Exemple #1
        public void Load(string indexFileName)
            using (var file = File.OpenRead(indexFileName))
            using (var decompressor = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream(file))
                var serializer = new NetSerializer.Serializer(new Type[] { typeof(Indexes) });
                Indexes indexes = (Indexes)serializer.Deserialize(decompressor);
                _chunkIdToFirstNonFreeObjectInChunk = indexes.ChunkIdToFirstNonFreeObjectInChunk;
                _startOfChunkToChunkId = indexes.StartOfChunkToChunkId;
                _chunkToReferencingChunks = indexes.ChunkToReferencingChunks;
                _directlyRooted = new HashSet<ulong>(indexes.DirectlyRooted);
                _staticRootsEnumerated = indexes.StaticRootsEnumerated;
                _allRoots = indexes.AllRoots;
                _chunkSize = indexes.ChunkSize;

            if (!_staticRootsEnumerated)
                _context.WriteWarningLine("This heap index does not have detailed static root information. " +
                    "As a result, you will not see the names of static variables referencing your objects, " +
                    "only their addresses. Recreate the index without the --fast switch to get full " +
                    "information. This may be slower.");
Exemple #2
        public override bool Execute() {
            if (!NeedsUpdate()) return true;

            try {
                var ms = new MemoryStream();
                var downloadStream = new System.Net.WebClient().OpenRead(Url);
                ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                var hash = new SHA256Managed().ComputeHash(ms);
                if (BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", "").ToLower() != this.Hash) {
                    Log.LogError("Got wrong hash for {0}", Url);
                    return false;

                try {
                    Directory.Delete(Root, true);
                catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) {
                    // Obviously not an issue

                ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                var bzStream = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream(ms);
                var tarStream = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Tar.TarInputStream(bzStream);
                while (true) {
                    TarEntry entry = tarStream.GetNextEntry();
                    if (entry == null) break;
                    ExtractEntry(Root, entry, tarStream);

                File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Root, "aegisub.hash"), Hash);

                return true;
            catch (Exception e) {
                return false;
Exemple #3
        public static JSONNode LoadFromCompressedStream(System.IO.Stream aData)
            var zin = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream(aData);

Exemple #4
        static int cntFileBufferVolcano = 0; // счётчик буфера VOLCANO

        static void Main(string[] args)
                CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US");

                string geojsonHeader = "{\"type\":\"FeatureCollection\",\"features\":[";
                string geojsonFooter = Environment.NewLine + "{}]}";

                // создать выходную директорию (если отсутствует)
                OperatingSystem os  = Environment.OSVersion;
                PlatformID      pid = os.Platform;

                if (pid == PlatformID.Unix || pid == PlatformID.MacOSX) // 0 - Win32S, 1 - Win32Windows, 2 - Win32NT, 3 - WinCE, 4 - Unix, 5 - Xbox, 6 - MacOSX
                    dirIn  = dirIn.Replace(@"\", @"/");
                    dirOut = dirOut.Replace(@"\", @"/");

                if (!Directory.Exists(dirOut))

                // пересоздать выходные файлы
                OSM_RecreateFile(fileLog);               // пересоздать журнал
                OSM_RecreateFile(fileOutNodeCsvCountry); // пересоздать итоговый файл

                // включить контроль дубликатов
                if (useIndexedCheck)
                    nodeIdx1 = new byte[nodeIdxSize + 1];
                    nodeIdx2 = new byte[nodeIdxSize + 1];

                // Старт
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Start (check dupls: {0})", useIndexedCheck));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Find: Country, City ( population >= {0} ), Volcano", numPopulationCityFiltr));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");

                OSM_WriteFile(fileOutNodeGeojsonCountry, geojsonHeader); // заголовок GEOJSON
                OSM_WriteFile(fileOutNodeGeojsonCity, geojsonHeader);
                OSM_WriteFile(fileOutNodeGeojsonVolcano, geojsonHeader);

                foreach (string fileFullName in Directory.GetFiles(dirIn, "*.osm.bz2"))
                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("Start File: {0}", fileFullName));

                    FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileFullName);
                    using (FileStream fileStream = fileInfo.OpenRead())
                        using (Stream unzipStream = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream(fileStream))
                            XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(unzipStream);

                            while (xmlReader.Read())
                                if (xmlReader.Name == "node")
                                else if (xmlReader.Name == "way")
                                else if (xmlReader.Name == "relation")

                    OSM_WriteResultToFiles();  // Записать данные

                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("End File: {0}", fileFullName));
                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "==");

                OSM_WriteFile(fileOutNodeGeojsonCountry, geojsonFooter); // завершить GEOJSON
                OSM_WriteFile(fileOutNodeGeojsonCity, geojsonFooter);
                OSM_WriteFile(fileOutNodeGeojsonVolcano, geojsonFooter);

                if (useIndexedCheck)
                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "Count dupls");

                    cntNodeDupl = OSM_NodeIdxDuplCount();
            catch (Exception ex)
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "ERROR: " + ex.Message);
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Total Files (*.bz2): {0} ; Total Nodes: {1} ; Total Ways: {2} ; Total Relations: {3}", cntFileTotal, cntNodeTotal, cntWayTotal, cntRelationTotal));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Country: {0} ; City ( population >= {3} ): {1} ; Volcano: {2}", cntNodeCountry, cntNodeCity, cntNodeVolcano, numPopulationCityFiltr));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Min id Node: {0} ; Max id Node: {1}", minNode, maxNode));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Min id Way: {0} ; Max id Way: {1}", minWay, maxWay));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Min id Relation: {0} ; Max id Relation: {1}", minRelation, maxRelation));

                if (useIndexedCheck)
                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Dupls: {0}", cntNodeDupl));

                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "== End");
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");
Exemple #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
                CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US");

                string geojsonHeader = "{\"type\":\"FeatureCollection\",\"features\":[";
                string geojsonFooter = Environment.NewLine + "{}]}";

                // создать выходную директорию (если отсутствует)
                OperatingSystem os  = Environment.OSVersion;
                PlatformID      pid = os.Platform;

                if (pid == PlatformID.Unix || pid == PlatformID.MacOSX) // 0 - Win32S, 1 - Win32Windows, 2 - Win32NT, 3 - WinCE, 4 - Unix, 5 - Xbox, 6 - MacOSX
                    dirIn  = dirIn.Replace(@"\", @"/");
                    dirOut = dirOut.Replace(@"\", @"/");

                if (!Directory.Exists(dirOut)) // Создать выходную директорию (если отсутствует)

                // пересоздать выходные файлы
                OSM_RecreateFile(fileLog);                          // пересоздать журнал
                OSM_RecreateFile(fileOutWayCsvBuildings_WayToNode); // пересоздать итоговый файл

