public HumHandPointingAni Set(IComplexHuman human, BodySide side, double seconds = 1)
            Init(human, side);

            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 1, fw_dn_sd(12, -5), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 1, fw_dn_sd(1, 5), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 1, fw_dn(90), v3.fw);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 1, fw_dn(90), v3.fw);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 1, fw_dn_sd(90, -10), v3.fw);

            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 2, v3.forward, v3.fw);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 2, fw_dn(1), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 2, fw_dn(87), v3.fw);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 2, fw_dn(88), v3.fw);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 2, fw_dn(89), v3.fw);

            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 3, v3.forward, v3.fw);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 3, fw_dn(1), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 3, fw_dn(80), v3.fw);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 3, fw_dn(80), v3.fw);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 3, fw_dn(80), v3.fw);


            return(this.AsUniqueNamed((unique.Hand + side) + human.ID));
Exemple #2
 public RegisterSoftBodyConfig(IComplexHuman human, BodySide side, BodyPart part, SoftBodyConfig config)
     : base(human)
     Side   = side;
     Part   = part;
     Config = config;
Exemple #3
        public IHandAni Set(IComplexHuman human, BodySide side, double seconds = 1)
            Init(human, side);

            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 1, v3.fw, v3.up, funFastToSlow2);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 1, v3.fw.RotUp(5), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 1, v3.fw.RotDn(50), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 1, v3.fw.RotDn(60), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 1, v3.fw.RotDn(60), v3.up);

            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 2, v3.fw, v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 2, v3.fw.RotUp(10), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 2, v3.fw.RotDn(50), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 2, v3.fw.RotDn(55), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 2, v3.fw.RotDn(50), v3.up);

            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 3, v3.fw, v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 3, v3.fw.RotUp(6), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 3, v3.fw.RotDn(80), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 3, v3.fw.RotDn(80), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 3, v3.fw.RotDn(60), v3.up);


            return(this.AsUniqueNamed((unique.Hand + side) + human.ID));
Exemple #4
        public HumHandHalfOpenAni Set(IComplexHuman human, BodySide side, double seconds = 1)
            Init(human, side);

            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 1, fw_dn_sd(10, 5), up_sd(-20));
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 1, fw_dn_sd(40, -3), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 1, fw_dn(70), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 1, fw_dn_sd(80, +3), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 1, fw_dn_sd(80, +6), v3.up);

            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 2, v3.forward, v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 2, fw_dn(40), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 2, fw_dn(70), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 2, fw_dn(70), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 2, fw_dn(70), v3.up);

            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 3, v3.forward, v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 3, fw_dn(30), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 3, fw_dn(80), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 3, fw_dn(110), v3.fw);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 3, fw_dn(110), v3.fw);


            return(this.AsUniqueNamed((unique.Hand + side) + human.ID));
Exemple #5
        void Start()
            if (_human != null)

            get <IHumanBoneWrapper>(HumanoidType.MakeHuman)
            .Wrap(transform, PersonaID, CustomTag);

            var mhd =
                new MakeHumanDefinition(new PersonDetails
                Persona    = PersonaID,
                HasBreasts = HasBreasts

            // subscribe to BeforeCreatingHuman to add extenders
            var evt = fireAndReturn(new BeforeCreatingHuman(mhd, CustomTag));

            _human = get <IComplexHuman>().Set(mhd, evt.Extenders.ToArray());

            fire(new HumanCreated(_human));
        public HumHandSpreadAni Set(IComplexHuman human, BodySide side, double seconds = 1)
            Init(human, side);

            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 1, fw_sd(-20), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 1, fw_dn_sd(5, -12), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 1, fw_dn(5), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 1, fw_dn_sd(5, +8), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 1, fw_dn_sd(5, +16), v3.up);

            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 2, v3.forward, v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 2, fw_dn(5), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 2, fw_dn(5), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 2, fw_dn(5), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 2, fw_dn(5), v3.up);

