Exemple #1
 internal Http2Stream(HeadersList headers, int id,
                      WriteQueue writeQueue, FlowControlManager flowCrtlManager,
                      ICompressionProcessor comprProc, Priority priority = Priority.Pri3)
     : this(id, writeQueue, flowCrtlManager, comprProc, priority)
     Headers = headers;
Exemple #2
        public WriteQueue(Stream stream, ICompressionProcessor processor, bool isPriorityTurnedOn)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("io stream is null");

            //if (streams == null)
            //    throw new ArgumentNullException("streams collection is null");

            //Priorities are turned on for debugging
            IsPriorityTurnedOn = isPriorityTurnedOn;
            //_streams = streams;
            _proc = processor;
            if (IsPriorityTurnedOn)
                _messageQueue = new PriorityQueue();
                _messageQueue = new QueueWrapper();
            _stream   = stream;
            _disposed = false;
Exemple #3
 internal Http2Stream(HeadersList headers, int id,
                    WriteQueue writeQueue, FlowControlManager flowCrtlManager, 
                    ICompressionProcessor comprProc, Priority priority = Priority.Pri3)
     : this(id, writeQueue, flowCrtlManager, comprProc, priority)
     Headers = headers;
Exemple #4
 internal Http2Stream(List<Tuple<string, string, IAdditionalHeaderInfo>> headers, int id,
                    WriteQueue writeQueue, FlowControlManager flowCrtlManager, 
                    ICompressionProcessor comprProc, Priority priority = Priority.Pri3)
     : this(id, writeQueue, flowCrtlManager, comprProc, priority)
     Headers = headers;
        internal Http2Stream(int id, WriteQueue writeQueue, FlowControlManager flowCrtlManager,
                           ICompressionProcessor comprProc, int priority = Constants.DefaultStreamPriority)
            if (id <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("invalid id for stream");

            if (writeQueue == null || flowCrtlManager == null || comprProc == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("writeQueue or flowControlManager or compr proc is null");

            if (priority < 0 || priority > Constants.MaxPriority)
                throw  new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("priority out of range");

            _id = id;
            Priority = priority;
            _writeQueue = writeQueue;
            _compressionProc = comprProc;
            _flowCrtlManager = flowCrtlManager;

            _unshippedFrames = new Queue<DataFrame>(16);
            Headers = new HeadersList();

            SentDataAmount = 0;
            ReceivedDataAmount = 0;
            IsFlowControlBlocked = false;
            IsFlowControlEnabled = _flowCrtlManager.IsFlowControlEnabled;
            WindowSize = _flowCrtlManager.StreamsInitialWindowSize;

            OnFrameSent += (sender, args) => FramesSent++;
        internal Http2Stream(HeadersList headers, int id,
                           WriteQueue writeQueue, FlowControlManager flowCrtlManager, 
                           ICompressionProcessor comprProc, int priority = Constants.DefaultStreamPriority)
            : this(id, writeQueue, flowCrtlManager, comprProc, priority)
            if (headers == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cannot create stream with null headers");

            Headers = headers;
        public Http2Session(SecureSocket sessionSocket, ConnectionEnd end, 
                            bool usePriorities, bool useFlowControl,
                            IDictionary<string, object> handshakeResult = null)
            _ourEnd = end;
            _usePriorities = usePriorities;
            _useFlowControl = useFlowControl;
            _handshakeHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>(16);

            if (_ourEnd == ConnectionEnd.Client)
                _remoteEnd = ConnectionEnd.Server;
                _lastId = -1; // Streams opened by client are odd
                _remoteEnd = ConnectionEnd.Client;
                _lastId = 0; // Streams opened by server are even

            _goAwayReceived = false;
            _settingsManager = new SettingsManager();
            _comprProc = new CompressionProcessor(_ourEnd);
            _sessionSocket = sessionSocket;

            _frameReader = new FrameReader(_sessionSocket);

            ActiveStreams = new ActiveStreams();

