public GjkEpaPenetrationDepthSolver() { } // for pool

        public virtual bool CalcPenDepth(ISimplexSolverInterface simplexSolver, ConvexShape convexA, ConvexShape convexB, ref IndexedMatrix transA, ref IndexedMatrix transB,
                ref IndexedVector3 v, ref IndexedVector3 wWitnessOnA, ref IndexedVector3 wWitnessOnB, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            //float radialmargin = 0f;

            IndexedVector3 guessVector = (transA._origin - transB._origin);
            GjkEpaSolver2Results results = new GjkEpaSolver2Results();
            if (GjkEpaSolver2.Penetration(convexA, ref transA,
                                        convexB, ref transB,
                                        ref guessVector, ref results))
                //	debugDraw->drawLine(results.witnesses[1],results.witnesses[1]+results.normal,btVector3(255,0,0));
                wWitnessOnA = results.witnesses0;
                wWitnessOnB = results.witnesses1;
                v = results.normal;
                return true;
                if (GjkEpaSolver2.Distance(convexA, ref transA, convexB, ref transB, ref guessVector, ref results))
                    wWitnessOnA = results.witnesses0;
                    wWitnessOnB = results.witnesses1;
                    v = results.normal;
                    return false;
            return false;
	    ///btActionInterface interface
        public virtual void DebugDraw(IDebugDraw debugDrawer)
	        for (int v=0;v<GetNumWheels();v++)
		        IndexedVector3 wheelColor = new IndexedVector3(0,1,1);
		        if (GetWheelInfo(v).m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact)
			        wheelColor = new IndexedVector3(0,0,1);
		        } else
			        wheelColor= new IndexedVector3(1,0,1);

		        IndexedVector3 wheelPosWS = GetWheelInfo(v).m_worldTransform._origin;

                IndexedMatrix temp = GetWheelInfo(v).m_worldTransform;
                IndexedVector3 axle = new IndexedVector3(

		        //debug wheels (cylinders)

 public FrameRateCounter(Game game,Vector3 location,IDebugDraw debugDraw)
     : base(game)
     content = new ContentManager(game.Services);
     m_location = location;
     m_debugDraw = debugDraw;
		public bool CalcPenDepth(VoronoiSimplexSolver simplexSolver, ConvexShape convexA,
			ConvexShape convexB, Matrix transA, Matrix transB, out Vector3 v, out Vector3 pa,
			out Vector3 pb, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
			return btConvexPenetrationDepthSolver_calcPenDepth(_native, simplexSolver._native,
				convexA._native, convexB._native, ref transA, ref transB, out v, out pa,
				out pb, DebugDraw.GetUnmanaged(debugDraw));
		public PerturbedContactResult(ManifoldResult originalResult,ref Matrix transformA,ref Matrix transformB,ref Matrix unPerturbedTransform,bool perturbA,IDebugDraw debugDrawer)
			m_originalManifoldResult = originalResult;
			m_transformA = transformA;
			m_transformB = transformB;
			m_perturbA = perturbA;
			m_unPerturbedTransform = unPerturbedTransform;
			m_debugDrawer = debugDrawer;
		/// <summary>
		/// Draws the specified constraint.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="constraint">The constraint.</param>
		/// <param name="debugDraw">The debug draw.</param>
		public override void Draw(TypedConstraint constraint, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
			var p6DOF = (Generic6DofConstraint)constraint;
			Matrix tr = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformA();
			if (DrawFrames)
				debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, DrawSize);
			tr = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformB();
			if (DrawFrames)
				debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, DrawSize);
			Vector3 zero = Vector3.Zero;
			if (DrawLimits)
				tr = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformA();
				Vector3 center = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformB().Translation;
				// up is axis 1 not 2 ?
				Vector3 up = MathUtil.MatrixColumn(ref tr, 1);
				Vector3 axis = MathUtil.MatrixColumn(ref tr, 0);
				float minTh = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(1).m_loLimit;
				float maxTh = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(1).m_hiLimit;
				float minPs = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(2).m_loLimit;
				float maxPs = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(2).m_hiLimit;
				debugDraw.DrawSpherePatch(ref center, ref up, ref axis, DrawSize * .9f, minTh, maxTh, minPs, maxPs, ref zero);
				axis = MathUtil.MatrixColumn(ref tr, 1);
				float ay = p6DOF.GetAngle(1);
				float az = p6DOF.GetAngle(2);
				var cy = (float)System.Math.Cos(ay);
				var sy = (float)System.Math.Sin(ay);
				var cz = (float)System.Math.Cos(az);
				var sz = (float)System.Math.Sin(az);
				var ref1 = new Vector3();
				ref1.X = cy * cz * axis.X + cy * sz * axis.Y - sy * axis.Z;
				ref1.Y = -sz * axis.X + cz * axis.Y;
				ref1.Z = cz * sy * axis.X + sz * sy * axis.Y + cy * axis.Z;
				tr = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformB();
				Vector3 normal = -MathUtil.MatrixColumn(ref tr, 0);
				float minFi = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(0).m_loLimit;
				float maxFi = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(0).m_hiLimit;
				if (minFi > maxFi)
					debugDraw.DrawArc(ref center, ref normal, ref ref1, DrawSize, DrawSize, -MathUtil.SIMD_PI, MathUtil.SIMD_PI,
					                  ref zero, false);
				else if (minFi < maxFi)
					debugDraw.DrawArc(ref center, ref normal, ref ref1, DrawSize, DrawSize, minFi, maxFi, ref zero, false);
				tr = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformA();
				Vector3 bbMin = p6DOF.GetTranslationalLimitMotor().m_lowerLimit;
				Vector3 bbMax = p6DOF.GetTranslationalLimitMotor().m_upperLimit;
				debugDraw.DrawBox(ref bbMin, ref bbMax, ref tr, ref zero);
Exemple #7
 //this btDiscreteDynamicsWorld constructor gets created objects from the user, and will not delete those
 public DiscreteDynamicsWorld(IDispatcher dispatcher, OverlappingPairCache pairCache, IConstraintSolver constraintSolver)
     : base(dispatcher, pairCache)
     _constraintSolver = constraintSolver != null ? constraintSolver : new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();
     _debugDrawer = null;
     _gravity = new Vector3(0, -10, 0);
     _localTime = 1f / 60f;
     _profileTimings = 0;
     _islandManager = new SimulationIslandManager();
     _ownsIslandManager = true;
     _ownsConstraintSolver = constraintSolver == null;
		public override void Draw(TypedConstraint constraint, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
			var pCT = (ConeTwistConstraint)constraint;
			Matrix tr = MathUtil.BulletMatrixMultiply(pCT.GetRigidBodyA().GetCenterOfMassTransform(), pCT.GetAFrame());
			if (DrawFrames) debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, DrawSize);
			tr = MathUtil.BulletMatrixMultiply(pCT.GetRigidBodyB().GetCenterOfMassTransform(), pCT.GetBFrame());
			if (DrawFrames) debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, DrawSize);
			Vector3 zero = Vector3.Zero;

			if (DrawLimits)
				//const float length = float(5);
				float length = DrawSize;
				int nSegments = 8 * 4;
				float fAngleInRadians = MathUtil.SIMD_2_PI * (nSegments - 1) / nSegments;
				Vector3 pPrev = pCT.GetPointForAngle(fAngleInRadians, length);
				pPrev = Vector3.Transform(pPrev, tr);
				for (int i = 0; i < nSegments; i++)
					fAngleInRadians = MathUtil.SIMD_2_PI * i / nSegments;
					Vector3 pCur = pCT.GetPointForAngle(fAngleInRadians, length);
					pCur = Vector3.Transform(pCur, tr);
					debugDraw.DrawLine(ref pPrev, ref pCur, ref zero);

					if (i % (nSegments / 8) == 0)
						Vector3 origin = tr.Translation;
						debugDraw.DrawLine(ref origin, ref pCur, ref zero);

					pPrev = pCur;
				float tws = pCT.GetTwistSpan();
				float twa = pCT.GetTwistAngle();
				bool useFrameB = (pCT.GetRigidBodyB().GetInvMass() > 0f);
				if (useFrameB)
					tr = MathUtil.BulletMatrixMultiply(pCT.GetRigidBodyB().GetCenterOfMassTransform(), pCT.GetBFrame());
					tr = MathUtil.BulletMatrixMultiply(pCT.GetRigidBodyA().GetCenterOfMassTransform(), pCT.GetAFrame());
				Vector3 pivot = tr.Translation;
				Vector3 normal = MathUtil.MatrixColumn(ref tr, 0);
				Vector3 axis1 = MathUtil.MatrixColumn(ref tr, 1);

				debugDraw.DrawArc(ref pivot, ref normal, ref axis1, DrawSize, DrawSize, -twa - tws, -twa + tws, ref zero, true);
		public override void Draw(TypedConstraint constraint, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
			var p2pC = (Point2PointConstraint)constraint;
			Matrix tr = Matrix.Identity;
			Vector3 pivot = p2pC.GetPivotInA();
			pivot = Vector3.Transform(pivot, p2pC.GetRigidBodyA().GetCenterOfMassTransform());
			tr.Translation = pivot;
			debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, DrawSize);
			// that ideally should draw the same frame	
			pivot = p2pC.GetPivotInB();
			pivot = Vector3.Transform(pivot, p2pC.GetRigidBodyB().GetCenterOfMassTransform());
			tr.Translation = pivot;

			if (DrawFrames)
				debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, DrawSize);
Exemple #10
        public override void GetClosestPoints(DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput input, DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.Result output, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            Matrix transformA = input.TransformA;
            Matrix transformB = input.TransformB;

            Vector3 point = new Vector3();
            Vector3 normal = new Vector3();
            Single timeOfImpact = 1.0f;
            Single depth = 0.0f;