                // Контроль дубликатов
                if (useIndexedCheck)
                    wayIdx   = new byte[wayIdxSize + 1];
                    nodeIdx1 = new byte[nodeIdxSize + 1];
                    nodeIdx2 = new byte[nodeIdxSize + 1];

                // Старт
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Start (check dupls: {0})", useIndexedCheck));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "== Find: buildingss");
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");

                OSM_WriteFile(fileOutWayGeoJsonBuildings, geojsonHeader); // заголовок GEOJSON

                foreach (string fileFullName in Directory.GetFiles(dirIn, "*.osm.bz2"))
                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("Start File: {0}", fileFullName));

                    FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileFullName);

                    for (int numCycle = 0; numCycle < 2; numCycle++) // два прохода по XML (сперва WAY, потом NODE)
                        using (FileStream fileStream = fileInfo.OpenRead())
                            using (Stream unzipStream = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream(fileStream))
                                XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(unzipStream);

                                while (xmlReader.Read())
                                    if (numCycle == 0 && xmlReader.Name == "way")
                                    else if (numCycle == 1 && xmlReader.Name == "node")

                    // Записать данные
                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "Start write CSV and GEOJSON data");


                    nodeAttrList.Clear(); // Очистить массивы перед обработкой следующего файла

                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "End write CSV and GEOJSON data");


                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("End File: {0}", fileFullName));
                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "==");

                OSM_WriteFile(fileOutWayGeoJsonBuildings, geojsonFooter); // завершение GEOJSON

                if (useIndexedCheck)
                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "Count dupls");

                    cntNodeDupl = OSM_NodeIdxDuplCount();
                    cntWayDupl  = OSM_WayIdxDuplCount();
            catch (Exception ex)
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "ERROR: " + ex.Message);
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Total Files (*.bz2): {0} ; Total Nodes: {1} ; Total Ways: {2}", cntFileTotal, cntNodeTotal, cntWayTotal));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Buildings: Attrs Nodes: {0} ; Attrs Ways: {1} ", cntNodebuildings, cntWaybuildings));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Min Node: {0} ; Max Node: {1}", minNode, maxNode));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Min Way: {0} ; Max Way: {1}", minWay, maxWay));

                if (useIndexedCheck)
                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Node dupls: {0} ; Way dupls: {1}", cntNodeDupl, cntWayDupl));

                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "== End");
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");
Exemple #6
        // http://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/map?bbox=-1.080351,50.895238,-1.054516,50.907688
        private void workerThread()
            // Disable 'Go' button until processing is done
            m_goButtonEnabled = false;

            // Load Theme data
            ArrayList keys = new ArrayList();
            //ArrayList allWayTags = new ArrayList(); // All keys in all ways

            XmlDocument themeDoc = new XmlDocument();

            // Load key list
            XmlNodeList keyNodeList = themeDoc.SelectNodes("osm2tab/keys/key");

            foreach (XmlNode keyNode in keyNodeList)

            double[] pointsX = new double[2000]; // 2000 is 0.6 OSM spec
            double[] pointsY = new double[2000];

            // Optimal settings?
            // 1. Don't add features that don't match 'style key's in the theme
            // 2. <next criteria of optimal>
            // 3. <next criteria of optimal>
            // Regions
            bool    optimalRegions          = false;
            XmlNode regionStylesNode        = themeDoc.SelectSingleNode("osm2tab/regionStyles");
            XmlNode optimalRegionStylesNode = regionStylesNode.SelectSingleNode("@optimal");

            if (optimalRegionStylesNode != null)
                optimalRegions = optimalRegionStylesNode.Value == "yes";
            // Lines
            bool    optimalLines          = false;
            XmlNode lineStylesNode        = themeDoc.SelectSingleNode("osm2tab/lineStyles");
            XmlNode optimalLineStylesNode = lineStylesNode.SelectSingleNode("@optimal");

            if (optimalLineStylesNode != null)
                optimalLines = optimalLineStylesNode.Value == "yes";

            // Load OSM data
            System.IO.FileStream bz2Stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(inputTextBox.Text);
            ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream osmStream = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream(bz2Stream);

            XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(osmStream);

            SortedList nodeList = new SortedList();

            SortedList wayList = new SortedList();

            SortedList tagKeyLengthList = new SortedList();

            WayInfo currentWay = null;

            NodeInfo currentNode = null;

            m_status = "Starting";

            // Used to calculate TAB database field format
            //needs to Be an Array of longest strings per field otherwise all fields will Get same width. even simple ones
            //but field widths should be consistent so what do we do
            int longestString = 0;

            int loadedNodeCount = 0;

            // Cache XML file as fast-readable database in ram
            while (reader.Read())
                // Log progress
                if (loadedNodeCount++ % 100000 == 0)
                    m_status = "Loading OSM: " + Convert.ToString(loadedNodeCount / 100000);

                switch (reader.NodeType)
                case System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element:
                    if (reader.Name.Equals("node"))
                        //currentWay = null; // tags can be for nodes or ways
                        int id = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("id"));

                        NodeInfo node = new NodeInfo();
                        node.tags = new SortedList();

                        node.lat = Convert.ToDouble(reader.GetAttribute("lat"));
                        node.lon = Convert.ToDouble(reader.GetAttribute("lon"));
                        if (!nodeList.Contains(id))
                            nodeList.Add(id, node);
                            // need to trace data source error

                        currentWay  = null;
                        currentNode = node;
                    else if (reader.Name.Equals("way"))
                        WayInfo way = new WayInfo();
                        way.nodes = new ArrayList();
                        way.tags  = new SortedList();

                        way.id = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("id"));
                        // this can be a duplicate in an error in the osm data
                        // therefore current node should be null and nd and way needs to check for null

                        if (!wayList.Contains(way.id))
                            wayList.Add(way.id, way);
                            // !! need to trace error
                            currentWay.corrupt = true;

                        currentWay  = way;
                        currentNode = null;
                    else if (reader.Name.Equals("nd"))
                        int      ndRef = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("ref"));
                        NodeInfo ni    = (NodeInfo)nodeList[ndRef];

                        if (ni != null)
                            // Node ref not found - error!
                            currentWay.corrupt = true;
                    else if (reader.Name.Equals("tag"))
                        // Way Tags
                        //if (currentWay != null)
                        // Way Keys only
                        TagInfo ki = new TagInfo();
                        ki.k = reader.GetAttribute("k");
                        ki.v = reader.GetAttribute("v");

                        if (currentWay != null)
                            currentWay.tags.Add(ki.k, ki);

                        if (currentNode != null)
                            currentNode.tags.Add(ki.k, ki);

                        // Compile list of tags for TAB fields if not specified in theme.xml
                        if ((keyNodeList.Count == 0) && !keys.Contains(ki.k))

