Exemple #1
            public static MethodContract /*?*/ ExtractContracts(IContractAwareHost contractAwareHost, PdbReader /*?*/ pdbReader, ContractExtractor extractor, ISourceMethodBody methodBody)
                var definingUnit = TypeHelper.GetDefiningUnit(methodBody.MethodDefinition.ContainingType.ResolvedType);
                var methodIsInReferenceAssembly = ContractHelper.IsContractReferenceAssembly(contractAwareHost, definingUnit);
                var oldAndResultExtractor       = new OldAndResultExtractor(contractAwareHost, methodBody, extractor.IsContractMethod);
                var localsInitializedWithFields = FindLocals.FindSetOfLocals(methodBody);

                var har = new HermansAlwaysRight(contractAwareHost, extractor, methodBody, methodIsInReferenceAssembly, oldAndResultExtractor, pdbReader);


                if (har.extractor.currentMethodContract == null)

                // The decompiler will have introduced locals if there were any anonymous delegates in the contracts
                // Such locals are initialized with the fields of the iterator class.
                // The contract that comes back from here will have those fields replaced with whatever the iterator captured
                // (parameters, locals). So the locals in the contract need to be replaced with the iterator fields so that
                // next replacement will see the right thing (i.e., the fields) and replace them! Phew!
                var localReplacer = new LocalReplacer(contractAwareHost, localsInitializedWithFields);

                // also need to rewrite the remainder of the body

Exemple #2
 private HermansAlwaysRight(IContractAwareHost contractAwareHost, ContractExtractor extractor, ISourceMethodBody sourceMethodBody, bool methodIsInReferenceAssembly, OldAndResultExtractor oldAndResultExtractor, PdbReader /*?*/ pdbReader)
     : base(contractAwareHost)
     this.contractAwareHost           = contractAwareHost;
     this.extractor                   = extractor;
     this.sourceMethodBody            = sourceMethodBody;
     this.methodIsInReferenceAssembly = methodIsInReferenceAssembly;
     this.oldAndResultExtractor       = oldAndResultExtractor;
     this.pdbReader                   = pdbReader;
        private IUnit unit; // the module this is a lazy provider for

        /// <summary>
        /// Allocates an object that can be used to query for contracts by asking questions about specific methods/types, etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">The host that loaded the unit for which this is to be a contract provider.</param>
        /// <param name="unit">The unit to retrieve the contracts from.</param>
        /// <param name="contractMethods">A collection of methods that can be called in a way that provides tools with information about contracts.</param>
        /// <param name="usePdb">Whether to use the PDB file (and possibly the source files if available) during extraction.</param>
        public LazyContractExtractor(IContractAwareHost host, IUnit unit, IContractMethods contractMethods, bool usePdb)
            this.host = host;
            this.underlyingContractProvider = new ContractProvider(contractMethods, unit);
            if (usePdb)
                string pdbFile = Path.ChangeExtension(unit.Location, "pdb");
                if (File.Exists(pdbFile))
                    using (var pdbStream = File.OpenRead(pdbFile)) {
                        this.pdbReader = new PdbReader(pdbStream, host);
            this.unit = unit;
Exemple #4
        // TODO: First search the moveNextBody to see if there are any contracts at all.
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host"></param>
        /// <param name="extractor"></param>
        /// <param name="iteratorMethodBody"></param>
        /// <param name="moveNextBody"></param>
        /// <param name="pdbReader"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static MethodContract GetMethodContractFromMoveNext(
            IContractAwareHost host,
            ContractExtractor extractor,
            ISourceMethodBody iteratorMethodBody,
            ISourceMethodBody moveNextBody,
            PdbReader pdbReader
            // Walk the iterator method and collect all of the state that is assigned to fields in the iterator class
            // That state needs to replace any occurrences of the fields in the contracts (if they exist...)
            var iteratorStmts = new List <IStatement>(iteratorMethodBody.Block.Statements);
            Dictionary <uint, IExpression> capturedThings = new Dictionary <uint, IExpression>();

