public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
     foreach (var mediaFile in context.Project.ProjectItems.OfType<MediaFile>())
         CheckTemplate(context, mediaFile);
 public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
     foreach (var item in context.Project.Items)
         CheckTemplate(context, item);
 public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
     foreach (var template in context.Project.Templates)
         CheckTemplate(context, template);
        public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
            var rules = RuleService.ParseRules("check-project:conventions").ToArray();

            context.ConventionCount += rules.Length;

            CheckProject(context, rules);
            CheckProjectItems(context, rules);
 public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
     foreach (var field in context.Project.Items.SelectMany(i => i.Fields))
         if (field.Value.IndexOf("Lorem Ipsum", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
             context.Trace.TraceWarning(Msg.C1008, "Lorem Ipsum text", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(field.ValueProperty, field.FieldNameProperty, field), $"The field \"{field.FieldName}\" contains the test data text: \"Lorem Ipsum...\". Replace or remove the text data.");
 public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
     foreach (var item in context.Project.Items)
         var count = item.GetChildren().Count();
         if (count > 100)
             context.Trace.TraceWarning(Msg.C1009, "Item has many children", $"The item has {count} children. Items with more than 100 children decrease performance. Change the structure of the tree to reduce the number of children.");
 public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
     foreach (var template in context.Project.Templates)
         foreach (var templateField in template.Fields)
             if (templateField.Source.IndexOf('/') >= 0)
                 context.Trace.TraceWarning(Msg.C1026, "Use IDs instead of paths in template fields", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(templateField.SourceProperty, templateField), $"The template field Source field contains the path \"{templateField.Source}\". It is recommended to use IDs instead.");
        public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
            foreach (var item in context.Project.Items)
                var archiveDate = item[Constants.Fields.ArchiveDate].FromIsoToDateTime();
                var reminderDate = item[Constants.Fields.ReminderDate].FromIsoToDateTime();

                if (reminderDate != DateTime.MinValue && archiveDate != DateTime.MinValue && reminderDate > archiveDate)
                    context.Trace.TraceWarning(Msg.C1002, "Reminder/Archive dates", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(item.Fields[Constants.Fields.ArchiveDate], item.Fields[Constants.Fields.ReminderDate], item), "The Reminder date is after the Archive date. Change either the Reminder date or the Archive date.");
        public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
            var queryService = context.CompositionService.Resolve<IQueryService>();

            foreach (var template in context.Project.Templates)
                var references = queryService.FindUsages(context.Project, template.QualifiedName);
                if (!references.Any())
                    context.Trace.TraceWarning(Msg.C1025, "Unused template", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(template), $"The template \"{template.ItemName}\" is not used by any items and can be deleted.");
 public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
     foreach (var item in context.Project.Items)
         foreach (var language in item.GetLanguages())
             var count = item.GetVersions(language).Count();
             if (count >= 10)
                 context.Trace.TraceWarning(Msg.C1010, "Item has many version", $"The item has {count} versions in the {language} language. Items with more than 10 version decrease performance. Remove some of the older versions.");
 public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
     foreach (var projectItem in context.Project.ProjectItems)
         foreach (var reference in projectItem.References)
             if (!reference.IsValid)
                 var details = reference.SourceProperty.GetValue();
                 context.Trace.TraceWarning(Msg.C1000, "Reference not found", projectItem.Snapshots.First().SourceFile.AbsoluteFileName, reference.SourceProperty?.SourceTextNode?.TextSpan ?? TextSpan.Empty, details);
        public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
            foreach (var template in context.Project.Templates)
                foreach (var field in template.Fields)
                    var type = field.Type;
                    string newType = null;

                    switch (type.ToLowerInvariant())
                        case "text":
                            newType = "Single-Line Text";
                        case "html":
                            newType = "Rich Text";
                        case "link":
                            newType = "General Link";
                        case "lookup":
                            newType = "Droplink";
                        case "memo":
                            newType = "Multi-Line Text";
                        case "reference":
                            newType = "Droptree";
                        case "server file":
                            newType = "Single-Line Text";
                        case "tree":
                            newType = "Droptree";
                        case "treelist":
                            newType = "TreelistEx";
                        case "valuelookup":
                            newType = "Droplist";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newType))
                        context.Trace.TraceWarning(Msg.C1022, "Deprecated template field type", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(field.TypeProperty, field), $"The template field type \"{type}\" is deprecated. Use the \"{newType}\" field type.");
        public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
            foreach (var field in context.Project.Items.SelectMany(i => i.Fields).Where(f => string.Equals(f.TemplateField.Type, "Number", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Value))

