public void CreateTicketFromEmail(string @from, string body, string subject, IList <int> fileIds, string ticketUrlBase)
            //Get default values for the new ticket from TicketDefault table
            var defaultTicket = _ticketRepository.GetTicketDefaultValues();

            //Get customer contact id and customer id by email from
            var customerContact = _customerRepository.GetCustomerContactByEmail(from);

            //If there is no customer contact with such email create new customer contact for the customer with Id = -1 (Unknown)
            if (customerContact == null)
                customerContact = _customerRepository.AddCustomerContact(new CustomerContactModel {
                    EMail = from, CustomerId = -1, Priority = defaultTicket.PriorityId

            //Create ticket
            var ticket = new TicketModel
                CustomerId     = customerContact.CustomerId,
                CustomerUserId = customerContact.Id,
                CreationDate   = DateTime.Now,
                IssueTypeId    = defaultTicket.IssueTypeId,
                IssueType      = new IssueType {
                    Id = defaultTicket.IssueTypeId
                PriorityId = defaultTicket.PriorityId,
                ProductId  = defaultTicket.ProductId,
                Product    = new Product {
                    Id = defaultTicket.ProductId
                TypeId     = defaultTicket.TypeId,
                TicketType = new TicketType {
                    Id = defaultTicket.TypeId
                ProductCategoryId = defaultTicket.ProductCategoryId,
                ProductCategory   = new ProductCategory {
                    Id = defaultTicket.ProductCategoryId
                StatusId = (int)TicketStatusId.Open

            var ticketWorkflowRule = _ticketWorkflowRepository.GetFirstMathingRule(ticket);

            ticket.Department = new Department {
                Id = ticketWorkflowRule.Department.Id
            ticket.DepartmentId = ticketWorkflowRule.Department.Id;


            //Add custom field value for the ticket (from body)
            _ticketFieldRepository.Insert(new TicketFieldModel()
                CustomFieldId = -1,
                CustomField   = new CustomField {
                    Id = -1
                Value     = body,
                TextValue = body,
                TicketId  = ticket.Id

            //Add attchements if they exists
            if (fileIds != null && fileIds.Count > 0)
                _ticketFieldRepository.Insert(new TicketFieldModel()
                    CustomFieldId = -2,
                    CustomField   = new CustomField {
                        Id = -2
                    Value     = string.Join(",", fileIds),
                    TextValue = "Attachments",
                    TicketId  = ticket.Id

            //Add log record
            var log = _ticketLogRepository.Insert(ticket.Id, (int)LogEntryTypeId.TicketCreated, "Ticket was created by email", $"Ticket was created from {from}", "");

            //Find and Complile email template (replace all %field% with values
            var emailTemplates = _emailTemplateRepository.GetEmailTemplatesByAction(EmailActionId.TicketCreated);

            var substitutions = _ticketFieldRepository.GetTicketFieldsSubstitutions(ticket.Id, ticketUrlBase + ticket.Id);

            //Send email notifications asynchronously
            SendEmails(ticket.Id, emailTemplates, substitutions);