            //move sphere into triangle space
            Matrix sphereInTr = MathHelper.InverseTimes(transformB, transformA);

            if (Collide(sphereInTr.Translation, point, normal, depth, timeOfImpact))
                output.AddContactPoint(Vector3.TransformNormal(normal, transformB), Vector3.TransformNormal(point, transformB), depth);
		public InplaceSolverIslandCallback(
			ContactSolverInfo solverInfo,
			IConstraintSolver solver,
			ObjectArray<TypedConstraint> sortedConstraints,
			int numConstraints,
			IDebugDraw debugDrawer,
			IDispatcher dispatcher)
			m_solverInfo = solverInfo;
			m_solver = solver;
			m_sortedConstraints = sortedConstraints;
			m_numConstraints = numConstraints;
			m_debugDrawer = debugDrawer;
			m_dispatcher = dispatcher;
			m_bodies = new ObjectArray<CollisionObject>();
			m_manifolds = new ObjectArray<PersistentManifold>();
			m_constraints = new ObjectArray<TypedConstraint>();
Exemple #12
        public bool CalculatePenetrationDepth(ISimplexSolver simplexSolver, ConvexShape convexA, ConvexShape convexB, Matrix transformA, Matrix transformB, Vector3 vector, out Vector3 ptrA, out Vector3 ptrB, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            float radialmargin = 0;

            GjkEpaSolver.Results results;
            if (GjkEpaSolver.Collide(convexA, transformA,
                                     convexB, transformB,
                                     radialmargin, out results))
                //	debugDraw->drawLine(results.witnesses[1],results.witnesses[1]+results.normal,btVector3(255,0,0));
                ptrA = results.Witnesses[0];
                ptrB = results.Witnesses[1];
                return true;
            ptrA = new Vector3();
            ptrB = new Vector3();

            return false;
		public override void Draw(TypedConstraint constraint, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
			var pSlider = (SliderConstraint)constraint;
			Matrix tr = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformA();
			if (DrawFrames) debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, DrawSize);
			tr = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformB();
			if (DrawFrames) debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, DrawSize);
			Vector3 zero = Vector3.Zero;
			if (DrawLimits)
				Matrix tr2 = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformA();
				Vector3 li_min = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(pSlider.GetLowerLinLimit(), 0f, 0f), tr2);
				Vector3 li_max = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(pSlider.GetUpperLinLimit(), 0f, 0f), tr2);
				debugDraw.DrawLine(ref li_min, ref li_max, ref zero);
				Vector3 normal = MathUtil.MatrixColumn(ref tr, 0);
				Vector3 axis = MathUtil.MatrixColumn(ref tr, 1);
				float a_min = pSlider.GetLowerAngLimit();
				float a_max = pSlider.GetUpperAngLimit();
				Vector3 center = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformB().Translation;
				debugDraw.DrawArc(ref center, ref normal, ref axis, DrawSize, DrawSize, a_min, a_max, ref zero, true);
        internal static IntPtr CreateWrapper(IDebugDraw value, bool weakReference)
            DrawAabbUnmanagedDelegate a = new DrawAabbUnmanagedDelegate(value.DrawAabb);
            _drawArc = new DrawArcUnmanagedDelegate(DrawArc);
            _drawBox = new DrawBoxUnmanagedDelegate(DrawBox);
            _drawCapsule = new DrawCapsuleUnmanagedDelegate(DrawCapsule);
            _drawCone = new DrawConeUnmanagedDelegate(DrawCone);
            _drawContactPoint = new DrawContactPointUnmanagedDelegate(DrawContactPoint);
            _drawCylinder = new DrawCylinderUnmanagedDelegate(DrawCylinder);
            _drawLine = new DrawLineUnmanagedDelegate(DrawLine);
            _drawPlane = new DrawPlaneUnmanagedDelegate(DrawPlane);
            _drawSphere = new DrawSphereUnmanagedDelegate(DrawSphere);
            _drawSpherePatch = new DrawSpherePatchUnmanagedDelegate(DrawSpherePatch);
            _drawTransform = new DrawTransformUnmanagedDelegate(DrawTransform);
            _drawTriangle = new DrawTriangleUnmanagedDelegate(DrawTriangle);
            _getDebugMode = new GetDebugModeUnmanagedDelegate(GetDebugModeUnmanaged);
            _cb = new SimpleCallback(SimpleCallbackUnmanaged);

            _native = btIDebugDrawWrapper_new(
            return IntPtr.Zero;
		public override void Draw(TypedConstraint constraint, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
			var pHinge = (HingeConstraint)constraint;
			Matrix tr = MathUtil.BulletMatrixMultiply(pHinge.GetRigidBodyA().GetCenterOfMassTransform(), pHinge.GetAFrame());

			if (DrawFrames)
				debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, DrawSize);

			tr = MathUtil.BulletMatrixMultiply(pHinge.GetRigidBodyB().GetCenterOfMassTransform(), pHinge.GetBFrame());

			if (DrawFrames)
				debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, DrawSize);

			float minAng = pHinge.GetLowerLimit();
			float maxAng = pHinge.GetUpperLimit();

			if (minAng == maxAng)

			bool drawSect = true;

			if (minAng > maxAng)
				minAng = 0f;
				maxAng = MathUtil.SIMD_2_PI;
				drawSect = false;

			if (DrawLimits)
				Vector3 center = tr.Translation;
				Vector3 normal = MathUtil.MatrixColumn(ref tr, 2);
				Vector3 axis = MathUtil.MatrixColumn(ref tr, 0);
				Vector3 zero = Vector3.Zero;
				debugDraw.DrawArc(ref center, ref normal, ref axis, DrawSize, DrawSize, minAng, maxAng, ref zero, drawSect);
Exemple #16
	    ///btActionInterface interface
        public virtual void DebugDraw(IDebugDraw debugDrawer)
	        for (int v=0;v<GetNumWheels();v++)
		        Vector3 wheelColor = new Vector3(0,1,1);
		        if (GetWheelInfo(v).m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact)
			        wheelColor = new Vector3(0,0,1);
		        } else
			        wheelColor= new Vector3(1,0,1);

		        Vector3 wheelPosWS = GetWheelInfo(v).m_worldTransform.Translation;

                Matrix temp = GetWheelInfo(v).m_worldTransform;
                Vector3 axle = MathUtil.MatrixColumn(ref temp, GetRightAxis());

		        //debug wheels (cylinders)

Exemple #17
 public void AllSolved(ContactSolverInfo __unnamed0, IDebugDraw __unnamed1)
     btConstraintSolver_allSolved(Native, __unnamed0.Native, DebugDraw.GetUnmanaged(__unnamed1));
 public void GetClosestPoints(ClosestPointInput input, Result output, IDebugDraw debugDraw, bool swapResults)
     btDiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface_getClosestPoints2(_native, input._native, output._native, DebugDraw.GetUnmanaged(debugDraw), swapResults);
Exemple #19
        public bool CalculatePenetrationDepth(ISimplexSolver simplexSolver,
            ConvexShape convexA, ConvexShape convexB,
            Matrix transformA, Matrix transformB,
            Vector3 v, out Vector3 pa, out Vector3 pb, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            pa = new Vector3();
            pb = new Vector3();
            //just take fixed number of orientation, and sample the penetration depth in that direction
            float minProj = 1e30f;
            Vector3 minNorm = new Vector3();
            Vector3 minA = new Vector3(), minB = new Vector3();
            Vector3 seperatingAxisInA, seperatingAxisInB;
            Vector3 pInA, qInB, pWorld, qWorld, w;

            Vector3[] supportVerticesABatch = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];
            Vector3[] supportVerticesBBatch = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];
            Vector3[] seperatingAxisInABatch = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];
            Vector3[] seperatingAxisInBBatch = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];

            int numSampleDirections = UnitSpherePointsCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++)
                Vector3 norm = penetrationDirections[i];
                seperatingAxisInABatch[i] = Vector3.TransformNormal((-norm), transformA);
                seperatingAxisInBBatch[i] = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);

                int numPDA = convexA.PreferredPenetrationDirectionsCount;
                if (numPDA != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDA; i++)
                        Vector3 norm;
                        convexA.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, out norm);
                        norm = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformA);
                        penetrationDirections[numSampleDirections] = norm;
                        seperatingAxisInABatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal((-norm), transformA);
                        seperatingAxisInBBatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);

                int numPDB = convexB.PreferredPenetrationDirectionsCount;
                if (numPDB != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDB; i++)
                        Vector3 norm;
                        convexB.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, out norm);
                        norm = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);
                        penetrationDirections[numSampleDirections] = norm;
                        seperatingAxisInABatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal((-norm), transformA);
                        seperatingAxisInBBatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);

            convexA.BatchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInABatch, supportVerticesABatch); //, numSampleDirections);
            convexB.BatchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInBBatch, supportVerticesBBatch); //, numSampleDirections);

            for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++)
                Vector3 norm = penetrationDirections[i];
                seperatingAxisInA = seperatingAxisInABatch[i];
                seperatingAxisInB = seperatingAxisInBBatch[i];

                pInA = supportVerticesABatch[i];
                qInB = supportVerticesBBatch[i];

                pWorld = MathHelper.MatrixToVector(transformA, pInA);
                qWorld = MathHelper.MatrixToVector(transformB, qInB);
                w = qWorld - pWorld;
                float delta = Vector3.Dot(norm, w);
                //find smallest delta
                if (delta < minProj)
                    minProj = delta;
                    minNorm = norm;
                    minA = pWorld;
                    minB = qWorld;

            //add the margins
            minA += minNorm * convexA.Margin;
            minB -= minNorm * convexB.Margin;
            //no penetration
            if (minProj < 0)
                return false;

            minProj += (convexA.Margin + convexB.Margin);

            GjkPairDetector gjkdet = new GjkPairDetector(convexA, convexB, simplexSolver, null);

            float offsetDist = minProj;
            Vector3 offset = minNorm * offsetDist;

            GjkPairDetector.ClosestPointInput input = new DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput();

            Vector3 newOrg = transformA.Translation + offset;

            Matrix displacedTrans = transformA;
            displacedTrans.Translation = newOrg;

            input.TransformA = displacedTrans;
            input.TransformB = transformB;
            input.MaximumDistanceSquared = 1e30f;//minProj;

            IntermediateResult res = new IntermediateResult();
            gjkdet.GetClosestPoints(input, res, debugDraw);

            float correctedMinNorm = minProj - res.Depth;