                        // Update max key name size for MI tab field width
                        // Each Key
                        if (!tagKeyLengthList.Contains(ki.k))
                            // If there is not a
                            TagKeyLength tkl = new TagKeyLength();
                            tkl.k   = ki.k;
                            tkl.max = ki.v.Length;
                            tagKeyLengthList.Add(ki.k, tkl);
                            TagKeyLength tkl = (TagKeyLength)tagKeyLengthList[ki.k];
                            if (tkl.max < ki.v.Length)
                                tkl.max = ki.v.Length;

                        // log longest string
                        if (ki.v.Length > longestString)
                            longestString = ki.v.Length;
                        //else if (currentRelation blah blah != null)
                    else if (reader.Name.Equals("relation"))
                        currentWay  = null;
                        currentNode = null;
                        int a = 0;
                        int b = a + 1;

            // Create MapInfo tabs
            IntPtr regionTabFile = MiApi.mitab_c_create(outputTextBox.Text + "\\" + tabPrefix.Text + "_region.tab", "tab", "Earth Projection 1, 104", 0, 0, 0, 0);
            IntPtr lineTabFile   = MiApi.mitab_c_create(outputTextBox.Text + "\\" + tabPrefix.Text + "_line.tab", "tab", "Earth Projection 1, 104", 0, 0, 0, 0);
            IntPtr pointTabFile  = MiApi.mitab_c_create(outputTextBox.Text + "\\" + tabPrefix.Text + "_point.tab", "tab", "Earth Projection 1, 104", 0, 0, 0, 0);

            // Create fields
            int index = 0;

            // Max MapInfo fields is 255 (not 256 it seems)
            if (keys.Count > 250)
                m_debug += "Too many fields";

                int amountToReduce = keys.Count - 250;
                keys.RemoveRange(250, amountToReduce);

            foreach (string key in keys)
                // Get max field width
                TagKeyLength tkl = (TagKeyLength)tagKeyLengthList[key];

                if (tkl != null)
                    MiApi.mitab_c_add_field(regionTabFile, key, 1, tkl.max, 0, 0, 0);
                    MiApi.mitab_c_add_field(lineTabFile, key, 1, tkl.max, 0, 0, 0);
                    MiApi.mitab_c_add_field(pointTabFile, key, 1, tkl.max, 0, 0, 0);
                    // No key exists in the dataset so there is no max length - make it 32
                    MiApi.mitab_c_add_field(regionTabFile, key, 1, 32, 0, 0, 0);
                    MiApi.mitab_c_add_field(lineTabFile, key, 1, 32, 0, 0, 0);
                    MiApi.mitab_c_add_field(pointTabFile, key, 1, 32, 0, 0, 0);


            // Create MapInfo tabs from cached database
            m_maxWays = wayList.Count;

            // Points
            for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.Count; i++)
                NodeInfo node = (NodeInfo)nodeList.GetByIndex(i);

                // If a node has tags then it's a point object.
                // Not entirely convinced this is the best way to deduce point objects.
                if (node.tags.Count >= 1)

            // Lines and Regions
            for (int i = 0; i < wayList.Count; i++)
                // Log progress
                if (i % 10000 == 0)
                    m_status = "Translating : " + Convert.ToString((100 * i) / wayList.Count) + "%";

                WayInfo way = (WayInfo)wayList.GetByIndex(i);
                if (way.corrupt)

                bool      iAmARegion = false;
                ArrayList nodes      = ((WayInfo)wayList.GetByIndex(i)).nodes;

                // Is this a region? i.e. first and last nodes the same
                NodeInfo firstNode = (NodeInfo)nodes[0];
                NodeInfo lastNode  = (NodeInfo)nodes[nodes.Count - 1];
                if ((firstNode.lat == lastNode.lat) &&
                    (firstNode.lon == lastNode.lon))
                    iAmARegion = true;

                for (int j = 0; j < nodes.Count; j++)
                    NodeInfo node = (NodeInfo)nodes[j];
                    pointsX[j] = node.lon;
                    pointsY[j] = node.lat;

                if (iAmARegion && nodes.Count >= 3)
                    // Region
                    IntPtr feat = MiApi.mitab_c_create_feature(regionTabFile, 7);          // 7 = region
                    // 'part' param is -1 for single part regions. Need to use relation nodes to add 'holes' to -1 part polys which have poly numbers 1+
                    MiApi.mitab_c_set_points(feat, -1, nodes.Count - 1, pointsX, pointsY); // nodes.Count -1 as last and first nodes are the same
                    int gti = 0;                                                           // get tag info
                    foreach (string key in keys)
                        TagInfo tag = (TagInfo)way.tags[key];
                        if (tag != null) // Not every field is used
                            MiApi.mitab_c_set_field(feat, gti, tag.v);


                    // Set Region Style
                    XmlNodeList styleNodeList            = themeDoc.SelectNodes("osm2tab/regionStyles/style");
                    bool        styleFoundForThisFeature = false; // Used in conjunction with 'optimal' region option

                    foreach (XmlNode styleNode in styleNodeList)
                        string  styleKey = styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@key").Value;
                        TagInfo tag      = (TagInfo)way.tags[styleKey];
                        if (tag != null) // Not every field is used
                            XmlNode valueAttribute = styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@value");
                            string  styleKeyValue  = "";
                            if (valueAttribute != null)
                                styleKeyValue = valueAttribute.Value;
                            // If there is no value attribute for this key then all features with this key have style applied
                            if (tag.v == styleKeyValue || valueAttribute == null)
                                int pattern     = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@pattern").Value);
                                int foreground  = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@foreground").Value);
                                int background  = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@background").Value);
                                int transparent = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@transparent").Value);

                                int penPattern = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@penPattern").Value);
                                int penColour  = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@penColour").Value);
                                int penWidth   = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@penWidth").Value);

                                MiApi.mitab_c_set_brush(feat, foreground, background, pattern, transparent);
                                MiApi.mitab_c_set_pen(feat, penWidth, penPattern, penColour);

                                styleFoundForThisFeature = true;

                    if (!(!styleFoundForThisFeature && optimalRegions) && // Only write feature to TAB if style is specified
                        way.tags.Count != 0)                              // Don't write feature if it has no tags. TODO make this optional in Theme xml file
                        MiApi.mitab_c_write_feature(regionTabFile, feat);

                else if (nodes.Count >= 2)
                    // Line
                    IntPtr feat = MiApi.mitab_c_create_feature(regionTabFile, 5);     // 5 = region
                    MiApi.mitab_c_set_points(feat, 0, nodes.Count, pointsX, pointsY); // part is 0 - can we use relation nodes to associate further (>0) parts?
                    int gti = 0;                                                      // get tag info
                    foreach (string key in keys)
                        TagInfo tag = (TagInfo)way.tags[key];
                        if (tag != null) // Not every field is used
                            MiApi.mitab_c_set_field(feat, gti, tag.v);


