Exemple #1
        private void GatherCpuSchedulingData(ICpuSchedulingDataSource cpuSchedulingDataSource)
            void ProcessContextSwitch(IProcess etlProcess)
                Process process = new Process(etlProcess.Id, etlProcess.ImageName);

                if (!ContextSwitchCounts.ContainsKey(process))
                    ContextSwitchCounts.Add(process, 1);

            foreach (IContextSwitch cswitch in cpuSchedulingDataSource.ContextSwitches)
                // If we have a cswitch when the same process's thread is switched, do not count that as 2 context switches
                if (cswitch.SwitchIn.Process == cswitch.SwitchOut.Process && cswitch.SwitchIn.Process != null)
                    if (cswitch.SwitchIn.Process != null)

                    if (cswitch.SwitchOut.Process != null)
    // Scan through a trace and print a summary of the Chrome processes, optionally with
    // CPU Usage details for Chrome and other key processes.
    static void ProcessTrace(ITraceProcessor trace, bool showCPUUsage)
        var pendingProcessData = trace.UseProcesses();
        // Only request CPU scheduling data when it is actually needed, to avoid
        // unecessary trace processing costs. Unfortunately this means that the
        // scheduling data sources can't be declared with 'var'.
        IPendingResult <ICpuSchedulingDataSource> pendingSchedulingData = null;

        if (showCPUUsage)
            pendingSchedulingData = trace.UseCpuSchedulingData();


        ICpuSchedulingDataSource schedulingData = null;

        if (showCPUUsage)
            schedulingData = pendingSchedulingData.Result;

        // Get a List<ProcessSummary> of all Chrome processes.
        var processSummaries = GetChromePaths(pendingProcessData.Result);

        // Group all of the chrome.exe processes by browser Pid, then by type.
        // pathByBrowserPid just maps from the browser Pid to the disk path to
        // chrome.exe
        var pathByBrowserPid = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        // processesByBrowserPid is a dictionary that is indexed by the browser Pid.
        // It contains a dictionary that is indexed by process type with each
        // entry's payload being a list of Pids (for example, a list of renderer
        // processes).
        var processesByBrowserPid = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, List <int> > >();

        // parentPids is a dictionary that maps from Pids to parent Pids.
        var parentPids = new Dictionary <int, int>();

        // Dictionary of Pids and their types.
        var typesByPid = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        // Find the space-terminated word after 'type='.
        // Mark the first .* as lazy/ungreedy/reluctant so that if there are multiple
        // --type options (such as with the V8 Proxy Resolver utility process) the
        // first one will win. Or, at least, that's what the comments in the Python
        // version of this said.
        var r = new Regex(@".*? --type=(?<type>[^ ]*) .*");

        foreach (var entry in processSummaries)
            var process = entry.Key;
            var exePath = entry.Value;
            if (process.ImageName == "chrome.exe")
                int pid = process.Id;
                parentPids[pid] = process.ParentId;

                // Look for the process type on the command-line in the
                // --type= option. If no type is found then assume it is the
                // browser process. I could have looked for chrome.dll, but
                // that may fail in the future. I could have looked for a chrome
                // process whose parent is not chrome, but I didn't. There are
                // many ways to do this.
                string type;
                int    browserPid;
                var    match = r.Match(process.CommandLine);
                if (match.Success)
                    type = match.Groups["type"].ToString();
                    if (type == "crashpad-handler")
                        type = "crashpad"; // Shorten the tag for better formatting
                    if (type == "renderer" && process.CommandLine.Contains(" --extension-process "))
                        // Extension processes are renderers with --extension-process on the command line.
                        type = "extension";
                    browserPid = process.ParentId;
                    type       = "browser";
                    browserPid = pid;
                    pathByBrowserPid[browserPid] = exePath;

                typesByPid[pid] = type;

                // Retrieve or create the list of processes associated with this
                // browser (parent) pid.
                // This involves a lot of redundant dictionary lookups, but it is
                // the cleanest way to do it.
                if (!processesByBrowserPid.ContainsKey(browserPid))
                    processesByBrowserPid[browserPid] = new Dictionary <string, List <int> >();
                if (!processesByBrowserPid[browserPid].ContainsKey(type))
                    processesByBrowserPid[browserPid][type] = new List <int>();
                var pidList = processesByBrowserPid[browserPid][type];

        // Clean up the data, because process trees are never simple.
        // Iterate through a copy of the keys so that we can modify the dictionary.
        foreach (var browserPid in new List <int>(processesByBrowserPid.Keys))
            var childPids = processesByBrowserPid[browserPid];
            if (childPids.Count == 1)
                // Linq magic to get the one-and-only key.
                string childType = childPids.Keys.First();
                string destType  = null;

                // In many cases there are two crash-handler processes and one is the
                // parent of the other. This seems to be related to --monitor-self.
                // This script will initially report the parent crashpad process as being a
                // browser process, leaving the child orphaned. This fixes that up by
                // looking for singleton crashpad browsers and then finding their real
                // crashpad parent. This will then cause two crashpad processes to be
                // listed, which is correct.
                if (childType == "crashpad")
                    destType = childType;