            //the penetration depth is over-estimated, relax it
            float penetration_relaxation = 1;
            minNorm *= penetration_relaxation;

            if (res.HasResult)

                pa = res.PointInWorld - minNorm * correctedMinNorm;
                pb = res.PointInWorld;

            return res.HasResult;
 void DrawDot(Body body, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
     debugDraw.DrawDot(1.75, body.Position, dotColor);
        internal void InitTarget(IDebugDraw target)
            _drawAabb = new DrawAabbUnmanagedDelegate(target.DrawAabb);
            _drawArc = new DrawArcUnmanagedDelegate(target.DrawArc);
            _drawBox = new DrawBoxUnmanagedDelegate(target.DrawBox);
            _drawCapsule = new DrawCapsuleUnmanagedDelegate(target.DrawCapsule);
            _drawCone = new DrawConeUnmanagedDelegate(target.DrawCone);
            _drawContactPoint = new DrawContactPointUnmanagedDelegate(target.DrawContactPoint);
            _drawCylinder = new DrawCylinderUnmanagedDelegate(target.DrawCylinder);
            _drawLine = new DrawLineUnmanagedDelegate(target.DrawLine);
            _drawPlane = new DrawPlaneUnmanagedDelegate(target.DrawPlane);
            _drawSphere = new DrawSphereUnmanagedDelegate(target.DrawSphere);
            _drawSpherePatch = new DrawSpherePatchUnmanagedDelegate(target.DrawSpherePatch);
            _drawTransform = new DrawTransformUnmanagedDelegate(target.DrawTransform);
            _drawTriangle = new DrawTriangleUnmanagedDelegate(target.DrawTriangle);
            _getDebugMode = new GetDebugModeUnmanagedDelegate(GetDebugModeUnmanaged);
            _cb = new SimpleCallback(SimpleCallbackUnmanaged);

            _native = btIDebugDrawWrapper_new(
        public void Run()
            using (Graphics = GraphicsLibraryManager.GetGraphics(this))
                Input = new Input(Graphics.Form);
                Freelook = new FreeLook(Input);

                Graphics.CullingEnabled = isCullingEnabled;
                if (World == null)
                if (_isDebugDrawEnabled)
                    if (_debugDrawer == null)
                        _debugDrawer = Graphics.GetPhysicsDebugDrawer();
                        _debugDrawer.DebugMode = DebugDrawMode;
                    if (World != null)
                        World.DebugDrawer = _debugDrawer;


                if (_debugDrawer != null)
                    if (World != null)
                        World.DebugDrawer = null;
                    if (_debugDrawer is IDisposable)
                        (_debugDrawer as IDisposable).Dispose();
                    _debugDrawer = null;
            Graphics = null;
Exemple #23
  * public void CreateConstraintRows(MultiBodyConstraintArray constraintRows,
  *      MultiBodyJacobianData data, ContactSolverInfo infoGlobal)
  * {
  *      btMultiBodyConstraint_createConstraintRows(Native, constraintRows.Native,
  *              data.Native, infoGlobal.Native);
  * }
 public void DebugDraw(IDebugDraw drawer)
     btMultiBodyConstraint_debugDraw(Native, BulletSharp.DebugDraw.GetUnmanaged(drawer));
Exemple #24
 public DebugDrawCallback(IDebugDraw debugDrawer, Matrix worldTrans, Vector3 color)
     _debugDrawer = debugDrawer;
     _worldTrans = worldTrans;
     _color = color;
Exemple #25
 public DebugDrawcallback(IDebugDraw debugDrawer, ref IndexedMatrix worldTrans, ref IndexedVector3 color)
     m_debugDrawer = debugDrawer;
     m_color = color;
     m_worldTrans = worldTrans;
        public override int StepSimulation(float timeStep, int maxSubSteps, float fixedTimeStep)


            int numSimulationSubSteps = 0;

            if (maxSubSteps != 0)
                //fixed timestep with interpolation
                m_localTime += timeStep;
                if (m_localTime >= fixedTimeStep)
                    numSimulationSubSteps = (int)(m_localTime / fixedTimeStep);
                    m_localTime          -= numSimulationSubSteps * fixedTimeStep;
                //variable timestep
                fixedTimeStep = timeStep;
                m_localTime   = timeStep;
                if (MathUtil.FuzzyZero(timeStep))
                    numSimulationSubSteps = 0;
                    maxSubSteps           = 0;
                    numSimulationSubSteps = 1;
                    maxSubSteps           = 1;

            //process some debugging flags
            if (GetDebugDrawer() != null)
                IDebugDraw debugDrawer = GetDebugDrawer();
                BulletGlobals.gDisableDeactivation = ((debugDrawer.GetDebugMode() & DebugDrawModes.DBG_NoDeactivation) != 0);
            if (numSimulationSubSteps != 0)
                //clamp the number of substeps, to prevent simulation grinding spiralling down to a halt
                int clampedSimulationSteps = (numSimulationSubSteps > maxSubSteps) ? maxSubSteps : numSimulationSubSteps;
                if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugDiscreteDynamicsWorld)
                    BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine(String.Format("Stepsimulation numClamped[{0}] timestep[{1:0.00000}]", clampedSimulationSteps, fixedTimeStep));
                SaveKinematicState(fixedTimeStep * clampedSimulationSteps);


                for (int i = 0; i < clampedSimulationSteps; i++)

            if (m_profileManager != null)

Exemple #27
        }                                         // for pool

        public virtual bool CalcPenDepth(ISimplexSolverInterface simplexSolver, ConvexShape convexA, ConvexShape convexB, ref IndexedMatrix transA, ref IndexedMatrix transB,
                                         ref IndexedVector3 v, ref IndexedVector3 wWitnessOnA, ref IndexedVector3 wWitnessOnB, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            //float radialmargin = 0f;

            IndexedVector3       guessVector = (transA._origin - transB._origin);
            GjkEpaSolver2Results results     = new GjkEpaSolver2Results();

            if (GjkEpaSolver2.Penetration(convexA, ref transA,
                                          convexB, ref transB,
                                          ref guessVector, ref results))
                //	debugDraw.drawLine(results.witnesses[1],results.witnesses[1]+results.normal,btVector3(255,0,0));
                wWitnessOnA = results.witnesses0;
                wWitnessOnB = results.witnesses1;
                v           = results.normal;
                if (GjkEpaSolver2.Distance(convexA, ref transA, convexB, ref transB, ref guessVector, ref results))
                    wWitnessOnA = results.witnesses0;
                    wWitnessOnB = results.witnesses1;
                    v           = results.normal;
Exemple #28
        public static void DebugDrawConstraint(TypedConstraint constraint, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            bool  drawFrames  = (debugDraw.GetDebugMode() & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawConstraints) != 0;
            bool  drawLimits  = (debugDraw.GetDebugMode() & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawConstraintLimits) != 0;
            float dbgDrawSize = constraint.GetDbgDrawSize();

            if (dbgDrawSize <= 0f)

            switch (constraint.GetConstraintType())
            case TypedConstraintType.POINT2POINT_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
                Point2PointConstraint p2pC  = constraint as Point2PointConstraint;
                IndexedMatrix         tr    = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                IndexedVector3        pivot = p2pC.GetPivotInA();
                pivot      = p2pC.GetRigidBodyA().GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pivot;
                tr._origin = pivot;
                debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
                // that ideally should draw the same frame
                pivot      = p2pC.GetPivotInB();
                pivot      = p2pC.GetRigidBodyB().GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pivot;
                tr._origin = pivot;
                if (drawFrames)
                    debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);

            case TypedConstraintType.HINGE_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
                HingeConstraint pHinge = constraint as HingeConstraint;
                IndexedMatrix   tr     = pHinge.GetRigidBodyA().GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pHinge.GetAFrame();
                if (drawFrames)
                    debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
                tr = pHinge.GetRigidBodyB().GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pHinge.GetBFrame();
                if (drawFrames)
                    debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
                float minAng = pHinge.GetLowerLimit();
                float maxAng = pHinge.GetUpperLimit();
                if (minAng == maxAng)
                bool drawSect = true;
                if (minAng > maxAng)
                    minAng   = 0f;
                    maxAng   = MathUtil.SIMD_2_PI;
                    drawSect = false;
                if (drawLimits)
                    IndexedVector3 center = tr._origin;
                    IndexedVector3 normal = tr._basis.GetColumn(2);
                    IndexedVector3 axis   = tr._basis.GetColumn(0);
                    IndexedVector3 zero   = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                    debugDraw.DrawArc(ref center, ref normal, ref axis, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, minAng, maxAng, ref zero, drawSect);

            case TypedConstraintType.CONETWIST_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
                ConeTwistConstraint pCT = constraint as ConeTwistConstraint;
                IndexedMatrix       tr  = pCT.GetRigidBodyA().GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pCT.GetAFrame();
                if (drawFrames)
                    debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
                tr = pCT.GetRigidBodyB().GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pCT.GetBFrame();
                if (drawFrames)
                    debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
                IndexedVector3 zero = IndexedVector3.Zero;

                if (drawLimits)
                    //const float length = float(5);
                    float          length          = dbgDrawSize;
                    const int      nSegments       = 8 * 4;
                    float          fAngleInRadians = MathUtil.SIMD_2_PI * (float)(nSegments - 1) / (float)nSegments;
                    IndexedVector3 pPrev           = pCT.GetPointForAngle(fAngleInRadians, length);
                    pPrev = tr * pPrev;
                    for (int i = 0; i < nSegments; i++)
                        fAngleInRadians = MathUtil.SIMD_2_PI * (float)i / (float)nSegments;
                        IndexedVector3 pCur = pCT.GetPointForAngle(fAngleInRadians, length);
                        pCur = tr * pCur;
                        debugDraw.DrawLine(ref pPrev, ref pCur, ref zero);

                        if (i % (nSegments / 8) == 0)
                            IndexedVector3 origin = tr._origin;
                            debugDraw.DrawLine(ref origin, ref pCur, ref zero);

                        pPrev = pCur;
                    float tws       = pCT.GetTwistSpan();
                    float twa       = pCT.GetTwistAngle();
                    bool  useFrameB = (pCT.GetRigidBodyB().GetInvMass() > 0f);
                    if (useFrameB)
                        tr = pCT.GetRigidBodyB().GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pCT.GetBFrame();
                        tr = pCT.GetRigidBodyA().GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pCT.GetAFrame();
                    IndexedVector3 pivot  = tr._origin;
                    IndexedVector3 normal = tr._basis.GetColumn(0);
                    IndexedVector3 axis   = tr._basis.GetColumn(1);

                    debugDraw.DrawArc(ref pivot, ref normal, ref axis, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, -twa - tws, -twa + tws, ref zero, true);

            case TypedConstraintType.D6_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
            case TypedConstraintType.D6_SPRING_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
                Generic6DofConstraint p6DOF = constraint as Generic6DofConstraint;
                IndexedMatrix         tr    = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformA();
                if (drawFrames)
                    debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
                tr = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformB();
                if (drawFrames)
                    debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
                IndexedVector3 zero = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                if (drawLimits)
                    tr = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformA();
                    IndexedVector3 center = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformB()._origin;
                    // up is axis 1 not 2 ?