            // Find all of the state captured for the IEnumerable
            // REVIEW: Is this state ever used in the contracts? Since they're all sitting in the MoveNext
            // method, maybe they always use the IEnumerator state?
            if (1 < iteratorStmts.Count)
                // First statement should be the creation of the iterator class
                int j = 1;
                while (j < iteratorStmts.Count)
                    var es = iteratorStmts[j++] as IExpressionStatement;
                    if (es == null)
                    var assign = es.Expression as IAssignment;
                    if (assign == null)
                    var field         = assign.Target.Definition as IFieldReference;
                    var capturedThing = assign.Source;
                    var k             = field.InternedKey;
                    var spec          = field as ISpecializedFieldReference;
                    if (spec != null)
                        k = spec.UnspecializedVersion.InternedKey;
                    capturedThings.Add(k, capturedThing);
                var ret = iteratorStmts[0] as IReturnStatement;
                if (ret != null)
                    var be = ret.Expression as IBlockExpression;
                    if (be != null)
                        var beStmts = new List <IStatement>(be.BlockStatement.Statements);
                        var j       = 1;
                        while (j < beStmts.Count)
                            var es = beStmts[j++] as IExpressionStatement;
                            if (es == null)
                            var assign = es.Expression as IAssignment;
                            if (assign == null)
                            var field         = assign.Target.Definition as IFieldReference;
                            var capturedThing = assign.Source;
                            var k             = field.InternedKey;
                            var spec          = field as ISpecializedFieldReference;
                            if (spec != null)
                                k = spec.UnspecializedVersion.InternedKey;
                            capturedThings.Add(k, capturedThing);
            // Find all of the state captured for the IEnumerator
            // That state is captured at the beginning of the IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator method
            IMethodDefinition getEnumerator = null;
            var t = moveNextBody.MethodDefinition.ContainingTypeDefinition;

            foreach (IMethodImplementation methodImplementation in t.ExplicitImplementationOverrides)
                if (methodImplementation.ImplementedMethod.Name == host.NameTable.GetNameFor("GetEnumerator"))
                    var gtir = methodImplementation.ImplementedMethod.ContainingType as IGenericTypeInstanceReference;
                    if (gtir != null && TypeHelper.TypesAreEquivalent(gtir.GenericType, host.PlatformType.SystemCollectionsGenericIEnumerable))
                        getEnumerator = methodImplementation.ImplementingMethod.ResolvedMethod as IMethodDefinition;
            if (getEnumerator != null)
                IMethodBody geBody       = getEnumerator.Body;
                var         sourceGeBody = geBody as ISourceMethodBody;
                if (sourceGeBody == null)
                    sourceGeBody = Decompiler.GetCodeModelFromMetadataModel(host, geBody, pdbReader, DecompilerOptions.AnonymousDelegates);
                foreach (var stmt in sourceGeBody.Block.Statements)
                    var es = stmt as IExpressionStatement;
                    if (es == null)
                    var assign = es.Expression as IAssignment;
                    if (assign == null)
                    var field2 = assign.Target.Definition as IFieldReference;
                    if (field2 == null)
                    var k    = field2.InternedKey;
                    var spec = field2 as ISpecializedFieldReference;
                    if (spec != null)
                        k = spec.UnspecializedVersion.InternedKey;

                    var sourceBe = assign.Source as IBoundExpression;
                    if (sourceBe == null)
                    var field3 = sourceBe.Definition as IFieldReference;
                    if (field3 == null)
                    var k3    = field3.InternedKey;
                    var spec3 = field3 as ISpecializedFieldReference;
                    if (spec3 != null)
                        k3 = spec3.UnspecializedVersion.InternedKey;
                    IExpression capturedThing = null;
                    if (!capturedThings.TryGetValue(k3, out capturedThing))
                    capturedThings[k] = capturedThing;

            var mc = HermansAlwaysRight.ExtractContracts(host, pdbReader, extractor, moveNextBody);

            if (mc == null)

            // substitute all field references in contract with the captured state
            var replacer = new Replacer(host, capturedThings, iteratorMethodBody.MethodDefinition, moveNextBody.MethodDefinition);


            if (moveNextBody.MethodDefinition.ContainingTypeDefinition.IsGeneric)
                var genericParameterMapper = new GenericMethodParameterMapper(host, iteratorMethodBody.MethodDefinition, moveNextBody.MethodDefinition.ContainingType as INestedTypeReference);
                mc = genericParameterMapper.Rewrite(mc) as MethodContract;

Exemple #5
 public CciQueryGenerator()
     host = CciHostEnvironment.GetInstance();
        private IUnit unit; // the module this is a lazy provider for

