Exemple #1
    public ICryptoSyllable[] GetLastInputSyllables()
        ICryptoSyllable[] result = new ICryptoSyllable[m_sessionParameter.SyllableSearchedAmount];

        Debug.Assert(m_TransmissionWord.syllableIndices.Length == result.Length, "Array length of last syllable input does not match the required syllable amount");
        if (m_TransmissionWord.syllableIndices.Length != result.Length)

        bool hasValidRoundIndex = ActiveRoundIndex >= 0 && ActiveRoundIndex < m_TransmissionSetup.Transmissions.Length;

        Debug.Assert(hasValidRoundIndex, "Active round index is out of range for transmission array");
        if (!hasValidRoundIndex)

        Transmission currentTransmission = m_TransmissionSetup.Transmissions[ActiveRoundIndex];

        var inSyllables = currentTransmission.InLanguage.GetSyllables();

        for (int i = 0; i < m_TransmissionWord.syllableIndices.Length; ++i)
            int syllableIndex = m_TransmissionWord.syllableIndices[i];
            Debug.Assert(syllableIndex >= 0 && syllableIndex < inSyllables.Length, "last syllable indices are out of range for the language excerpt");

            result[i] = inSyllables[syllableIndex];

Exemple #2
    public Session(SessionParameters sessionParameter, TransmissionWord transmissionWord, int currentRoundIndex)
        bool validCurrentRoundIndex = currentRoundIndex >= 0 && currentRoundIndex < sessionParameter.RoundCount;

        Debug.Assert(validCurrentRoundIndex, string.Format("Tried to construct a session with invalid currentRoundIndex {0}", currentRoundIndex));
        if (!validCurrentRoundIndex)

        m_sessionParameter = sessionParameter;
        m_TransmissionWord = transmissionWord;

        m_SyllableChoiceArray = new ICryptoSyllable[sessionParameter.SyllableChoiceAmount];
        m_SyllableSearchArray = new ICryptoSyllable[sessionParameter.SyllableSearchedAmount];

        // Create transmission flow from parameter
        SessionParameters sp = m_sessionParameter;

        m_TransmissionSetup = TransmissionManager.BuildTransmissionSetup(sp.Seed, sp.RoundCount, sp.SyllableSearchedAmount, sp.SyllableChoiceAmount);

        // Set the active round index to the first entry
        ActiveRoundIndex = currentRoundIndex;

        // Start the first round
Exemple #3
    public void SetSyllableChoice(int index, ICryptoSyllable syllable)
        bool validIndex = index >= 0 && index < m_SyllableChoiceArray.Length;

        Debug.Assert(validIndex, string.Format("Tried to set syllable at invalid index {0}", index));
        if (!validIndex)

        int indexInChoiceArray = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < m_SyllableChoiceArray.Length; ++i)
            var tmpSyllable = m_SyllableChoiceArray[i];
            if (tmpSyllable != syllable)

            indexInChoiceArray = i;
        Debug.Assert(indexInChoiceArray == -1, "Tried to set a syllable as choice, but it is not found in available syllable list");
        if (indexInChoiceArray == -1)

        // Remove syllable from choice array and add it to the search array
        m_SyllableChoiceArray[indexInChoiceArray] = null;

        // Check if the current search slot is replaced with a new one -> Give the option back to the user in this case
        var oldSyllable = m_SyllableSearchArray[index];

        if (oldSyllable != null)
            // Find free spot where the now unused syllable can go in the choice array
            bool replacementSuccess = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < m_SyllableChoiceArray.Length; ++i)
                if (m_SyllableChoiceArray[i] != null)

                // Put oldSyllable to open spot
                m_SyllableChoiceArray[i] = oldSyllable;
                replacementSuccess       = true;

            Debug.Assert(replacementSuccess, "Replaced a chosen syllable, but there was no space to push old syllable back to choice array");

        // Update the search array with the new syllable
        m_SyllableSearchArray[index] = syllable;
Exemple #4
    public void SetFromSyllable(ICryptoSyllable syllable)
        object syllableContent = syllable.GetSyllable();

        if (syllableContent is Sprite)
        else if (syllableContent is string)
Exemple #5
    public ICryptoSyllable[] GetSyllables()
        ICryptoSyllable[] syllables = new ICryptoSyllable[usedSyllableIndices.Length];

        var sourceSyllables = SourceLanguage.GetSyllables();

        for (int i = 0; i < syllables.Length; i++)
            syllables[i] = sourceSyllables[usedSyllableIndices[i]];

Exemple #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Represents the word in a language
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="language">The language to set to</param>
    /// <returns>The syllable chain representation</returns>
    public ICryptoSyllable[] ToSyllables(LanguageExcerpt language)
        ICryptoSyllable[] syllables = new ICryptoSyllable[syllableIndices.Length];

        var sourceSyllables = language.GetSyllables();

        for (int i = 0; i < syllables.Length; i++)
            syllables[i] = sourceSyllables[syllableIndices[i]];

Exemple #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the a specific round in this session. Will force a restart for the given round
    /// </summary>
    public void SetRound(int index)
        bool validIndex = index >= 0 && index < MaxRounds;

        Debug.Assert(validIndex, string.Format("Tried to set round with invalid index {0}", index));

        // Refill possible syllable list
        var currentTransmission = m_TransmissionSetup.Transmissions[index];
        var languageExcerpt     = currentTransmission.OutLanguage;

        Debug.Assert(m_SyllableChoiceArray.Length == languageExcerpt.GetSyllables().Length, "The current language excerpt does not have a proper count of possible syllables");
        m_SyllableChoiceArray = languageExcerpt.GetSyllables();

        // Clear search list
        m_SyllableSearchArray = new ICryptoSyllable[m_sessionParameter.SyllableSearchedAmount];

        // Reset timer (is there a timer though? #gameJamGameDesign)
Exemple #8
    public Session(SessionParameters sessionParameter)
        m_sessionParameter = sessionParameter;

        m_SyllableChoiceArray = new ICryptoSyllable[sessionParameter.SyllableChoiceAmount];
        m_SyllableSearchArray = new ICryptoSyllable[sessionParameter.SyllableSearchedAmount];

        // Create transmission flow from parameter
        SessionParameters sp = m_sessionParameter;

        m_TransmissionSetup = TransmissionManager.BuildTransmissionSetup(sp.Seed, sp.RoundCount, sp.SyllableSearchedAmount, sp.SyllableChoiceAmount);

        m_TransmissionWord = new TransmissionWord(m_TransmissionSetup.StartWord);

        Debug.Assert(m_TransmissionSetup.Transmissions.Length == sp.RoundCount, "Transmission setup creation returned tansmission array with wrong length");

        // Set the active round index to the first entry
        ActiveRoundIndex = 0;

        // Start the first round