public async Task <EmployeeVm> Handle(Query request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                var student = await _context.GetParameterValue <string>("SuUserType", "Student", cancellationToken);

                StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

                sql.AppendLine("select e.company_code as person_company,");
                if (request.UserType == student)
                    sql.AppendLine(" e.student_id ");
                    sql.AppendLine(" e.employee_code ");
                sql.AppendLine("from su_user_type t ");
                if (request.UserType == student)
                    sql.AppendLine("inner join sh_student e on e.company_code = t.company_code ");
                    sql.AppendLine("and e.student_id  = t.student_id ");
                    sql.AppendLine("inner join db_employee e on e.company_code = t.company_code ");
                    sql.AppendLine("and e.employee_code  = t.employee_code ");

                sql.AppendLine("where t.user_id = @User");

                var emp = await _context.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <EmployeeVm>(sql.ToString(), new { User = request.UserId }, cancellationToken);

Exemple #2
            public async Task <DbBuilding> Handle(Query request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

                sql.AppendLine("select b.*, b.xmin as \"rowVersion\" ");
                sql.AppendLine("from db_building b");
                sql.AppendLine("where b.building_id = @BuildingId");
                sql.AppendLine("AND b.company_code = @CompanyCode ");
                var subj = await _context.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <DbBuildingVm>(sql.ToString(), new { CompanyCode = _user.Company, BuildingId = request.BuildingId }, cancellationToken);

                StringBuilder sqlRoom = new StringBuilder();

                sqlRoom.AppendLine("select r.*, r.xmin as \"rowVersion\" ");
                sqlRoom.AppendLine("from db_room r ");
                sqlRoom.AppendLine("where r.building_id = @BuildingId");
                subj.DbRoom = await _context.QueryAsync <DbRoom>(sqlRoom.ToString(), new { BuildingId = request.BuildingId }, cancellationToken);

                StringBuilder sqlPrivilegeBuilding = new StringBuilder();

                sqlPrivilegeBuilding.AppendLine("select pb.*, pb.xmin as \"rowVersion\" ");
                sqlPrivilegeBuilding.AppendLine("from db_privilege_building pb ");
                sqlPrivilegeBuilding.AppendLine("where pb.building_id = @BuildingId");
                subj.DbPrivilegeBuilding = await _context.QueryAsync <DbPrivilegeBuilding>(sqlPrivilegeBuilding.ToString(), new { BuildingId = request.BuildingId }, cancellationToken);

                if (subj == null)
                    throw new RestException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Message.NotFound");
            public async Task <Division> Handle(Query request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

                sql.AppendLine("select      company_code as \"companyCode\",");
                sql.AppendLine("            case @Language when 'th' then company_name_tha else coalesce(company_name_eng, company_name_tha) end as \"companyName\",");
                sql.AppendLine("            xmin as \"rowVersion\"");
                sql.AppendLine("from        su_company");
                sql.AppendLine("where       company_code = @CompanyCode");
                var company = await _context.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <Company>(sql.ToString(), new { Language = this._user.Language, CompanyCode = request.CompanyCode }, cancellationToken);

