static void BuildEntity(EGID entityID, FasterDictionary <RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary> group
                                , IComponentBuilder componentBuilder, IEnumerable <object> implementors)
            var entityComponentType = componentBuilder.GetEntityComponentType();
            var safeDictionary      = group.GetOrCreate(new RefWrapperType(entityComponentType), (ref IComponentBuilder cb) => cb.CreateDictionary(1), ref componentBuilder);

            //if the safeDictionary hasn't been created yet, it will be created inside this method.
            componentBuilder.BuildEntityAndAddToList(safeDictionary, entityID, implementors);
        internal static void SetEntityViewComponentImplementors <T>(this IComponentBuilder componentBuilder,
                                                                    ref T entityComponent, IEnumerable <object> implementors,
                                                                    ComponentBuilder <T> .EntityViewComponentCache localCache) where T : struct, IBaseEntityComponent
            DBC.ECS.Check.Require(implementors != null,
                                  NULL_IMPLEMENTOR_ERROR.FastConcat(" entityComponent ",

            var cachedTypeInterfaces = localCache.cachedTypes;
            var implementorsByType   = localCache.implementorsByType;
            var entityComponentBlazingFastReflection = localCache.cachedFields;

            foreach (var implementor in implementors)
                DBC.ECS.Check.Require(implementor != null, "invalid null implementor used to build an entity");
                    var type = implementor.GetType();

                    //fetch all the interfaces that the implementor implements
                    if (cachedTypeInterfaces.TryGetValue(type, out var interfaces) == false)
                        interfaces = cachedTypeInterfaces[type] = type.GetInterfacesEx();

                    for (var iindex = 0; iindex < interfaces.Length; iindex++)
                        var componentType = interfaces[iindex];
                        //an implementor can implement multiple interfaces, so for each interface we reference
                        //the implementation object. Multiple entity view component fields can then be implemented
                        //by the same implementor
                        if (implementorsByType.TryGetValue(componentType, out var implementorData))
                            implementorsByType[componentType] = implementorData;
                            implementorsByType[componentType] = new ECSTuple <object, int>(implementor, 1);
                        implementorsByType[componentType] = implementor;

            //efficient way to collect the fields of every EntityComponentType
            var setters = FasterList <KeyValuePair <Type, FastInvokeActionCast <T> > > .NoVirt.ToArrayFast(
                entityComponentBlazingFastReflection, out var count);

            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var fieldSetter = setters[i];
                var fieldType   = fieldSetter.Key;

                ECSTuple <object, int> implementor;
                object implementor;

                if (implementorsByType.TryGetValue(fieldType, out implementor) == false)
                    var e = new ECSException(NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION + " Component Type: " + fieldType.Name +
                                             " - EntityComponent: " + componentBuilder.GetEntityComponentType().Name);

                    throw e;
                if (implementor.numberOfImplementations > 1)
                    throw new ECSException(DUPLICATE_IMPLEMENTOR_ERROR.FastConcat(
                                               "Component Type: ", fieldType.Name, " implementor: ", implementor.instance.ToString()) +
                                           " - EntityComponent: " + componentBuilder.GetEntityComponentType().Name);
                fieldSetter.Value(ref entityComponent, implementor.instance);
                fieldSetter.Value(ref entityComponent, implementor);
