Exemple #1
        public static void Accept(byte[] buffer, int length, ID003CommandCreater ComDll, SerialPort Port)
            //This method will stack the note once the vend valid message is sent by the unit

            bool vend = false;             //value to check if vend valid has been sent

            byte[] status = new byte[255]; //capturing the status message from the serial port

            ComDll.Stack1(buffer);         //we have detected escrow and now sending the stack command.
            length = (int)buffer[1];
            Port.Write(buffer, 0, length); //writing buffer to com port

            while (!vend)                     //if no vend valid, keep checking status
                ComDll.StatusRequest(buffer); //checking status
                length = (int)buffer[1];
                Port.Write(buffer, 0, length);
                Port.Read(status, 0, 255); //capturing status from the com port

                if (status[2] == 0x15)  //we have received vend valid response
                    ComDll.Ack(buffer); //Sending an ACK
                    length = (int)buffer[1];
                    Port.Write(buffer, 0, length);
                    vend = true;
Exemple #2
        public static void init(byte[] buffer, int length, ID003CommandCreater ComDll, SerialPort Port)
            //This method does the BV setup in order to accept bills
            byte enable1 = 0;
            byte enable2 = 0;

            //Sending the reset command
            length = (int)buffer[1];
            Port.Write(buffer, 0, length);
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); //wait for 100ms (poll rate should be between 100ms and 200ms)

            //Enabling denominations ($1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100)
            ComDll.SetEnableDeno(buffer, enable1, enable2);
            length = (int)buffer[1];
            Port.Write(buffer, 0, length);

            //Setting standard security enable1= 0x00, enable2= 0x00
            ComDll.SetSecurity(buffer, enable1, enable2);
            length    = (int)buffer[1];
            buffer[5] = 0x01;
            Port.Write(buffer, 0, length);

            //No optional functions enable1= 0x00, enable2= 0x00
            ComDll.SetOpFunction(buffer, enable1, enable2);
            length = (int)buffer[1];
            Port.Write(buffer, 0, length);

            //Enabling bill acceptor enable=0x00 (0x01 to disable)
            ComDll.SetInhibit(buffer, enable1);
            length = (int)buffer[1];
            Port.Write(buffer, 0, length);