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        /// <summary>
        /// Allocates an object that can be used to query for contracts by asking questions about specific methods/types, etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">The host that loaded the unit for which this is to be a contract provider.</param>
        /// <param name="unit">The unit to retrieve the contracts from.</param>
        /// <param name="contractMethods">A collection of methods that can be called in a way that provides tools with information about contracts.</param>
        /// <param name="usePdb">Whether to use the PDB file (and possibly the source files if available) during extraction.</param>
        public LazyContractExtractor(IContractAwareHost host, IUnit unit, IContractMethods contractMethods, bool usePdb)
            this.host = host;
              this.underlyingContractProvider = new ContractProvider(contractMethods, unit);
              if (usePdb) {
            string pdbFile = Path.ChangeExtension(unit.Location, "pdb");
            if (File.Exists(pdbFile)) {
              using (var pdbStream = File.OpenRead(pdbFile)) {
            this.pdbReader = new PdbReader(pdbStream, host);
              this.unit = unit;
Exemple #7
 protected CciActionQueryGenerator(IContractAwareHost host)
     this.host = host;
Exemple #8
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a method contract containing the 'effective' contract for the given
    /// method definition. The effective contract contains all contracts for the method:
    /// any that it has on its own, as well as all those inherited from any methods
    /// that it overrides or interface methods that it implements (either implicitly
    /// or explicitly).
    /// All parameters in inherited contracts are substituted for by
    /// the method's own parameters.
    /// If there are no contracts, then it returns null.
    /// Any preconditions that were written as legacy-preconditions or calls to Requires&lt;E&gt; are
    /// included iff <paramref name="keepLegacyPreconditions"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public static IMethodContract GetMethodContractForIncludingInheritedContracts(IContractAwareHost host, IMethodDefinition methodDefinition, bool keepLegacyPreconditions = true) {
      MethodContract cumulativeContract = new MethodContract();
      bool atLeastOneContract = false;
      IMethodContract/*?*/ mc = ContractHelper.GetMethodContractFor(host, methodDefinition);
      if (mc != null) {
        Microsoft.Cci.MutableContracts.ContractHelper.AddMethodContract(cumulativeContract, mc);
        atLeastOneContract = true;
      #region Overrides of base class methods
      if (!methodDefinition.IsNewSlot) { // REVIEW: Is there a better test?
        IMethodDefinition overriddenMethod = MemberHelper.GetImplicitlyOverriddenBaseClassMethod(methodDefinition) as IMethodDefinition;
        while (overriddenMethod != null && !(overriddenMethod is Dummy)) {
          IMethodContract/*?*/ overriddenContract = ContractHelper.GetMethodContractFor(host, overriddenMethod);
          if (overriddenContract != null) {

            overriddenContract = CopyContractIntoNewContext(host, overriddenContract, methodDefinition, overriddenMethod);
            overriddenContract = FilterUserMessageAndLegacyPreconditions(host, overriddenContract, methodDefinition.ContainingTypeDefinition, keepLegacyPreconditions);

            // if the method is generic, then need to specialize the contract to have the same method type parameters as the method
            if (methodDefinition.IsGeneric) {
              var d = new Dictionary<uint, ITypeReference>();
              IteratorHelper.Zip(overriddenMethod.GenericParameters, methodDefinition.GenericParameters, (i, j) => d.Add(i.InternedKey, j));
              var cs = new CodeSpecializer(host, d);
              overriddenContract = cs.Rewrite(overriddenContract);

