public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = _accountRepository.GetUser(model.Name, _cryptor.Encrypt(model.Password)); if (user != null) { FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.Name, true); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Пользователя с таким логином и паролем нет"); } } return(View("Index"));//return View("Index",model) }
/// <summary> /// Encrpyts the unlocked content with the key of the assigned safe. /// </summary> /// <param name="unlockedContent">Content to encrypt.</param> /// <returns>Encrypted content.</returns> public string Lock(string unlockedContent) { string encryptionAlgorithm = _settingsService.LoadSettingsOrDefault().SelectedEncryptionAlgorithm; SafeModel safe = _safes.FindById(Model.SafeId); byte[] binaryContent = CryptoUtils.StringToBytes(unlockedContent); byte[] lockedContent = _cryptor.Encrypt(binaryContent, safe.Key, encryptionAlgorithm, null); return(CryptoUtils.BytesToBase64String(lockedContent)); }
public async Task CreateNewMessage(MessageModel messageModel) { messageModel.ToLongTimeString = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(); ICryptor cryptor = CryptorFactory.CreateInstance(messageModel.CryptorType); messageModel.Message = await cryptor.Encrypt(messageModel); await Clients.All.SendAsync("GetEncryptNewMessage", messageModel); }
public (byte[] data, uint len) Encrypt(byte[] data, uint len) { // await encLock.WaitAsync(); try { // Reserve for iv var outArr = new byte[len + 16]; var outLen = cryptor.Encrypt(data, len, outArr); return(outArr, (uint)outLen); } finally { // encLock.Release(); } }
/// <summary> /// Encrypt input data using the cryptor. Will be used to send Shadowsocks requests. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Input data.</param> /// <param name="outData">Output data. Must have enough capacity to hold encrypted data and any additional data.</param> /// <param name="cryptor">The cryptor to used. A null value indicates that the connection-wide cryptor should be used.</param> /// <returns>The length of <paramref name="outData"/> used.</returns> public virtual unsafe uint Encrypt(ReadOnlySpan <byte> data, Span <byte> outData, ICryptor cryptor = null) { if (cryptor == null) { cryptor = this.cryptor; } fixed(byte *dataPtr = &data.GetPinnableReference(), outDataPtr = &outData.GetPinnableReference()) { // Reserve for iv var outLen = cryptor.Encrypt((ulong)dataPtr, (uint)data.Length, (ulong)outDataPtr, (uint)outData.Length); #pragma warning disable IDE0004 return((uint)outLen); #pragma warning restore IDE0004 } }
public int Enc( [Argument] string value, [Option('k')] string key, [Option('v')] string iv, [Option('a')][Algorithms] string algorithms = DefaultAlgorithms ) { ICryptor cryptor = algorithms switch { nameof(SupportAlgorithms.TripleDES) => new TripleDESCryptor(key, iv), nameof(SupportAlgorithms.DES) => new DESCryptor(key, iv), _ => throw new ArgumentException() }; Console.WriteLine(cryptor.Encrypt(value)); return(0); }
private PaymentEntity BuildPaymentEntity(PaymentRequestModel request, MerchantAcquirerEntity merchantAcquirer) { return(new PaymentEntity { PaymentId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), MerchantId = merchantAcquirer.MerchantId, MerchantName = merchantAcquirer.MerchantName, AcquirerId = merchantAcquirer.AcquirerId, AcquirerName = merchantAcquirer.AcquirerName, TrackId = request.TrackId, Status = Constants.PendingStatus, Amount = request.Amount, Currency = request.Currency, CardNumber = _cryptor.Encrypt(request.Card.Number), ExpiryMonth = request.Card.ExpiryMonth, ExpiryYear = request.Card.ExpiryYear, CardholderName = request.Card.Name, PaymentTime = DateTime.UtcNow }); }
/// <summary> /// 獲取打包數據並加密 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public byte[] GetEncryptedBytes(ICryptor cryptor, byte[] cryptKey) { return(cryptor.Encrypt(GetBytes(), cryptKey)); }
public void PutEncryptedBytes(byte[] value, ICryptor cryptor, byte[] cryptKey, byte prefixLength = 0, byte limitedLength = 0) { PutBytes(cryptor.Encrypt(value, cryptKey), prefixLength, limitedLength); }
public void PutEncryptedBytes(byte[] value, ICryptor cryptor, byte[] cryptKey) { WriteBytes(cryptor.Encrypt(value, cryptKey)); }
public byte[] GetEncryptedBytes(bool prefixTlvCount, ICryptor cryptor, byte[] cryptKey) { return(cryptor.Encrypt(GetBytes(prefixTlvCount), cryptKey)); }
/// <summary> /// Embeds DWM within container. /// </summary> /// <param name="cryptor">Crypt algorithm.</param> /// <param name="embeder">Embeding algorithm.</param> /// <param name="message">Secret message.</param> /// <param name="key">Crypting key.</param> /// <param name="container">Container.</param> /// <param name="fileName">Container file name.</param> /// <returns>Saved file name at server.</returns> public static void EmbedDwm(ICryptor cryptor, IEmbeder embeder, string message, Key key, Container container) { Stream cryptedMessage = cryptor.Encrypt(StreamHelper.StringToStream(message), key); embeder.Embed(container, StreamHelper.StreamToBytesArray(cryptedMessage)); }
public static string Encrypt(this string str, ICryptor cryptor) { return(cryptor.Encrypt(str)); }
public void PutEncryptedBytes(byte[] value, ICryptor cryptor, byte[] cryptKey, Prefix prefixFlag = Prefix.None, byte limitedLength = 0) { PutBytes(cryptor.Encrypt(value, cryptKey), prefixFlag, limitedLength); }