public override async Task Read(Dictionary <string, string> properties)
            var dataToConvert = new MockUser()
                FirstName = "Jane",
                LastName  = "Doe",
                Email     = "*****@*****.**",
                LastLogin = "******"

            IEntityCollection row = new EntityCollection();

            row.Entities.Add("AD User", dataToConvert);
            var context = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // context.Add(CollectorConstants.STATE_READER_DONE, Id);
            await SignalHandler(context);

            await _collector.SignalEvent(new StateEvent()
                SenderId = Id,
                State    = CollectorConstants.STATE_READER_DONE
Exemple #2
        public override Task Publish(string senderId, List <object> data, Dictionary <string, string> context)
            return(Task.Run(() => {
                var path = EndPointConfig.Properties["Path"];
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                    _logger.Error("Property 'Path' is missing from the end point config properties");
                    var stateEvent = new StateEvent()
                        SenderId = Id,
                        State = CollectorConstants.STATE_PUBLISHER_ERROR,
                        ExtraInfo = "Path property is missing."

                foreach (var point in data)
                    var entity = point as IEntity;
                    var payload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entity);
                    var logEntry = string.Format("Entity : {0}", payload);
                    var fullPath = string.Format("{0}\\publisher-log.txt", path);
                    using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(fullPath, File.Exists(fullPath)))
Exemple #3
        public override Task Publish(string senderId, List <object> data, Dictionary <string, string> context)
            return(Task.Run(() => {
                if (context.ContainsKey("Result") && context["Result"].Equals("Done"))
                    // Handle the context, in this case we assume we are done.
                    var stateEventDone = new StateEvent()
                        SenderId = Id,
                        State = CollectorConstants.STATE_PUBLISHER_DONE,
                        ExtraInfo = "Publisher done."

                if (!EndPointConfig.Properties.ContainsKey(CollectorConstants.KEY_FOLDER))
                    _logger.Error("Property 'Path' is missing from the end point config properties");
                    var stateEvent = new StateEvent()
                        SenderId = Id,
                        State = CollectorConstants.STATE_PUBLISHER_ERROR,
                        ExtraInfo = "Path property is missing."
                var path = EndPointConfig.Properties[CollectorConstants.KEY_FOLDER];
                if (!Directory.Exists(path))
                var fullPath = string.Format("{0}\\publisher-log-{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}.txt",
                                             path, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Hour, DateTime.Now.Minute);
                foreach (var dataPoint in data)
                    var logEntry = dataPoint as LogEntry;
                    var payload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(logEntry);
                    var line = string.Format("{0}\r\n", payload);
                    using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(fullPath, File.Exists(fullPath)))
 public override async Task Transform(string senderId, List <IEntityCollection> data, Dictionary <string, string> context)
     foreach (var mapper in Mappers)
         Data = mapper.Map(data);
         await SignalPublisher(context);
     await _collector.SignalEvent(new StateEvent()
         SenderId = Id,
         State    = CollectorConstants.STATE_TRANSFORMER_DONE
        public override async Task Publish(string senderId, List <object> data, Dictionary <string, string> context)
            _senderId = senderId;
            _data     = data;
            _invoked  = true;
            _context  = context;
            Console.WriteLine("Sender : {0}, Data {1}", senderId, data);

            await _collector.SignalEvent(new StateEvent()
                SenderId = Id,
                State    = CollectorConstants.STATE_PUBLISHER_DONE
Exemple #6
        public override async Task Read(Dictionary <string, string> properties)
            IEntityCollection row = new EntityCollection();

            row.Entities.Add("foo", "bar");

            await SignalHandler(new Dictionary <string, string>());

            await _collector.SignalEvent(new StateEvent()
                SenderId = Id,
                State    = CollectorConstants.STATE_READER_DONE
        /// <summary>
        /// Signal that we are done.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties">Any runtime properties required by the reader.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task SignalDone(Dictionary <string, string> properties)
            var context = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            context.Add(CollectorConstants.KEY_STATE, CollectorConstants.STATE_READER_DONE);
            await _handler.HandleData(_id, new List <IEntityCollection>(), context);