                    // Set Line Style
                    XmlNodeList styleNodeList = themeDoc.SelectNodes("osm2tab/lineStyles/style");

                    bool styleFoundForThisFeature = false; // Used in conjunction with 'optimal' line option
                    foreach (XmlNode styleNode in styleNodeList)
                        string  styleKey = styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@key").Value;
                        TagInfo tag      = (TagInfo)way.tags[styleKey];
                        if (tag != null) // Not every field is used
                            XmlNode valueAttribute = styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@value");
                            string  styleKeyValue  = "";
                            if (valueAttribute != null)
                                styleKeyValue = valueAttribute.Value;
                            // If there is no value attribute for this key then all features with this key have style applied
                            if (tag.v == styleKeyValue || valueAttribute == null)
                                int penPattern = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@penPattern").Value);
                                int penColour  = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@penColour").Value);
                                int penWidth   = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@penWidth").Value);

                                MiApi.mitab_c_set_pen(feat, penWidth, penPattern, penColour);

                                styleFoundForThisFeature = true;

                    if (!(!styleFoundForThisFeature && optimalLines) && // Only write feature to TAB if style is specified
                        way.tags.Count != 0)                            // Don't write feature if it has no tags. TODO make this optional in Theme xml file
                        MiApi.mitab_c_write_feature(lineTabFile, feat);



            m_status = "Done!";
            //m_status = longestString.ToString();

            // Enable 'Go' button
            m_goButtonEnabled = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompresses the specified bytes, using the specified compression type and output encoding
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bytes">The bytes to decompress.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">The amount of offset to apply to the byte array before beginning decompression.</param>
        /// <param name="length">The length of bytes to decompress in the byte array.</param>
        /// <param name="compressionType">Type of the compression applied to the input string.</param>
        /// <param name="outputEncoding">The output encoding to apply.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a string representing the uncompressed verison of the input</returns>
        public static string Decompress(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, CompressionType compressionType, Encoding outputEncoding)
            if (bytes == null || bytes.Length == 0)
                return string.Empty;
            if (offset < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset", "offset cannot be less than zero");
            if (length > bytes.Length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", "length cannot be greater than bytes.length");
            if (length + offset > bytes.Length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", "length + offset cannot be greater than bytes.length");

            using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(bytes)) {
                Stream stream = null;
                switch (compressionType) {
                    case CompressionType.BZip:
                        stream = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream(memoryStream);
                    case CompressionType.GZip:
                        stream = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.GZip.GZipInputStream(memoryStream);

                    // case CompressionType.Tar:
                    //    stream = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Tar.TarInputStream(memoryStream);
                    //    break;
                    case CompressionType.Zip:
                        stream = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams.InflaterInputStream(memoryStream);

                if (stream != null) {
                    var decoder = outputEncoding.GetDecoder();
                    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
                    char[] chars = new char[2048];

                    while (true) {
                        int size = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                        if (size == 0)
                        int totalChars = decoder.GetChars(buffer, 0, size, chars, 0);
                        builder.Append(chars, 0, totalChars);


                    return builder.ToString();

            return string.Empty;
 public static void BzipDecode(String OriginalFileName, String PatchFileName, String OutputFileName)
     using (Stream patch = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream(File.OpenRead(PatchFileName)))
     using (Stream original = File.OpenRead(OriginalFileName))
     using (Stream target = File.Open(OutputFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
         VDiffDecoder.Decode(original, patch, target);
Exemple #9
        public static void ProcessFile(string md5, int revisionwork_id, int lane_id, int host_id, int revision_id, int workfile_id, int command_id)
            List <string> areas = new List <string> ();

            try {
                bool    is_compressed = false;
                byte [] buffer        = new byte [1024];
                try {
                    using (IsolatedStorageFileStream str = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(md5, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())) {
                        using (ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream zip_in = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream(str)) {
                            zip_in.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                            is_compressed = true;
                } catch (Exception) {
                    System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((object obj) => CompressFile(md5));

                using (IsolatedStorageFileStream iso_str = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(md5, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())) {
                    Stream str;

                    if (is_compressed)
                        str = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream(iso_str);
                        str = iso_str;

                    using (str) {
                        XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
                        settings.IgnoreComments = true;
                        settings.IgnoreProcessingInstructions = true;
                        settings.IgnoreWhitespace             = true;
                        XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(str, settings);
                        while (true)
                            /* Go to next test definition */
                            if (!reader.Read())
                            if (!(reader.Name == "TestDefinition" && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Depth == 3))

                            /* We're not at a test definition */
                            string id            = reader.GetAttribute("ID");
                            string title         = null;
                            string status        = null;
                            string known_failure = null;
                            bool   crashed       = false;

                            /* Read parameters until we reach end of */
                            string params_name = null;

                            while (reader.Read())
                                if (reader.Name == "TestDefinition" && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.Depth == 3)
                                    /* End of test definition */

                                if (reader.Name == "Parameter" && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Depth == 4)
                                    // TestDefinition/Parameter[@Value]
                                    if (reader ["Name"] == "Title")
                                        title = reader ["Value"];
                                    else if (reader ["Name"] == "TestedFeatureAreas")
                                        params_name = "TestedFeatureAreas";
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader ["Value"]))
                                            areas.Add(reader ["Value"]);
                                        params_name = null;

                                if (reader.Name == "Parameter" && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.Depth == 4)
                                    params_name = null;

                                if (reader.Name == "Parameters" && reader.Depth == 4)
                                    // TestDefinition/Parameters["Name"]
                                    if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                        params_name = reader ["Name"];
                                    else if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                                        params_name = null;

                                if (reader.Name == "Parameter" && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Depth == 5)
                                    if (params_name == "Result")
                                        if (reader ["Name"] == "Status")
                                            // TestDefinition/Parameters[@Name="Result"]/Status
                                            status = reader ["Value"];
                                        else if (reader ["Name"] == "Crashed")
                                            crashed = bool.Parse(reader ["Value"]);
                                    else if (params_name == "Moonlight")
                                        if (reader ["Name"] == "KnownFailure")
                                            // TestDefinition/Parameters[@Name="Moonlight"]/KnownFailure
                                            known_failure = reader ["Value"];

                                if (reader.Name == "Value" && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Depth == 5)
                                    if (params_name == "TestedFeatureAreas")
                                        areas.Add(reader ["Name"]);

                            foreach (string a in areas)

