Exemple #1
        private async Task UpdateCategoryCount()
            if (ClientUpAndRunning() && CategoryConfigurationAvailable())
                int memberCount               = _discord.GetGuild(_config.GuildID).MemberCount;
                ICategoryChannel channel      = _discord.GetChannel(_config.InfoCategoryId) as ICategoryChannel;
                string           categoryName = _config.InfoCategoryDisplay.Replace("%s%", $"{memberCount}");

                if (CategoryShouldUpdate(channel, categoryName))
                    await channel.ModifyAsync(x => x.Name = categoryName);
                await _loggingService.LogMessageAsync(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Verbose, "ServerInfoService", $"Discord is {_discord}, Guild is {_discord.GetGuild(_config.GuildID)}, InfoCategory is {_config.InfoCategoryDisplay}, InfoCategoryId is {_config.InfoCategoryId}"));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a Category using the channel using roles provided
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task CreateCategory(CommandContext Context, string Category, [Optional] List <Permissions> Roles, [Optional] int?Position)
            // Get the list of Categories
            IReadOnlyCollection <IGuildChannel> categories = await Context.Guild.GetCategoriesAsync();

            // Check if the Category exists
            bool             exists      = false;
            ICategoryChannel newcategory = null;

            foreach (var categoryname in categories)
                if (categoryname.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == Category.ToString().ToLower().Trim())
                    // If the channel exists exit
                    newcategory = categoryname as ICategoryChannel;
                    exists      = true;
            // Create the Category
            if (exists == false)
                newcategory = await Context.Guild.CreateCategoryAsync(Category);

            // Wait for Category to Generate
            await Task.Delay(1000);

            if (newcategory != null)
                // Check if we are passing roles
                if (Roles != null)
                    // Parse in the roles to add them to the channel
                    foreach (Permissions role in Roles)
                        // Before we go any further let's see if the role already exists
                        // If the role exists exit the task
                        foreach (Discord.IRole existingrole in Context.Guild.Roles)
                            // Compare the list of roles in the discord with the Role
                            if (existingrole.Name.ToLower().Trim() == role.Role.ToLower().Trim())
                                // Add the selected roles to the channel using inhert as its base
                                await newcategory.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(existingrole, role.ChannelPermType);

                    // Remove the everyone permission if it's not in the list
                    bool permfound = false;
                    foreach (Permissions perm in Roles)
                        if (perm.Role.ToLower().Contains("everyone") == true)
                            permfound = true;
                    if (permfound == false)
                        foreach (Discord.IRole existingrole in Context.Guild.Roles)
                            // Compare the list of roles in the discord with the Role
                            if (existingrole.Name.ToLower() == "@everyone")
                                OverwritePermissions denypermissions = new OverwritePermissions(createInstantInvite: PermValue.Deny, manageChannel: PermValue.Deny, addReactions: PermValue.Deny, viewChannel: PermValue.Deny, sendMessages: PermValue.Deny, sendTTSMessages: PermValue.Deny, manageMessages: PermValue.Deny, embedLinks: PermValue.Deny, attachFiles: PermValue.Deny, readMessageHistory: PermValue.Deny, mentionEveryone: PermValue.Deny, useExternalEmojis: PermValue.Deny, connect: PermValue.Deny, speak: PermValue.Deny, muteMembers: PermValue.Deny, deafenMembers: PermValue.Deny, moveMembers: PermValue.Deny, useVoiceActivation: PermValue.Deny, manageRoles: PermValue.Deny, manageWebhooks: PermValue.Deny);
                                // Remove Everyones permissions
                                await newcategory.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(existingrole, denypermissions);

                // Check if a position was provided
                if (Position != null)
                    // Update its position
                    await newcategory.ModifyAsync(x =>
                        x.Position = Position.Value;