                    IndexedVector3 up    = tr._basis.GetColumn(1);
                    IndexedVector3 axis  = tr._basis.GetColumn(0);
                    float          minTh = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(1).m_loLimit;
                    float          maxTh = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(1).m_hiLimit;
                    float          minPs = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(2).m_loLimit;
                    float          maxPs = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(2).m_hiLimit;
                    debugDraw.DrawSpherePatch(ref center, ref up, ref axis, dbgDrawSize * .9f, minTh, maxTh, minPs, maxPs, ref zero);
                    axis = tr._basis.GetColumn(1);
                    float          ay   = p6DOF.GetAngle(1);
                    float          az   = p6DOF.GetAngle(2);
                    float          cy   = (float)Math.Cos(ay);
                    float          sy   = (float)Math.Sin(ay);
                    float          cz   = (float)Math.Cos(az);
                    float          sz   = (float)Math.Sin(az);
                    IndexedVector3 ref1 = new IndexedVector3(
                        cy * cz * axis.X + cy * sz * axis.Y - sy * axis.Z,
                        -sz * axis.X + cz * axis.Y,
                        cz * sy * axis.X + sz * sy * axis.Y + cy * axis.Z);
                    tr = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformB();
                    IndexedVector3 normal = -tr._basis.GetColumn(0);
                    float          minFi  = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(0).m_loLimit;
                    float          maxFi  = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(0).m_hiLimit;
                    if (minFi > maxFi)
                        debugDraw.DrawArc(ref center, ref normal, ref ref1, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, -MathUtil.SIMD_PI, MathUtil.SIMD_PI, ref zero, false);
                    else if (minFi < maxFi)
                        debugDraw.DrawArc(ref center, ref normal, ref ref1, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, minFi, maxFi, ref zero, false);
                    tr = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformA();
                    IndexedVector3 bbMin = p6DOF.GetTranslationalLimitMotor().m_lowerLimit;
                    IndexedVector3 bbMax = p6DOF.GetTranslationalLimitMotor().m_upperLimit;
                    debugDraw.DrawBox(ref bbMin, ref bbMax, ref tr, ref zero);

            case TypedConstraintType.SLIDER_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
                SliderConstraint pSlider = constraint as SliderConstraint;
                IndexedMatrix    tr      = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformA();
                if (drawFrames)
                    debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
                tr = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformB();
                if (drawFrames)
                    debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
                IndexedVector3 zero = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                if (drawLimits)
                    IndexedMatrix  tr2    = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformA();
                    IndexedVector3 li_min = tr2 * new IndexedVector3(pSlider.GetLowerLinLimit(), 0f, 0f);
                    IndexedVector3 li_max = tr2 * new IndexedVector3(pSlider.GetUpperLinLimit(), 0f, 0f);
                    debugDraw.DrawLine(ref li_min, ref li_max, ref zero);
                    IndexedVector3 normal = tr._basis.GetColumn(0);
                    IndexedVector3 axis   = tr._basis.GetColumn(1);
                    float          a_min  = pSlider.GetLowerAngLimit();
                    float          a_max  = pSlider.GetUpperAngLimit();
                    IndexedVector3 center = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformB()._origin;
                    debugDraw.DrawArc(ref center, ref normal, ref axis, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, a_min, a_max, ref zero, true);

Exemple #29
 public void Initialise(IDebugDraw debugDrawer, ref IndexedMatrix worldTrans, ref IndexedVector3 color)
     m_debugDrawer = debugDrawer;
     m_color       = color;
     m_worldTrans  = worldTrans;
Exemple #30
        }                              // for pool

        public DebugDrawcallback(IDebugDraw debugDrawer, ref IndexedMatrix worldTrans, ref IndexedVector3 color)
            m_debugDrawer = debugDrawer;
            m_color       = color;
            m_worldTrans  = worldTrans;
		public void AllSolved(ContactSolverInfo __unnamed0, IDebugDraw __unnamed1)
			btConstraintSolver_allSolved(_native, __unnamed0._native, DebugDraw.GetUnmanaged(__unnamed1));
Exemple #32
        public override void GetClosestPoints(DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput input, DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.Result output, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            Matrix transformA = input.TransformA;
            Matrix transformB = input.TransformB;

            Vector3 point        = new Vector3();
            Vector3 normal       = new Vector3();
            Single  timeOfImpact = 1.0f;
            Single  depth        = 0.0f;

            //move sphere into triangle space
            Matrix sphereInTr = MathHelper.InverseTimes(transformB, transformA);

            if (Collide(sphereInTr.Translation, point, normal, depth, timeOfImpact))
                output.AddContactPoint(Vector3.TransformNormal(normal, transformB), Vector3.TransformNormal(point, transformB), depth);
        public void Draw(IDebugDraw drawer)
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < NUMRAYS_IN_BAR; i++)
                drawer.DrawLine(ref source[i], ref hit_com[i], ref green);
            const float normalScale = 10.0f; // easier to see if this is big
            for (i = 0; i < NUMRAYS_IN_BAR; i++)
                Vector3 to = hit_surface[i] + normalScale * normal[i];
                drawer.DrawLine(ref hit_surface[i], ref to, ref white);
            Quaternion qFrom = Quaternion.RotationAxis(new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f);
            Quaternion qTo = Quaternion.RotationAxis(new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.7f);
            for (i = 0; i < NUMRAYS_IN_BAR; i++)
                Matrix from = Matrix.RotationQuaternion(qFrom) * Matrix.Translation(source[i]);
                Matrix to = Matrix.RotationQuaternion(qTo) * Matrix.Translation(dest[i]);
                Vector3 linVel, angVel;

                TransformUtil.CalculateVelocity(ref from, ref to, 1.0f, out linVel, out angVel);
                Matrix T;
                TransformUtil.IntegrateTransform(ref from, ref linVel, ref angVel, hit_fraction[i], out T);
                Vector3 box1 = boxShapeHalfExtents;
                Vector3 box2 = -boxShapeHalfExtents;
                drawer.DrawBox(ref box1, ref box2, ref T, ref cyan);
Exemple #34
        public override void GetClosestPoints(DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput input, DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.Result output, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            float distance = 0;

            Vector3 normalInB = new Vector3();
            Vector3 pointOnA = new Vector3(), pointOnB = new Vector3();

            Matrix localTransA = input.TransformA;
            Matrix localTransB = input.TransformB;

            Vector3 positionOffset = (localTransA.Translation + localTransB.Translation) * 0.5f;

            localTransA.Translation -= positionOffset;
            localTransB.Translation -= positionOffset;

            float marginA = _minkowskiA.Margin;
            float marginB = _minkowskiB.Margin;


            if (_ignoreMargin)
                marginA = 0;
                marginB = 0;

            _currentIteration = 0;

            int gjkMaxIter = 1000;

            _cachedSeparatingAxis = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);

            bool isValid          = false;
            bool checkSimplex     = false;
            bool checkPenetration = true;

            _degenerateSimplex = 0;

            _lastUsedMethod = -1;

                float squaredDistance = MathHelper.Infinity;
                float delta           = 0;

                float margin = marginA + marginB;


                while (true)
                    Matrix transABasis = input.TransformA;
                    transABasis.Translation = Vector3.Zero;

                    Matrix transBBasis = input.TransformB;
                    transBBasis.Translation = Vector3.Zero;

                    Vector3 seperatingAxisInA = Vector3.TransformNormal(-_cachedSeparatingAxis, transABasis);
                    Vector3 seperatingAxisInB = Vector3.TransformNormal(_cachedSeparatingAxis, transBBasis);

                    Vector3 pInA   = _minkowskiA.LocalGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInA);
                    Vector3 qInB   = _minkowskiB.LocalGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInB);
                    Vector3 pWorld = MathHelper.MatrixToVector(localTransA, pInA);
                    Vector3 qWorld = MathHelper.MatrixToVector(localTransB, qInB);

                    Vector3 w = pWorld - qWorld;
                    delta = Vector3.Dot(_cachedSeparatingAxis, w);

                    if ((delta > 0.0) && (delta * delta > squaredDistance * input.MaximumDistanceSquared))
                        checkPenetration = false;

                    if (_simplexSolver.InSimplex(w))
                        _degenerateSimplex = 1;
                        checkSimplex       = true;

                    float f0 = squaredDistance - delta;
                    float f1 = squaredDistance * RelativeError2;

                    if (f0 <= f1)
                        if (f0 <= 0.0f)
                            _degenerateSimplex = 2;

                        checkSimplex = true;

                    _simplexSolver.AddVertex(w, pWorld, qWorld);

                    if (!_simplexSolver.Closest(out _cachedSeparatingAxis))
                        _degenerateSimplex = 3;
                        checkSimplex       = true;

                    float previouseSquaredDistance = squaredDistance;
                    squaredDistance = _cachedSeparatingAxis.LengthSquared();

                    if (previouseSquaredDistance - squaredDistance <= MathHelper.Epsilon * previouseSquaredDistance)
                        _simplexSolver.BackupClosest(out _cachedSeparatingAxis);
                        checkSimplex = true;

                    if (_currentIteration++ > gjkMaxIter)
                        Console.WriteLine("GjkPairDetector maxIter exceeded: {0}", _currentIteration);
                        Console.WriteLine("sepAxis=({0},{1},{2}), squaredDistance = {3}, shapeTypeA={4}, shapeTypeB={5}",

                    bool check = (!_simplexSolver.FullSimplex);

                    if (!check)
                        _simplexSolver.BackupClosest(out _cachedSeparatingAxis);

                if (checkSimplex)
                    _simplexSolver.ComputePoints(out pointOnA, out pointOnB);
                    normalInB = pointOnA - pointOnB;
                    float lenSqr = _cachedSeparatingAxis.LengthSquared();

                    if (lenSqr < 0.0001f)
                        _degenerateSimplex = 5;

                    if (lenSqr > MathHelper.Epsilon * MathHelper.Epsilon)
                        float rlen = 1.0f / (float)Math.Sqrt((float)lenSqr);
                        normalInB *= rlen;
                        float s = (float)Math.Sqrt((float)squaredDistance);

