw items into this queue, and let a thread pool pick up anything available to process in parallel. only the children of queued items are processed, not the item itself
            ConcurrentQueue<IItemData> processQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<IItemData>();

            // we keep track of how many threads are actively processing something so we know when to end the threads
            // (e.g. a thread could have nothing in the queue right now, but that's because a different thread is about
            // to add 8 things to the queue - so it shouldn't quit till all is done)
            int activeThreads = 0;

            // put the root in the queue

            Thread[] pool = Enumerable.Range(0, ThreadCount).Select(i => new Thread(() =>
                Interlocked.Increment(ref activeThreads);
                IItemData parentItem;

                while (processQueue.TryDequeue(out parentItem))
                        // load the current level
                        LoadOneLevel(parentItem, retryer, consistencyChecker);

                        // check if we have child paths to process down
                        var children = TargetDataStore.GetChildren(parentItem).ToArray();

                        if (children.Length > 0)
                            // make sure if a "templates" item exists in the current set, it goes first
                            if (children.Length > 1)
                                int templateIndex = Array.FindIndex(children, x => x.Path.EndsWith("templates", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                                if (templateIndex > 0)
                                    var zero = children[0];
                                    children[0] = children[templateIndex];
                                    children[templateIndex] = zero;

                            // load each child path
                            foreach (var child in children)

                            // pull out any standard values failures for immediate retrying
                            retryer.RetryStandardValuesFailures(item => DoLoadItem(item, null));
                        } // children.length > 0
                    catch (ConsistencyException)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        retryer.AddTreeRetry(root, ex);

                // if we get here, the queue was empty. let's make ourselves inactive.
                Interlocked.Decrement(ref activeThreads);

                // if some other thread in our pool was doing stuff, sleep for a sec to see if we can pick up their work
                if (activeThreads > 0)
                    goto Process; // OH MY GOD :)

            // start the thread pool
            foreach (var thread in pool) thread.Start();

            // ...and then wait for all the threads to finish
            foreach (var thread in pool) thread.Join();
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursive method that loads a given tree and retries failures already present if any
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void LoadTreeInternal(IItemData root, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(root, "root");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");

            var included = Predicate.Includes(root);
            if (!included.IsIncluded)
                Logger.SkippedItemPresentInSerializationProvider(root, Predicate.FriendlyName, TargetDataStore.GetType().Name, included.Justification ?? string.Empty);

            // we throw items into this queue, and let a thread pool pick up anything available to process in parallel. only the children of queued items are processed, not the item itself
            ConcurrentQueue<IItemData> processQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<IItemData>();

            // exceptions thrown on background threads are left in here
            ConcurrentQueue<Exception> errors = new ConcurrentQueue<Exception>();

            // we keep track of how many threads are actively processing something so we know when to end the threads
            // (e.g. a thread could have nothing in the queue right now, but that's because a different thread is about
            // to add 8 things to the queue - so it shouldn't quit till all is done)
            int activeThreads = 0;

            // put the root in the queue

            if(SyncConfiguration.MaxConcurrency < 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("Max concurrency is set to zero. Please set it to one or more threads.");

            Thread[] pool = Enumerable.Range(0, SyncConfiguration.MaxConcurrency).Select(i => new Thread(() =>
                Interlocked.Increment(ref activeThreads);

                using (new UnicornOperationContext()) // disablers only work on the current thread. So we need to disable on all worker threads
                    IItemData parentItem;
                    while (processQueue.TryDequeue(out parentItem) && errors.Count == 0)

                            // load the current level
                            LoadOneLevel(parentItem, retryer, consistencyChecker);

                            // check if we have child paths to process down
                            var children = TargetDataStore.GetChildren(parentItem).ToArray();

                            if (children.Length > 0)
                                // load each child path
                                foreach (var child in children)
                            } // children.length > 0
                        catch (ConsistencyException cex)
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            retryer.AddTreeRetry(root, ex);
                    } // end while

                // if we get here, the queue was empty. let's make ourselves inactive.
                Interlocked.Decrement(ref activeThreads);

                // if some other thread in our pool was doing stuff, sleep for a sec to see if we can pick up their work
                if (activeThreads > 0)
                    goto Process; // OH MY GOD :)

            // start the thread pool
            foreach (var thread in pool) thread.Start();

            // ...and then wait for all the threads to finish
            foreach (var thread in pool) thread.Join();

            if (errors.Count > 0) throw new AggregateException(errors);
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a set of children from a serialized path
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void LoadOneLevel(IItemData rootSerializedItemData, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(rootSerializedItemData, "root");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");

            var orphanCandidates = new Dictionary<Guid, IItemData>();