                            FindOrCreateTest(id, title, areas.ToArray()).AddResult(revisionwork_id, lane_id, host_id, revision_id, status, known_failure, crashed, workfile_id, command_id);
                            Console.WriteLine("Found test '{0}' with Title: '{1}' Status: '{2}' KnownFailure: '{3}'", id, title, status, known_failure);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                MainPage.Log("ProcessFile ({0}) failed with: {1}", md5, ex);
                // we try to delete any file we can't process
                // this should cause it to be re-downloaded next time
Exemple #10
 private void ReadAndVerifyBody(Stream stream, DumpFormat dumpFormat)
     XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
     if (dumpFormat == DumpFormat.Compressed)
         stream = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream(stream);
     Assert.That(doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Count, Is.EqualTo(3));
Exemple #11
        private string[] GetPackagesBz2(string url)
            //Variables and things
            var newRequest = (HttpWebRequest)System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(url);
            newRequest.Method = "GET";
            newRequest.UserAgent = "Telesphoreo APT-HTTP/1.0.592"; //Setup user-agent data to that of Cydia's default

            ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream decompressFile; //Declared in the entire scope for easy access

                //Copy the bytes of the Package-list into the decompression stream
                decompressFile = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream(newRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream());
            catch (Exception ex)
                //In the case of a wrong URL
                throw new Exception("The url returned a null-valued page, or the repository does not have a bzip2 compressed package listing.", ex);
            //Create MemoryStream to copy the decompressed Package-list to
            var memDecomp = new System.IO.MemoryStream();

            //Read all the bytes to the new MemoryStream (Thanks .NET 4, ;) )

            //Decode the bytes into text
            string decodedText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(memDecomp.ToArray());

            //Slit the text, usually with the '\n' character
            var splitText = decodedText.Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            var readableList = new List<string>();
            var buildItem = new StringBuilder();

            //Read the split-text into the StringBuilder
            foreach (string item in splitText)
                if (item != "")
                    buildItem.Append(item); //Append the actual value
                    buildItem.Append("|"); //Append the '|' character to the value as a dilimeter
                    buildItem.Remove(0, buildItem.Length); //Best way to get rid of the values while reusing the varible

            //Return the built-up list as a string[] type
            return readableList.ToArray();
Exemple #12
        static bool useIndexedCheck = true; // использовать/не использовать индексный массив

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

        static void Main(string[] args)
                string geojsonHeader = "{\"type\":\"FeatureCollection\",\"features\":[";
                string geojsonFooter = Environment.NewLine + "{}]}";

                // создать выходную директорию (если отсутствует)
                OperatingSystem os = Environment.OSVersion;
                PlatformID pid = os.Platform;

                if (pid == PlatformID.Unix || pid == PlatformID.MacOSX) // 0 - Win32S, 1 - Win32Windows, 2 - Win32NT, 3 - WinCE, 4 - Unix, 5 - Xbox, 6 - MacOSX
                    dirIn = dirIn.Replace(@"\", @"/");
                    dirOut = dirOut.Replace(@"\", @"/");

                if (!Directory.Exists(dirOut))

                // пересоздать выходные файлы
                OSM_RecreateFile(fileLog); // пересоздать журнал
                OSM_RecreateFile(fileOutNodeCsvCountry); // пересоздать итоговый файл

                // включить контроль дубликатов
                if (useIndexedCheck)
                    nodeIdx1 = new byte[nodeIdxSize + 1];
                    nodeIdx2 = new byte[nodeIdxSize + 1];

                // Старт
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Start (check dupls: {0})", useIndexedCheck));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Find: Country, City ( population >= {0} ), Volcano", numPopulationCityFiltr));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");

                OSM_WriteFile(fileOutNodeGeojsonCountry, geojsonHeader); // заголовок GEOJSON
                OSM_WriteFile(fileOutNodeGeojsonCity, geojsonHeader);
                OSM_WriteFile(fileOutNodeGeojsonVolcano, geojsonHeader);

                foreach (string fileFullName in Directory.GetFiles(dirIn, "*.osm.bz2"))
                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("Start File: {0}", fileFullName));

                    FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileFullName);
                    using (FileStream fileStream = fileInfo.OpenRead())
                        using (Stream unzipStream = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream(fileStream))
                            XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(unzipStream);

                            while (xmlReader.Read())
                                if (xmlReader.Name == "node")
                                else if (xmlReader.Name == "way")
                                else if (xmlReader.Name == "relation")

                    OSM_WriteResultToFiles();  // Записать данные

                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("End File: {0}", fileFullName));
                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "==");

                OSM_WriteFile(fileOutNodeGeojsonCountry, geojsonFooter); // завершить GEOJSON
                OSM_WriteFile(fileOutNodeGeojsonCity, geojsonFooter);
                OSM_WriteFile(fileOutNodeGeojsonVolcano, geojsonFooter);

                if (useIndexedCheck)
                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "Count dupls");

                    cntNodeDupl = OSM_NodeIdxDuplCount();
            catch (Exception ex)
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "ERROR: " + ex.Message);
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Total Files (*.bz2): {0} ; Total Nodes: {1} ; Total Ways: {2} ; Total Relations: {3}", cntFileTotal, cntNodeTotal, cntWayTotal, cntRelationTotal));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Country: {0} ; City ( population >= {3} ): {1} ; Volcano: {2}", cntNodeCountry, cntNodeCity, cntNodeVolcano, numPopulationCityFiltr));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Min id Node: {0} ; Max id Node: {1}", minNode, maxNode));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Min id Way: {0} ; Max id Way: {1}", minWay, maxWay));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Min id Relation: {0} ; Max id Relation: {1}", minRelation, maxRelation));

                if (useIndexedCheck)
                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Dupls: {0}", cntNodeDupl));

                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "== End");
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");
Exemple #13
        // http://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/map?bbox=-1.080351,50.895238,-1.054516,50.907688
        private void workerThread()
            // Disable 'Go' button until processing is done
            m_goButtonEnabled = false;

            // Load Theme data
            ArrayList keys = new ArrayList();
            //ArrayList allWayTags = new ArrayList(); // All keys in all ways

            XmlDocument themeDoc = new XmlDocument();
            // Load key list
            XmlNodeList keyNodeList = themeDoc.SelectNodes("osm2tab/keys/key");

            foreach (XmlNode keyNode in keyNodeList)
            double[] pointsX = new double[2000]; // 2000 is 0.6 OSM spec
            double[] pointsY = new double[2000];

            // Optimal settings?
            // 1. Don't add features that don't match 'style key's in the theme
            // 2. <next criteria of optimal>
            // 3. <next criteria of optimal>
                // Regions
                bool optimalRegions = false;
                XmlNode regionStylesNode = themeDoc.SelectSingleNode("osm2tab/regionStyles");
                XmlNode optimalRegionStylesNode = regionStylesNode.SelectSingleNode("@optimal");
                if(optimalRegionStylesNode != null)
                    optimalRegions = optimalRegionStylesNode.Value == "yes";
                // Lines
                bool optimalLines = false;
                XmlNode lineStylesNode = themeDoc.SelectSingleNode("osm2tab/lineStyles");
                XmlNode optimalLineStylesNode = lineStylesNode.SelectSingleNode("@optimal");
                if (optimalLineStylesNode != null)
                    optimalLines = optimalLineStylesNode.Value == "yes";

