private void Init(EmsWriterQueue queue, ICommand2MessageTranslator translator, string commandName) { ErrorTrap.AddAssertion(queue != null, "EmsWriterQueue queue can't be null for the" + this.GetType().FullName + ". Please correct the configuration and restart."); ErrorTrap.AddAssertion(translator != null, "ICommand2MessageTranslator translator can't be null. Please correct the configuration for " + this.GetType().FullName + " and restart."); ErrorTrap.AddAssertion(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(commandName), "commandName can't be null or empty. Please correct the configuration for " + this.GetType().FullName + " and restart."); ErrorTrap.RaiseTrappedErrors<ConfigurationErrorsException>(); this.queue = queue; this.translator = translator; this.commandName = commandName; }
public CommandExecutor(EmsWriterQueue queue, ICommand2MessageTranslator translator, string commandName) { Init(queue, translator, commandName); }