public void Handle(QueueSpy.Messages.BrokerEvent brokerEvent) { var connectionEstablished = (Messages.ConnectionEstablished)brokerEvent; var vhost = dbReader.Get <QueueSpy.VHost> ("Name = :Name", x => x.Name = connectionEstablished.VHostName).FirstOrDefault(); if (vhost == null) { return; } var connectionId = dataWriter.Insert <Executor.Connection> (new Executor.Connection { VHostId = vhost.Id, // TODO: Name = connectionEstablished.Name, Connected = connectionEstablished.DateTimeUTC, IsConnected = true }); foreach (var clientProperty in connectionEstablished.Properties) { dataWriter.Insert <Executor.ClientProperty> (new Executor.ClientProperty { ConnectionId = connectionId, Key = clientProperty.Key, Value = clientProperty.Value }); } }
public void Should_be_able_to_insert_a_user() { var user = new User { Email = "*****@*****.**", PasswordHash = "blah", Salt = "foo" }; var id = dataWriter.Insert(user); Console.WriteLine(id); dataWriter.Delete <User> (id); }
public void Handle(QueueSpy.Messages.NewWebhook command) { dataWriter.Insert(new Executor.Webhook { Url = command.Url, UserId = command.UserId }); }
public void Handle(QueueSpy.Messages.Alert command) { dataWriter.Insert(new Executor.Alert { BrokerId = command.BrokerId, AlertTypeId = command.AlertTypeId, Description = command.Description, DateTimeUTC = command.DateTimeUTC }); }
public void Handle(QueueSpy.Messages.BrokerEvent brokerEvent) { var vhostCreated = (Messages.VHostCreated)brokerEvent; dataWriter.Insert <Executor.VHost> (new VHost { BrokerId = vhostCreated.BrokerId, Name = vhostCreated.Name, Active = true }); }
public void Handle(QueueSpy.Messages.QueueLevel command) { dataWriter.Insert(new Executor.QueueLevel { QueueId = command.QueueId, Ready = command.Ready, Unacked = command.Unacked, Total = command.Total, SampledAt = command.SampledAt }); }
public void InsertEventRecord(Messages.BrokerEvent command) { var brokerEvent = new QueueSpy.Executor.BrokerEvent { BrokerId = command.BrokerId, EventTypeId = command.EventTypeId, DateTimeUTC = command.DateTimeUTC, Description = command.Description }; dataWriter.Insert(brokerEvent); }
public void Handle(QueueSpy.Messages.RegisterBroker command) { var broker = new Broker { UserId = command.UserId, Url = command.Url, Username = command.Username, Password = command.Password, Active = true }; dataWriter.Insert(broker); }
public void Handle(RegisterUser registerUser) { var hashResult = passwordService.Hash(registerUser.Password); var user = new User { Email = registerUser.Email, PasswordHash = hashResult.PasswordHash, Salt = hashResult.Salt }; dataWriter.Insert(user); mailerService.Email(registerUser.Email, "Welcome to QueueSpy", "Welcome to QueueSpy (better intro message to follow :)"); }
public void Handle(QueueSpy.Messages.BrokerEvent brokerEvent) { Preconditions.CheckNotNull(brokerEvent, "brokerEvent"); var queueCreated = (Messages.QueueCreated)brokerEvent; var vhost = dbReader.Get <QueueSpy.VHost> ("Name = :Name", x => x.Name = queueCreated.VHostName).FirstOrDefault(); if (vhost == null) { return; } dataWriter.Insert(new Executor.Queue { VHostId = vhost.Id, Name = queueCreated.Name, Created = queueCreated.DateTimeUTC, IsCurrent = true }); }
public void Handle(QueueSpy.Messages.BrokerEvent brokerEvent) { var newConsumer = (Messages.NewConsumer)brokerEvent; var connection = dbReader.Get <QueueSpy.Connection> ("Name = :Name and IsConnected = TRUE", x => x.Name = newConsumer.ConnectionName) .SingleOrDefault(); if (connection == null) { return; } dataWriter.Insert <Executor.Consumer> (new Executor.Consumer { ConnectionId = connection.Id, Tag = newConsumer.Tag, QueueName = newConsumer.QueueName, Created = newConsumer.DateTimeUTC, IsConsuming = true }); }