                sql = new StringBuilder();
                sql.AppendLine("select      div1.company_code as \"companyCode\",");
                sql.AppendLine("            div1.div_code as \"divCode\",");
                sql.AppendLine("            div1.div_name_tha as \"divNameTha\",");
                sql.AppendLine("            div1.div_name_eng as \"divNameEng\",");
                sql.AppendLine("            case @Language when 'th' then div2.div_name_tha else coalesce(div2.div_name_eng, div2.div_name_tha) end as \"divParent\",");
                sql.AppendLine("            case status.status_value when 'N'");
                sql.AppendLine("            						 then null");
                sql.AppendLine("            						 else case @Language when 'th' then status.status_desc_tha else coalesce(status.status_desc_eng, status.status_desc_tha) end");
                sql.AppendLine("            						 end as \"divType\",");
                sql.AppendLine("            case div1.div_type when 'L' then concat(locat.location_code, ' : ', case @Language when 'th' then locat.location_name_tha else coalesce(locat.location_name_eng, locat.location_name_tha) end)");
                sql.AppendLine("            				   when 'F' then concat(fac.fac_code, ' : ', case @Language when 'th' then fac.fac_name_tha else coalesce(fac.fac_name_eng, fac.fac_name_tha) end)");
                sql.AppendLine("                               when 'P' then concat(program.program_code, ' : ', case @Language when 'th' then program.program_name_tha else coalesce(program.program_name_eng, program.program_name_tha) end, ' ', fac.fac_code, ' : ', case @Language when 'th' then fac.fac_name_tha else coalesce(fac.fac_name_eng, fac.fac_name_tha) end)");
                sql.AppendLine("            				   else null end as \"divTypeDetail\",");
                sql.AppendLine("            div1.xmin as \"rowVersion\"");
                sql.AppendLine("from        su_division as div1");
                sql.AppendLine("left join   su_division as div2");
                sql.AppendLine("on          div1.company_code = div2.company_code");
                sql.AppendLine("            and div1.div_parent = div2.div_code");
                sql.AppendLine("left join   db_status as status");
                sql.AppendLine("on          status.status_value = div1.div_type");
                sql.AppendLine("            and status.table_name = 'su_division'");
                sql.AppendLine("            and status.column_name = 'div_type'");
                sql.AppendLine("left join	db_location as locat");
                sql.AppendLine("on			locat.company_code = div1.company_code");
                sql.AppendLine("			and locat.location_code = div1.location_code");
                //sql.AppendLine("			and div1.div_type = 'L'");
                sql.AppendLine("left join	db_fac as fac");
                sql.AppendLine("on			fac.company_code = div1.company_code");
                sql.AppendLine("			and fac.fac_code = div1.fac_code");
                //sql.AppendLine("			and div1.div_type = 'F'");
                sql.AppendLine("left join	db_program as program");
                sql.AppendLine("on			program.company_code = div1.company_code");
                sql.AppendLine("			and program.program_code = div1.program_code");
                //sql.AppendLine("			and div1.div_type = 'P'");
                sql.AppendLine("where       div1.company_code = @CompanyCode");

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.Keyword))
                    sql.AppendLine("        and concat(div1.div_code, div1.div_name_tha, div1.div_name_eng) ilike concat('%', @Keyword, '%')");

                var divisions = await _context.GetPage(sql.ToString(), new { Language = this._user.Language, CompanyCode = request.CompanyCode, Keyword = request.Keyword }, (RequestPageQuery)request, cancellationToken);

                return(new Division {
                    Company = company, Divisions = divisions
Exemple #4
            public async Task <PersonalVm> Handle(Query request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

                sql.AppendLine("	select e.employee_code as personalCode, get_name(@Lang,e.t_name_concat,e.e_name_concat) as personalName ");
                sql.AppendLine("	from su_user_type t 	");
                sql.AppendLine("	inner join db_employee e on e.company_code = t.company_code 	");
                sql.AppendLine("	                        and e.employee_code = t.employee_code 	");
                sql.AppendLine("    where t.user_id = @UserId ");
                sql.AppendLine("    limit 1 ");

                return(await _context.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <PersonalVm>(sql.ToString(), new { UserId = _user.UserId, Lang = _user.Language }, cancellationToken));
Exemple #5
            public async Task <DbMajor> Handle(Query request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

                sql.AppendLine("SELECT dmj.company_code AS \"companyCode\", dmj.major_code AS \"majorCode\" ");
                sql.AppendLine(", dmj.fac_code AS \"facCode\", dmj.program_code AS \"programCode\" ");
                sql.AppendLine(", dmj.major_name_tha AS \"majorNameTha\", dmj.major_name_eng AS \"majorNameEng\" ");
                sql.AppendLine(", dmj.major_short_name_tha AS \"majorShortNameTha\", dmj.major_short_name_eng AS \"majorShortNameEng\" ");
                sql.AppendLine(", dmj.format_code AS \"formatCode\", dmj.major_code_mua AS \"majorCodeMua\" ");
                sql.AppendLine(",, dmj.xmin as \"rowVersion\" ");
                sql.AppendLine("FROM db_major dmj ");
                sql.AppendLine("WHERE dmj.program_code = @ProgramCode ");
                sql.AppendLine("AND dmj.company_code = @CompanyCode ");
                sql.AppendLine("AND dmj.major_code = @MajorCode ");
                sql.AppendLine("AND dmj.fac_code = @FacCode ");

                var subj = await _context.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <DbMajorVm>(sql.ToString()
                                                                               , new { CompanyCode = _user.Company, ProgramCode = request.ProgramCode, MajorCode = request.MajorCode
                                                                                       , FacCode   = request.FacCode }, cancellationToken);

