private IServiceProvider ConfigureOptionsAndCreateServiceProvider()
        return(new ServiceCollection()

               // Add common FluentMigrator services
               .Configure <FluentMigratorLoggerOptions>(
                   opt =>
            opt.ShowElapsedTime = ShowElapsedTime;
            opt.ShowSql = ShowSql;
               .ConfigureRunner(rb =>
            rb = _dbAdapter.ConfigureRunner(rb);
            // Define the assembly containing the migrations
            .ConfigureGlobalProcessorOptions(opt => { opt.PreviewOnly = PreviewOnly; })

               // Enable logging to console in the FluentMigrator way
               .AddLogging(lb => { lb.AddFluentMigratorConsole(); })
               .Configure <RunnerOptions>(ro =>
             * This is where different migrations can be selected based on their tags.
             * ro.Tags = new[] { "UK", "Production" }
            ro.Tags = Tags.ToArray();

               // Build the service provider