                int value;
                if (!int.TryParse(field.Value, out value))
                    context.Trace.TraceWarning(Msg.C1057, "Number", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(field.ValueProperty, field.FieldNameProperty, field), $"The field \"{field.FieldName}\" has a type of 'Number', but the value is not a valid number. Replace or remove the value.");
        public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
            var parents = new HashSet<Item>();

            foreach (var item in context.Project.Items)
                var parent = item.GetParent();
                if (parent == null)

                if (parents.Contains(parent))


                var children = parent.GetChildren().ToArray();
                for (var i0 = 0; i0 < children.Length - 2; i0++)
                    var child0 = children[i0];

                    for (var i1 = i0 + 1; i1 < children.Length - 1; i1++)
                        var child1 = children[i1];

                        var languages = child0.GetLanguages().Intersect(child1.GetLanguages());

                        foreach (var language in languages)
                            var displayNames0 = child0.Fields.Where(f => string.Equals(f.FieldName, "__Display Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && string.Equals(f.Language, language, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Select(f => f.Value);
                            var displayNames1 = child1.Fields.Where(f => string.Equals(f.FieldName, "__Display Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && string.Equals(f.Language, language, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Select(f => f.Value);

                            var same = displayNames0.Intersect(displayNames1);

                            if (same.Any())
                                context.Trace.TraceError(Msg.C1006, "Items with same display name on same level", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(child0, child1), $"Two or more items have the same display name \"{displayNames0.First()}\" on the same level. Change the display name of one or more of the items.");
        public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
            foreach (var item in context.Project.Items)
                if (item.Publishing.NeverPublish)

                var validFrom = item.Publishing.ValidFrom;
                var validTo = item.Publishing.ValidTo;

                if (validFrom != DateTime.MinValue && validTo != DateTime.MinValue && validFrom > validTo)
                    context.Trace.TraceWarning(Msg.C1021, "Valid From/Valid To dates", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(item.Fields[Constants.Fields.ValidFrom], item.Fields[Constants.Fields.ValidTo], item), "The Valid From date is after the Valid To date. Change either the Valid From date or the Valid To date.");
        public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
            foreach (var item in context.Project.Items)
                if (item.Publishing.NeverPublish)

                var publishDate = item.Publishing.PublishDate;
                var unpublishDate = item.Publishing.PublishDate;

                if (publishDate != DateTime.MinValue && unpublishDate != DateTime.MinValue && publishDate > unpublishDate)
                    context.Trace.TraceWarning(Msg.C1011, "Publish/Unpublish dates", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(item.Fields[Constants.Fields.PublishDate], item.Fields[Constants.Fields.UnpublishDate], item), "The Publish date is after the Unpublish date. Change either the Publish date or the Unpublish date.");
        public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
            foreach (var item in context.Project.Items)
                foreach (var field in item.Fields)
                    var templateField = field.TemplateField;
                    if (templateField == TemplateField.Empty)

                    if (templateField.Uri.Guid != field.FieldId)
                        context.Trace.TraceWarning(Msg.C1024, "Field ID and Template Field ID differs", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(field.FieldIdProperty, field), $"FieldId: {field.FieldId.Format()}, TemplateFieldId: {templateField.Uri.Guid.Format()}");
        public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
            var items = context.Project.ProjectItems.Where(i => !(i is DatabaseProjectItem) || !((DatabaseProjectItem)i).IsImport).ToArray();

            for (var i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                var projectItem1 = items[i];
                var item1 = projectItem1 as DatabaseProjectItem;

                for (var j = i + 1; j < items.Length; j++)
                    var projectItem2 = items[j];
                    var item2 = items[j] as DatabaseProjectItem;

                    if (projectItem1.Uri.Guid != projectItem2.Uri.Guid)

                    if (item1 != null && item2 != null && !string.Equals(item1.DatabaseName, item2.DatabaseName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                    // todo: not good
                    if (item1 is Item && item2 is Template)

                    if (item1 is Template && item2 is Item)

                    context.Trace.TraceError(Msg.C1001, Texts.Unique_ID_clash, projectItem1.Snapshots.First().SourceFile, projectItem2.Snapshots.First().SourceFile.AbsoluteFileName);
                    context.IsDeployable = false;
        public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
            foreach (var template in context.Project.Templates)
                var fields = template.GetAllFields().ToArray();

                for (var i0 = 0; i0 < fields.Length - 2; i0++)
                    var field0 = fields[i0];

                    for (var i1 = i0 + 1; i1 < fields.Length - 1; i1++)
                        var field1 = fields[i1];