            Microsoft.Cci.MutableContracts.ContractHelper.AddMethodContract(cumulativeContract, overriddenContract);
            atLeastOneContract = true;
          overriddenMethod = MemberHelper.GetImplicitlyOverriddenBaseClassMethod(overriddenMethod) as IMethodDefinition;
      #endregion Overrides of base class methods
      #region Implicit interface implementations
      foreach (IMethodDefinition ifaceMethod in ContractHelper.GetAllImplicitlyImplementedInterfaceMethods(methodDefinition)) {
        IMethodContract/*?*/ ifaceContract = ContractHelper.GetMethodContractFor(host, ifaceMethod);
        if (ifaceContract == null) continue;
        ifaceContract = CopyContractIntoNewContext(host, ifaceContract, methodDefinition, ifaceMethod);
        ifaceContract = FilterUserMessageAndLegacyPreconditions(host, ifaceContract, methodDefinition.ContainingTypeDefinition, keepLegacyPreconditions);
        Microsoft.Cci.MutableContracts.ContractHelper.AddMethodContract(cumulativeContract, ifaceContract);
        atLeastOneContract = true;
      #endregion Implicit interface implementations
      #region Explicit interface implementations and explicit method overrides
      foreach (IMethodReference ifaceMethodRef in MemberHelper.GetExplicitlyOverriddenMethods(methodDefinition)) {
        IMethodDefinition/*?*/ ifaceMethod = ifaceMethodRef.ResolvedMethod;
        if (ifaceMethod == null) continue;
        IMethodContract/*?*/ ifaceContract = ContractHelper.GetMethodContractFor(host, ifaceMethod);
        if (ifaceContract == null) continue;
        ifaceContract = CopyContractIntoNewContext(host, ifaceContract, methodDefinition, ifaceMethod);
        ifaceContract = FilterUserMessageAndLegacyPreconditions(host, ifaceContract, methodDefinition.ContainingTypeDefinition, keepLegacyPreconditions);
        Microsoft.Cci.MutableContracts.ContractHelper.AddMethodContract(cumulativeContract, ifaceContract);
        atLeastOneContract = true;
      #endregion Explicit interface implementations and explicit method overrides
      return atLeastOneContract ? cumulativeContract : null;
Exemple #9
    // TODO: First search the moveNextBody to see if there are any contracts at all.
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="host"></param>
    /// <param name="extractor"></param>
    /// <param name="iteratorMethodBody"></param>
    /// <param name="moveNextBody"></param>
    /// <param name="pdbReader"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static MethodContract GetMethodContractFromMoveNext(
      IContractAwareHost host,
      ContractExtractor extractor,
      ISourceMethodBody iteratorMethodBody,
      ISourceMethodBody moveNextBody,
      PdbReader pdbReader
      ) {
      // Walk the iterator method and collect all of the state that is assigned to fields in the iterator class
      // That state needs to replace any occurrences of the fields in the contracts (if they exist...)
      var iteratorStmts = new List<IStatement>(iteratorMethodBody.Block.Statements);
      Dictionary<uint, IExpression> capturedThings = new Dictionary<uint, IExpression>();
      // Find all of the state captured for the IEnumerable
      // REVIEW: Is this state ever used in the contracts? Since they're all sitting in the MoveNext
      // method, maybe they always use the IEnumerator state?
      if (1 < iteratorStmts.Count) {
        // First statement should be the creation of the iterator class
        int j = 1;
        while (j < iteratorStmts.Count) {
          var es = iteratorStmts[j++] as IExpressionStatement;
          if (es == null) break;
          var assign = es.Expression as IAssignment;
          if (assign == null) break;
          var field = assign.Target.Definition as IFieldReference;
          var capturedThing = assign.Source;
          var k = field.InternedKey;
          var spec = field as ISpecializedFieldReference;
          if (spec != null) k = spec.UnspecializedVersion.InternedKey;
          capturedThings.Add(k, capturedThing);
      } else {
        var ret = iteratorStmts[0] as IReturnStatement;
        if (ret != null) {
          var be = ret.Expression as IBlockExpression;
          if (be != null) {
            var beStmts = new List<IStatement>(be.BlockStatement.Statements);
            var j = 1;
            while (j < beStmts.Count) {
              var es = beStmts[j++] as IExpressionStatement;
              if (es == null) break;
              var assign = es.Expression as IAssignment;
              if (assign == null) break;
              var field = assign.Target.Definition as IFieldReference;
              var capturedThing = assign.Source;
              var k = field.InternedKey;
              var spec = field as ISpecializedFieldReference;
              if (spec != null) k = spec.UnspecializedVersion.InternedKey;
              capturedThings.Add(k, capturedThing);
      // Find all of the state captured for the IEnumerator
      // That state is captured at the beginning of the IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator method
      IMethodDefinition getEnumerator = null;
      var t = moveNextBody.MethodDefinition.ContainingTypeDefinition;
      foreach (IMethodImplementation methodImplementation in t.ExplicitImplementationOverrides) {
        if (methodImplementation.ImplementedMethod.Name == host.NameTable.GetNameFor("GetEnumerator")) {
          var gtir = methodImplementation.ImplementedMethod.ContainingType as IGenericTypeInstanceReference;
          if (gtir != null && TypeHelper.TypesAreEquivalent(gtir.GenericType, host.PlatformType.SystemCollectionsGenericIEnumerable)) {
            getEnumerator = methodImplementation.ImplementingMethod.ResolvedMethod as IMethodDefinition;
      if (getEnumerator != null) {
        IMethodBody geBody = getEnumerator.Body;
        var sourceGeBody = geBody as ISourceMethodBody;
        if (sourceGeBody == null)
          sourceGeBody = Decompiler.GetCodeModelFromMetadataModel(host, geBody, pdbReader, DecompilerOptions.AnonymousDelegates);
        foreach (var stmt in sourceGeBody.Block.Statements) {
          var es = stmt as IExpressionStatement;
          if (es == null) continue;
          var assign = es.Expression as IAssignment;
          if (assign == null) continue;
          var field2 = assign.Target.Definition as IFieldReference;
          if (field2 == null) continue;
          var k = field2.InternedKey;
          var spec = field2 as ISpecializedFieldReference;
          if (spec != null) k = spec.UnspecializedVersion.InternedKey;