                // Also look for entries with parents in the list and no children. These
                // represent child processes whose --type= option was too far along in the
                // command line for ETW's 512-character capture to get. See crbug.com/614502
                // for how this happened.
                // Checking that there is only one entry (itself) in the list is important
                // to avoid problems caused by Pid reuse that could cause one browser process
                // to appear to be another browser process' parent.
                else if (childType == "browser")
                    destType = "gpu???";

                // The browserPid *should* always be present, but in a large enough corpus
                // of traces, all bets are off. This assumption failed in a 20-hour heap
                // snapshot trace.
                if (parentPids.ContainsKey(browserPid))
                    // The childPids["browser"] entry needs to be appended to its
                    // parent/grandparent process since that is its browser process.
                    int parentPid = parentPids[browserPid];
                    // Create the destination type if necessary (needed for gpu???,
                    // not needed for crashpad). Handle missing data.
                    if (processesByBrowserPid.ContainsKey(parentPid))
                        if (!processesByBrowserPid[parentPid].ContainsKey(destType))
                            processesByBrowserPid[parentPid][destType] = new List <int>();

                        // Remove the fake 'browser' entry so that we don't try to print it.

        // Map from PID to CPUUsageDetails.
        var execTimes = new Dictionary <int, CPUUsageDetails>();

        if (showCPUUsage)
            var names = new string[] { "chrome.exe", "dwm.exe", "audiodg.exe", "System", "MsMpEng.exe", "software_reporter_tool.exe" };
            // Scan through the context-switch data to build up how much time
            // was spent by interesting process.
            foreach (var slice in schedulingData.CpuTimeSlices)
                // Yep, this happens.
                if (slice.Process == null)
                // Ignore non-interesting names. Only accumulate for chrome.exe and
                // processes that are known to be related or interesting.
                // An existence check in an array is O(n) but because the array is
                // short this is probably faster than using a dictionary.
                if (!names.Contains(slice.Process.ImageName))
                execTimes.TryGetValue(slice.Process.Id, out CPUUsageDetails last);
                last.imageName              = slice.Process.ImageName;
                last.ns                    += slice.Duration.Nanoseconds;
                last.contextSwitches       += 1;
                execTimes[slice.Process.Id] = last;

            foreach (var times in execTimes)
                CPUUsageDetails details = times.Value;
                // Print details about other interesting processes:
                if (details.imageName != "chrome.exe")
                    Console.WriteLine("{0,11} - {1,6} context switches, {2,8:0.00} ms CPU", details.imageName, details.contextSwitches, details.ns / 1e6);

        if (processesByBrowserPid.Count > 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Chrome PIDs by process type:");
            Console.WriteLine("No Chrome processes found.");
        var browserPids = new List <int>(processesByBrowserPid.Keys);

        foreach (var browserPid in browserPids)
            // |processes| is a Dictionary<type, List<pid>>
            var processes = processesByBrowserPid[browserPid];

            // Total up how many processes there are in this instance.
            var detailsByType = new Dictionary <string, CPUUsageDetails>();

            int totalProcesses = 0;
            var detailsTotal   = new CPUUsageDetails();
            foreach (var type in processes)
                totalProcesses += type.Value.Count;
                if (showCPUUsage)
                    var detailsSubTotal = new CPUUsageDetails();
                    foreach (int pid in type.Value)
                        execTimes.TryGetValue(pid, out CPUUsageDetails details);
                        detailsTotal.ns += details.ns;
                        detailsTotal.contextSwitches += details.contextSwitches;

                        detailsSubTotal.ns += details.ns;
                        detailsSubTotal.contextSwitches += details.contextSwitches;

                    detailsByType[type.Key] = detailsSubTotal;

            // Print the browser path.
            if (showCPUUsage)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) - {2} context switches, {3,8:0.00} ms CPU, {4} processes",
                                  pathByBrowserPid[browserPid], browserPid, detailsTotal.contextSwitches,
                                  detailsTotal.ns / 1e6, totalProcesses);
                // See earlier note about how the browserPid may be missing.
                string browserPath = "Unknown parent";
                if (pathByBrowserPid.ContainsKey(browserPid))
                    browserPath = pathByBrowserPid[browserPid];
                Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) - {2} processes", browserPath, browserPid, totalProcesses);

            // Sort the types alphabetically for consistent printing.
            var types = new List <KeyValuePair <string, List <int> > >(processes);
            types.Sort((x, y) => x.Key.CompareTo(y.Key));

            // Print all of the child processes, grouped by type.
            foreach (var type in types)
                // |type| contains type and List<pid>
                // TODO: change this to ,12 for ppapi-broker
                if (showCPUUsage)
                    CPUUsageDetails detailsSum = detailsByType[type.Key];
                    Console.Write("    {0,-11} : total - {1,6} context switches, {2,8:0.00} ms CPU", type.Key, detailsSum.contextSwitches, detailsSum.ns / 1e6);
                    Console.Write("    {0,-11} : ", type.Key);
                foreach (var pid in type.Value)
                    if (showCPUUsage)
                        Console.Write("\n        ");
                        execTimes.TryGetValue(pid, out CPUUsageDetails details);
                        if (details.contextSwitches > 0)
                            Console.Write("{0,5} - {1,6} context switches, {2,8:0.00} ms CPU", pid, details.contextSwitches, details.ns / 1e6);
                            Console.Write("{0,5}", pid);
                        Console.Write("{0} ", pid);