                        if (string.Equals(field0.FieldName, field1.FieldName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            context.Trace.TraceWarning(Msg.C1023, "Duplicate template field name", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(field0.FieldNameProperty, field1.FieldNameProperty, field0, field1), 
                                $"The template contains two or more field with the same name \"{field0.FieldName}\". Even if these fields are located in different sections, it is still not recommended as the name is ambiguous. Rename one or more of the fields.");
        public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
            var parents = new HashSet<Item>();

            foreach (var item in context.Project.Items)
                var parent = item.GetParent();
                if (parent == null)

                if (parents.Contains(parent))


                var children = parent.GetChildren().ToArray();
                for (var i0 = 0; i0 < children.Length - 2; i0++)
                    var child0 = children[i0];

                    for (var i1 = i0 + 1; i1 < children.Length - 1; i1++)
                        var child1 = children[i1];

                        if (string.Equals(child0.ItemName, child1.ItemName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            context.Trace.TraceError(Msg.C1007, "Items with same name on same level", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(child0.ItemNameProperty, child1.ItemNameProperty, child0, child1), $"Two or more items have the same name \"{child0.ItemName}\" on the same level. Change the name of one or more of the items.");
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> RenderingNameAndFileNameShouldMatch([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from rendering in context.Project.ProjectItems.OfType <Rendering>()
            where rendering.ItemName != PathHelper.GetFileNameWithoutExtensions(rendering.FilePath)
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1106, "Rendering item name should match file name", rendering.Snapshot.SourceFile, "To fix, rename the rendering file or rename the rendering item"));
        protected virtual void EnableCheckers([NotNull] ICheckerContext context, [NotNull, ItemNotNull] IEnumerable <CheckerInfo> checkers, [NotNull] string configurationKey)
            foreach (var pair in Configuration.GetSubKeys(configurationKey))
                if (pair.Key == BasedOn)
                    var baseName = Constants.Configuration.ProjectRoleCheckers + ":" + Configuration.GetString(configurationKey + ":" + pair.Key);
                    EnableCheckers(context, checkers, baseName);

            foreach (var pair in Configuration.GetSubKeys(configurationKey))
                var key = pair.Key;
                if (key == BasedOn)

                var severity = CheckerSeverity.Default;
                switch (Configuration.GetString(configurationKey + ":" + key).ToLowerInvariant())
                case "disabled":
                    severity = CheckerSeverity.Disabled;

                case "enabled":
                    severity = CheckerSeverity.Default;

                case "information":
                    severity = CheckerSeverity.Information;

                case "warning":
                    severity = CheckerSeverity.Warning;

                case "error":
                    severity = CheckerSeverity.Error;

                if (key == "*")
                    foreach (var c in checkers)
                        c.Severity = severity;

                    foreach (var c in context.Checkers)
                        context.Checkers[c.Key] = severity;


                context.Checkers[key] = severity;

