private void ReturnDictionary(string thetag) { //Initialises the interface. viewcoloursInterface = new ChangeViewColours(); //assigns the dictionary property of all the xaml properties using the interface. Testdictionary = viewcoloursInterface.ColourDictionaryChangeEntry(thetag); }
public void CreateViewColoursInterface() { //only assigns the property once if (ViewColoursInterface == null) { //assigns the property of 'type' interface referenced to the class object ViewColoursInterface = new ChangeViewColours(); } }
public ViewStatusBarViewModel(IEventAggregator aggregator) { //loads the data and starts the events listener from the prism engine _eventaggregator = aggregator; //Initialises the interface //ViewColours = new ChangeViewColours(); ViewColours = CreateInterface.ReturnTheChangeViewColoursProperty(); //subscribes to the event _eventaggregator.GetEvent <UpdateTagEvent>().Subscribe(UpdateTagSensed); //Changes the colour of the background by listening for the event _eventaggregator.GetEvent <UpdateColourEvent>().Subscribe(SetNewBackgroundColour); }