                        BulletDebug.Assert(s > 0);
                        pointOnA -= _cachedSeparatingAxis * (marginA / s);
                        pointOnB += _cachedSeparatingAxis * (marginB / s);
                        distance  = ((1 / rlen) - margin);

                        isValid = true;

                        _lastUsedMethod = 1;
                        _lastUsedMethod = 2;

                bool catchDegeneratePenetrationCase =
                    (_catchDegeneracies != 0 && _penetrationDepthSolver != null && _degenerateSimplex != 0 && ((distance + margin) < 0.01f));

                if (checkPenetration && (!isValid || catchDegeneratePenetrationCase))
#warning Check this
                    if (_penetrationDepthSolver != null)
                        Vector3 tmpPointOnA, tmpPointOnB;


                        bool isValid2 = _penetrationDepthSolver.CalculatePenetrationDepth(
                            _simplexSolver, _minkowskiA, _minkowskiB, localTransA, localTransB,
                            _cachedSeparatingAxis, out tmpPointOnA, out tmpPointOnB,

                        if (isValid2)
                            Vector3 tmpNormalInB = tmpPointOnB - tmpPointOnA;
                            float   lengSqr      = tmpNormalInB.LengthSquared();

                            if (lengSqr > (MathHelper.Epsilon * MathHelper.Epsilon))
                                tmpNormalInB /= (float)Math.Sqrt((float)lengSqr);
                                float distance2 = -(tmpPointOnA - tmpPointOnB).Length();

                                if (!isValid || (distance2 < distance))
                                    distance        = distance2;
                                    pointOnA        = tmpPointOnA;
                                    pointOnB        = tmpPointOnB;
                                    normalInB       = tmpNormalInB;
                                    isValid         = true;
                                    _lastUsedMethod = 3;
                                _lastUsedMethod = 4;
                            _lastUsedMethod = 5;

                if (isValid)
                    output.AddContactPoint(normalInB, pointOnB + positionOffset, distance);
        public void DebugDraw(IDebugDraw debugDrawer)
            for (int v = 0; v < NumWheels; v++)
                WheelInfo wheelInfo = GetWheelInfo(v);

                Color wheelColor;
                if (wheelInfo.RaycastInfo.IsInContact)
                    wheelColor = Color.Blue;
                    wheelColor = Color.Magenta;

                Matrix transform = wheelInfo.WorldTransform;
                Vector3 wheelPosWS = transform.Origin;

                Vector3 axle = new Vector3(
                    transform[0, RightAxis],
                    transform[1, RightAxis],
                    transform[2, RightAxis]);

                Vector3 to1 = wheelPosWS + axle;
                Vector3 to2 = GetWheelInfo(v).RaycastInfo.ContactPointWS;

                //debug wheels (cylinders)
                debugDrawer.DrawLine(ref wheelPosWS, ref to1, wheelColor);
                debugDrawer.DrawLine(ref wheelPosWS, ref to2, wheelColor);

Exemple #36
 public void DebugDraw(IDebugDraw debugDrawer)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #37
 public static void DrawNodeTree(SoftBody psb, IDebugDraw iDraw, int minDepth = 0,
                                 int maxDepth = -1)
     btSoftBodyHelpers_DrawNodeTree(psb.Native, DebugDraw.GetUnmanaged(iDraw),
                                    minDepth, maxDepth);
Exemple #38
 internal DebugDraw(IDebugDraw target)
Exemple #39
 public void GetClosestPointsNonVirtual(ClosestPointInput input, Result output,
                                        IDebugDraw debugDraw)
     btGjkPairDetector_getClosestPointsNonVirtual(_native, input._native,
                                                  output._native, DebugDraw.GetUnmanaged(debugDraw));
        public void GetClosestPointsNonVirtual(ref ClosestPointInput input, IDiscreteCollisionDetectorInterfaceResult output, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            m_cachedSeparatingDistance = 0f;

            float          distance = 0f;
            IndexedVector3 normalInB = IndexedVector3.Zero;
            IndexedVector3 pointOnA = IndexedVector3.Zero, pointOnB = IndexedVector3.Zero;
            IndexedMatrix  localTransA    = input.m_transformA;
            IndexedMatrix  localTransB    = input.m_transformB;
            IndexedVector3 positionOffset = (localTransA._origin + localTransB._origin) * .5f;

            IndexedVector3.Subtract(out localTransA._origin, ref localTransA._origin, ref positionOffset);
            IndexedVector3.Subtract(out localTransB._origin, ref localTransB._origin, ref positionOffset);
            //localTransB._origin -= positionOffset;

            bool check2d = m_minkowskiA.IsConvex2d() && m_minkowskiB.IsConvex2d();

            float marginA = m_marginA;
            float marginB = m_marginB;

            float marginAv = m_minkowskiA.getMarginNonVirtual();
            float marginBv = m_minkowskiB.getMarginNonVirtual();
            Debug.Assert(marginA == marginAv);
            Debug.Assert(marginB == marginBv);


            spu_printf("inside gjk\n");
            //for CCD we don't use margins
            if (m_ignoreMargin)
                marginA = 0f;
                marginB = 0f;
                spu_printf("ignoring margin\n");

            m_curIter = 0;
            int gGjkMaxIter = 1000;//this is to catch invalid input, perhaps check for #NaN?
            m_cachedSeparatingAxis = new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 0);

            bool isValid          = false;
            bool checkSimplex     = false;
            bool checkPenetration = true;
            m_degenerateSimplex = 0;

            m_lastUsedMethod = -1;

            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugGJKDetector)
                MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "gjk::getClosestPointsNonVirtual transA", localTransA);
                MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "gjk::getClosestPointsNonVirtual transB", localTransB);

                float squaredDistance = MathUtil.BT_LARGE_FLOAT;
                float delta           = 0f;

                float margin = marginA + marginB;


                int count = 0;
                for (; ;)
                //while (true)

                    IndexedVector3 seperatingAxisInA = (-m_cachedSeparatingAxis) * input.m_transformA._basis;
                    IndexedVector3 seperatingAxisInB = m_cachedSeparatingAxis * input.m_transformB._basis;

                    IndexedVector3 pInA = m_minkowskiA.LocalGetSupportVertexWithoutMarginNonVirtual(ref seperatingAxisInA);
                    IndexedVector3 qInB = m_minkowskiB.LocalGetSupportVertexWithoutMarginNonVirtual(ref seperatingAxisInB);

                    IndexedVector3 pWorld = localTransA * pInA;
                    IndexedVector3 qWorld = localTransB * qInB;

                    if (check2d)
                        pWorld.Z = 0.0f;
                        qWorld.Z = 0.0f;

                    IndexedVector3 w = new IndexedVector3(pWorld.X - qWorld.X, pWorld.Y - qWorld.Y, pWorld.Z - qWorld.Z);
                    IndexedVector3.Dot(ref m_cachedSeparatingAxis, ref w, out delta);

                    if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugGJKDetector)
                        MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "m_cachedSeparatingAxis", m_cachedSeparatingAxis);
                        MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "w", w);
                        BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine(String.Format("simplex num vertices [{0}]", m_simplexSolver.NumVertices()));
                        MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "sepAxisA", seperatingAxisInA);
                        MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "sepAxisB", seperatingAxisInB);
                        MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "pInA", pInA);
                        MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "qInB", qInB);
                        MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "localTransA", localTransA);
                        MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "localTransB", localTransB);
                        MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "pWorld", pWorld);
                        MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "qWorld", qWorld);

                    // potential exit, they don't overlap
                    if ((delta > 0f) && (delta * delta > squaredDistance * input.m_maximumDistanceSquared))
                        m_degenerateSimplex = 10;
                        checkSimplex        = true;
                        //checkPenetration = false;

                    //exit 0: the new point is already in the simplex, or we didn't come any closer
                    if (m_simplexSolver.InSimplex(ref w))
                        m_degenerateSimplex = 1;
                        checkSimplex        = true;
                    // are we getting any closer ?
                    float f0 = squaredDistance - delta;
                    float f1 = squaredDistance * REL_ERROR2;

                    if (f0 <= f1)
                        if (f0 <= 0f)
                            m_degenerateSimplex = 2;
                            m_degenerateSimplex = 11;
                        checkSimplex = true;
                    //add current vertex to simplex
                    m_simplexSolver.AddVertex(ref w, ref pWorld, ref qWorld);

                    //calculate the closest point to the origin (update vector v)
                    IndexedVector3 newCachedSeparatingAxis;

                    if (!m_simplexSolver.Closest(out newCachedSeparatingAxis))
                        m_degenerateSimplex = 3;
                        checkSimplex        = true;

                    if (newCachedSeparatingAxis.LengthSquared() < REL_ERROR2)
                        m_cachedSeparatingAxis = newCachedSeparatingAxis;
                        m_degenerateSimplex    = 6;
                        checkSimplex           = true;

                    float previousSquaredDistance = squaredDistance;
                    squaredDistance = newCachedSeparatingAxis.LengthSquared();

                    if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugGJKDetector)
                        MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "sepAxisA", seperatingAxisInA);
                        MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "sepAxisB", seperatingAxisInB);
                        MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "pInA", pInA);
                        MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "qInB", qInB);
                        MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "pWorld", pWorld);
                        MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "qWorld", qWorld);
                        MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "newSeperatingAxis", newCachedSeparatingAxis);
                        BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine(String.Format("f0[{0:0.00000000}] f1[{1:0.00000000}] checkSimplex[{2}] degen[{3}]", f0, f1, checkSimplex, m_degenerateSimplex));

#if false
                    ///warning: this termination condition leads to some problems in 2d test case see Bullet/Demos/Box2dDemo
                    if (squaredDistance > previousSquaredDistance)
                        m_degenerateSimplex = 7;
                        squaredDistance     = previousSquaredDistance;
                        checkSimplex        = false;
#endif //

                    //redundant m_simplexSolver->compute_points(pointOnA, pointOnB);

