public void OnCreated(IChirper chirper) { // read config file for settings //MyConfig.LoadConfig (); BuiltinChirper = chirper; if (MyConfig.ConfigHolder.Config.DestroyBuiltinChirper) { chirper.ShowBuiltinChirper(false); } CreateBannerUI(); theBannerPanel.SendToBack(); }
public void OnCreated(IChirper chirper) { chirperDestroyed = false; messageManager = GameObject.Find("MessageManager").GetComponent <MessageManager>(); GameObject filterModule = new GameObject("ChirperFilterModule"); module = filterModule.AddComponent <ChirpFilter.FilterModule>(); cpanel = GameObject.Find("ChirperPanel").GetComponent <ChirpPanel>(); chirpContainer = cpanel.transform.FindChild("Chirps").FindChild("Clipper").FindChild("Container").gameObject; soundStore = cpanel.m_NotificationSound; chiperChecked = false; recentMessages = new List <FilterContainer>(); }
/// <summary> /// On creation, startup the IRC client to hook onto the twitch chat /// </summary> public override void OnCreated(IChirper c) { //c.DestroyBuiltinChirper(); Configuration.ReloadConfigFile(); if (IrcClient == null) IrcClient = new IrcClient(Logger); // The noise will drive people bonkers ChirpPanel cp = ChirpPanel.instance; if (cp != null) cp.m_NotificationSound = null; CustomCitizens = GetCustomCitizens(); //bool enterPressed = Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadEnter); // If they're using the default username, make them aware of the options tab GetChirperManager.AddMessage("chirpertestclient", "Welcome to Twitch Chirper Chat! Click the Options button or press Alt+C to access options!", MessagePriority.Critical); DebugOutputPanel.AddMessage(PluginManager.MessageType.Message, String.Format("User Name: {0} - Channel: {1} - Connecting to Irc...", Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.UserName, Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.IrcChannel)); try { if (_apiManager != null) _apiManager.Dispose(); } // ReSharper disable once EmptyGeneralCatchClause catch {} _apiManager = new ApiManager(Logger, Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.IrcChannel); _apiManager.NewFollowers += _apiManager_NewFollowers; _apiManager.StartWatching(); // Hook up the Irc client events and execute a connection IrcClient.ChatMessageReceived += _ircClient_ChatMessageReceived; IrcClient.Disconnected += _ircClient_Disconnected; IrcClient.Connected += _ircClient_Connected; IrcClient.NewSubscriber += _ircClient_NewSubscriber; IrcClient.Connect(Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.UserName, Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.OAuthKey, Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.IrcChannel); }
public void OnCreated(IChirper chirper) { try { chirperWrapper = chirper; ((OptionsPanelManager)OptionsPanelManager).Chirper = chirper; chirpButton = UnityObject.FindObjectsOfType <UIButton>().FirstOrDefault(x => == "Zone"); var counterLabel = UnityObject.FindObjectsOfType <UILabel>().FirstOrDefault(x => == "Counter"); filterService.SetCounter(counterLabel); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogException(ex); throw; } }
public override void OnCreated(IChirper threading) { Log.AddMessage("News Ticker Loaded Successfully"); try { cityName = Singleton <CityInfoPanel> .instance.GetCityName(); timer.AutoReset = true; timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler((sender, e) => AddMessage()); timer.Interval = 15000; timer.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.AddError(string.Format("0}: {1}", ex.GetType(), ex.Message)); endTimer(); } }
public override void OnCreated(IChirper c) { //Init currentUIView = ChirpPanel.instance.component.GetUIView(); currentCam = currentUIView.uiCamera; ChirpPanel.instance.component.BringToFront(); currentChirper = c; currentChirper.SetBuiltinChirperFree(true); currentChirperPos = currentChirper.builtinChirperPosition; defaultChirperPos = currentChirper.builtinChirperPosition; SetScreenRes(); SetGUISize(); if (!LoadSavedPosition()) { UpdateAnchor(); } }
public void OnCreated(IChirper chirper) { // read config file for settings string configName = "ChirpBannerConfig.xml"; CurrentConfig = MyConfig.Deserialize(configName); if (CurrentConfig == null) { CurrentConfig = new MyConfig(); MyConfig.Serialize(configName, CurrentConfig); } // if old version, update with new else if (CurrentConfig.version == 0 || CurrentConfig.version < 4) // update this when we add any new settings { CurrentConfig.version = 4; MyConfig.Serialize(configName, CurrentConfig); } BuiltinChirper = chirper; if (CurrentConfig.DestroyBuiltinChirper) { chirper.ShowBuiltinChirper(false); } CreateBannerConfigUI(); CreateBannerUI(); if (mmb == null) { UIView uiv = UIView.GetAView(); if (uiv != null && uiv.gameObject != null) { mmb = uiv.gameObject.AddComponent <MyMonoB>(); mmb.transform.parent = uiv.transform; } } }
//Thread: Main public override void OnCreated(IChirper chirper) { try { chirpPane = GameObject.Find("ChirperPanel").GetComponent <ChirpPanel>(); messageManager = GameObject.Find("MessageManager").GetComponent <MessageManager>(); thisChirper = chirper; messageFilterMap = new Dictionary <ChirpMessage, bool>(); hashTaggedMessages = new List <ChirpMessage>(); messageMap = new Dictionary <ChirpMessage, IChirperMessage>(); showHideTime = chirpPane.m_ShowHideTime; DebugOutputPanel.AddMessage(PluginManager.MessageType.Message, "[SuperChirper] Initialised modification."); } catch { DebugOutputPanel.AddMessage(PluginManager.MessageType.Message, "[SuperChirper] Initialisation failed."); } }
public void OnCreated(IChirper chirper) { chirper.DestroyBuiltinChirper(); }
public void OnCreated(IChirper chirper) { }
public override void OnCreated(IChirper chirper) { if (thisChirper == null) thisChirper = chirper; }
//Thread: Main public override void OnCreated(IChirper chirper) { ChirpLog.Debug("IChirper Created"); }
public void OnCreated(IChirper chirper) { ChirpLog.Info("Chirp Logger Example Online"); ChirpLog.Debug(DumpAllGameObjects()); }
public override void OnCreated(IChirper c) { Init(); base.OnCreated(c); }