            // get the corresponding item from Sitecore
            IItemData rootSourceItemData = SourceDataStore.GetByPathAndId(rootSerializedItemData.Path, rootSerializedItemData.Id, rootSerializedItemData.DatabaseName);

            // we add all of the root item's direct children to the "maybe orphan" list (we'll remove them as we find matching serialized children)
            if (rootSourceItemData != null)
                var rootSourceChildren = SourceDataStore.GetChildren(rootSourceItemData);
                foreach (IItemData child in rootSourceChildren)
                    // if the preset includes the child add it to the orphan-candidate list (if we don't deserialize it below, it will be marked orphan)
                    var included = Predicate.Includes(child);
                    if (included.IsIncluded)
                        orphanCandidates[child.Id] = child;
                        Logger.SkippedItem(child, Predicate.FriendlyName, included.Justification ?? string.Empty);

            // check for direct children of the target path
            var serializedChildren = TargetDataStore.GetChildren(rootSerializedItemData);
            foreach (var serializedChild in serializedChildren)
                    if (serializedChild.IsStandardValuesItem())
                        orphanCandidates.Remove(serializedChild.Id); // avoid marking standard values items orphans
                        retryer.AddItemRetry(serializedChild, new StandardValuesException(serializedChild.Path));
                        // load a child item
                        var loadedSourceItem = DoLoadItem(serializedChild, consistencyChecker);
                        if (loadedSourceItem.ItemData != null)

                            // check if we have any child serialized items under this loaded child item (existing children) -
                            // if we do not, we can orphan any included children of the loaded item as well
                            var loadedItemSerializedChildren = TargetDataStore.GetChildren(serializedChild);

                            if (!loadedItemSerializedChildren.Any()) // no children were serialized on disk
                                var loadedSourceChildren = SourceDataStore.GetChildren(loadedSourceItem.ItemData);
                                foreach (IItemData loadedSourceChild in loadedSourceChildren)
                                    // place any included source children on the orphan list for deletion, as no serialized children existed
                                        orphanCandidates.Add(loadedSourceChild.Id, loadedSourceChild);
                        else if (loadedSourceItem.Status == ItemLoadStatus.Skipped) // if the item got skipped we'll prevent it from being deleted
                catch (ConsistencyException)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // if a problem occurs we attempt to retry later
                    retryer.AddItemRetry(serializedChild, ex);

                    // don't treat errors as cause to delete an item

            // if we're forcing an update (ie deleting stuff not on disk) we send the items that we found that weren't on disk off to get evaluated as orphans
            if (orphanCandidates.Count > 0)
                bool disableNewSerialization = UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization;
                    UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization = true;
                    UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization = disableNewSerialization;
Exemple #26
        private void TestLoadTree(SerializationLoader loader, ISerializedItem root, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer = null, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker = null)
            if (retryer == null) retryer = new Mock<IDeserializeFailureRetryer>().Object;
            if (consistencyChecker == null)
                var checker = new Mock<IConsistencyChecker>();
                checker.Setup(x => x.IsConsistent(It.IsAny<ISerializedItem>())).Returns(true);
                consistencyChecker = checker.Object;

            loader.LoadTree(root, retryer, consistencyChecker);
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursive method that loads a given tree and retries failures already present if any
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void LoadTreeRecursive(IItemData root, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(root, "root");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");

            var included = Predicate.Includes(root);
            if (!included.IsIncluded)
                Logger.SkippedItemPresentInSerializationProvider(root, Predicate.FriendlyName, TargetDataStore.GetType().Name, included.Justification ?? string.Empty);

                // load the current level
                LoadOneLevel(root, retryer, consistencyChecker);

                // check if we have child paths to recurse down
                var children = TargetDataStore.GetChildren(root).ToArray();

                if (children.Length > 0)
                    // make sure if a "templates" item exists in the current set, it goes first
                    if (children.Length > 1)
                        int templateIndex = Array.FindIndex(children, x => x.Path.EndsWith("templates", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                        if (templateIndex > 0)
                            var zero = children[0];
                            children[0] = children[templateIndex];
                            children[templateIndex] = zero;

                    // load each child path recursively
                    foreach (var child in children)
                        LoadTreeRecursive(child, retryer, consistencyChecker);

                    // pull out any standard values failures for immediate retrying
                    retryer.RetryStandardValuesFailures(item => DoLoadItem(item, null));
                } // children.length > 0
            catch (ConsistencyException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                retryer.AddTreeRetry(root, ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a tree from serialized items on disk.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal virtual void LoadTree(IItemData rootItemData, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(rootItemData, "rootItem");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(consistencyChecker, "consistencyChecker");

