void FindOrAddCxlfee(ICoreSys sys, FlextourEntities context, string code, int ntsPrior, decimal pctPenalty)
            CXLFEE cxlFee = context.CXLFEE.FirstOrDefault(c => c.TYPE == "OPT" && c.CODE == code && c.CAT == null && c.START_DATE == null &&
                                                          c.END_DATE == null && c.AGENCY == sys.Settings.DefaultAgency);

            if (cxlFee == null)
                cxlFee = new CXLFEE()
                    TYPE       = "OPT",
                    CODE       = code,
                    CAT        = null,
                    START_DATE = null,
                    END_DATE   = null,
                    AGENCY     = sys.Settings.DefaultAgency,
            cxlFee.NTS_PRIOR     = (short)ntsPrior;
            cxlFee.Description   = null;
            cxlFee.NonRefundable = (ntsPrior == 999) || pctPenalty == 100;
            cxlFee.PCT_AMT       = (float)pctPenalty;
            cxlFee.FLAT_FEE      = null;
            cxlFee.NBR_NTS       = null;
            cxlFee.TimeBasis     = (short)Enumerations.FlexCancelFeeTimeBasis.flxCancelFeeTimeBasisBeforeArrival;
            cxlFee.TimeUnits     = (short)Enumerations.FlexTimeUnits.flxTimeUnitsDays;
            MediaHelper.SetCxlfeeChgDate(context, cxlFee, _update, _sys.User.Name);
Exemple #2
 public OperationsServiceListForm(ICoreSys sys)
     _sys = sys;
     textBoxRecipients.Text = Configurator.OperationsServiceList_Recipients;
     dateEditStart.Text     = DateTime.Today.ToString();
     dateEditEnd.Text       = DateTime.Today.AddDays(Configurator.OperationsServiceList_FutureDays).ToString();
 public HotelProductionReportForm(ICoreSys sys)
     _sys = sys;
     textBoxRecipients.Text = Configurator.HotelProductionReport_Recipients;
     dateEditStart.Text     = DateTime.Today.AddDays(Configurator.HotelProductionReport_PastDays).ToString();
     dateEditEnd.Text       = DateTime.Today.ToString();
Exemple #4
 internal static string PutImageToBlob(ICoreSys sys, string type, string code, string supplier, string masterCity, string image, string tag,
                                       bool createThumbnail)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(image) && Configurator.DownloadImages)
         try {
             string relativePath = $@"{Configurator.PhotosPath}{type}\{masterCity}\{code}\";
             Uri    uri          = new Uri(image);
             string filename     = $"{code}_{supplier}_{tag}{Path.GetFileName(uri.AbsolutePath)}";
             //TODO: this works for some CDNs which provide image paths with no extensions, eg https://cdn.filestackcontent.com/jqj2VclEQ3KB1oXqOJk0
             //That assumes that the file is a jpeg, which it is for FareHabor, but might not always be so
             FileInfo file = new FileInfo(filename);
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.Extension))
                 filename += ".jpg";
             CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(Configurator.AzureStorageConnectionString);
             CloudBlobClient     blobClient     = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
             CloudBlobContainer  container      = blobClient.GetContainerReference("images");
             //CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(sys.Settings.ImagesContainer);
             CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(relativePath + filename);
             //Don't download or upload the images if they already exist
             if (Configurator.OverwriteImages || !blockBlob.Exists())
                 Console.WriteLine($"   Downloading image {filename}");
                 using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient()) {
                     byte[] data = webClient.DownloadData(uri);
                     if (createThumbnail)
                         Console.WriteLine($"   Creating thumbnail");
                         ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter();
                         Image          fullSize  = (Bitmap)converter.ConvertFrom(data);
                         Image          thumb     = CreateThumbnail(fullSize);
                         data = (byte[])converter.ConvertTo(thumb, typeof(byte[]));
                     //Use MemoryStream because it abstracts the process of having to loop through buffers of byte data
                     using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(data)) {
             return(relativePath + filename);
         catch (Exception ex) {
             NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger().Error(ex, image);
Exemple #5
 internal static string GetOrPutImage(ICoreSys sys, string type, string code, string supplier, string masterCity, string image, string tag,
                                      bool createThumbnail)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Configurator.AzureStorageConnectionString))
         return(GetImage(sys, type, code, supplier, masterCity, image, tag, createThumbnail));
         return(PutImageToBlob(sys, type, code, supplier, masterCity, image, tag, createThumbnail));
Exemple #6
        public OTAReferenceListForm(ICoreSys sys)
            _sys = sys;
            textBoxRecipients.Text = Configurator.OperationsServiceList_Recipients;
            //Get the date period of the prior month
            DateTime priorMonth = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-1);
            DateTime startDate  = new DateTime(priorMonth.Year, priorMonth.Month, 1);

            dateEditStart.Text = startDate.ToString();
            DateTime endDate = startDate.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);

            dateEditEnd.Text = endDate.ToString();
Exemple #7
 internal static string GetImage(ICoreSys sys, string type, string code, string supplier, string masterCity, string image, string tag,
                                 bool createThumbnail)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(image) && Configurator.DownloadImages)
         try {
             string relativePath = $@"{Configurator.PhotosPath}{type}\{masterCity}\{code}\";
             string fullPath     = sys.Settings.ImagesRoot + relativePath;
             Uri    uri      = new Uri(image);
             string filename = $"{code}_{supplier}_{tag}{Path.GetFileName(uri.AbsolutePath)}";
             //TODO: this works for some CDNs which provide image paths with no extensions, eg https://cdn.filestackcontent.com/jqj2VclEQ3KB1oXqOJk0
             //That assumes that the file is a jpeg, which it is for FareHabor, but might not always be so
             FileInfo file = new FileInfo(filename);
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.Extension))
                 filename += ".jpg";
             //Don't download the images if they already exist
             if (Configurator.OverwriteImages || !File.Exists(fullPath + filename))
                 Console.WriteLine($"   Downloading image {filename}");
                 using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient()) {
                     if (createThumbnail)
                         byte[] data = webClient.DownloadData(uri);
                         Console.WriteLine($"   Creating thumbnail");
                         ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter();
                         Image          fullSize  = (Bitmap)converter.ConvertFrom(data);
                         Image          thumb     = CreateThumbnail(fullSize);
                         thumb.Save(fullPath + filename);
                         webClient.DownloadFile(uri, fullPath + filename);
             return(relativePath + filename);
         catch (Exception ex) {
             NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger().Error(ex, image);
        public ProductListForm(ICoreSys sys)
            _sys = sys;

            ImageComboBoxEditLang.Properties.Items.Add(new ImageComboBoxItem()
                Description = "", Value = null
            using (var context = new FlextourEntities(sys.Settings.EFConnectionString)) {
                foreach (var lang in context.LANGUAGE.OrderBy(l => l.CODE))
                    ImageComboBoxEditLang.Properties.Items.Add(new ImageComboBoxItem {
                        Description = $"{lang.NAME} ({lang.CODE})", Value = lang.CODE
            ImageComboBoxEditLang.EditValue = _sys.Settings.DefaultLanguage;
            textBoxRecipients.Text          = Configurator.ProductList_Recipients;
            dateEditStart.Text = DateTime.Today.ToString();
            dateEditEnd.Text   = DateTime.Today.AddYears(1).ToString();
 private void Connect(FlexInterfaces.Core.ICoreSys sys)
     Connection.EFConnectionString = sys.Settings.EFConnectionString;
     _context = new FlextourEntities(sys.Settings.EFConnectionString);
     _sys     = sys;