            // Load OSM data
            System.IO.FileStream bz2Stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(inputTextBox.Text);
            ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream osmStream = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream(bz2Stream);

            XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(osmStream);

            SortedList nodeList = new SortedList();

            SortedList wayList = new SortedList();

            SortedList tagKeyLengthList = new SortedList();

            WayInfo currentWay = null;

            NodeInfo currentNode = null;

            m_status = "Starting";

            // Used to calculate TAB database field format
            //needs to Be an Array of longest strings per field otherwise all fields will Get same width. even simple ones
            //but field widths should be consistent so what do we do
            int longestString = 0;

            int loadedNodeCount = 0;
            // Cache XML file as fast-readable database in ram
            while (reader.Read())
                // Log progress
                if (loadedNodeCount++ % 100000 == 0)
                    m_status = "Loading OSM: " + Convert.ToString(loadedNodeCount/100000);

                switch (reader.NodeType)
                    case System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element:
                        if (reader.Name.Equals("node"))
                            //currentWay = null; // tags can be for nodes or ways
                            int id = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("id"));

                            NodeInfo node = new NodeInfo();
                            node.tags = new SortedList();

                            node.lat = Convert.ToDouble(reader.GetAttribute("lat"));
                            node.lon = Convert.ToDouble(reader.GetAttribute("lon"));
                                 nodeList.Add(id, node);
                                // need to trace data source error

                            currentWay = null;
                            currentNode = node;
                        else if (reader.Name.Equals("way"))
                            WayInfo way = new WayInfo();
                            way.nodes = new ArrayList();
                            way.tags = new SortedList();

                            way.id = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("id"));
                            // this can be a duplicate in an error in the osm data
                            // therefore current node should be null and nd and way needs to check for null

                            if (!wayList.Contains(way.id))
                                wayList.Add(way.id, way);
                                // !! need to trace error
                                currentWay.corrupt = true;

                            currentWay = way;
                            currentNode = null;
                        else if (reader.Name.Equals("nd"))
                            int ndRef = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("ref"));
                            NodeInfo ni = (NodeInfo)nodeList[ndRef];
                            if (ni != null)
                                // Node ref not found - error!
                                currentWay.corrupt = true;
                        else if (reader.Name.Equals("tag"))
                            // Way Tags
                            //if (currentWay != null)
                                // Way Keys only
                                TagInfo ki = new TagInfo();
                                ki.k = reader.GetAttribute("k");
                                ki.v = reader.GetAttribute("v");

                                if (currentWay != null)
                                   currentWay.tags.Add(ki.k, ki);

                                if (currentNode != null)
                                   currentNode.tags.Add(ki.k, ki);

                                // Compile list of tags for TAB fields if not specified in theme.xml
                                if ((keyNodeList.Count == 0) && !keys.Contains(ki.k))

                                // Update max key name size for MI tab field width
                                // Each Key
                                if (!tagKeyLengthList.Contains(ki.k))
                                    // If there is not a 
                                    TagKeyLength tkl = new TagKeyLength();
                                    tkl.k = ki.k;
                                    tkl.max = ki.v.Length;
                                    tagKeyLengthList.Add(ki.k, tkl);
                                    TagKeyLength tkl = (TagKeyLength)tagKeyLengthList[ki.k];
                                    if (tkl.max < ki.v.Length)
                                        tkl.max = ki.v.Length;
                                // log longest string
                                if (ki.v.Length > longestString)
                                    longestString = ki.v.Length;
                            //else if (currentRelation blah blah != null)
                        else if (reader.Name.Equals("relation"))
                            currentWay = null;
                            currentNode = null;
                            int a = 0;
                            int b = a + 1;

            // Create MapInfo tabs
            IntPtr regionTabFile = MiApi.mitab_c_create(outputTextBox.Text + "\\" + tabPrefix.Text + "_region.tab", "tab", "Earth Projection 1, 104", 0, 0, 0, 0);
            IntPtr lineTabFile = MiApi.mitab_c_create(outputTextBox.Text + "\\" + tabPrefix.Text + "_line.tab", "tab", "Earth Projection 1, 104", 0, 0, 0, 0);
            IntPtr pointTabFile = MiApi.mitab_c_create(outputTextBox.Text + "\\" + tabPrefix.Text + "_point.tab", "tab", "Earth Projection 1, 104", 0, 0, 0, 0);

            // Create fields
            int index = 0;

            // Max MapInfo fields is 255 (not 256 it seems)
            if (keys.Count > 250)
                m_debug += "Too many fields";

                int amountToReduce = keys.Count - 250;
                keys.RemoveRange(250, amountToReduce);

            foreach (string key in keys)
                // Get max field width
                TagKeyLength tkl = (TagKeyLength)tagKeyLengthList[key];

                if (tkl != null)
                    MiApi.mitab_c_add_field(regionTabFile, key, 1, tkl.max, 0, 0, 0);
                    MiApi.mitab_c_add_field(lineTabFile, key, 1, tkl.max, 0, 0, 0);
                    MiApi.mitab_c_add_field(pointTabFile, key, 1, tkl.max, 0, 0, 0);
                    // No key exists in the dataset so there is no max length - make it 32
                    MiApi.mitab_c_add_field(regionTabFile, key, 1, 32, 0, 0, 0);
                    MiApi.mitab_c_add_field(lineTabFile, key, 1, 32, 0, 0, 0);
                    MiApi.mitab_c_add_field(pointTabFile, key, 1, 32, 0, 0, 0);


            // Create MapInfo tabs from cached database
            m_maxWays = wayList.Count;

            // Points
            for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.Count; i++)
               NodeInfo node = (NodeInfo)nodeList.GetByIndex(i);

               // If a node has tags then it's a point object.
               // Not entirely convinced this is the best way to deduce point objects.
               if (node.tags.Count >= 1)

            // Lines and Regions
            for (int i = 0; i < wayList.Count; i++)
                // Log progress
                if (i % 10000 == 0)
                    m_status = "Translating : " + Convert.ToString((100* i) / wayList.Count) + "%";

                WayInfo way = (WayInfo)wayList.GetByIndex(i);
                if (way.corrupt)

                bool iAmARegion = false;
                ArrayList nodes = ((WayInfo)wayList.GetByIndex(i)).nodes;

