// Note that this method can be called from a thread other than the test main thread.
        public int HandleCallbackEvent(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess,
                                       IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread,
                                       IDebugEvent2 pEvent)
            if (pEvent is IDebugBreakpointEvent2 || pEvent is IDebugBreakEvent2 ||
                pEvent is IDebugStepCompleteEvent2)
                    _programStoppedJobFactory.Create(pEngine, pEvent, _debugSessionContext,
            else if (pEvent is IDebugProgramDestroyEvent2)
                    _programTerminatedJobFactory.Create(pEngine, pEvent, _debugSessionContext));

            var pProgram3 = pProgram as IDebugProgram3;

            if (pProgram3 == null)
                // TODO: Ensure program can be cast to IDebugProgram3 without
                // throwing across the COM/interop boundary.
                throw new NotSupportedException(
                          "'pProgram' must be castable to type " +
                          $"{nameof(IDebugProgram3)} but is of type {pProgram.GetType()}");

            _queue.Push(_broadcastDebugEventJobFactory.Create(() =>
                DebugEventHandler handler = DebugEvent;
                handler?.Invoke(new DebugEventArgs
                    DebugEngine = pEngine,
                    Process     = pProcess,
                    Program     = pProgram3,
                    Thread      = pThread,
                    Event       = pEvent
            }, pEvent));
