public static void removeAtomAndConnectedElectronContainers(IChemModel chemModel, IAtom atom) { ICrystal crystal = chemModel.Crystal; if (crystal != null) { if (crystal.contains(atom)) { crystal.removeAtomAndConnectedElectronContainers(atom); } return; } ISetOfMolecules moleculeSet = chemModel.SetOfMolecules; if (moleculeSet != null) { SetOfMoleculesManipulator.removeAtomAndConnectedElectronContainers(moleculeSet, atom); } ISetOfReactions reactionSet = chemModel.SetOfReactions; if (reactionSet != null) { SetOfReactionsManipulator.removeAtomAndConnectedElectronContainers(reactionSet, atom); } }
public override void TestClone() { ICrystal crystal = (ICrystal)NewChemObject(); object clone = crystal.Clone(); Assert.IsTrue(clone is ICrystal); }
public override void TestAdd_IAtomContainer() { ICrystal crystal = (ICrystal)NewChemObject(); IAtomContainer acetone = crystal.Builder.NewAtomContainer(); IAtom c1 = crystal.Builder.NewAtom("C"); IAtom c2 = crystal.Builder.NewAtom("C"); IAtom o = crystal.Builder.NewAtom("O"); IAtom c3 = crystal.Builder.NewAtom("C"); acetone.Atoms.Add(c1); acetone.Atoms.Add(c2); acetone.Atoms.Add(c3); acetone.Atoms.Add(o); IBond b1 = crystal.Builder.NewBond(c1, c2, BondOrder.Single); IBond b2 = crystal.Builder.NewBond(c1, o, BondOrder.Double); IBond b3 = crystal.Builder.NewBond(c1, c3, BondOrder.Single); acetone.Bonds.Add(b1); acetone.Bonds.Add(b2); acetone.Bonds.Add(b3); crystal.Add(acetone); Assert.AreEqual(4, crystal.Atoms.Count); Assert.AreEqual(3, crystal.Bonds.Count); }
public static void removeElectronContainer(IChemModel chemModel, IElectronContainer electrons) { ICrystal crystal = chemModel.Crystal; if (crystal != null) { if (crystal.contains(electrons)) { crystal.removeElectronContainer(electrons); } return; } ISetOfMolecules moleculeSet = chemModel.SetOfMolecules; if (moleculeSet != null) { SetOfMoleculesManipulator.removeElectronContainer(moleculeSet, electrons); } ISetOfReactions reactionSet = chemModel.SetOfReactions; if (reactionSet != null) { SetOfReactionsManipulator.removeElectronContainer(reactionSet, electrons); } }
public void TestNewCrystal_IAtomContainer() { IChemObjectBuilder builder = RootObject.Builder; ICrystal crystal = builder.NewCrystal(builder.NewAtomContainer()); Assert.IsNotNull(crystal); }
private static string F_ANGLE_FORMAT(double angle) => angle.ToString("F3", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo).PadLeft(7); //"%3.3f"; public void WriteCrystal(ICrystal crystal) { try { WriteHeader(); Vector3 a = crystal.A; Vector3 b = crystal.B; Vector3 c = crystal.C; double[] ucParams = CrystalGeometryTools.CartesianToNotional(a, b, c); writer.Write("CRYST1 " + F_LENGTH_FORMAT(ucParams[0])); writer.Write(F_LENGTH_FORMAT(ucParams[1])); writer.Write(F_LENGTH_FORMAT(ucParams[2])); writer.Write(F_ANGLE_FORMAT(ucParams[3])); writer.Write(F_ANGLE_FORMAT(ucParams[4])); writer.Write('\n'); // before saving the atoms, we need to create cartesian coordinates foreach (var atom in crystal.Atoms) { // Debug.WriteLine($"PDBWriter: atom -> {atom}"); // if it got 3D coordinates, use that. If not, try fractional coordinates if (atom.Point3D == null && atom.FractionalPoint3D != null) { Vector3 frac = atom.FractionalPoint3D.Value; Vector3 cart = CrystalGeometryTools.FractionalToCartesian(a, b, c, frac); atom.Point3D = cart; } } WriteMolecule(crystal.Builder.NewAtomContainer(crystal)); } catch (IOException exception) { throw new CDKException("Error while writing file: " + exception.Message, exception); } }
public void TestNewCrystal() { IChemObjectBuilder builder = RootObject.Builder; ICrystal crystal = builder.NewCrystal(); Assert.IsNotNull(crystal); }
public void TestSetCrystal_ICrystal() { IChemModel chemModel = (IChemModel)NewChemObject(); ICrystal crystal = chemModel.Builder.NewCrystal(); chemModel.Crystal = crystal; Assert.AreEqual(crystal, chemModel.Crystal); }
public ValidationReport ValidateChemModel(IChemModel subject) { Trace.TraceInformation($"Validating {nameof(IChemModel)}"); var report = new ValidationReport(); // apply validators foreach (var test in validators.Values) { report.Add(test.ValidateChemModel(subject)); } // traverse into super class report.Add(ValidateChemObject(subject)); // traverse into hierarchy ICrystal crystal = subject.Crystal; if (crystal != null) { report.Add(ValidateCrystal(crystal)); } IReactionSet reactionSet = subject.ReactionSet; if (reactionSet != null) { report.Add(ValidateReactionSet(reactionSet)); } var moleculeSet = subject.MoleculeSet; if (moleculeSet != null) { report.Add(ValidateMoleculeSet(moleculeSet)); } return(report); }