                foreach (var checker in checkers)
                    if (checker.Name == key || checker.Category == key)
                        checker.Severity = severity;
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> DataSourceTemplatesMustInheritFromDataTemplates([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from template in context.Project.Templates
            where IsDataSourceTemplate(template)
            from baseTemplate in template.GetBaseTemplates()
            where baseTemplate.ItemName != "Standard template" && !IsDataTemplate(baseTemplate)
            select Error(context, Msg.C1071, $"Data Source templates must not inherit from {baseTemplate.ItemName} as it is not a Data Template. To fix, either remove the inheritance or make the base template a Data Template", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(template)));
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> CheckboxMustBeTrueOrFalse([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from field in context.Project.Items.SelectMany(i => i.Fields).Where(f => string.Equals(f.TemplateField.Type, "Checkbox", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            where !string.Equals(field.Value, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !string.Equals(field.Value, "false", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
            select Error(context, Msg.C1066, Texts.Checkbox_field_value_must_be__true__or__false__, TraceHelper.GetTextNode(field.ValueProperty, field.FieldNameProperty, field), details : $"The field \"{field.FieldName}\" has a type of 'Checkbox', but the value is not a valid boolean. Set the value to 'true' or 'false'."));
Exemple #25
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> TemplateShortHelpShouldEndWithDot([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from template in context.Project.Templates
            where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(template.ShortHelp) && !template.ShortHelp.EndsWith(".")
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1015, "Template short help text should end with '.'", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(template), template.ItemName));
Exemple #26
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> TemplateShouldHaveShortHelp([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from template in context.Project.Templates
            where string.IsNullOrEmpty(template.ShortHelp)
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1014, "Template should have a short help text", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(template), template.ItemName));
 protected IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> TemplatesMustLocatedInTemplatesSection([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from item in context.Project.Items
            where !item.ItemIdOrPath.StartsWith("/sitecore/templates/") && (item.TemplateName.Equals("Template") || item.TemplateName.Equals("Template section") || item.TemplateName.Equals("Template Field") || item.TemplateName.Equals("Template Folder"))
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1126, "All items with template 'Template', 'Template section', 'Template field' and 'Template folder' should be located in the '/sitecore/templates' section. To fix, move the template into the '/sitecore/templates' section", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(item), item.TemplateName));
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> PlaceholdersShouldHaveAPlaceholderSettingsName([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from rendering in context.Project.ProjectItems.OfType <Rendering>()
            from placeholder in rendering.Placeholders
            where context.Project.Items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ItemName == placeholder && i.TemplateName == "Placeholder") == null
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1105, "Placeholders should have a Placeholder Settings item", new StringTextNode("Placeholder(\"" + placeholder + "\")", rendering.Snapshot), $"To fix, create a '/sitecore/layout/Placeholder Settings/{placeholder}' item"));
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> PageTypeTemplatesShouldHaveStandardValues([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from template in context.Project.Templates
            where IsPageTypeTemplate(template) && template.StandardValuesItem == null
            select Error(context, Msg.C1091, "Page Type templates should have a Standard Values item. To fix, create a Standard Value item", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(template)));
        public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> RenderingParametersTemplateMustDeriveFromStandardRenderingParameters([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
            var standardRenderingParametersTemplate = context.Project.ProjectItems.OfType <Template>().FirstOrDefault(t => t.Uri.Guid == StandardRenderingParametersGuid);

            if (standardRenderingParametersTemplate == null)
                    Error(context, Msg.C1094, "'StandardRenderingParameters' template not found. Are you missing an import?", SourceFile.Empty)