                StringBuilder sqlSub = new StringBuilder();

                sqlSub.AppendLine("SELECT dpf.company_code AS \"companyCode\", dpf.major_code AS \"majorCode\" ");
                sqlSub.AppendLine(", dpf.fac_code AS \"facCode\", dpf.program_code AS \"programCode\" ");
                sqlSub.AppendLine(", dpf.pro_code AS \"proCode\", dpf.pro_name_tha AS \"proNameTha\" ");
                sqlSub.AppendLine(", dpf.pro_name_eng AS \"proNameEng\", dpf.pro_short_name_tha AS \"proShortNameTha\" ");
                sqlSub.AppendLine(", dpf.pro_short_name_eng AS \"proShortNameEng\", dpf.format_code AS \"formatCode\" ");
                sqlSub.AppendLine(",, dpf.xmin as \"rowVersion\" ");
                sqlSub.AppendLine("FROM db_professional dpf ");
                sqlSub.AppendLine("WHERE dpf.program_code = @ProgramCode ");
                sqlSub.AppendLine("AND dpf.company_code = @CompanyCode ");
                sqlSub.AppendLine("AND dpf.major_code = @MajorCode ");
                sqlSub.AppendLine("AND dpf.fac_code = @FacCode ");
                sqlSub.AppendLine("ORDER BY dpf.major_code, dpf.fac_code, dpf.program_code ");

                subj.dbProfessional = await _context.QueryAsync <DbProfessionalVm>(sqlSub.ToString()
                                                                                   , new { CompanyCode = _user.Company, ProgramCode = request.ProgramCode
                                                                                           , MajorCode = request.MajorCode, FacCode = request.FacCode }, cancellationToken);

                if (subj == null)
                    throw new RestException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Message.NotFound");
Exemple #6
            public async Task <DbFacProgram> Handle(Query request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

                sql.AppendLine(" SELECT dfp.company_code AS \"companyCode\" ");
                sql.AppendLine(" 	, dfp.fac_code AS \"facCode\" ");
                sql.AppendLine(" 	, dfp.program_code AS \"programCode\" ");
                sql.AppendLine(" 	, p.ref_group_id AS \"refGroupId\" ");
                sql.AppendLine("  	, p.curr_id AS \"currId\" ");
                sql.AppendLine("  	, p.program_id AS \"programId\" ");
                sql.AppendLine("  	, p.isced_id AS \"iscedId\" ");
                sql.AppendLine("  	, p.program_code_mua AS \"programCodeMua\" ");
                sql.AppendLine(" 	, ");
                sql.AppendLine(" 	, dfp.xmin as \"rowVersion\" ");
                sql.AppendLine(" FROM db_fac_program dfp ");
                sql.AppendLine(" 	JOIN db_program p ");
                sql.AppendLine(" 		ON p.company_code = dfp.company_code ");
                sql.AppendLine("  		AND p.program_code = dfp.program_code ");
                sql.AppendLine(" WHERE dfp.program_code = @ProgramCode ");
                sql.AppendLine(" 	AND dfp.company_code = @CompanyCode ");
                sql.AppendLine(" 	AND dfp.fac_code = @FacCode ");

                var subj = await _context.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <DbFacProgramVm>(sql.ToString()
                                                                                    , new { CompanyCode = _user.Company, FacCode = request.FacCode, ProgramCode = request.ProgramCode }, cancellationToken);