            _writeQueue = new WriteQueue(_sessionSocket, ActiveStreams, _usePriorities);

            if (_sessionSocket != null && sessionSocket.SecureProtocol == SecureProtocol.None)
                OurMaxConcurrentStreams = int.Parse(_handshakeHeaders[":max_concurrent_streams"]);
                RemoteMaxConcurrentStreams = int.Parse(_handshakeHeaders[":max_concurrent_streams"]);
                InitialWindowSize = int.Parse(_handshakeHeaders[":initial_window_size"]);
                OurMaxConcurrentStreams = 100; //Spec recommends value 100 by default
                RemoteMaxConcurrentStreams = 100;
                InitialWindowSize = 2000000;
            _flowControlManager = new FlowControlManager(this);

            if (!_useFlowControl)
                _flowControlManager.Options = (byte) FlowControlOptions.DontUseFlowControl;

            SessionWindowSize = 0;
            _toBeContinuedHeaders = new HeadersList();
Exemple #8
        public Http2Session(SecureSocket sessionSocket, ConnectionEnd end,
                            bool usePriorities, bool useFlowControl,
                            IDictionary <string, object> handshakeResult = null)
            _ourEnd           = end;
            _usePriorities    = usePriorities;
            _useFlowControl   = useFlowControl;
            _handshakeHeaders = new Dictionary <string, string>(16);

            if (_ourEnd == ConnectionEnd.Client)
                _remoteEnd = ConnectionEnd.Server;
                _lastId    = -1; // Streams opened by client are odd
                _remoteEnd = ConnectionEnd.Client;
                _lastId    = 0; // Streams opened by server are even

            _goAwayReceived  = false;
            _settingsManager = new SettingsManager();
            _comprProc       = new CompressionProcessor(_ourEnd);
            _sessionSocket   = sessionSocket;

            _frameReader = new FrameReader(_sessionSocket);

            ActiveStreams = new ActiveStreams();

            _writeQueue = new WriteQueue(_sessionSocket, ActiveStreams, _usePriorities);

            OurMaxConcurrentStreams    = 100; //Spec recommends value 100 by default
            RemoteMaxConcurrentStreams = 100;

            _flowControlManager = new FlowControlManager(this);

            if (!_useFlowControl)
                _flowControlManager.Options = (byte)FlowControlOptions.DontUseFlowControl;

            SessionWindowSize = 0;
Exemple #9
        internal Http2Stream(int id, WriteQueue writeQueue, FlowControlManager flowCrtlManager,
                             ICompressionProcessor comprProc, Priority priority = Priority.Pri3)
            _id              = id;
            Priority         = priority;
            _writeQueue      = writeQueue;
            _compressionProc = comprProc;
            _flowCrtlManager = flowCrtlManager;

            _unshippedFrames = new Queue <DataFrame>(16);

            SentDataAmount       = 0;
            ReceivedDataAmount   = 0;
            IsFlowControlBlocked = false;
            IsFlowControlEnabled = _flowCrtlManager.IsStreamsFlowControlledEnabled;
            WindowSize           = _flowCrtlManager.StreamsInitialWindowSize;

Exemple #10
        internal Http2Stream(int id, WriteQueue writeQueue, FlowControlManager flowCrtlManager,
                           ICompressionProcessor comprProc, Priority priority = Priority.Pri3)
            _id = id;
            Priority = priority;
            _writeQueue = writeQueue;
            _compressionProc = comprProc;
            _flowCrtlManager = flowCrtlManager;

            _unshippedFrames = new Queue<DataFrame>(16);

            SentDataAmount = 0;
            ReceivedDataAmount = 0;
            IsFlowControlBlocked = false;
            IsFlowControlEnabled = _flowCrtlManager.IsStreamsFlowControlledEnabled;
            WindowSize = _flowCrtlManager.StreamsInitialWindowSize;

Exemple #11
        public WriteQueue(Stream stream, ActiveStreams streams, ICompressionProcessor processor, bool isPriorityTurnedOn)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("io stream is null");

            if (streams == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("streams collection is null");