                    //are we getting any closer ?
                    if (previousSquaredDistance - squaredDistance <= MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON * previousSquaredDistance)
                        //m_simplexSolver.BackupClosest(ref m_cachedSeparatingAxis);
                        checkSimplex        = true;
                        m_degenerateSimplex = 12;

                    m_cachedSeparatingAxis = newCachedSeparatingAxis;

                    //degeneracy, this is typically due to invalid/uninitialized worldtransforms for a btCollisionObject
                    if (m_curIter++ > gGjkMaxIter)
                        //#if defined(DEBUG) || defined (_DEBUG) || defined (DEBUG_SPU_COLLISION_DETECTION)

                        //        printf("btGjkPairDetector maxIter exceeded:%i\n",m_curIter);
                        //        printf("sepAxis=(%f,%f,%f), squaredDistance = %f, shapeTypeA=%i,shapeTypeB=%i\n",
                        //        m_cachedSeparatingAxis.getX(),
                        //        m_cachedSeparatingAxis.getY(),
                        //        m_cachedSeparatingAxis.getZ(),
                        //        squaredDistance,
                        //        m_minkowskiA->getShapeType(),
                        //        m_minkowskiB->getShapeType());


                    bool check = (!m_simplexSolver.FullSimplex());
                    //bool check = (!m_simplexSolver->fullSimplex() && squaredDistance > SIMD_EPSILON * m_simplexSolver->maxVertex());

                    if (!check)
                        //do we need this backup_closest here ?
                        //m_simplexSolver.BackupClosest(ref m_cachedSeparatingAxis);
                        m_degenerateSimplex = 13;


                if (checkSimplex)
                    m_simplexSolver.ComputePoints(out pointOnA, out pointOnB);
                    normalInB = m_cachedSeparatingAxis;
                    float lenSqr = m_cachedSeparatingAxis.LengthSquared();
                    //valid normal
                    if (lenSqr < 0.0001f)
                        m_degenerateSimplex = 5;
                    if (lenSqr > MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON * MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON)
                        //float rlen = 1 / normalInB.Length();
                        float rlen = 1.0f / (float)Math.Sqrt((float)lenSqr);
                        normalInB *= rlen;
                        float s = (float)Math.Sqrt((float)squaredDistance);

                        Debug.Assert(s > 0f);
                        pointOnA -= m_cachedSeparatingAxis * (marginA / s);
                        pointOnB += m_cachedSeparatingAxis * (marginB / s);
                        distance  = ((1f / rlen) - margin);
                        isValid   = true;

                        m_lastUsedMethod = 1;
                        m_lastUsedMethod = 2;

                bool catchDegeneratePenetrationCase =
                    (m_catchDegeneracies && m_penetrationDepthSolver != null && m_degenerateSimplex > 0 && ((distance + margin) < 0.01));

                //if (checkPenetration && !isValid)
                if (checkPenetration && (!isValid || catchDegeneratePenetrationCase))
                    //penetration case

                    //if there is no way to handle penetrations, bail ref
                    if (m_penetrationDepthSolver != null)
                        // Penetration depth case.
                        IndexedVector3 tmpPointOnA = IndexedVector3.Zero, tmpPointOnB = IndexedVector3.Zero;

                        m_cachedSeparatingAxis = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                        bool isValid2 = m_penetrationDepthSolver.CalcPenDepth(
                            m_minkowskiA, m_minkowskiB,
                            ref localTransA, ref localTransB,
                            ref m_cachedSeparatingAxis, ref tmpPointOnA, ref tmpPointOnB,

                        if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugGJKDetector)
                            BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine("lastMethodUsed : " + m_lastUsedMethod);

                            MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "localTransA", localTransA);
                            MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "localTransB", localTransB);
                            MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "sepAxis", m_cachedSeparatingAxis);
                            MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "tmpA", tmpPointOnA);
                            MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "tmpB", tmpPointOnB);

                        if (isValid2)
                            IndexedVector3 tmpNormalInB = tmpPointOnB - tmpPointOnA;
                            float          lenSqr       = tmpNormalInB.LengthSquared();
                            if (lenSqr <= (MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON * MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON))
                                tmpNormalInB = m_cachedSeparatingAxis;
                                lenSqr       = m_cachedSeparatingAxis.LengthSquared();

                            if (lenSqr > (MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON * MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON))
                                tmpNormalInB /= (float)Math.Sqrt(lenSqr);
                                float distance2 = -(tmpPointOnA - tmpPointOnB).Length();
                                //only replace valid penetrations when the result is deeper (check)
                                if (!isValid || (distance2 < distance))
                                    distance  = distance2;
                                    pointOnA  = tmpPointOnA;
                                    pointOnB  = tmpPointOnB;
                                    normalInB = tmpNormalInB;
                                    isValid   = true;

                                    //FIXME! check2d THIS

                                    m_lastUsedMethod = 3;
                                    m_lastUsedMethod = 8;
                                //isValid = false;
                                m_lastUsedMethod = 9;
                            ///this is another degenerate case, where the initial GJK calculation reports a degenerate case
                            ///EPA reports no penetration, and the second GJK (using the supporting vector without margin)
                            ///reports a valid positive distance. Use the results of the second GJK instead of failing.
                            ///thanks to Jacob.Langford for the reproduction case

                            if (m_cachedSeparatingAxis.LengthSquared() > 0f)
                                float distance2 = (tmpPointOnA - tmpPointOnB).Length() - margin;
                                //only replace valid distances when the distance is less
                                if (!isValid || (distance2 < distance))
                                    distance  = distance2;
                                    pointOnA  = tmpPointOnA;
                                    pointOnB  = tmpPointOnB;
                                    pointOnA -= m_cachedSeparatingAxis * marginA;
                                    pointOnB += m_cachedSeparatingAxis * marginB;
                                    normalInB = m_cachedSeparatingAxis;
                                    isValid          = true;
                                    m_lastUsedMethod = 6;
                                    m_lastUsedMethod = 5;

            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugGJKDetector)
                BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine("valid [{0}] distance[{1:0000.00000000}][{2:0000.00000000}] maxDistSq[{3:0000.00000000}]", isValid, distance, distance * distance, input.m_maximumDistanceSquared);

            if (isValid && ((distance < 0) || (distance * distance < input.m_maximumDistanceSquared)))
                m_cachedSeparatingAxis     = normalInB;
                m_cachedSeparatingDistance = distance;
                IndexedVector3 temp = pointOnB + positionOffset;
                    ref normalInB,
                    ref temp,
 internal DebugDraw(IDebugDraw target)
 public virtual void GetClosestPoints(ref ClosestPointInput input, IDiscreteCollisionDetectorInterfaceResult output, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
     GetClosestPoints(ref input, output, debugDraw, false);
        public void Draw(IDebugDraw drawer)
            for (int i = 0; i < NumRays; i++)
                drawer.DrawLine(ref _source[i], ref _hitCenterOfMass[i], ref _green);

                Vector3 to = _hitPoint[i] + NormalScale * _normal[i];
                drawer.DrawLine(ref _hitPoint[i], ref to, ref _white);

                Matrix fromTransform = _fromRotation * Matrix.Translation(_source[i]);
                Matrix toTransform = _toRotation * Matrix.Translation(_destination[i]);
                Vector3 linVel, angVel;
                TransformUtil.CalculateVelocity(ref fromTransform, ref toTransform, 1.0f, out linVel, out angVel);
                Matrix transform;
                TransformUtil.IntegrateTransform(ref fromTransform, ref linVel, ref angVel, _hitFraction[i], out transform);
                drawer.DrawBox(ref _boxBoundMin, ref _boxBoundMax, ref transform, ref _cyan);
 public virtual void GetClosestPoints(ref ClosestPointInput input, IDiscreteCollisionDetectorInterfaceResult output, IDebugDraw debugDraw, bool swapResults)
     GetClosestPointsNonVirtual(ref input, output, debugDraw);
Exemple #45
        public static void DrawAabb(IDebugDraw debugDrawer, Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Vector3 color)
            Vector3 halfExtents = (to - from) * 0.5f;
            Vector3 center = (to + from) * 0.5f;

            Vector3 edgecoord = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f), pa, pb;
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    pa = new Vector3(edgecoord.X * halfExtents.X, edgecoord.Y * halfExtents.Y,
                        edgecoord.Z * halfExtents.Z);
                    pa += center;

                    int othercoord = j % 3;
                    MathHelper.SetElement(ref edgecoord, othercoord, MathHelper.GetElement(edgecoord, othercoord) * -1f);
                    pb = new Vector3(edgecoord.X * halfExtents.X, edgecoord.Y * halfExtents.Y,
                        edgecoord.Z * halfExtents.Z);
                    pb += center;

                    debugDrawer.DrawLine(pa, pb, color);
                edgecoord = new Vector3(-1f, -1f, -1f);
                if (i < 3)
                    MathHelper.SetElement(ref edgecoord, i, MathHelper.GetElement(edgecoord, i) * -1f);
 public static void Draw(SoftBody psb, IDebugDraw iDraw, int drawFlags)
     btSoftBodyHelpers_Draw2(psb._native, DebugDraw.GetUnmanaged(iDraw), drawFlags);
Exemple #47
 public InplaceSolverIslandCallback(
     ContactSolverInfo solverInfo,
     IConstraintSolver solver,
     List<TypedConstraint> sortedConstraints,
     IDebugDraw debugDrawer)
     _solverInfo = solverInfo;
     _solver = solver;
     _sortedConstraints = sortedConstraints;
     _debugDrawer = debugDrawer;
 ///btActionInterface interface
 public void DebugDraw(IDebugDraw debugDrawer)
Exemple #49
 public void SetDebugDraw(IDebugDraw debugDraw)
     m_debugDraw = debugDraw;
 public static void DrawNodeTree(SoftBody psb, IDebugDraw iDraw)
     btSoftBodyHelpers_DrawNodeTree(psb._native, DebugDraw.GetUnmanaged(iDraw));
Exemple #51
        //public BoxBoxDetector(BoxShape box1, BoxShape box2)
        //    m_box1 = box1;
        //    m_box2 = box2;

        // Work in progress to copy redo the box detector to remove un-necessary allocations

        public static void GetClosestPoints(BoxShape box1, BoxShape box2, ref ClosestPointInput input, ManifoldResult output, IDebugDraw debugDraw, bool swapResults)
            IndexedMatrix transformA = input.m_transformA;
            IndexedMatrix transformB = input.m_transformB;

