/// <summary>
        /// Calling this will make sure that the render request
        /// is registered with the MediaContext.
        /// </summary>
        private void RegisterForAsyncRenderForCyclicBrush()
            DUCE.IResource resource = this as DUCE.IResource;

            if (resource != null)
                if ((Dispatcher != null) && !_isAsyncRenderRegistered)
                    MediaContext mediaContext = MediaContext.From(Dispatcher);

                    // Only register for a deferred render if this visual brush
                    // is actually on the channel.
                    if (!resource.GetHandle(mediaContext.Channel).IsNull)
                        // Add this handler to this event means that the handler will be
                        // called on the next UIThread render for this Dispatcher.
                        ICyclicBrush cyclicBrush = this as ICyclicBrush;
                        mediaContext.ResourcesUpdated += new MediaContext.ResourcesUpdatedHandler(cyclicBrush.RenderForCyclicBrush);
                        _isAsyncRenderRegistered       = true;
Exemple #2
        public bool EnterTreeWalk(ICyclicBrush brush)
            if (this._cyclicBrushes.ContainsKey(brush))

            this._cyclicBrushes.Add(brush, EmptyStruct.Default);
        /// <summary>
        /// Override this function in derived classes to release unmanaged resources
        /// during Dispose and during removal of a subtree.
        /// </summary>
        internal virtual void ReleaseOnChannelForCyclicBrush(
            ICyclicBrush cyclicBrush,
            DUCE.Channel channel)
            // Update the number of times this visual brush uses this visual across all channels.
            Dictionary<ICyclicBrush, int> cyclicBrushToChannelsMap =

            Debug.Assert(cyclicBrushToChannelsMap != null);
            Debug.Assert(cyclicBrushToChannelsMap[cyclicBrush] > 0);

            if (cyclicBrushToChannelsMap[cyclicBrush] == 1)
                // If the ICyclicBrush no longer uses this Visual across all channels, then
                // we can remove it from the map.
                // Decrease the number os times this ICyclicBrush uses this Visual across all channels
                cyclicBrushToChannelsMap[cyclicBrush] =
                    cyclicBrushToChannelsMap[cyclicBrush] - 1;

            // Decrease the number of ICyclicBrush using the visual as root on this channel
            Dictionary<DUCE.Channel, int> channelsToCyclicBrushMap =
            Debug.Assert(channelsToCyclicBrushMap != null);
            Debug.Assert(channelsToCyclicBrushMap[channel] > 0);

            channelsToCyclicBrushMap[channel] =
                    channelsToCyclicBrushMap[channel] - 1;

            // If on this channel, there are no more ICyclicBrushes using this visual as
            // a root then we need to remove the flag saying that the visual is a visual
            // brush root and make sure that the dependant resources are released in 
            // case we are no longer connected to the visual tree.

            if (channelsToCyclicBrushMap[channel] == 0)

                SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.NodeIsCyclicBrushRoot);


                // If we do not have a parent or we have already disconnected from                
                // the parent and we are also not the root then we need to clear out
                // the tree.
                if ( (_parent == null
                      || !CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent))
                    && !IsRootElement)
        internal virtual void AddRefOnChannelForCyclicBrush(
            ICyclicBrush cyclicBrush,
            DUCE.Channel channel)
            // Since the ICyclicBrush to visual relationship is being created on this channel,
            // we need to update the number of cyclic brushes using this visual on this channel.
            Dictionary<DUCE.Channel, int> channelsToCyclicBrushMap =
            if (channelsToCyclicBrushMap == null)
                channelsToCyclicBrushMap = new Dictionary<DUCE.Channel, int>();
                ChannelsToCyclicBrushMapField.SetValue(this, channelsToCyclicBrushMap);

            if (!channelsToCyclicBrushMap.ContainsKey(channel))
                // If on this channel we were not previously using this Visual as the root 
                // node of a VisualBrush, set the flag indicating that it is the root now.
                // Also set the number of uses on this channel to 1.
                SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.NodeIsCyclicBrushRoot);

                channelsToCyclicBrushMap[channel] = 1;
                Debug.Assert(channelsToCyclicBrushMap[channel] > 0);

                channelsToCyclicBrushMap[channel] += 1;

            // Since the ICyclicBrush to visual relationship is being created on this channel,
            // we need to update the number of times this cyclic brush is used across all
            // channels.
            Dictionary<ICyclicBrush, int> cyclicBrushToChannelsMap =

            if (cyclicBrushToChannelsMap == null)
                cyclicBrushToChannelsMap = new Dictionary<ICyclicBrush, int>();
                CyclicBrushToChannelsMapField.SetValue(this, cyclicBrushToChannelsMap);

            if (!cyclicBrushToChannelsMap.ContainsKey(cyclicBrush))
                cyclicBrushToChannelsMap[cyclicBrush] = 1;
                Debug.Assert(cyclicBrushToChannelsMap[cyclicBrush] > 0);

                cyclicBrushToChannelsMap[cyclicBrush] += 1;

            // Render the brush's visual.

            cyclicBrush.RenderForCyclicBrush(channel, false);
Exemple #5
 public bool IsTreeWalkInProgress(ICyclicBrush brush)
Exemple #6
 public void ExitTreeWalk(ICyclicBrush brush)