            //Priorities are turned on for debugging
            IsPriorityTurnedOn = isPriorityTurnedOn;
            _streams = streams;
            _proc = processor;
            if (IsPriorityTurnedOn)
                _messageQueue = new PriorityQueue();
                _messageQueue = new QueueWrapper();
            _stream = stream;
            _disposed = false;
        private void Close(ResetStatusCode status)
            if (_disposed)

            Http2Logger.LogDebug("Session closing");
            _disposed = true;

            // Dispose of all streams
            foreach (var stream in ActiveStreams.Values)
                //Cancel all opened streams

            if (!_goAwayReceived)

            OnSettingsSent = null;
            OnFrameReceived = null;

            //Missing GoAway means connection was forcibly closed by the remote ep. This means that we can
            //send nothing into this connection. No need trying to send GoAway.
            //Hence we may not check for !_goAwayReceived

            if (_writeQueue != null)

            if (_frameReader != null)
                _frameReader = null;

            if (_comprProc != null)
                _comprProc = null;

            if (_ioStream != null)
                _ioStream = null;

            if (_pingReceived != null)
                _pingReceived = null;

            if (_settingsAckReceived != null)
                _settingsAckReceived = null;

            if (OnSessionDisposed != null)
                OnSessionDisposed(this, null);

            OnSessionDisposed = null;

            Http2Logger.LogDebug("Session closed");
        public Http2Session(Stream stream, ConnectionEnd end, 
                            bool usePriorities, bool useFlowControl, bool isSecure,
                            CancellationToken cancel,
                            int initialWindowSize = Constants.InitialFlowControlWindowSize,
                            int maxConcurrentStreams = Constants.DefaultMaxConcurrentStreams)

            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stream is null");

            if (cancel == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cancellation token is null");

            if (maxConcurrentStreams <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maxConcurrentStreams cant be less or equal then 0");

            if (initialWindowSize <= 0 && useFlowControl)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("initialWindowSize cant be less or equal then 0");

            _ourEnd = end;
            _usePriorities = usePriorities;
            _useFlowControl = useFlowControl;
            _isSecure = isSecure;

            _cancelSessionToken = cancel;

            if (_ourEnd == ConnectionEnd.Client)
                _remoteEnd = ConnectionEnd.Server;
                _lastId = -1; // Streams opened by client are odd

                //if we got unsecure connection then server will respond with id == 1. We cant initiate 
                //new stream with id == 1.
                if (!(stream is SslStream))
                    _lastId = 3;
                _remoteEnd = ConnectionEnd.Client;
                _lastId = 0; // Streams opened by server are even

            _goAwayReceived = false;
            _comprProc = new CompressionProcessor(_ourEnd);
            _ioStream = stream;

            _frameReader = new FrameReader(_ioStream);

            ActiveStreams = new ActiveStreams();

            _writeQueue = new WriteQueue(_ioStream, ActiveStreams, _comprProc, _usePriorities);
            OurMaxConcurrentStreams = maxConcurrentStreams;
            RemoteMaxConcurrentStreams = maxConcurrentStreams;
            InitialWindowSize = initialWindowSize;

            _flowControlManager = new FlowControlManager(this);

            if (!_useFlowControl)
                _flowControlManager.Options = (byte) FlowControlOptions.DontUseFlowControl;

            SessionWindowSize = 0;
            _headersSequences = new HeadersSequenceList();
            _promisedResources = new Dictionary<int, string>();
        private void Close(ResetStatusCode status)
            if (_disposed)

            Http2Logger.LogDebug("Session closing");
            _disposed = true;

            // Dispose of all streams
            foreach (var stream in StreamDictionary.Values)
                //Cancel all opened streams

            if (!_goAwayReceived)