            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 3, v3.forward, v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 3, fw_dn(5), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 3, fw_dn(5), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 3, fw_dn(5), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 3, fw_dn(5), v3.up);


            return(this.AsUniqueNamed((unique.Hand + side) + human.ID));
Exemple #7
        public BraidChain(IComplexHuman human, params Transform[] nodes) : base(BodyPart.Braid)
            _human         = human;
            _nodes         = nodes ?? throw new ArgumentException("No braid nodes found");
            _tempPositions = new Vector3[_nodes.Length + 2]; // 1 x each node + 1 root + 1 handler
            _tempFw        = new Vector3[_nodes.Length + 1]; // for each temp position except root

            _joinLengths    = new float[_nodes.Length + 1];
            _joinLengths[0] = _human.Head.position.DistanceTo(_nodes[0].position);
            for (var i = 1; i < _nodes.Length; ++i)
                var last = _nodes[i - 1];
                var curr = _nodes[i];
                _joinLengths[i] = vDist(last.position, curr.position);
            const float LastLen = 0.1f;

            _joinLengths[_joinLengths.Length - 1] = LastLen;
            var lastNode = nodes[nodes.Length - 1]; // hair6

            _handle = CreateHandle(_human.Head.Holder, BodyPart.Braid, false, lastNode.position + lastNode.forward.By(LastLen), human.dn, human.bk);

            _iniRootPositions = new Vector3[_nodes.Length + 1]; // for each position except root
            for (var i = 0; i < _nodes.Length; ++i)
                _iniRootPositions[i] = _nodes[i].position.AsLocalPoint(_human.Head);
            _iniRootPositions[_iniRootPositions.Length - 1] = _handle.position.AsLocalPoint(_human.Head);

            _headToHandleDist = _handle.position.DistanceTo(_human.Head.position);
            _handleIniLocPos  = _handle.localPosition;
            _pendulum         = new PendulumPhysicsAgent(
                stiffness: 0.005, mass: 0.50, damping: 0.85, gravity: 0);
Exemple #8
        public HumHandDefaultAni Set(IComplexHuman human, BodySide side, double seconds = 1)
            Init(human, side);

            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 1, v3.fw, v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 1, v3.fw, v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 1, v3.fw, v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 1, v3.fw, v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 1, v3.fw, v3.up);

            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 2, v3.fw, v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 2, v3.fw, v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 2, v3.fw, v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 2, v3.fw, v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 2, v3.fw, v3.up);

            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 3, v3.fw, v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 3, v3.fw, v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 3, v3.fw, v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 3, v3.fw, v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 3, v3.fw, v3.up);


            return(this.AsUniqueNamed((unique.Hand + side) + human.ID));
Exemple #9
        public HumHandGrabbingAni Set(IComplexHuman human, BodySide side, double seconds = 1)
            Init(human, side);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 1, fw_dn_sd(0, -10), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 1, fw_dn_sd(40, -10), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 1, fw_dn(40), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 1, fw_dn_sd(40, +10), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 1, fw_dn_sd(40, +20), v3.up);

            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 2, fw_dn(20), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 2, fw_dn(40), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 2, fw_dn(40), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 2, fw_dn(40), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 2, fw_dn(40), v3.up);

            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 3, fw_dn(20), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 3, fw_dn(40), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 3, fw_dn(40), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 3, fw_dn(40), v3.up);
            RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 3, fw_dn(40), v3.up);


            return(this.AsUniqueNamed((unique.Hand + side) + human.ID));
        public HumHandHitchhikingAni Set(IComplexHuman human, BodySide side, double seconds = 1)
            Init(human, side);

            if (human.IsGenesis8())
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 1, v3.fw.RotUp(10), v3.up);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 1, fw_dn_sd(100, 5), v3.fw);// fw and not up because the new up is what it was fw
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 1, fw_dn(100), v3.fw);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 1, fw_dn(100), v3.fw);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 1, fw_dn_sd(100, -10), v3.fw);

                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 2, v3.fw.RotUp(25), v3.up);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 2, fw_dn(86), v3.fw);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 2, fw_dn(87), v3.fw);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 2, fw_dn(88), v3.fw);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 2, fw_dn(89), v3.fw);

