Exemple #1
        public ActionResult Index()
            int totalCount = 0;

            string waitCoursewhere = string.Format("  Co_Course.IsDelete = 0 and CourseFrom=2 and Co_Course.way=1 and Co_Course.PublishFlag = 1 and Co_Course.StartTime  >='{0}' ", DateTime.Now);
            var    waitCourseList  = Icourse.GetCourseCommonList(out totalCount, waitCoursewhere, 0, 5, "ORDER BY Co_Course.StartTime");

            string timeoutApprovalwhere = string.Format(@" Co_Course.IsDelete = 0 and Co_Course.publishflag =1 and Sys_User.IsDelete = 0 and Cl_MakeUpOrder.IsTimeOut = 1 and Cl_MakeUpOrder.TimeOutPassFlag = 0");
            var    timeoutApprovalList  = courseOrderBL.GetTimeOutApprovalList(out totalCount, timeoutApprovalwhere, 1, 5, "order by Cl_MakeUpOrder.TimeOutDateTime desc");

            string courseOrderListwhere = string.Format(@" Co_Course.IsDelete = 0 and Co_Course.Publishflag = 1 and Co_Course.CourseFrom=2 and Co_Course.Way = 1  ");
            var    courseOrderList      = courseOrderBL.GetCourseSubscribeList(out totalCount, courseOrderListwhere, 1, 6, "order by Co_Course.Id desc");

            ViewBag.waitCourseList      = waitCourseList;
            ViewBag.timeoutApprovalList = timeoutApprovalList;
            ViewBag.courseOrderList     = courseOrderList;
            ViewBag.UserRights          = UserRights;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取我的培训首页的三种课程
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">0:集中授课;1:视频;2:CPA</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult GetMyTrainIndexCourse(int type = 0)
            var isOpenSub = "";

            if (CurrentUser.IsMain == 1)
                isOpenSub = " or IsOpenSub=1";
            var totalCount = 0;
            var sqlwhere   = "";

            switch (type)
            case 0:
                sqlwhere = string.Format(@" Co_Course.Way=1 and Co_Course.Publishflag=1 and StartTime>=getdate() and (
			(select count(*) from Sys_User where UserId={0} and TrainGrade in (select id from dbo.F_SplitIDs(Co_Course.OpenLevel)))>0  
			--or Co_Course.OpenLevel = '' or Co_Course.OpenLevel is null 
			((Co_Course.OpenGroupObject = '' or Co_Course.OpenGroupObject is null) and (Co_Course.OpendepartObject = '' or Co_Course.OpendepartObject is null )) 
            (select count(*) from Sys_User where UserId={0} and deptid in (select id from dbo.F_SplitIDs(Co_Course.OpendepartObject)))>0  
			(select count(*) from Sys_GroupUser where UserId={0} and groupid in (select id from dbo.F_SplitIDs(Co_Course.OpenGroupObject)))>0
		)) or Co_Course.Id in (select CourseId from Cl_CourseOrder where Cl_CourseOrder.UserId = {0} and  Cl_CourseOrder.orderstatus > 0) 
   {1} )", CurrentUser.UserId, isOpenSub);

            case 1:
                sqlwhere = string.Format(@" Co_Course.Way=2 and Co_Course.Publishflag=1 and EndTime>=getdate() 
        and (
			(select count(*) from Sys_User where UserId={0} and TrainGrade in (select id from dbo.F_SplitIDs(Co_Course.OpenLevel)))>0  
			--or Co_Course.OpenLevel = '' or Co_Course.OpenLevel is null 
				(Co_Course.OpenGroupObject = '' or Co_Course.OpenGroupObject is null) and (Co_Course.OpendepartObject = '' or Co_Course.OpendepartObject is null )
				(select count(*) from Sys_User where UserId={0} and deptid in (select id from dbo.F_SplitIDs(Co_Course.OpendepartObject)))>0  
			(select count(*) from Sys_GroupUser where UserId={0} and groupid in (select id from dbo.F_SplitIDs(Co_Course.OpenGroupObject)))>0
		)  {1}
    )", CurrentUser.UserId, isOpenSub);

            case 2:
                sqlwhere = string.Format(@" Co_Course.Way=3 and Co_Course.Publishflag=1 and StartTime>=getdate()
and (
			(select count(*) from Sys_User where UserId={0} and TrainGrade in (select id from dbo.F_SplitIDs(Co_Course.OpenLevel)))>0  
			or Co_Course.OpenLevel = '' or Co_Course.OpenLevel is null 
			(Co_Course.OpenGroupObject = '' or Co_Course.OpenGroupObject is null)
			(select count(*) from Sys_GroupUser where UserId={0} and groupid in (select id from dbo.F_SplitIDs(Co_Course.OpenGroupObject)))>0
    )", CurrentUser.UserId);
            var list    = CourseBL.GetCourseCommonList(out totalCount, sqlwhere, 0, 8, " order by Co_Course.StartTime desc ");
            var newlist = new List <object>();

            list.ForEach(p => newlist.Add(new
                id      = p.Id,
                name    = p.CourseName.HtmlXssEncode(),
                date    = p.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"),
                picdate = p.StartTime.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm") + "-" + p.EndTime.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm"),
                length  = p.CourseLength,
                teacher = p.TeacherStr
            return(Json(newlist, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));