protected override async Task SaveCategory()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedCategory.Name))
                await dialogService.ShowMessage(Strings.MandatoryFieldEmptyTitle, Strings.NameRequiredMessage)


            if (await crudServices.ReadManyNoTracked <AccountViewModel>().AnyWithNameAsync(SelectedCategory.Name)
                await dialogService.ShowMessage(Strings.DuplicatedNameTitle, Strings.DuplicateCategoryMessage)


            await crudServices.CreateAndSaveAsync(SelectedCategory, "ctor(2)")

            if (!crudServices.IsValid)
                await dialogService.ShowMessage(Strings.GeneralErrorTitle, crudServices.GetAllErrors())

            await NavigationService.Close(this)
        public async Task <ActionResult <CreateTodoHybridDto> > PostAsync(CreateTodoHybridDto item, [FromServices] ICrudServicesAsync service)
            var result = await service.CreateAndSaveAsync(item);

            //NOTE: to get this to work you MUST set the name of the HttpGet, e.g. [HttpGet("{id}", Name= "GetSingleTodo")],
            //on the Get you want to call, then then use the Name value in the Response.
            //Otherwise you get a "No route matches the supplied values" error.
            //see for more on this
            return(service.Response(this, "GetSingleHybridTodo", new { id = result.Id }, item));
Exemple #3
        public async Task <GetOrCreateSubscriberOutput> GetOrCreate(GetOrCreateSubscriberInput input)
                SubscriberDto subscriberDto   = null;
                bool          newSubscriber   = false;
                string        normalisedEmail = StringUtils.NormaliseEmailAddress(input.EmailAddress);

                subscriberDto = await _crudServices.ReadSingleAsync <SubscriberDto>(s => s.EmailAddress == normalisedEmail);

                if (subscriberDto == null)
                    string emailVerifyCode = !input.EmailAddressVerified
                        ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").ToLowerInvariant().Truncate(Subscriber.MAX_LENGTH_EMAIL_VERIFY_CODE)
                        : null;

                    subscriberDto = await _crudServices.CreateAndSaveAsync(new SubscriberDto
                        EmailAddress         = normalisedEmail,
                        EmailAddressVerified = input.EmailAddressVerified,
                        EmailVerifyCode      = emailVerifyCode

                    if (!_crudServices.IsValid)
                        return(new GetOrCreateSubscriberOutput
                            ErrorMessage = _crudServices.GetAllErrors()

                    newSubscriber = true;

                return(new GetOrCreateSubscriberOutput
                    Subscriber = subscriberDto,
                    CreatedNewSubscriber = newSubscriber,
                    ErrorMessage = subscriberDto == null ? $"Error creating subscriber with email '{normalisedEmail}' in database" : null
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogError(ex, "EmailAddress: " + input.EmailAddress);
                return(new GetOrCreateSubscriberOutput
                    ErrorMessage = ex.Message
Exemple #4
        protected override async Task SaveAccount()
            if (await crudService.ReadManyNoTracked <AccountViewModel>()
                await dialogService.ShowMessage(Strings.MandatoryFieldEmptyTitle, Strings.NameRequiredMessage);


            await crudService.CreateAndSaveAsync(SelectedAccount, "ctor(4)");

            if (!crudService.IsValid)
                await dialogService.ShowMessage(Strings.GeneralErrorTitle, crudService.GetAllErrors());

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// When a user subscribes to an artist, we want to store the artist in our database.
        /// An artist may already exist if another user has already subscribed to them.
        /// When a user subscribes they will usually subscribe to many artists in one go.
        /// This method is optimised for that scenario, allowing for the fact that some artists may already exist.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <GetOrCreateManyOutput> GetOrCreateMany(GetOrCreateManyInput input)
            if (!input.Artists.Any())
                throw new ArgumentException("Artists must contain at least one artist", "Artists");

            var spotifyArtistIds = input.Artists.Select(a => a.Id).ToList();

                var output = new GetOrCreateManyOutput();

                var existingArtists = await _crudServices.ReadManyNoTracked <ArtistDto>()
                                      .Where(a => spotifyArtistIds.Contains(a.SpotifyId))

                foreach (var spotifyArtist in input.Artists)
                    var existingArtist = existingArtists.FirstOrDefault(a => a.SpotifyId == spotifyArtist.Id);
                    if (existingArtist == null)
                        existingArtist = await _crudServices.CreateAndSaveAsync(new ArtistDto
                            Name      = spotifyArtist.Name,
                            SpotifyId = spotifyArtist.Id


            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogError(ex, "SpotifyArtistIds: " + String.Join(',', spotifyArtistIds));
                return(new GetOrCreateManyOutput
                    ErrorMessage = ex.Message
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// When we notify a subscriber about an album, we want to store the album in our database so we know
        /// that we've handled the album and don't send more notifications for it in future.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <CreateAlbumsOutput> CreateAlbums(CreateAlbumsInput input)
                foreach (var inputAlbum in input.Albums)
                    //If the album is attributed to more than one artist, there's a chance the album already exists
                    var existingAlbum = await _crudServices.ReadManyNoTracked <Album>()
                                        .Where(a => a.SpotifyId == inputAlbum.SpotifyId)
                                        .Include(a => a.Artists)

                    if (existingAlbum != null)
                        //Check if we need to add this artist to the list of artists for the album
                        if (!existingAlbum.Artists.Any(a => a.ArtistId == input.Artist.Id))
                            Logger.LogInformation("Adding SpotifyArtistId: {0} to existing SpotifyAlbumId: {1} in database", input.Artist.SpotifyId, inputAlbum.SpotifyId);

                            var artistAlbum = new ArtistAlbum
                                ArtistId = input.Artist.Id,
                                AlbumId  = existingAlbum.Id

                            await _crudServices.CreateAndSaveAsync(artistAlbum);
                        Logger.LogInformation("Saving SpotifyAlbumId: {0} to database", inputAlbum.SpotifyId);

                        var newAlbum = new Album
                            Name        = inputAlbum.Name,
                            SpotifyId   = inputAlbum.SpotifyId,
                            ReleaseDate = inputAlbum.ReleaseDate,
                            Artists     = new List <ArtistAlbum>
                                new ArtistAlbum
                                    ArtistId = input.Artist.Id

                        await _crudServices.CreateAndSaveAsync(newAlbum);

                return(new CreateAlbumsOutput
                    ErrorMessage = _crudServices.IsValid ? null : _crudServices.GetAllErrors()
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogError(ex, "");
                return(new CreateAlbumsOutput
                    ErrorMessage = ex.Message
Exemple #7
        public async Task <ActionResult <CreateBookDto> > Post(CreateBookDto item, [FromServices] ICrudServicesAsync service)
            var result = await service.CreateAndSaveAsync(item, nameof(Book.CreateBook));

            return(service.Response(this, "GetSingleBook", new { id = result.BookId }, item));