                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 3, v3.fw, v3.up);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 3, fw_dn(120), v3.fw);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 3, fw_dn(120), v3.fw);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 3, fw_dn(120), v3.fw);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 3, fw_dn(120), v3.fw);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 1, v3.fw.RotUp(5), v3.up.RotDir(side.ToNormal(), -30));
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 1, fw_dn_sd(70, 15), v3.fw);// fw and not up because the new up is what it was fw
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 1, fw_dn(70), v3.fw);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 1, fw_dn(70), v3.fw);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 1, fw_dn_sd(70, -10), v3.fw);

                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 2, v3.fw.RotUp(10), v3.up);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 2, fw_dn(75), v3.fw);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 2, fw_dn(75), v3.fw);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 2, fw_dn(75), v3.fw);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 2, fw_dn(75), v3.fw);

                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Thumb, 3, v3.fw.RotUp(10), v3.up);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Index, 3, fw_dn(80), v3.fw);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Middle, 3, fw_dn(80), v3.fw);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Ring, 3, fw_dn(80), v3.fw);
                RotFingerToLocal(FingerName.Pinky, 3, fw_dn(80), v3.fw);


            return(this.AsUniqueNamed((unique.Hand + side) + human.ID));
        protected void Init(IComplexHuman human, BodySide side)
            _human = human;
            _side  = side;
            var arm = side == BodySide.Left ? human.ArmL : human.ArmR;

            _fingers[FingerName.Thumb] = new Dictionary <int, Transform> {
                { 0, arm.Thumb1 }, { 1, arm.Thumb1 }, { 2, arm.Thumb2 }, { 3, arm.Thumb3 }
            _fingers[FingerName.Index] = new Dictionary <int, Transform> {
                { 0, arm.Index0 }, { 1, arm.Index1 }, { 2, arm.Index2 }, { 3, arm.Index3 }
            _fingers[FingerName.Middle] = new Dictionary <int, Transform> {
                { 0, arm.Middle0 }, { 1, arm.Middle1 }, { 2, arm.Middle2 }, { 3, arm.Middle3 }
            _fingers[FingerName.Ring] = new Dictionary <int, Transform> {
                { 0, arm.Ring0 }, { 1, arm.Ring1 }, { 2, arm.Ring2 }, { 3, arm.Ring3 }
            _fingers[FingerName.Pinky] = new Dictionary <int, Transform> {
                { 0, arm.Pinky0 }, { 1, arm.Pinky1 }, { 2, arm.Pinky2 }, { 3, arm.Pinky3 }
Exemple #12
        static double GetBlinkBaseByTargetDirection(this IComplexHuman h, ref Vector3 targetDir)
            var iniHeadUp       = h.Head.up;
            var dp              = dot(in targetDir, in iniHeadUp);
            var blinkBaseTarget = 0.20;