                //TODO fix delay. wait for goAway send and then dispose WriteQueue
                //Wait for GoAway send
                using (var goAwayDelay = new ManualResetEvent(false))
            OnSettingsSent = null;
            OnFrameReceived = null;

            if (_frameReader != null)
                _frameReader = null;

            if (_writeQueue != null)

            if (_comprProc != null)
                _comprProc = null;

            if (_ioStream != null)
                _ioStream = null;

            if (_pingReceived != null)
                _pingReceived = null;

            if (_settingsAckReceived != null)
                _settingsAckReceived = null;

            if (OnSessionDisposed != null)
                OnSessionDisposed(this, null);

            OnSessionDisposed = null;

            Http2Logger.LogDebug("Session closed");
Exemple #15
        private void Close(ResetStatusCode status)
            if (_disposed)

            Http2Logger.LogDebug("Session closing");
            _disposed = true;

            // Dispose of all streams
            foreach (var stream in StreamDictionary.Values)
                //Cancel all opened streams

            if (!_goAwayReceived)

                //TODO fix delay. wait for goAway send and then dispose WriteQueue
                //Wait for GoAway send
                using (var goAwayDelay = new ManualResetEvent(false))
            OnSettingsSent  = null;
            OnFrameReceived = null;

            if (_frameReader != null)
                _frameReader = null;

            if (_writeQueue != null)

            if (_comprProc != null)
                _comprProc = null;

            if (_ioStream != null)
                _ioStream = null;

            if (_pingReceived != null)
                _pingReceived = null;

            if (_settingsAckReceived != null)
                _settingsAckReceived = null;

            if (OnSessionDisposed != null)
                OnSessionDisposed(this, null);

            OnSessionDisposed = null;

            Http2Logger.LogDebug("Session closed");
Exemple #16
        public Http2Session(Stream stream, ConnectionEnd end,
                            bool usePriorities, bool useFlowControl, bool isSecure,
                            CancellationToken cancel,
                            int initialWindowSize    = Constants.InitialFlowControlWindowSize,
                            int maxConcurrentStreams = Constants.DefaultMaxConcurrentStreams)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stream is null");

            if (cancel == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cancellation token is null");

            if (maxConcurrentStreams <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maxConcurrentStreams cant be less or equal then 0");

            if (initialWindowSize <= 0 && useFlowControl)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("initialWindowSize cant be less or equal then 0");

            _ourEnd         = end;
            _usePriorities  = usePriorities;
            _useFlowControl = useFlowControl;
            _isSecure       = isSecure;

            _cancelSessionToken = cancel;

            if (_ourEnd == ConnectionEnd.Client)
                _remoteEnd = ConnectionEnd.Server;
                _lastId    = -1; // Streams opened by client are odd

                //if we got unsecure connection then server will respond with id == 1. We cant initiate
                //new stream with id == 1.
                if (!(stream is SslStream))
                    _lastId = 3;
                _remoteEnd = ConnectionEnd.Client;
                _lastId    = 0; // Streams opened by server are even

            _goAwayReceived = false;
            _comprProc      = new CompressionProcessor();
            _ioStream       = stream;

            _frameReader = new FrameReader(_ioStream);

            _writeQueue                = new WriteQueue(_ioStream, _comprProc, _usePriorities);
            OurMaxConcurrentStreams    = maxConcurrentStreams;
            RemoteMaxConcurrentStreams = maxConcurrentStreams;
            InitialWindowSize          = initialWindowSize;

            _flowControlManager = new FlowControlManager(this);

            if (!_useFlowControl)
                _flowControlManager.Options = (byte)FlowControlOptions.DontUseFlowControl;

            SessionWindowSize  = 0;
            _headersSequences  = new HeadersSequenceList();
            _promisedResources = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            StreamDictionary = new StreamDictionary();
            for (byte i = 0; i < OurMaxConcurrentStreams; i++)
                var http2Stream = new Http2Stream(new HeadersList(), i + 1, _writeQueue, _flowControlManager)
                    Idle = true
                StreamDictionary.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, Http2Stream>(i + 1, http2Stream));