          var sourceBe = assign.Source as IBoundExpression;
          if (sourceBe == null) continue;
          var field3 = sourceBe.Definition as IFieldReference;
          if (field3 == null) continue;
          var k3 = field3.InternedKey;
          var spec3 = field3 as ISpecializedFieldReference;
          if (spec3 != null) k3 = spec3.UnspecializedVersion.InternedKey;
          IExpression capturedThing = null;
          if (!capturedThings.TryGetValue(k3, out capturedThing)) continue;
          capturedThings[k] = capturedThing;

      var mc = HermansAlwaysRight.ExtractContracts(host, pdbReader, extractor, moveNextBody);

      if (mc == null) return mc;

      // substitute all field references in contract with the captured state
      var replacer = new Replacer(host, capturedThings, iteratorMethodBody.MethodDefinition, moveNextBody.MethodDefinition);

      if (moveNextBody.MethodDefinition.ContainingTypeDefinition.IsGeneric) {
        var genericParameterMapper = new GenericMethodParameterMapper(host, iteratorMethodBody.MethodDefinition, moveNextBody.MethodDefinition.ContainingType as INestedTypeReference);
        mc = genericParameterMapper.Rewrite(mc) as MethodContract;

      return mc;

Exemple #10
 internal SeparateContractsFromCode(IContractAwareHost host, PdbReader/*?*/ pdbReader, ILocalScopeProvider/*?*/ localScopeProvider, ContractProvider contractProvider) {
   this.contractAwareHost = host;
   this.pdbReader = pdbReader;
   this.localScopeProvider = localScopeProvider;
   this.contractProvider = contractProvider;
   this.TraverseIntoMethodBodies = true;
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Given a mutable module that is a "declarative" module, i.e., it has contracts expressed as contract calls
 /// at the beginning of method bodies, this method will extract them, leaving the method bodies without those
 /// calls and return a contract provider for the module containing any extracted contracts.
 /// </summary>
 public static ContractProvider ExtractContracts(IContractAwareHost host, Module module, PdbReader/*?*/ pdbReader, ILocalScopeProvider/*?*/ localScopeProvider) {
   var contractMethods = new ContractMethods(host);
   var cp = new Microsoft.Cci.MutableContracts.ContractProvider(contractMethods, module);
   var extractor = new SeparateContractsFromCode(host, pdbReader, localScopeProvider, cp);
   return cp;
Exemple #12
 private static List<IThrownException> FilterUserMessage(IContractAwareHost host, IEnumerable<IThrownException> thrownExceptions, ITypeDefinition typeDefinition) {
   int n = (int)IteratorHelper.EnumerableCount(thrownExceptions);
   var filteredThrownExceptions = new IThrownException[n];
   var i = 0;
   foreach (var te in thrownExceptions) {
     if (CanAccess(te.Postcondition.Description, typeDefinition)) {
       filteredThrownExceptions[i] = te;
     } else {
       var newP = new Postcondition(te.Postcondition);
       newP.Description = null;
       filteredThrownExceptions[i] = new ThrownException() {
         ExceptionType = te.ExceptionType,
         Postcondition = newP,
   return new List<IThrownException>(filteredThrownExceptions);
Exemple #13
 private static List<IPrecondition> FilterUserMessageAndLegacyPreconditions(IContractAwareHost host, IEnumerable<IPrecondition> preconditions, ITypeDefinition typeDefinition, bool keepLegacy) {
   var filteredPreconditions = new List<IPrecondition>();
   foreach (var p in preconditions) {
     if (!keepLegacy && p.ExceptionToThrow != null) continue;
     if (CanAccess(p.Description, typeDefinition)) {
     } else {
       var newP = new Precondition(p);
       newP.Description = null;
   return filteredPreconditions;
Exemple #14
 private static List<IPostcondition> FilterUserMessage(IContractAwareHost host, IEnumerable<IPostcondition> postconditions, ITypeDefinition typeDefinition) {
   int n = (int)IteratorHelper.EnumerableCount(postconditions);
   var filteredPostconditions = new IPostcondition[n];
   var i = 0;
   foreach (var p in postconditions) {
     if (CanAccess(p.Description, typeDefinition)) {
       filteredPostconditions[i] = p;
     } else {
       var newP = new Postcondition(p);