                StringBuilder sqlSub = new StringBuilder();

                sqlSub.AppendLine("SELECT dfpd.company_code AS \"companyCode\" ");
                sqlSub.AppendLine(", dfpd.fac_code AS \"facCode\", dfpd.program_code AS \"programCode\", dfpd.department_code AS \"departmentCode\" ");
                sqlSub.AppendLine(",, dfpd.xmin as \"rowVersion\" ");
                sqlSub.AppendLine("FROM db_fac_program_detail dfpd ");
                sqlSub.AppendLine("WHERE dfpd.program_code = @ProgramCode ");
                sqlSub.AppendLine("AND dfpd.company_code = @CompanyCode ");
                sqlSub.AppendLine("AND dfpd.fac_code = @FacCode ");

                subj.dbFacProgramDetail = await _context.QueryAsync <DbFacProgramDetailVm>(sqlSub.ToString()
                                                                                           , new { CompanyCode = _user.Company, FacCode = request.FacCode, ProgramCode = request.ProgramCode }, cancellationToken);

                if (subj == null)
                    throw new RestException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Message.NotFound");
Exemple #7
            public async Task <SuProfileVm> Handle(Query request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

                sql.AppendLine("SELECT  profile_code AS \"profileCode\",");
                sql.AppendLine("        profile_desc AS \"profileDesc\",");
                sql.AppendLine("        active,");
                sql.AppendLine("        xmin AS \"rowVersion\"");
                sql.AppendLine("FROM    su_profile");
                sql.AppendLine("WHERE   profile_code = @ProfileCode");

                var profile = await _context.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <SuProfileVm>(sql.ToString(), new { ProfileCode = request.ProfileCode }, cancellationToken);

                if (profile == null)
                    throw new RestException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Message.NotFound");

                sql = new StringBuilder();
                sql.AppendLine("SELECT      a.profile_code AS \"profileCode\",");
                sql.AppendLine("            a.menu_code AS \"menuCode\",");
                sql.AppendLine("            CASE @Language WHEN @Tha THEN b.menuNameTha ELSE COALESCE(b.menuNameEng, b.menuNameTha) END AS \"menuName\",");
                sql.AppendLine("            a.xmin AS \"rowVersion\"");
                sql.AppendLine("FROM        su_menu_profile AS a");
                sql.AppendLine("INNER JOIN	(SELECT	    x.menu_code,");
                sql.AppendLine("                        x.menu_name AS menuNameTha,");
                sql.AppendLine("                        y.menu_name AS menuNameEng,");
                sql.AppendLine("                        x.xmin AS rowVersionTha,");
                sql.AppendLine("                        y.xmin AS rowVersionEng");
                sql.AppendLine("            FROM 	    su_menu_label AS x");
                sql.AppendLine("            LEFT JOIN   (SELECT menu_code, menu_name, xmin FROM su_menu_label WHERE lang_code = @Eng::Lang) AS y");
                sql.AppendLine("            ON			x.menu_code = y.menu_code");
                sql.AppendLine("            WHERE 		x.lang_code = @Tha::Lang) AS b");
                sql.AppendLine("ON			a.menu_code = b.menu_code");
                sql.AppendLine("WHERE       a.profile_code = @ProfileCode");
                sql.AppendLine("ORDER BY    a.profile_code");

                profile.MenuProfiles = await _context.QueryAsync <SuMenuProfileVm>(sql.ToString(), new { Language = this._user.Language, Tha = "th", Eng = "en", ProfileCode = request.ProfileCode }, cancellationToken);

Exemple #8
            public async Task <DbDegreeSub> Handle(Query request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

                sql.AppendLine("select spt.*,spt.xmin as \"rowVersion\" ");
                sql.AppendLine("from db_degree_sub as spt");
                sql.AppendLine("where spt.sub_degree_id = @SubDegreeId");

                var subj = await _context.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <DbDegreeSubVm>(sql.ToString(), new { SubDegreeId = request.SubDegreeId }, cancellationToken);

                StringBuilder sqlDegreeSub = new StringBuilder();

                sqlDegreeSub.AppendLine("select spp.*, spp.xmin as \"rowVersion\" ");
                sqlDegreeSub.AppendLine("from db_degree_sub_edu_group as spp ");
                sqlDegreeSub.AppendLine("where spp.sub_degree_id = @SubDegreeId");
                subj.DbDegreeSubEduGroup = await _context.QueryAsync <DbDegreeSubEduGroup>(sqlDegreeSub.ToString(), new { SubDegreeId = request.SubDegreeId }, cancellationToken);

                if (subj == null)
                    throw new RestException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Message.NotFound");
 public async Task <SuEmailTemplate> GetTemplate(string templateCode)
     return(await _context.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <SuEmailTemplate>("SELECT subject,content FROM su_email_template WHERE email_template_code = @Code", new { Code = templateCode }));