            return(from template in context.Project.Templates
                   where IsRenderingParametersTemplate(template) && !template.Is(standardRenderingParametersTemplate)
                   select Error(context, Msg.C1095, "Folder templates should specify Insert Options on their Standard Values item. To fix, assign appropriate Insert Options to the Standard Values item", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(template)));
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> DataSourceTemplatesMustNotHaveLayout([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from template in context.Project.Templates
            where IsDataSourceTemplate(template) && HasLayout(template)
            select Error(context, Msg.C1073, "Data Source Templates must not have a layout. To fix, remove the layout from the template", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(template)));
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> DataSourceTemplatesMustNotFields([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from template in context.Project.Templates
            where IsDataSourceTemplate(template) && template.Fields.Any()
            select Error(context, Msg.C1072, "Page Type Templates must not have fields. To fix, move the fields to a Data Template", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(template)));
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> AvoidUsingFolderTemplate([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from item in context.Project.Items
            where item.TemplateName == "Folder"
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1068, "Avoid using the 'Folder' template. To fix, create a new 'Folder' template, assign Insert Options and change the template of this item", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(item)));
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> PageTypeTemplatesMustHaveLayout([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from template in context.Project.Templates
            where IsPageTypeTemplate(template) && !HasLayout(template)
            select Error(context, Msg.C1087, "Page Type Templates must have a layout. To fix, assign a layout to the template", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(template)));
 public abstract void Check(ICheckerContext context);
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> AvoidEmptyTemplate([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from template in context.Project.Templates
            where !template.Sections.Any() && template.BaseTemplates == Constants.Templates.StandardTemplateId
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1013, "Empty templates should be avoided. Consider using the 'Folder' template instead", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(template), template.ItemName));
Exemple #37
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> TemplateFieldLongHelpShouldStartWithCapitalLetter([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from template in context.Project.Templates
            from field in template.Fields
            where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.LongHelp) && !char.IsUpper(template.LongHelp[0])
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1018, "Template field long help text should start with a capital letter", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(field.LongHelpProperty, field), field.FieldName));
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> DeleteUnusedTemplates([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from template in context.Project.Templates
            where !context.Project.Items.Any(i => i.References.Any(r => r.Resolve() == template)) && !context.Project.Templates.Any(i => i.References.Any(r => r.Resolve() == template))
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1025, "Template is not referenced and can be deleted", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(template), template.ItemName));
Exemple #39
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> TemplateShortHelpShouldStartWithCapitalLetter([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from template in context.Project.Templates
            where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(template.ShortHelp) && !char.IsUpper(template.ShortHelp[0])
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1016, "Template short help text should start with a capital letter", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(template), template.ItemName));
 protected IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> AvoidSettingSharedAndUnversionedInItems([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from item in context.Project.Items
            where item.TemplateName.Equals("Template field") && item[Constants.FieldNames.Shared].Equals("True") && item[Constants.FieldNames.Unversioned].Equals("True")
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1119, "In a template field, the 'Shared' field overrides the 'Unversioned' field. To fix, clear the 'Unversioned' field (the field remains shared)", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(item), item.ItemName));
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> FieldContainsLoremIpsum([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from field in context.Project.Items.SelectMany(i => i.Fields)
            where field.Value.IndexOf("Lorem Ipsum", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1008, "Field contains 'Lorem Ipsum' text", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(field.ValueProperty, field.FieldNameProperty, field), $"The field \"{field.FieldName}\" contains the test data text: \"Lorem Ipsum...\". Replace or remove the text data."));
 protected IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> AvoidSettingSharedAndUnversionedInTemplates([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from template in context.Project.Templates
            from templateSection in template.Sections
            from templateField in templateSection.Fields
            where templateField.Shared && templateField.Unversioned
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1120, "In a template field, the 'Shared' field overrides the 'Unversioned' field. To fix, clear the 'Unversioned' field (the field remains shared)", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(templateField, template), templateField.FieldName));
        public override void Check(ICheckerContext context)
            foreach (var configFile in context.Project.ProjectItems.OfType<ConfigFile>())
                var fileName = configFile.Snapshots.First().SourceFile.AbsoluteFileName;

                XDocument doc;
                    doc = XDocument.Load(fileName, LoadOptions.SetLineInfo);
                catch (XmlException ex)
                    context.Trace.TraceError(Msg.C1055, ex.Message, fileName, new TextSpan(ex.LineNumber, ex.LinePosition, 0));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    context.Trace.TraceError(Msg.C1056, ex.Message, fileName, TextSpan.Empty);

                var elements = doc.XPathSelectElements("//*[@type]");
                foreach (var element in elements)
                    var typeName = element.GetAttributeValue("type");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName))

                    if (typeName == "both")

                    typeName = typeName.Replace(", mscorlib", string.Empty).Replace(",mscorlib", string.Empty);

                    var assemblyName = string.Empty;
                    var n = typeName.IndexOf(',');
                    if (n >= 0)
                        assemblyName = typeName.Mid(n + 1).Trim();
                        typeName = typeName.Left(n).Trim();

                    // add '.dll' extension
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyName) && !assemblyName.EndsWith(".dll", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        assemblyName += ".dll";