                // Is this a region? i.e. first and last nodes the same
                NodeInfo firstNode = (NodeInfo)nodes[0];
                NodeInfo lastNode = (NodeInfo)nodes[nodes.Count - 1];
                if ((firstNode.lat == lastNode.lat)
                    && (firstNode.lon == lastNode.lon))
                    iAmARegion = true;

                for (int j = 0; j < nodes.Count; j++)
                    NodeInfo node = (NodeInfo)nodes[j];
                    pointsX[j] = node.lon;
                    pointsY[j] = node.lat;   

                if (iAmARegion && nodes.Count >=3)
                    // Region
                    IntPtr feat = MiApi.mitab_c_create_feature(regionTabFile, 7); // 7 = region
                    // 'part' param is -1 for single part regions. Need to use relation nodes to add 'holes' to -1 part polys which have poly numbers 1+ 
                    MiApi.mitab_c_set_points(feat, -1, nodes.Count - 1, pointsX, pointsY); // nodes.Count -1 as last and first nodes are the same
                    int gti = 0; // get tag info
                    foreach (string key in keys)
                        TagInfo tag = (TagInfo)way.tags[key];
                        if (tag != null) // Not every field is used
                            MiApi.mitab_c_set_field(feat, gti, tag.v);


                    // Set Region Style
                    XmlNodeList styleNodeList = themeDoc.SelectNodes("osm2tab/regionStyles/style");
                    bool styleFoundForThisFeature = false; // Used in conjunction with 'optimal' region option

                    foreach (XmlNode styleNode in styleNodeList)
                        string styleKey = styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@key").Value;
                        TagInfo tag = (TagInfo)way.tags[styleKey];
                        if (tag != null) // Not every field is used
                            XmlNode valueAttribute = styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@value");
                            string styleKeyValue = "";
                            if (valueAttribute != null)
                                styleKeyValue = valueAttribute.Value;
                            // If there is no value attribute for this key then all features with this key have style applied
                            if (tag.v == styleKeyValue || valueAttribute == null)
                                int pattern = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@pattern").Value);
                                int foreground = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@foreground").Value);
                                int background = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@background").Value);
                                int transparent = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@transparent").Value);

                                int penPattern = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@penPattern").Value);
                                int penColour = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@penColour").Value);
                                int penWidth = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@penWidth").Value);

                                MiApi.mitab_c_set_brush(feat, foreground, background, pattern, transparent);
                                MiApi.mitab_c_set_pen(feat, penWidth, penPattern, penColour);

                                styleFoundForThisFeature = true;

                    if (!(!styleFoundForThisFeature && optimalRegions) && // Only write feature to TAB if style is specified
                        way.tags.Count != 0) // Don't write feature if it has no tags. TODO make this optional in Theme xml file
                        MiApi.mitab_c_write_feature(regionTabFile, feat);

                else if (nodes.Count >= 2)
                    // Line
                    IntPtr feat = MiApi.mitab_c_create_feature(regionTabFile, 5); // 5 = region
                    MiApi.mitab_c_set_points(feat, 0, nodes.Count, pointsX, pointsY); // part is 0 - can we use relation nodes to associate further (>0) parts?
                    int gti = 0; // get tag info
                    foreach (string key in keys)
                        TagInfo tag = (TagInfo)way.tags[key];
                        if(tag != null) // Not every field is used
                            MiApi.mitab_c_set_field(feat, gti, tag.v);


                    // Set Line Style
                    XmlNodeList styleNodeList = themeDoc.SelectNodes("osm2tab/lineStyles/style");

                    bool styleFoundForThisFeature = false; // Used in conjunction with 'optimal' line option
                    foreach (XmlNode styleNode in styleNodeList)
                        string styleKey = styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@key").Value;
                        TagInfo tag = (TagInfo)way.tags[styleKey];
                        if (tag != null) // Not every field is used
                            XmlNode valueAttribute = styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@value");
                            string styleKeyValue = "";
                            if (valueAttribute != null)
                                styleKeyValue = valueAttribute.Value;
                            // If there is no value attribute for this key then all features with this key have style applied
                            if (tag.v == styleKeyValue || valueAttribute == null)
                                int penPattern = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@penPattern").Value);
                                int penColour = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@penColour").Value);
                                int penWidth = Convert.ToInt32(styleNode.SelectSingleNode("@penWidth").Value);

                                MiApi.mitab_c_set_pen(feat, penWidth, penPattern, penColour);

                                styleFoundForThisFeature = true;

                    if (!(!styleFoundForThisFeature && optimalLines) && // Only write feature to TAB if style is specified
                        way.tags.Count != 0) // Don't write feature if it has no tags. TODO make this optional in Theme xml file
                        MiApi.mitab_c_write_feature(lineTabFile, feat);



            m_status = "Done!";
            //m_status = longestString.ToString();

            // Enable 'Go' button
            m_goButtonEnabled = true;
Exemple #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
                string geojsonHeader = "{\"type\":\"FeatureCollection\",\"features\":[";
                string geojsonFooter = Environment.NewLine + "{}]}";

                // создать выходную директорию (если отсутствует)
                OperatingSystem os = Environment.OSVersion;
                PlatformID pid = os.Platform;

                if (pid == PlatformID.Unix || pid == PlatformID.MacOSX) // 0 - Win32S, 1 - Win32Windows, 2 - Win32NT, 3 - WinCE, 4 - Unix, 5 - Xbox, 6 - MacOSX
                    dirIn = dirIn.Replace(@"\", @"/");
                    dirOut = dirOut.Replace(@"\", @"/");

                if (!Directory.Exists(dirOut)) // Создать выходную директорию (если отсутствует)

                // пересоздать выходные файлы
                OSM_RecreateFile(fileLog); // пересоздать журнал
                OSM_RecreateFile(fileOutWayCsvNpark_WayToNode); // пересоздать итоговый файл

                // Контроль дубликатов
                if (useIndexedCheck)
                    wayIdx = new byte[wayIdxSize + 1];
                    nodeIdx1 = new byte[nodeIdxSize + 1];
                    nodeIdx2 = new byte[nodeIdxSize + 1];

                // Старт
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Start (check dupls: {0})", useIndexedCheck));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "== Find: Deserts");
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");

                OSM_WriteFile(fileOutWayGeojsonNpark, geojsonHeader); // заголовок GEOJSON

                foreach (string fileFullName in Directory.GetFiles(dirIn, "*.osm.bz2"))
                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("Start File: {0}", fileFullName));

                    FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileFullName);

                    for (int numCycle = 0; numCycle < 2; numCycle++) // два прохода по XML (сперва WAY, потом NODE)
                        using (FileStream fileStream = fileInfo.OpenRead())
                            using (Stream unzipStream = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream(fileStream))
                                XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(unzipStream);

                                while (xmlReader.Read())
                                    if (numCycle == 0 && xmlReader.Name == "way")
                                    else if (numCycle == 1 && xmlReader.Name == "node")