            if (dp > 0.050)
                blinkBaseTarget = 0.00;
            if (dp > 0.025)
                blinkBaseTarget = 0.10;
            if (dp < -0.025)
                blinkBaseTarget = 0.30;
            else if (dp < -0.050)
                blinkBaseTarget = 0.40;
Exemple #13
 public static Vector3 GetCurrentFaceTarget(this IComplexHuman h) =>
 h.NeckUpper.position + h.NeckUpper.forward.By(3);
Exemple #14
 public static Vector3 GetCurrentLookTarget(this IComplexHuman h) =>
         ? h.GenFace.EyeR.position + h.GenFace.EyeR.forward.By(3)
         : h.MHFace.EyeR.position + h.MHFace.EyeR.forward.By(3);
Exemple #15
 public static bool IsForwardFacingHorizontal(this IComplexHuman h) => vector.PointSameDirection(h.forward, in v3.fw);
Exemple #16
 public static bool IsForwardFacing(this IComplexHuman h) => vector.PointSameDirection(h.rotation * new Vector3(0f, -0.7071068f, 0.7071067f), in v3.fw);
Exemple #17
 // 0f, -0.5f, 0.8660254f = Debug.Log(v3.fw.ToDn(30).s());
 // 0f,-0.7071068f,0.7071067f = Debug.Log(">>"+v3.fw.ToDn(45).s());
 public static Vector3 DownForward(this IComplexHuman h) => h.rotation * new Vector3(0f, -0.7071068f, 0.7071067f);
Exemple #18
 public static ulong GetActionLabel(this IComplexHuman h) => h.AniEntireBody.GetLabel();
Exemple #19
 public static Vector3 GetAbsLipBoneCenterPosition(this IComplexHuman h)
     return(Vector3.Lerp(h.GenFace.LipCornerL.position, h.GenFace.LipCornerR.position, 0.5f));
Exemple #20
 public static ulong RemoveFlag(this IComplexHuman human, ulong flag)
     human.Flags &= ~flag;
Exemple #21
 public static ulong AddFlag(this IComplexHuman human, ulong flag)
     human.Flags |= flag;
 IHandAni IHandAni.Set(IComplexHuman human, BodySide side, double seconds)
     return(Set(human, side, seconds));
Exemple #23
 public static IComplexHuman MoveTowards(this IComplexHuman h, Vector3 target, double step = -1)
     h.Model.MoveTowards(target, step);
Exemple #24
 public static IComplexHuman RotateTowards(this IComplexHuman h, Vector3 forward, Vector3 up, double stepDegrees = -1)
     h.Model.RotateTowards(forward, up, stepDegrees);
Exemple #25
 public static IComplexHuman RotateTowards(this IComplexHuman h, Quaternion rotation, double stepDegrees = -1)
     h.Model.RotateTowards(rotation, stepDegrees);
Exemple #26
 public static bool IsInAction(this IComplexHuman h, ulong action) => h.AniEntireBody.IsRunningWithLabel(action);
Exemple #27
 public static bool IsPointProjectedToUpperBody(this IComplexHuman h, Vector3 point)
     fun.point.ProjectOnLine(in point, h.position, h.Head.position, out var proj);
     return(fun.point.IsAbovePlane(in proj, h.up, h.Spine.AbdomenUpper.position));
Exemple #28
        /*public static bool TryLookAtTarget(this IComplexHuman h, double seconds, Func<Vector3> getTarget, Action onEnd = null)
         * {
         *  onEnd = onEnd ?? new Action(() => { });
         *  var eyeL = h.GenFace.EyeL;
         *  var eyeR = h.GenFace.EyeR;
         *  var iniFw = eyeL.position.DirTo(getTarget());
         *  var blinkBaseTarget = h.GetBlinkBaseByTargetDirection(ref iniFw);
         *  h.AniLook?.ClearAllFollowUpActions().StopIfRunning();
         *  h.AniLook = play<FuncAni>().Set(seconds, _ =>
         *  {
         *      h.FaceExp.BlinkBase01 = h.FaceExp.BlinkBase01.MoveTowards(blinkBaseTarget, fun.smoothDeltaTime * 2);
         *      if (h.AniBlink.IsNotRunning()) h.FaceExp.Blink01 = 0;
         *      var p = getTarget();
         *      var fwL = eyeL.position.DirTo(p);
         *      var fwR = eyeR.position.DirTo(p);
         *      if(angleIsLessThan(fwL, h.Head.forward, 30))
         *      {
         *          var hUp = h.Head.up;
         *          eyeL.RotateTowards(Quaternion.LookRotation(fwL, hUp), fun.smoothDeltaTime * 90);
         *          eyeR.RotateTowards(Quaternion.LookRotation(fwR, hUp), fun.smoothDeltaTime * 90);
         *      }
         *  })
         *  .AsUniqueNamed(unique.Look + h.ID)
         *  .Then(onEnd)
         *  ;
         *  return true;
         * }*/

        public static Vector3 GetAbsMouthPosition(this IComplexHuman h)
            var head = h.Head.Holder;

            return(Vector3.Lerp(h.GenFace.LipCornerL.position, h.GenFace.LipCornerR.position, 0.5f) + head.forward * 0.03f + head.up * -0.005f);
Exemple #29
 public static bool IsMakeHuman(this IComplexHuman h)
 => h.Definition.HumanoidType == HumanoidType.MakeHuman;
Exemple #30
 public static bool IsGenesis8(this IComplexHuman h)
 => h.Definition.HumanoidType == HumanoidType.Genesis8;