                    Type type = null;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyName))
                            var binFile = context.Project.ProjectItems.OfType<BinFile>().FirstOrDefault(f => string.Equals(f.ShortName, assemblyName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                            if (binFile != null)
                                type = GetTypeFromAssembly(binFile, typeName);
                            foreach (var binFile in context.Project.ProjectItems.OfType<BinFile>())
                                type = GetTypeFromAssembly(binFile, typeName);
                                if (type != null)
                        type = null;

                    if (type != null)

                    var lineInfo = (IXmlLineInfo)element;
                    var textSpan = lineInfo != null ? new TextSpan(lineInfo.LineNumber, lineInfo.LinePosition, 0) : TextSpan.Empty;

                    context.Trace.TraceWarning(Msg.C1054, "Type does not exist in a referenced assembly", fileName, textSpan, element.GetAttributeValue("type"));
 protected IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> TemplateIdOfStandardValuesShouldMatchParentId([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from item in context.Project.Items
            let parent = item.GetParent()
                         where parent != null && item.Paths.IsStandardValuesHolder && item.Template.Uri.Guid != parent.Uri.Guid
                         select Error(context, Msg.C1122, "The Template ID of a Standard Values item should be match the ID of the parent item. To fix, moved the Standard Values item under the correct template", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(item), details : item.ItemName));
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> FolderTemplatesShouldHaveInsertOptions([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from template in context.Project.Templates
            where template.ItemName.EndsWith("Folder") && template.StandardValuesItem != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(template.StandardValuesItem["__Masters"])
            select Error(context, Msg.C1079, "Folder templates should specify Insert Options on their Standard Values item. To fix, assign appropriate Insert Options to the Standard Values item", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(template)));
 protected IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> TemplateMustLocatedInTemplatesSection([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from template in context.Project.Templates
            where !template.ItemIdOrPath.StartsWith("/sitecore/templates/")
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1123, "All templates should be located in the '/sitecore/templates' section. To fix, move the template into the '/sitecore/templates' section", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(template), template.ItemName));
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> FolderTemplatesMustNotHaveFields([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from template in context.Project.Templates
            where template.ItemName.EndsWith("Folder") && template.Fields.Any()
            select Error(context, Msg.C1078, "Folder templates must not have any fields. To fix, remove the fields", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(template)));
 protected IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> TemplateNodeOrFolderShouldBeTemplateFolder([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from item in context.Project.Items
            where item.ItemIdOrPath.StartsWith("/sitecore/templates/") && (item.TemplateName.Equals("Folder") || item.TemplateName.Equals("Node"))
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1124, "In the '/sitecore/templates' section, folder items use the 'Template folder' template - not the 'Folder' or 'Node' template. To fix, change the template of the item to 'Template Folder", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(item), item.ItemIdOrPath));
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> FolderTemplatesMustHaveFolderPostfix([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from template in context.Project.Templates
            where !IsDataSourceTemplate(template) && !IsPageTypeTemplate(template) && !IsRenderingParametersTemplate(template) && !template.Fields.Any() && !template.ItemName.EndsWith("Folder")
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1077, $"Templates without fields should have the 'Folder' postfix. To fix, rename the template to '{template.ItemName}Folder'", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(template)));
 protected IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> TemplateSectionShouldOnlyContainTemplates([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from item in context.Project.Items
            where item.ItemIdOrPath.StartsWith("/sitecore/templates/") && item.ItemIdOrPath.IndexOf("Branches", StringComparison.Ordinal) < 0 && !item.Paths.IsStandardValuesHolder && !item.TemplateName.Equals("Template") && !item.TemplateName.Equals("Template section") && !item.TemplateName.Equals("Template field") && !item.TemplateName.Equals("Template Folder") && !item.TemplateName.Equals("Node") && !item.TemplateName.Equals("Folder") && !item.TemplateName.Equals("Command Template")
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1125, "The '/sitecore/templates' section should only contain item with template 'Template', 'Template section', 'Template field', 'Template folder' or standard values items. To fix, move the item outside the '/sitecore/templates' section", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(item), item.TemplateName));
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> AvoidSpacesInTemplateNames([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from template in context.Project.Templates
            where template.ItemName.IndexOf(' ') >= 0
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1012, "Avoid spaces in template names. Use a display name instead", TraceHelper.GetTextNode(template.ItemNameProperty, template), template.ItemName));
 public IEnumerable <IDiagnostic> RenderingShouldBeInViewsFolder([NotNull] ICheckerContext context)
     return(from rendering in context.Project.ProjectItems.OfType <Rendering>()
            where !rendering.FilePath.StartsWith("~/views/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
            select Warning(context, Msg.C1096, "View rendering should be located in the ~/views/ directory", rendering.Snapshot.SourceFile, "To fix, move the file to the ~/views/ directory"));