Exemple #1
        public override void Collision(CircleCollider other)
            if (other.entity.Equals(this.entity))
            // ABVector is the vector between this object and the other object.
            Vector2 ABVector = other.center - this.center;
            // Distance Between Centers is the distance between the 2 collider centers.
            float distanceBetweenCenters = ABVector.Length();

            // If this is greater than the sum of the radii, a collision has occured.
            if (distanceBetweenCenters <= this.radius + other.radius)
                // The collision normal is the ABVector, converted into a Unit vector (or normalized)
                Vector2 normal = ABVector;
                // We correct interpenetration BEFORE physics has a chance to occur.
                // The distanceIntersecting is the distance between the centers, minus the sum of the radii.
                float distanceIntersecting = (distanceBetweenCenters - (radius + other.radius));
                // We push each object along the collision normal as far as they have interpenetrated.
                entity.transform.SetPosition(entity.transform.position + (normal * distanceIntersecting));
                // Now that we have corrected interpenetration, we call OnCollision on the entity,
                // which will perform physics behaviours if it has a PhysicsBody component.
                ICollisionListener collisionEntity = entity as ICollisionListener;
                collisionEntity.OnCollision(other, normal);
 /// <summary>
 /// Register the entity associated with listener
 /// Subscribes the Listeners to Enter and Exit Collision events
 /// At this stage the entities do not own a Collider Component
 /// Creates a list for each listener to link the respective ICollidables
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="listener"></param>
 public void RegisterListener(ICollisionListener listener)
     //Adds a new Links list that contains the links of this listener to the colliders that it owns
     links.Add(new List <ICollidable>());
     //Subscribes Listener
     CollisionEnter += new CollisionHandler(listener.OnCollisionEnter);
     CollisionExit  += new CollisionHandler(listener.OnCollisionExit);
     CollisionStay  += new CollisionHandler(listener.OnCollisionStay);
        internal void NotifyCollision(PhysicalBody physicalBody)
            ICollisionListener collisionListener = Self.GetAIComponent();

            if (null != collisionListener)
        /// <summary>
        /// Calls the scene graph to spawn an entity
        /// Initializes the entity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">Entity to be spawned</param>
        /// <param name="position">Position to spawn the entity</param>
        public void SpawnEntity(IEntity entity)
            entity.isActive = true;
            //If entity is collidable subscribe entity to collision events
            ICollisionListener listener = entity as ICollisionListener;

            if (listener != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes an entity from the scene graph
        /// Based on its UID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityID">Entity Unique ID</param>
        public void RemoveEntity(int entityID)
            IEntity entity = entityManager.GetEntity(entityID);

            entity.isActive = false;
            //If entity is collidable unsubscribe entity to collision events
            ICollisionListener listener = entity as ICollisionListener;

            if (listener != null)
Exemple #6
        public override void Collision(BoxCollider other)
            if (other.entity.Equals(this.entity))
            // If the distance between the two collider's center is greater than the combined halfSize's, then a collision has occured.
            Vector2 centers = new Vector2(Math.Abs(this.center.X - other.center.X), Math.Abs(this.center.Y - other.center.Y));
            Vector2 halves  = (this.size + other.size) / 2;

            if ((centers.X < halves.X) && (centers.Y < halves.Y))
                // Inform the Entity that they have been collided with.
                ICollisionListener collisionEntity = entity as ICollisionListener;
        /// <summary>
        /// Unregisters listeners to collision events
        /// Removes collision info from the current status
        /// Removes links of the listener and collides from the links list
        /// This is called after all the colliders have been removed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listener">Listener</param>
        public void UnregisterListener(ICollisionListener listener)
            //Remove the listeener links from the links lists
            Delegate[] list = CollisionEnter.GetInvocationList();
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
                ICollisionListener t_listener = list[i].Target as ICollisionListener;
                if (t_listener == listener)

            //Unsubscribe to events
            CollisionEnter -= new CollisionHandler(listener.OnCollisionEnter);
            CollisionExit  -= new CollisionHandler(listener.OnCollisionExit);
            CollisionStay  -= new CollisionHandler(listener.OnCollisionStay);
Exemple #8
 public OnCollisionListenerAddedEventContext(Actor actor, ICollisionListener collisionListener)
     this.CorrespondingActor = actor;
     this.CollisionListener  = collisionListener;
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Subscribe a collision listener
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="listener"></param>
 public void SubscribeListener(ICollisionListener listener)
     // Subscribe passed collision listener to the collision system
Exemple #10
        public override void Collision(PlaneCollider other)
            // Create a new Vector2, with position equal to the Plane's position.
            Vector2 testVector = other.position;
            // TestVariable is what the distance is checked against.
            float testVariable;

            if (other.horizontal)
                if (this.position.X < other.position.X || this.position.X > other.position.X + other.width)
                // If the Plane is horizontal
                // Shift the TestVector along the X-Axis so it is equal to this colliders center.
                testVector.X = this.center.X;
                testVariable = this.size.Y / 2;
                // If the plane is Vertical
                // Shift the Testvector along the Y-Axis so it is equal to this colliders center.
                testVector.Y = this.center.Y;
                testVariable = this.size.X / 2;

            if (Vector2.Distance(this.center, testVector) <= testVariable)
                // Collision normal
                Vector2 normal;
                if (other.horizontal)
                    if (testVector.Y >= this.center.Y)
                        // If we're above the plane, the normal is directly up.
                        normal = -Vector2.UnitY;
                        // Correct interpenetration.
                        entity.transform.SetPosition(entity.transform.position + (normal * Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(this.center.X, this.center.Y + testVariable), testVector)));
                        // If we're below the plane, the normal is directly down.
                        normal = Vector2.UnitY;
                        // Correct interpenetration.
                        entity.transform.SetPosition(entity.transform.position + (normal * Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(this.center.X, this.position.Y), testVector)));
                    if (testVector.X <= testVariable)
                        // If we're to the right of the plane
                        normal = Vector2.UnitX;
                        // Correct interpenetration.
                        entity.transform.SetPosition(entity.transform.position + (normal * Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(this.center.X, this.position.Y), testVector)));
                        normal = -Vector2.UnitX;
                        entity.transform.SetPosition(entity.transform.position + (normal * Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(this.center.X + testVariable, this.center.Y), testVector)));
                // Resolve the collision.
                ICollisionListener collisionEntity = entity as ICollisionListener;
                collisionEntity.OnCollision(other, normal);
Exemple #11
 public void AddListener(ICollisionListener newListener)