/// <summary> /// Remove an ElectronContainer from all AtomContainers /// inside an IChemModel. /// </summary> /// <param name="chemModel">The IChemModel object.</param> /// <param name="electrons">The ElectronContainer to remove.</param> public static void RemoveElectronContainer(IChemModel chemModel, IElectronContainer electrons) { ICrystal crystal = chemModel.Crystal; if (crystal != null) { if (crystal.Contains(electrons)) { crystal.Remove(electrons); } return; } IChemObjectSet <IAtomContainer> moleculeSet = chemModel.MoleculeSet; if (moleculeSet != null) { MoleculeSetManipulator.RemoveElectronContainer(moleculeSet, electrons); } IReactionSet reactionSet = chemModel.ReactionSet; if (reactionSet != null) { ReactionSetManipulator.RemoveElectronContainer(reactionSet, electrons); } }
/// <summary> /// Remove an Atom and the connected ElectronContainers from all AtomContainers /// inside an IChemModel. /// </summary> /// <param name="chemModel">The IChemModel object.</param> /// <param name="atom">The Atom object to remove.</param> public static void RemoveAtomAndConnectedElectronContainers(IChemModel chemModel, IAtom atom) { ICrystal crystal = chemModel.Crystal; if (crystal != null) { if (crystal.Contains(atom)) { crystal.RemoveAtom(atom); } return; } IChemObjectSet <IAtomContainer> moleculeSet = chemModel.MoleculeSet; if (moleculeSet != null) { MoleculeSetManipulator.RemoveAtomAndConnectedElectronContainers(moleculeSet, atom); } IReactionSet reactionSet = chemModel.ReactionSet; if (reactionSet != null) { ReactionSetManipulator.RemoveAtomAndConnectedElectronContainers(reactionSet, atom); } }
public override void TestAddAtom_IAtom() { ICrystal crystal = (ICrystal)NewChemObject(); IAtom c1 = crystal.Builder.NewAtom("C"); crystal.Atoms.Add(c1); Assert.AreEqual(1, crystal.Atoms.Count); }
public virtual void TestSetZ_Integer() { ICrystal crystal = (ICrystal)NewChemObject(); int z = 2; crystal.Z = z; Assert.AreEqual(z, crystal.Z.Value); }
public virtual void TestSetSpaceGroup_String() { ICrystal crystal = (ICrystal)NewChemObject(); string spacegroup = "P 2_1 2_1 2_1"; crystal.SpaceGroup = spacegroup; Assert.AreEqual(spacegroup, crystal.SpaceGroup); }
public virtual void TestSetZeroAxes() { ICrystal crystal = (ICrystal)NewChemObject(); crystal.A = new Vector3(1, 2, 3); Vector3 a = crystal.A; Assert.IsNotNull(a); }
public virtual void TestGetB() { ICrystal crystal = (ICrystal)NewChemObject(); crystal.B = new Vector3(1, 2, 3); Vector3 a = crystal.B; Assert.IsNotNull(a); }
public void Cod1100784AtomCount() { var ins = ResourceLoader.GetAsStream(GetType(), "1100784.cif"); CIFReader cifReader = new CIFReader(ins); var chemFile = cifReader.Read(new ChemFile()); ICrystal crystal = chemFile[0][0].Crystal; Assert.AreEqual(72, crystal.Atoms.Count); cifReader.Close(); }
public override void TestToString() { ICrystal crystal = (ICrystal)NewChemObject(); string description = crystal.ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < description.Length; i++) { Assert.IsTrue(description[i] != '\n'); Assert.IsTrue(description[i] != '\r'); } }
public virtual void TestSetC_Vector3d() { ICrystal crystal = (ICrystal)NewChemObject(); crystal.C = new Vector3(1, 2, 3); Vector3 c = crystal.C; Assert.AreEqual(1.0, c.X, 0.001); Assert.AreEqual(2.0, c.Y, 0.001); Assert.AreEqual(3.0, c.Z, 0.001); }
/// <summary> /// Read the ShelX from input. Each ShelX document is expected to contain one crystal structure. /// </summary> /// <param name="file"></param> /// <returns>a ChemFile with the coordinates, charges, vectors, etc.</returns> private IChemFile ReadChemFile(IChemFile file) { IChemSequence seq = file.Builder.NewChemSequence(); IChemModel model = file.Builder.NewChemModel(); ICrystal crystal = ReadCrystal(file.Builder.NewCrystal()); model.Crystal = crystal; seq.Add(model); file.Add(seq); return(file); }