            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugBoxBoxDetector)
                MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "BoxBox:GCP:transformA", transformA);
                MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "BoxBox:GCP:transformB", transformB);

            int    skip    = 0;
            Object contact = null;

            IndexedVector3 normal      = new IndexedVector3();
            float          depth       = 0f;
            int            return_code = -1;
            int            maxc        = 4;

            IndexedVector3 translationA = new IndexedVector3(transformA._origin);
            IndexedVector3 translationB = new IndexedVector3(transformB._origin);

            //IndexedVector3 debugExtents = new IndexedVector3(2f, 2f, 2f);

            IndexedVector3 box1Margin = new IndexedVector3(2f * box1.GetHalfExtentsWithMargin());
            IndexedVector3 box2Margin = new IndexedVector3(2f * box2.GetHalfExtentsWithMargin());

            //IndexedVector3 box1Margin = 2f * debugExtents;
            //IndexedVector3 box2Margin = 2f * debugExtents;

            IndexedBasisMatrix rotateA = transformA._basis.Transpose();
            IndexedBasisMatrix rotateB = transformB._basis.Transpose();

            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                s_temp1[0 + 4 * j] = transformA._basis[j].X;
                s_temp2[0 + 4 * j] = transformB._basis[j].X;

                s_temp1[1 + 4 * j] = transformA._basis[j].Y;
                s_temp2[1 + 4 * j] = transformB._basis[j].Y;

                s_temp1[2 + 4 * j] = transformA._basis[j].Z;
                s_temp2[2 + 4 * j] = transformB._basis[j].Z;

            //s_temp1[0] = rotateA._Row0.X;
            //s_temp1[1] = rotateA._Row0.Y;
            //s_temp1[2] = rotateA._Row0.Z;

            //s_temp1[4] = rotateA._Row1.X;
            //s_temp1[5] = rotateA._Row1.Y;
            //s_temp1[6] = rotateA._Row1.Z;

            //s_temp1[8] = rotateA._Row2.X;
            //s_temp1[9] = rotateA._Row2.X;
            //s_temp1[10] = rotateA._Row2.X;

            //s_temp2[0] = rotateB._Row0.X;
            //s_temp2[1] = rotateB._Row0.Y;
            //s_temp2[2] = rotateB._Row0.Z;

            //s_temp2[4] = rotateB._Row1.X;
            //s_temp2[5] = rotateB._Row1.Y;
            //s_temp2[6] = rotateB._Row1.Z;

            //s_temp2[8] = rotateB._Row2.X;
            //s_temp2[9] = rotateB._Row2.Y;
            //s_temp2[10] = rotateB._Row2.Z;

            DBoxBox2(ref translationA,
                     ref box1Margin,
                     ref translationB,
                     ref box2Margin,
                     ref normal, ref depth, ref return_code,
                     maxc, contact, skip,
 public static void DrawNodeTree(SoftBody psb, IDebugDraw iDraw, int minDepth)
     btSoftBodyHelpers_DrawNodeTree2(psb._native, DebugDraw.GetUnmanaged(iDraw),
Exemple #53
 public virtual void SetDebugDrawer(IDebugDraw debugDrawer)
     m_debugDrawer = debugDrawer;
     BulletGlobals.gDebugDraw = debugDrawer;
        public bool CalcPenDepth(ISimplexSolverInterface simplexSolver, ConvexShape convexA, ConvexShape convexB, ref IndexedMatrix transA, ref IndexedMatrix transB,
                                 ref IndexedVector3 v, ref IndexedVector3 pa, ref IndexedVector3 pb, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            bool check2d = convexA.IsConvex2d() && convexB.IsConvex2d();

            float          minProj = float.MaxValue;
            IndexedVector3 minNorm = IndexedVector3.Zero;
            IndexedVector3 minA = IndexedVector3.Zero, minB = IndexedVector3.Zero;
            IndexedVector3 seperatingAxisInA, seperatingAxisInB;
            IndexedVector3 pInA, qInB, pWorld, qWorld, w;

            IndexedVector4[] supportVerticesABatch  = new IndexedVector4[NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS + ConvexShape.MAX_PREFERRED_PENETRATION_DIRECTIONS * 2];
            IndexedVector4[] supportVerticesBBatch  = new IndexedVector4[NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS + ConvexShape.MAX_PREFERRED_PENETRATION_DIRECTIONS * 2];
            IndexedVector3[] seperatingAxisInABatch = new IndexedVector3[NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS + ConvexShape.MAX_PREFERRED_PENETRATION_DIRECTIONS * 2];
            IndexedVector3[] seperatingAxisInBBatch = new IndexedVector3[NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS + ConvexShape.MAX_PREFERRED_PENETRATION_DIRECTIONS * 2];

            int numSampleDirections = NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS;

            for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++)
                IndexedVector3 norm    = sPenetrationDirections[i];
                IndexedVector3 negNorm = -norm;

                IndexedBasisMatrix.Multiply(ref seperatingAxisInABatch[i], ref negNorm, ref transA._basis);
                IndexedBasisMatrix.Multiply(ref seperatingAxisInBBatch[i], ref norm, ref transB._basis);
                //seperatingAxisInABatch[i] = (-norm) * transA._basis;
                //seperatingAxisInBBatch[i] = norm * transB._basis;

                int numPDA = convexA.GetNumPreferredPenetrationDirections();
                if (numPDA > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDA; i++)
                        IndexedVector3 norm;
                        convexA.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, out norm);
                        IndexedBasisMatrix.Multiply(ref norm, ref transA._basis, ref norm);
                        sPenetrationDirections[numSampleDirections] = norm;
                        IndexedVector3 negNorm = -norm;
                        IndexedBasisMatrix.Multiply(ref seperatingAxisInABatch[numSampleDirections], ref negNorm, ref transA._basis);
                        IndexedBasisMatrix.Multiply(ref seperatingAxisInBBatch[numSampleDirections], ref norm, ref transB._basis);

                int numPDB = convexB.GetNumPreferredPenetrationDirections();
                if (numPDB > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDB; i++)
                        IndexedVector3 norm;
                        convexB.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, out norm);
                        IndexedBasisMatrix.Multiply(ref norm, ref transB._basis, ref norm);
                        sPenetrationDirections[numSampleDirections] = norm;
                        IndexedVector3 negNorm = -norm;
                        IndexedBasisMatrix.Multiply(ref seperatingAxisInABatch[numSampleDirections], ref negNorm, ref transA._basis);
                        IndexedBasisMatrix.Multiply(ref seperatingAxisInBBatch[numSampleDirections], ref norm, ref transB._basis);

            convexA.BatchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInABatch, supportVerticesABatch, numSampleDirections);
            convexB.BatchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInBBatch, supportVerticesBBatch, numSampleDirections);

            for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++)
                IndexedVector3 norm = sPenetrationDirections[i];
                if (check2d)
                    // shouldn't this be Y ?
                    norm.Z = 0;
                if (norm.LengthSquared() > 0.01f)
                    seperatingAxisInA = seperatingAxisInABatch[i];
                    seperatingAxisInB = seperatingAxisInBBatch[i];

                    pInA = new IndexedVector3(supportVerticesABatch[i].X, supportVerticesABatch[i].Y, supportVerticesABatch[i].Z);
                    qInB = new IndexedVector3(supportVerticesBBatch[i].X, supportVerticesBBatch[i].Y, supportVerticesBBatch[i].Z);

                    IndexedMatrix.Multiply(out pWorld, ref transA, ref pInA);
                    IndexedMatrix.Multiply(out qWorld, ref transB, ref qInB);
                    if (check2d)
                        // shouldn't this be Y ?
                        pWorld.Z = 0f;
                        qWorld.Z = 0f;

                    IndexedVector3.Subtract(out w, ref qWorld, ref pWorld);
                    float delta = IndexedVector3.Dot(ref norm, ref w);
                    //find smallest delta
                    if (delta < minProj)
                        minProj = delta;
                        minNorm = norm;
                        minA    = pWorld;
                        minB    = qWorld;
            int numSampleDirections = NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS;

                int numPDA = convexA.GetNumPreferredPenetrationDirections();
                if (numPDA > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDA; i++)
                        IndexedVector3 norm;
                        convexA.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, out norm);
                        norm = IndexedVector3.TransformNormal(norm, transA);
                        sPenetrationDirections[numSampleDirections] = norm;

                int numPDB = convexB.GetNumPreferredPenetrationDirections();
                if (numPDB > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDB; i++)
                        IndexedVector3 norm = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                        convexB.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, out norm);
                        norm = IndexedVector3.TransformNormal(norm, transB);
                        sPenetrationDirections[numSampleDirections] = norm;

            for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++)
                IndexedVector3 norm = sPenetrationDirections[i];
                if (check2d)
                    norm.Z = 0f;
                if (norm.LengthSquared() > 0.01f)
                    seperatingAxisInA = IndexedVector3.TransformNormal(-norm, transA);
                    seperatingAxisInB = IndexedVector3.TransformNormal(norm, transB);
                    pInA   = convexA.LocalGetSupportVertexWithoutMarginNonVirtual(ref seperatingAxisInA);
                    qInB   = convexB.LocalGetSupportVertexWithoutMarginNonVirtual(ref seperatingAxisInB);
                    pWorld = IndexedVector3.Transform(pInA, transA);
                    qWorld = IndexedVector3.Transform(qInB, transB);
                    if (check2d)
                        pWorld.Z = 0.0f;
                        qWorld.Z = 0.0f;

                    w = qWorld - pWorld;
                    float delta = IndexedVector3.Dot(norm, w);
                    //find smallest delta
                    if (delta < minProj)
                        minProj = delta;
                        minNorm = norm;
                        minA    = pWorld;
                        minB    = qWorld;

            //add the margins

            minA += minNorm * convexA.GetMarginNonVirtual();
            minB -= minNorm * convexB.GetMarginNonVirtual();
            //no penetration
            if (minProj < 0f)

            float extraSeparation = 0.5f;///scale dependent
            minProj += extraSeparation + (convexA.GetMarginNonVirtual() + convexB.GetMarginNonVirtual());

            if (debugDraw)
                IndexedVector3 color = new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 0);
                debugDraw.drawLine(minA, minB, color);
                color = new IndexedVector3(1, 1, 1);
                IndexedVector3 vec  = minB - minA;
                float          prj2 = IndexedVector3.Dot(minNorm, vec);
                debugDraw.drawLine(minA, minA + (minNorm * minProj), color);
#endif //DEBUG_DRAW