                    // Записать данные
                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "Start write CSV and GEOJSON data");


                    nodeAttrList.Clear(); // Очистить массивы перед обработкой следующего файла

                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "End write CSV and GEOJSON data");


                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("End File: {0}", fileFullName));
                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "==");

                OSM_WriteFile(fileOutWayGeojsonNpark, geojsonFooter); // завершение GEOJSON

                if (useIndexedCheck)
                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "Count dupls");

                    cntNodeDupl = OSM_NodeIdxDuplCount();
                    cntWayDupl = OSM_WayIdxDuplCount();
            catch (Exception ex)
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "ERROR: " + ex.Message);
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Total Files (*.bz2): {0} ; Total Nodes: {1} ; Total Ways: {2}", cntFileTotal, cntNodeTotal, cntWayTotal));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== National Parks: Attrs Nodes: {0} ; Attrs Ways: {1} ", cntNodeNpark, cntWayNpark));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Min Node: {0} ; Max Node: {1}", minNode, maxNode));
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Min Way: {0} ; Max Way: {1}", minWay, maxWay));

                if (useIndexedCheck)
                    OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, String.Format("== Node dupls: {0} ; Way dupls: {1}", cntNodeDupl, cntWayDupl));

                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "== End");
                OSM_WriteLog(fileLog, "===========================");
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompresses the specified bytes, using the specified compression type and output encoding
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bytes">The bytes to decompress.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">The amount of offset to apply to the byte array before beginning decompression.</param>
        /// <param name="length">The length of bytes to decompress in the byte array.</param>
        /// <param name="compressionType">Type of the compression applied to the input string.</param>
        /// <param name="outputEncoding">The output encoding to apply.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a string representing the uncompressed verison of the input</returns>
        public static string Decompress(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, CompressionType compressionType, Encoding outputEncoding)
            if (bytes == null || bytes.Length == 0)
            if (offset < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset", "offset cannot be less than zero");
            if (length > bytes.Length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", "length cannot be greater than bytes.length");
            if (length + offset > bytes.Length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", "length + offset cannot be greater than bytes.length");

            using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(bytes)) {
                Stream stream = null;
                switch (compressionType)
                case CompressionType.BZip:
                    stream = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream(memoryStream);

                case CompressionType.GZip:
                    stream = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.GZip.GZipInputStream(memoryStream);

                // case CompressionType.Tar:
                //    stream = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Tar.TarInputStream(memoryStream);
                //    break;
                case CompressionType.Zip:
                    stream = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams.InflaterInputStream(memoryStream);

                if (stream != null)
                    var           decoder = outputEncoding.GetDecoder();
                    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                    byte[]        buffer  = new byte[2048];
                    char[]        chars   = new char[2048];

                    while (true)
                        int size = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                        if (size == 0)
                        int totalChars = decoder.GetChars(buffer, 0, size, chars, 0);
                        builder.Append(chars, 0, totalChars);



Exemple #16
		public static JSONNode LoadFromCompressedStream(System.IO.Stream aData)
			var zin = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream(aData);
			return LoadFromStream(zin);
        public static void ProcessFile(string md5, int revisionwork_id, int lane_id, int host_id, int revision_id, int workfile_id, int command_id)
            List<string> areas = new List<string> ();
            try {
                bool is_compressed = false;
                byte [] buffer = new byte [1024];
                try {
                    using (IsolatedStorageFileStream str = new IsolatedStorageFileStream (md5, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication ())) {
                        using (ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream zip_in = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream (str)) {
                            zip_in.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                            is_compressed = true;
                } catch (Exception) {
                    System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem ((object obj) => CompressFile (md5));

                using (IsolatedStorageFileStream iso_str = new IsolatedStorageFileStream (md5, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication ())) {
                    Stream str;

                    if (is_compressed) {
                        str = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2.BZip2InputStream (iso_str);
                    } else {
                        str = iso_str;

                    using (str) {
                        XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings ();
                        settings.IgnoreComments = true;
                        settings.IgnoreProcessingInstructions = true;
                        settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true;
                        XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create (str, settings);
                        while (true) {
                            /* Go to next test definition */
                            if (!reader.Read ())
                            if (!(reader.Name == "TestDefinition" && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Depth == 3)) {

                            /* We're not at a test definition */
                            string id = reader.GetAttribute ("ID");
                            string title = null;
                            string status = null;
                            string known_failure = null;
                            bool crashed = false;

                            /* Read parameters until we reach end of */
                            string params_name = null;
                            areas.Clear ();

                            while (reader.Read ()) {
                                if (reader.Name == "TestDefinition" && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.Depth == 3) {
                                    /* End of test definition */

                                if (reader.Name == "Parameter" && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Depth == 4) {
                                    // TestDefinition/Parameter[@Value]
                                    if (reader ["Name"] == "Title") {
                                        title = reader ["Value"];
                                    } else if (reader ["Name"] == "TestedFeatureAreas") {
                                        params_name = "TestedFeatureAreas";
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (reader ["Value"]))
                                            areas.Add (reader ["Value"]);
                                    } else {
                                        params_name = null;

                                if (reader.Name == "Parameter" && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.Depth == 4) {
                                    params_name = null;

                                if (reader.Name == "Parameters" && reader.Depth == 4) {
                                    // TestDefinition/Parameters["Name"]
                                    if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) {
                                        params_name = reader ["Name"];
                                    } else if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) {
                                        params_name = null;

                                if (reader.Name == "Parameter" && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Depth == 5) {
                                    if (params_name == "Result") {
                                        if (reader ["Name"] == "Status") {
                                            // TestDefinition/Parameters[@Name="Result"]/Status
                                            status = reader ["Value"];
                                        } else if (reader ["Name"] == "Crashed") {
                                            crashed = bool.Parse (reader ["Value"]);
                                    } else if (params_name == "Moonlight") {
                                        if (reader ["Name"] == "KnownFailure") {
                                            // TestDefinition/Parameters[@Name="Moonlight"]/KnownFailure
                                            known_failure = reader ["Value"];

                                if (reader.Name == "Value" && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Depth == 5) {
                                    if (params_name == "TestedFeatureAreas") {
                                        areas.Add (reader ["Name"]);

                            foreach (string a in areas)
                                Tests.areas.Add (a);

                            FindOrCreateTest (id, title, areas.ToArray ()).AddResult (revisionwork_id, lane_id, host_id, revision_id, status, known_failure, crashed, workfile_id, command_id);
                            Console.WriteLine ("Found test '{0}' with Title: '{1}' Status: '{2}' KnownFailure: '{3}'", id, title, status, known_failure);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                MainPage.Log ("ProcessFile ({0}) failed with: {1}", md5, ex);
                // we try to delete any file we can't process
                // this should cause it to be re-downloaded next time
                MainPage.TryDeleteISOFile (md5);