public virtual void TestSetA_Vector3d() { ICrystal crystal = (ICrystal)NewChemObject(); crystal.A = new Vector3(1, 2, 3); Vector3 a = crystal.A; Assert.AreEqual(1.0, a.X, 0.001); Assert.AreEqual(2.0, a.Y, 0.001); Assert.AreEqual(3.0, a.Z, 0.001); }
public virtual void TestSetB_Vector3d() { ICrystal crystal = (ICrystal)NewChemObject(); crystal.B = new Vector3(1, 2, 3); Vector3 b = crystal.B; Assert.AreEqual(1.0, b.X, 0.001); Assert.AreEqual(2.0, b.Y, 0.001); Assert.AreEqual(3.0, b.Z, 0.001); }
public void Cod1100784CellLengths() { var ins = ResourceLoader.GetAsStream(GetType(), "1100784.cif"); CIFReader cifReader = new CIFReader(ins); var chemFile = cifReader.Read(new ChemFile()); ICrystal crystal = chemFile[0][0].Crystal; Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(crystal.A.Length() - 10.9754) < 1E-5); Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(crystal.B.Length() - 11.4045) < 1E-5); Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(crystal.C.Length() - 12.9314) < 1E-5); cifReader.Close(); }
public void TestIsEmpty_Crystal() { var model = (IChemModel)NewChemObject(); IChemObjectBuilder builder = model.Builder; ICrystal crystal = builder.NewCrystal(); model.Crystal = crystal; Assert.IsTrue(model.IsEmpty()); crystal.Atoms.Add(builder.NewAtom("C")); Assert.IsFalse(model.IsEmpty()); model.Crystal = null; Assert.IsTrue(model.IsEmpty()); }
public virtual void TestClone_Axes() { ICrystal crystal1 = (ICrystal)NewChemObject(); Vector3 axes = new Vector3(1, 2, 3); crystal1.A = axes; ICrystal crystal2 = (ICrystal)crystal1.Clone(); // test cloning of axes var cpy = crystal1.A; cpy.X = 5; crystal1.A = cpy; // NCDK's Vector3 is value type. Assert.AreEqual(1.0, crystal2.A.X, 0.001); }
/// <summary> /// Writes a single frame to the Writer. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Format: /// <list type="table"> /// <listheader> /// <term>line</term> /// <term>data</term> /// </listheader> /// <term><item>1</item><item>spacegroup</item></term> /// <term><item>2,3,4</item><item>cell parameter: a</item></term> /// <term><item>5,6,7</item><item>b</item></term> /// <term><item>8,9,10</item><item>c</item></term> /// <term><item>11</item><item>number of atoms</item></term> /// <term><item>12</item><item>number of asym. units</item></term> /// <term><item>13-16</item><item>atomtype: charge, atomcoord x, y, z</item></term> /// <term><item>17-20</item><item>idem second atom</item></term> /// <term><item>21-24</item><item>idem third atom etc</item></term> /// </list> /// </remarks> /// <param name="crystal">the Crystal to serialize</param> private void WriteCrystal(ICrystal crystal) { string sg = crystal.SpaceGroup; if (string.Equals("P 2_1 2_1 2_1", sg, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { Writeln("P 21 21 21 (1)"); } else { Writeln("P 1 (1)"); } // output unit cell axes WriteVector3d(crystal.A); WriteVector3d(crystal.B); WriteVector3d(crystal.C); // output number of atoms int noatoms = crystal.Atoms.Count; Write(noatoms.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); Writeln(""); // output number of asym. units (Z) if (string.Equals(sg, "P1", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { Writeln("1"); } else { // duno Writeln("1"); } // output atoms for (int i = 0; i < noatoms; i++) { // output atom sumbol var atom = crystal.Atoms[i]; Write(atom.Symbol); Write(":"); // output atom charge Writeln(atom.Charge.ToString()); // output coordinates Writeln(atom.Point3D.Value.X.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); Writeln(atom.Point3D.Value.Y.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); Writeln(atom.Point3D.Value.Z.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); } }
/// <summary> Writes a single frame to the Writer. /// /// <p>Format: /// <pre> /// line data /// ------- -------------------------- /// 1 spacegroup /// 2,3,4 cell parameter: a /// 5,6,7 b /// 8,9,10 c /// 11 number of atoms /// 12 number of asym. units /// 13-16 atomtype: charge, atomcoord x, y, z /// 17-20 idem second atom /// 21-24 idem third atom etc /// </pre> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="crystal">the Crystal to serialize /// </param> //UPGRADE_NOTE: Access modifiers of method 'write' were changed to 'public'. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1204'" public void write(ICrystal crystal) { System.String sg = crystal.SpaceGroup; if ("P 2_1 2_1 2_1".Equals(sg)) { write("P 21 21 21 (1)\n"); } else { write("P 1 (1)\n"); } // output unit cell axes writeVector3d(crystal.A); writeVector3d(crystal.B); writeVector3d(crystal.C); // output number of atoms int noatoms = crystal.AtomCount; write(((System.Int32)noatoms).ToString()); write("\n"); // output number of asym. units (Z) if (sg.Equals("P1")) { write("1\n"); } else { // duno write("1\n"); } // output atoms for (int i = 0; i < noatoms; i++) { // output atom sumbol IAtom atom = crystal.getAtomAt(i); write(atom.Symbol); write(":"); // output atom charge write(((double)atom.getCharge()).ToString() + "\n"); // output coordinates write(((double)atom.X3d).ToString() + "\n"); write(((double)atom.Y3d).ToString() + "\n"); write(((double)atom.Z3d).ToString() + "\n"); } }
public ValidationReport ValidateCrystal(ICrystal subject) { Trace.TraceInformation($"Validating {nameof(ICrystal)}"); var report = new ValidationReport(); // apply validators foreach (var test in validators.Values) { report.Add(test.ValidateCrystal(subject)); } // traverse into super class report.Add(ValidateAtomContainer(subject)); // traverse into hierarchy return(report); }
/// <summary> /// Creates Cartesian coordinates for all Atoms in the Crystal. /// </summary> public static void FractionalToCartesian(ICrystal crystal) { Vector3 aAxis = crystal.A; Vector3 bAxis = crystal.B; Vector3 cAxis = crystal.C; foreach (var atom in crystal.Atoms) { Vector3?fracPoint = atom.FractionalPoint3D; if (fracPoint != null) { atom.Point3D = FractionalToCartesian(aAxis, bAxis, cAxis, fracPoint.Value); } } }
/// <summary> Creates cartesian coordinates for all Atoms in the Crystal.</summary> public static void fractionalToCartesian(ICrystal crystal) { IAtom[] atoms = crystal.Atoms; Vector3d aAxis = crystal.A; Vector3d bAxis = crystal.B; Vector3d cAxis = crystal.C; for (int i = 0; i < atoms.Length; i++) { Point3d fracPoint = atoms[i].getFractionalPoint3d(); if (fracPoint != null) { atoms[i].setPoint3d(fractionalToCartesian(aAxis, bAxis, cAxis, fracPoint)); } } }
public virtual void createIDs(ICrystal crystal) { createIDs((IAtomContainer)crystal); }
/// <summary> Read the ShelX from input. Each ShelX document is expected to contain /// one crystal structure. /// /// </summary> /// <returns> a ChemFile with the coordinates, charges, vectors, etc. /// </returns> private IChemFile readChemFile(IChemFile file) { IChemSequence seq = file.Builder.newChemSequence(); IChemModel model = file.Builder.newChemModel(); crystal = file.Builder.newCrystal(); System.String line = input.ReadLine(); bool end_found = false; while (input.Peek() != -1 && line != null && !end_found) { if (line.StartsWith("#")) { //logger.warn("Skipping comment: " + line); // skip comment lines } else if (line.Length == 0) { //logger.debug("Skipping empty line"); // skip empty lines } else if (!(line.StartsWith("_") || line.StartsWith("loop_"))) { //logger.warn("Skipping unrecognized line: " + line); // skip line } else { /* determine CIF command */ System.String command = ""; int spaceIndex = line.IndexOf(" "); if (spaceIndex != -1) { // everything upto space is command try { command = new System.Text.StringBuilder(line.Substring(0, (spaceIndex) - (0))).ToString(); } catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException sioobe) { // disregard this line break; } } else { // complete line is command command = line; } //logger.debug("command: " + command); if (command.StartsWith("_cell")) { processCellParameter(command, line); } else if (command.Equals("loop_")) { processLoopBlock(); } else if (command.Equals("_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M")) { System.String value_Renamed = line.Substring(29).Trim(); crystal.SpaceGroup = value_Renamed; } else { // skip command //logger.warn("Skipping command: " + command); line = input.ReadLine(); if (line.StartsWith(";")) { //logger.debug("Skipping block content"); line = input.ReadLine().Trim(); while (!line.Equals(";")) { line = input.ReadLine().Trim(); //logger.debug("Skipping block line: " + line); } line = input.ReadLine(); } } } line = input.ReadLine(); } //"Adding crystal to file with #atoms: " + crystal.AtomCount); model.Crystal = crystal; seq.addChemModel(model); file.addChemSequence(seq); return file; }