            GjkPairDetector gjkdet = BulletGlobals.GjkPairDetectorPool.Get();
            gjkdet.Initialize(convexA, convexB, simplexSolver, null);

            float          offsetDist = minProj;
            IndexedVector3 offset     = minNorm * offsetDist;

            ClosestPointInput input = ClosestPointInput.Default();

            IndexedVector3 newOrg = transA._origin + offset;

            IndexedMatrix displacedTrans = transA;
            displacedTrans._origin = newOrg;

            input.m_transformA             = displacedTrans;
            input.m_transformB             = transB;
            input.m_maximumDistanceSquared = float.MaxValue;

            MinkowskiIntermediateResult res = new MinkowskiIntermediateResult();

            gjkdet.GetClosestPoints(ref input, res, debugDraw, false);

            float correctedMinNorm = minProj - res.m_depth;

            //the penetration depth is over-estimated, relax it
            float penetration_relaxation = 1f;
            minNorm *= penetration_relaxation;

            if (res.m_hasResult)
                pa = res.m_pointInWorld - minNorm * correctedMinNorm;
                pb = res.m_pointInWorld;
                v  = minNorm;

                if (debugDraw != null)
                    IndexedVector3 color = new IndexedVector3(1, 0, 0);
                    debugDraw.drawLine(pa, pb, color);

        public bool CalcPenDepth(ISimplexSolverInterface simplexSolver, ConvexShape convexA, ConvexShape convexB, ref Matrix transA, ref Matrix transB,
                ref Vector3 v, ref Vector3 pa, ref Vector3 pb, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            bool check2d = convexA.IsConvex2D() && convexB.IsConvex2D();

            float minProj = float.MaxValue;
            Vector3 minNorm = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 minA = Vector3.Zero, minB = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 seperatingAxisInA, seperatingAxisInB;
            Vector3 pInA, qInB, pWorld, qWorld, w;


            IList<Vector4> supportVerticesABatch = new ObjectArray<Vector4>(NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS + ConvexShape.MAX_PREFERRED_PENETRATION_DIRECTIONS * 2);
            IList<Vector4> supportVerticesBBatch = new ObjectArray<Vector4>(NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS + ConvexShape.MAX_PREFERRED_PENETRATION_DIRECTIONS * 2);
            IList<Vector3> seperatingAxisInABatch = new ObjectArray<Vector3>(NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS + ConvexShape.MAX_PREFERRED_PENETRATION_DIRECTIONS * 2);
            IList<Vector3> seperatingAxisInBBatch = new ObjectArray<Vector3>(NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS + ConvexShape.MAX_PREFERRED_PENETRATION_DIRECTIONS * 2);

            int numSampleDirections = NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS;

            for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++)
                Vector3 norm = sPenetrationDirections[i];
				seperatingAxisInABatch[i] = MathUtil.TransposeTransformNormal(-norm, transA);
				seperatingAxisInBBatch[i] = MathUtil.TransposeTransformNormal(norm, transB);

                int numPDA = convexA.GetNumPreferredPenetrationDirections();
                if (numPDA > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDA; i++)
                        Vector3 norm = Vector3.Up;
                        convexA.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, ref norm);
                        norm = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transA);
                        sPenetrationDirections[numSampleDirections] = norm;
                        seperatingAxisInABatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal(-norm, transA);
                        seperatingAxisInBBatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.Transform(norm, transB);

                int numPDB = convexB.GetNumPreferredPenetrationDirections();
                if (numPDB > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDB; i++)
                        Vector3 norm = Vector3.Up;
                        convexB.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, ref norm);
                        norm = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transB);
                        sPenetrationDirections[numSampleDirections] = norm;
                        seperatingAxisInABatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal(-norm, transA);
                        seperatingAxisInBBatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transB);

            convexA.BatchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInABatch, supportVerticesABatch, numSampleDirections);
            convexB.BatchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInBBatch, supportVerticesBBatch, numSampleDirections);

            for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++)
                Vector3 norm = sPenetrationDirections[i];
                if (check2d)
                    // shouldn't this be Y ?
                    norm.Z = 0;
                seperatingAxisInA = seperatingAxisInABatch[i];
                seperatingAxisInB = seperatingAxisInBBatch[i];

                pInA = new Vector3(supportVerticesABatch[i].X, supportVerticesABatch[i].Y, supportVerticesABatch[i].Z);
                qInB = new Vector3(supportVerticesBBatch[i].X, supportVerticesBBatch[i].Y, supportVerticesBBatch[i].Z);

                pWorld = Vector3.Transform(pInA, transA);
                qWorld = Vector3.Transform(qInB, transB);
                if (check2d)
                    // shouldn't this be Y ?
                    pWorld.Z = 0f;
                    qWorld.Z = 0f;

                w = qWorld - pWorld;
                float delta = Vector3.Dot(norm, w);
                //find smallest delta
                if (delta < minProj)
                    minProj = delta;
                    minNorm = norm;
                    minA = pWorld;
                    minB = qWorld;
            int numSampleDirections = NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS;

		        int numPDA = convexA.getNumPreferredPenetrationDirections();
		        if (numPDA > 0)
			        for (int i=0;i<numPDA;i++)
				        Vector3 norm = Vector3.Zero;
				        convexA.getPreferredPenetrationDirection(i,ref norm);
				        norm  = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm,transA);
				        sPenetrationDirections[numSampleDirections] = norm;

		        int numPDB = convexB.getNumPreferredPenetrationDirections();
		        if (numPDB > 0)
			        for (int i=0;i<numPDB;i++)
                        Vector3 norm = Vector3.Zero;
				        convexB.getPreferredPenetrationDirection(i,ref norm);
				        norm  = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm,transB);
				        sPenetrationDirections[numSampleDirections] = norm;

	        for (int i=0;i<numSampleDirections;i++)
		        Vector3 norm = sPenetrationDirections[i];
		        if (check2d)
			        norm.Z = 0f;
                if (norm.LengthSquared() > 0.01f)
                    seperatingAxisInA = Vector3.TransformNormal(-norm, transA);
                    seperatingAxisInB = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transB);
                    pInA = convexA.localGetSupportVertexWithoutMarginNonVirtual(ref seperatingAxisInA);
                    qInB = convexB.localGetSupportVertexWithoutMarginNonVirtual(ref seperatingAxisInB);
                    pWorld = Vector3.Transform(pInA, transA);
                    qWorld = Vector3.Transform(qInB, transB);
                    if (check2d)
                        pWorld.Z = 0.0f;
                        qWorld.Z = 0.0f;

                    w = qWorld - pWorld;
                    float delta = Vector3.Dot(norm, w);
                    //find smallest delta
                    if (delta < minProj)
                        minProj = delta;
                        minNorm = norm;
                        minA = pWorld;
                        minB = qWorld;

            //add the margins

            minA += minNorm * convexA.GetMarginNonVirtual();
            minB -= minNorm * convexB.GetMarginNonVirtual();
            //no penetration
            if (minProj < 0f)
                return false;

            float extraSeparation = 0.5f;///scale dependent
            minProj += extraSeparation + (convexA.GetMarginNonVirtual() + convexB.GetMarginNonVirtual());

	        if (debugDraw)
		        Vector3 color = new Vector3(0,1,0);
		        color = new Vector3(1,1,1);
		        Vector3 vec = minB-minA;
		        float prj2 = Vector3.Dot(minNorm,vec);

#endif //DEBUG_DRAW

            GjkPairDetector gjkdet = new GjkPairDetector(convexA, convexB, simplexSolver, null);

            float offsetDist = minProj;
            Vector3 offset = minNorm * offsetDist;

            ClosestPointInput input = new ClosestPointInput();

            Vector3 newOrg = transA.Translation + offset;

            Matrix displacedTrans = transA;
            displacedTrans.Translation = newOrg;

            input.m_transformA = displacedTrans;
            input.m_transformB = transB;
            input.m_maximumDistanceSquared = float.MaxValue;

            MinkowskiIntermediateResult res = new MinkowskiIntermediateResult();
            Vector3 temp = -minNorm;

            gjkdet.GetClosestPoints(input, res, debugDraw,false);

            float correctedMinNorm = minProj - res.m_depth;

            //the penetration depth is over-estimated, relax it
            float penetration_relaxation = 1f;
            minNorm *= penetration_relaxation;

            if (res.m_hasResult)

                pa = res.m_pointInWorld - minNorm * correctedMinNorm;
                pb = res.m_pointInWorld;
                v = minNorm;

		        if (debugDraw != null)
			        Vector3 color = new Vector3(1,0,0);

            return res.m_hasResult;
Exemple #56
 public static void Draw(SoftBody psb, IDebugDraw iDraw, DrawFlags drawFlags = DrawFlags.Std)
     btSoftBodyHelpers_Draw(psb.Native, DebugDraw.GetUnmanaged(iDraw), drawFlags);
Exemple #57
 public static void DrawFrame(SoftBody psb, IDebugDraw iDraw)
     btSoftBodyHelpers_DrawFrame(psb.Native, DebugDraw.GetUnmanaged(iDraw));
Exemple #58
 public static void DrawInfos(SoftBody psb, IDebugDraw iDraw, bool masses,
                              bool areas, bool stress)
     btSoftBodyHelpers_DrawInfos(psb.Native, DebugDraw.GetUnmanaged(iDraw),
                                 masses, areas, stress);
 public static void DrawClusterTree(SoftBody psb, IDebugDraw iDraw, int minDepth,
                                    int maxDepth)
     btSoftBodyHelpers_DrawClusterTree3(psb._native, DebugDraw.GetUnmanaged(iDraw),
                                        minDepth, maxDepth);
        //InplaceSolverIslandCallback operator=(InplaceSolverIslandCallback& other)
        //    Debug.Assert(false);
        //    //(void)other;
        //    return *this;

        public void Setup(ContactSolverInfo solverInfo, ObjectArray <TypedConstraint> sortedConstraints, int numConstraints, IDebugDraw debugDrawer)
            Debug.Assert(solverInfo != null);
            m_solverInfo        = solverInfo;
            m_sortedConstraints = sortedConstraints;
            m_numConstraints    = numConstraints;
            m_debugDrawer       = debugDrawer;