            _itemsProcessed = 0;
            var timer = new Stopwatch();


            // LoadTreeInternal does not load the root item passed to it (only the children thereof)
            // so we have to seed the load by loading the root item
            using (new UnicornOperationContext())
                    DoLoadItem(rootItemData, consistencyChecker);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    retryer.AddItemRetry(rootItemData, exception);

            // load children of the root
            LoadTreeInternal(rootItemData, retryer, consistencyChecker);

            Logger.EndLoadingTree(rootItemData, _itemsProcessed, timer.ElapsedMilliseconds);

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a set of children from a serialized path
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void LoadOneLevel(IItemData rootSerializedItemData, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(rootSerializedItemData, "root");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");

            var orphanCandidates = new Dictionary <Guid, IItemData>();

            // get the corresponding item from Sitecore
            IItemData rootSourceItemData = SourceDataStore.GetByPathAndId(rootSerializedItemData.Path, rootSerializedItemData.Id, rootSerializedItemData.DatabaseName);

            // we add all of the root item's direct children to the "maybe orphan" list (we'll remove them as we find matching serialized children)
            if (rootSourceItemData != null)
                var rootSourceChildren = SourceDataStore.GetChildren(rootSourceItemData);
                foreach (IItemData child in rootSourceChildren)
                    // if the preset includes the child add it to the orphan-candidate list (if we don't deserialize it below, it will be marked orphan)
                    var included = Predicate.Includes(child);
                    if (included.IsIncluded)
                        orphanCandidates[child.Id] = child;
                        Logger.SkippedItem(child, Predicate.FriendlyName, included.Justification ?? string.Empty);

            // check for direct children of the target path
            var serializedChildren = TargetDataStore.GetChildren(rootSerializedItemData);

            foreach (var serializedChild in serializedChildren)
                    // Because the load order is breadth-first, standard values will be loaded PRIOR TO THEIR TEMPLATE FIELDS
                    // So if we find a standard values item, we throw it straight onto the retry list, which will make it load last
                    // after everything else, ensuring its fields all exist first. (This is also how Sitecore serialization does it...)
                    if (serializedChild.Path.EndsWith("__Standard Values", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        retryer.AddItemRetry(serializedChild, new Exception("Pushing standard values item to the end of loading."));

                    // load a child item
                    var loadedSourceItem = DoLoadItem(serializedChild, consistencyChecker);
                    if (loadedSourceItem.ItemData != null)

                        // check if we have any child serialized items under this loaded child item (existing children) -
                        // if we do not, we can orphan any included children of the loaded item as well
                        var loadedItemSerializedChildren = TargetDataStore.GetChildren(serializedChild);

                        if (!loadedItemSerializedChildren.Any())                         // no children were serialized on disk
                            var loadedSourceChildren = SourceDataStore.GetChildren(loadedSourceItem.ItemData);
                            foreach (IItemData loadedSourceChild in loadedSourceChildren)
                                // place any included source children on the orphan list for deletion, as no serialized children existed
                                if (Predicate.Includes(loadedSourceChild).IsIncluded)
                                    orphanCandidates.Add(loadedSourceChild.Id, loadedSourceChild);
                    else if (loadedSourceItem.Status == ItemLoadStatus.Skipped)                     // if the item got skipped we'll prevent it from being deleted
                catch (ConsistencyException)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // if a problem occurs we attempt to retry later
                    retryer.AddItemRetry(serializedChild, ex);

                    // don't treat errors as cause to delete an item

            // if we're forcing an update (ie deleting stuff not on disk) we send the items that we found that weren't on disk off to get evaluated as orphans
            if (orphanCandidates.Count > 0)
        public virtual void LoadAll(IItemData[] rootItemsData, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker, Action<IItemData> rootLoadedCallback = null)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(rootItemsData, "rootItems");
            Assert.IsTrue(rootItemsData.Length > 0, "No root items were passed!");

            // load the root item (LoadTreeInternal only evaluates children)
            bool disableNewSerialization = UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization;
                UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization = true;

                using (new EventDisabler())
                    foreach (var rootItem in rootItemsData)
                        LoadTree(rootItem, retryer, consistencyChecker);
                        if (rootLoadedCallback != null) rootLoadedCallback(rootItem);

                    retryer.RetryAll(SourceDataStore, item => DoLoadItem(item, null), item => LoadTreeInternal(item, retryer, null));
                UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization = disableNewSerialization;