Exemple #1
        }                                                       //Used for linking managed frame to native frame

        public UnifiedStackFrame(DEBUG_STACK_FRAME nativeFrame, IDebugSymbols2 debugSymbols)
            Type = UnifiedStackFrameType.Native;
            InstructionPointer = nativeFrame.InstructionOffset;
            StackPointer       = nativeFrame.StackOffset;
            FramePointer       = nativeFrame.FrameOffset;

            uint  moduleIndex;
            ulong dummy;

            if (0 != debugSymbols.GetModuleByOffset(InstructionPointer, 0, out moduleIndex, out dummy))
                //Some frames might not have modules associated with them, in which case this
                //will fail, and of course there is no function associated either. This happens
                //often with CLR JIT-compiled code.
                Module = "<Unknown>";
                Method = "<Unknown>";

            StringBuilder methodName = new StringBuilder(1024);
            ulong         displacement;
            uint          dummy2;

            Util.VerifyHr(debugSymbols.GetNameByOffset(InstructionPointer, methodName, methodName.Capacity, out dummy2, out displacement));

            string[] parts = methodName.ToString().Split('!');
            Module = parts[0];
            if (parts.Length > 1)
                Method = parts[1];
            OffsetInMethod = displacement;

            uint          sourceLine;
            ulong         delta;
            StringBuilder sourceFile = new StringBuilder(1024);

            if (0 == debugSymbols.GetLineByOffset(InstructionPointer, out sourceLine, sourceFile, sourceFile.Capacity, out dummy2, out delta))
                SourceFileName      = sourceFile.ToString();
                SourceLineNumber    = sourceLine;
                SourceLineNumberEnd = sourceLine;
        public UnifiedStackFrame(DEBUG_STACK_FRAME nativeFrame, IDebugSymbols2 debugSymbols)
            FrameOffset = nativeFrame.FrameOffset;

            Type = UnifiedStackFrameType.Native;
            InstructionPointer = nativeFrame.InstructionOffset;
            StackPointer = nativeFrame.StackOffset;

            uint moduleIndex;
            ulong dummy;
            if (0 != debugSymbols.GetModuleByOffset(InstructionPointer, 0, out moduleIndex, out dummy))
                //Some frames might not have modules associated with them, in which case this
                //will fail, and of course there is no function associated either. This happens
                //often with CLR JIT-compiled code.
                Module = "<Unknown>";
                Method = "<Unknown>";

            StringBuilder methodName = new StringBuilder(1024);
            ulong displacement;
            uint dummy2;
            Util.VerifyHr(debugSymbols.GetNameByOffset(InstructionPointer, methodName, methodName.Capacity, out dummy2, out displacement));

            string[] parts = methodName.ToString().Split('!');
            Module = parts[0];
            if (parts.Length > 1)
                Method = parts[1];
            OffsetInMethod = displacement;

            uint sourceLine;
            ulong delta;
            StringBuilder sourceFile = new StringBuilder(1024);
            if (0 == debugSymbols.GetLineByOffset(InstructionPointer, out sourceLine, sourceFile, sourceFile.Capacity, out dummy2, out delta))
                SourceFileName = sourceFile.ToString();
                SourceLineNumber = sourceLine;
                SourceLineNumberEnd = sourceLine;
Exemple #3
            internal DbgEngController(string dbgengPath, string dumpPath, string sosPath)
                Trace.TraceInformation($"DbgEngController: {dbgengPath} {dumpPath} {sosPath}");
                _converter = new CharToLineConverter((text) => {
                IntPtr dbgengLibrary = DataTarget.PlatformFunctions.LoadLibrary(dbgengPath);
                var    debugCreate   = SOSHost.GetDelegateFunction <DebugCreateDelegate>(dbgengLibrary, "DebugCreate");

                if (debugCreate == null)
                    throw new DiagnosticsException($"DebugCreate export not found");
                Guid    iid = _iidClient;
                HResult hr  = debugCreate(ref iid, out object client);

                if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                    throw new DiagnosticsException($"DebugCreate FAILED {hr:X8}");
                Client  = (IDebugClient)client;
                Control = (IDebugControl)client;
                Symbols = (IDebugSymbols2)client;

                hr = Client.SetOutputCallbacks(this);
                if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                    throw new DiagnosticsException($"SetOutputCallbacks FAILED {hr:X8}");

                // Automatically enable/adjust symbol server support. Override the default cache path so
                // the cache isn't created in the debugger binaries .nuget package cache directory.
                string cachePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PROGRAMDATA"), "dbg", "sym");
                string sympath   = $"{Path.GetDirectoryName(dumpPath)};cache*{cachePath};SRV*https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols";

                hr = Symbols.SetSymbolPath(sympath);
                if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                    Trace.TraceError($"SetSymbolPath({sympath}) FAILED {hr:X8}");

                // Load dump file
                hr = Client.OpenDumpFile(dumpPath);
                if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                    throw new DiagnosticsException($"OpenDumpFile({dumpPath} FAILED {hr:X8}");

                // Load the sos extensions
                hr = Control.Execute(DEBUG_OUTCTL.ALL_CLIENTS, $".load {sosPath}", DEBUG_EXECUTE.DEFAULT);
                if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                    throw new DiagnosticsException($"Loading {sosPath} FAILED {hr:X8}");

                // Initialize the extension host
                hr = HostServices.Initialize(sosPath);
                if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                    throw new DiagnosticsException($"HostServices.Initialize({sosPath}) FAILED {hr:X8}");

                var symbolService = Host.Services.GetService <ISymbolService>();

                Trace.TraceInformation($"SymbolService: {symbolService}");