       newP.Description = null;
       filteredPostconditions[i] = newP;
   return new List<IPostcondition>(filteredPostconditions);
Exemple #15
 private static MethodContract FilterUserMessageAndLegacyPreconditions(IContractAwareHost host, IMethodContract contract, ITypeDefinition typeDefinition, bool keepLegacy) {
   var mc = new MethodContract(contract);
   mc.Postconditions = FilterUserMessage(host, contract.Postconditions, typeDefinition);
   mc.Preconditions = FilterUserMessageAndLegacyPreconditions(host, contract.Preconditions, typeDefinition, keepLegacy);
   mc.ThrownExceptions = FilterUserMessage(host, contract.ThrownExceptions, typeDefinition);
   return mc;
Exemple #16
 private HermansAlwaysRight(IContractAwareHost contractAwareHost, ContractExtractor extractor, ISourceMethodBody sourceMethodBody, bool methodIsInReferenceAssembly, OldAndResultExtractor oldAndResultExtractor, PdbReader/*?*/ pdbReader)
   : base(contractAwareHost)
   this.contractAwareHost = contractAwareHost;
   this.extractor = extractor;
   this.sourceMethodBody = sourceMethodBody;
   this.methodIsInReferenceAssembly = methodIsInReferenceAssembly;
   this.oldAndResultExtractor = oldAndResultExtractor;
   this.pdbReader = pdbReader;
Exemple #17
 public Traverser(IContractAwareHost host, bool showInherited)
     this.host          = host;
     this.showInherited = showInherited;
Exemple #18
      public static MethodContract/*?*/ ExtractContracts(IContractAwareHost contractAwareHost, PdbReader/*?*/ pdbReader, ContractExtractor extractor, ISourceMethodBody methodBody) {
        var definingUnit = TypeHelper.GetDefiningUnit(methodBody.MethodDefinition.ContainingType.ResolvedType);
        var methodIsInReferenceAssembly = ContractHelper.IsContractReferenceAssembly(contractAwareHost, definingUnit);
        var oldAndResultExtractor = new OldAndResultExtractor(contractAwareHost, methodBody, extractor.IsContractMethod);
        var localsInitializedWithFields = FindLocals.FindSetOfLocals(methodBody);

        var har = new HermansAlwaysRight(contractAwareHost, extractor, methodBody, methodIsInReferenceAssembly, oldAndResultExtractor, pdbReader);

        if (har.extractor.currentMethodContract == null) return null;

        // The decompiler will have introduced locals if there were any anonymous delegates in the contracts
        // Such locals are initialized with the fields of the iterator class.
        // The contract that comes back from here will have those fields replaced with whatever the iterator captured
        // (parameters, locals). So the locals in the contract need to be replaced with the iterator fields so that
        // next replacement will see the right thing (i.e., the fields) and replace them! Phew!
        var localReplacer = new LocalReplacer(contractAwareHost, localsInitializedWithFields);
        // also need to rewrite the remainder of the body

        return har.extractor.currentMethodContract;
Exemple #19
 public CciPositiveActionQueryGenerator(IContractAwareHost host) : base(host)
Exemple #20
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a (possibly-null) method contract relative to a contract-aware host.
    /// If the method is instantiated or specialized, then the contract is looked
    /// for on the uninstantiated and unspecialized method.
    /// Note that this behavior is *not* necessarily present in any individual
    /// contract provider.
    /// However, if you already know which unit the method is defined in and/or
    /// already have the contract provider for the unit in which the method is
    /// defined, and you know the method is uninstantiated and unspecialized,
    /// then you would do just as well to directly query that contract provider.
    /// </summary>
    public static IMethodContract GetMethodContractFor(IContractAwareHost host, IMethodReference methodReference) {

      if (methodReference is Dummy) return null;
      var u = TypeHelper.GetDefiningUnitReference(methodReference.ContainingType);
      if (u == null) return null;
      var cp = host.GetContractExtractor(u.UnitIdentity);
      if (cp == null) return null;
      var mc = cp.GetMethodContractFor(methodReference);
      return mc;