public void PlayGame() //NewGame
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("GameStarted", 1);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("AttackAbilityOpen", 0);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("BoxAbilityOpen", 0);                              //Closing box ability for first enterence
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DashAbilityOpen", 0);                             //Closing dash ability for first enterence
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("info", 0);                                        // movement tutorial
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("jumpInfo", 0);                                    // movement tutorial
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("boxInfo", 0);                                     // box ability tutorial
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("dashInfo", 0);                                    // dash ability tutorial
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("attackInfo", 0);                                  // attack ability tutorial
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("CutScene2Collider", 0);                           // can pass level collider activated
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Gold", 0);                                        //set gold count to 0 for new game
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("FirstNPC_ActivationState", 1);                    // set first npc activation state

        coin.RemoveAllCoinOnTheList();                                        // removing all coins and rubies from list for new game

        gm.lastCheckPointPos = startPos.position;                             //Setting the player position for first entering
        SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex + 1); //loading next scene