            _done = true;
            await _collector.SignalEvent(new StateEvent()
                SenderId  = Id,
                State     = CollectorConstants.STATE_READER_DONE,
                ExtraInfo = properties
Exemple #8
 public async Task PublishData(string senderId, List <object> data, Dictionary <string, string> context)
     if (data != null && data.Count != 0)
         await Publish(senderId, data, context);
     // Only signal tha we are done when the reader is done.
     if (context.ContainsKey(CollectorConstants.KEY_STATE) &&
         context[CollectorConstants.KEY_STATE] == CollectorConstants.STATE_READER_DONE)
         _done = true;
         await _collector.SignalEvent(new StateEvent()
             SenderId  = Id,
             State     = CollectorConstants.STATE_PUBLISHER_DONE,
             ExtraInfo = context
Exemple #9
        public override async Task Read(Dictionary <string, string> properties)
            var dateToConvert = "01/01/2018";
            var timeToConvert = "01:00:55.000";

            IEntityCollection row = new EntityCollection();

            row.Entities.Add("Time", timeToConvert);
            row.Entities.Add("Date", dateToConvert);
            var context = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            await SignalHandler(context);

            await _collector.SignalEvent(new StateEvent()
                SenderId = Id,
                State    = CollectorConstants.STATE_READER_DONE
Exemple #10
        public async Task HandleData(string senderId, List <IEntityCollection> data, Dictionary <string, string> context)
            if (data != null && data.Count != 0)
                await Transform(senderId, data, context);

            // Only signal tha we are done when the reader is done.
            if (context.ContainsKey(CollectorConstants.KEY_STATE))
                if (context[CollectorConstants.KEY_STATE] == CollectorConstants.STATE_READER_DONE)
                    _done = true;
                    await _collector.SignalEvent(new StateEvent()
                        SenderId  = Id,
                        State     = CollectorConstants.STATE_TRANSFORMER_DONE,
                        ExtraInfo = context

                    await _handler.PublishData(Id, new List <object>(), context);
Exemple #11
        public override async Task Read(Dictionary <string, string> properties)
                if (!EndPointConfig.Properties.ContainsKey(CollectorConstants.KEY_FOLDER))
                    _logger.Error("Property 'FolderName' is missing from the end point config properties");
                    var stateEvent1 = new StateEvent()
                        SenderId  = Id,
                        State     = CollectorConstants.STATE_READER_ERROR,
                        ExtraInfo = "FolderName property is missing."
                    await _collector.SignalEvent(stateEvent1);

                if (!EndPointConfig.Properties.ContainsKey(CollectorConstants.KEY_FILENAME))
                    _logger.Error("Property 'FileName' is missing from the end point config properties");
                    var stateEvent2 = new StateEvent()
                        SenderId  = Id,
                        State     = CollectorConstants.STATE_READER_ERROR,
                        ExtraInfo = "FileName property is missing."
                    await _collector.SignalEvent(stateEvent2);

                var path     = EndPointConfig.Properties[CollectorConstants.KEY_FOLDER];
                var fileName = EndPointConfig.Properties[CollectorConstants.KEY_FILENAME];
                var fullPath = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", path, fileName);

                _logger.Info("Reading log file : " + fullPath);
                // context gets bubbled up to the transformer and possibly the publisher
                var context = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                context.Add(fullPath, fileName);

                _logger.Info("Processing file {0}", fileName);
                if (_fileReader.Open(fullPath))
                    string s = "";
                    while ((s = _fileReader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        // Each row is a line of text from the log
                        var row = new EntityCollection();

                        // Split the log entry by spaces
                        var entries = s.Split(' ', '|');
                        if (entries.Length > 6)
                            // TODO: How to handle exceptions in the log?
                            if (entries[0].Contains("Exception"))
                            // From entry 6 on is the message, lets recreate it...

                            /*var message = "";
                             * for (int i = 4; i < entries.Length; i++)
                             * {
                             *  message = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} {1}", message, entries[i]);
                             * }*/
                            // Now create our data entry...
                            for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++)
                                row.Entities.Add(string.Format("Col_{0}", i), entries[i]);
                // Tell the collector that we are done
                await SignalHandler(context);

                await SignalHandler(new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Result", "Done" } });

                var stateEvent = new StateEvent()
                    SenderId  = Id,
                    State     = CollectorConstants.STATE_READER_DONE,
                    ExtraInfo = "Done processing file."
                await _collector.SignalEvent(stateEvent);
            catch (Exception e)