Exemple #1
         * Point cloud color:
         * AntiqueWhite is ref
         * YellowGreen is pending
         * blue is established
        private void TransformPC(Point3DCollection source, Point3DCollection reference)
            // As far as i know, source[i] maps to reference[i]
            // compute initial transformation

            //compute transformation from reference
            _icpData = _icp.ComputeICP(

            _icpData.transform = _initialTransformation;

            var p = ICP.ApplyTransformation(_icpData.transform, Parser3DPoint.FromPoint3DToDataPoints(_displayPointCloud));

            _displayPointCloud = Parser3DPoint.FromDataPointsToPoint3DCollection(p);

            _renderer.CreatePointCloud(_displayPointCloud, Brushes.BlueViolet);
Exemple #2
        private static void ConstructTestCase(out EuclideanTransform t, out ErrorElements errorElements)
            // pick some random points
            var points = new List <DataPoint>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                var n = RandomVector();
                points.Add(new DataPoint
                    point  = 100.0f * RandomVector() - new Vector3(50.0f),
                    normal = Vector3.Normalize(n),

            var dataPoints = new DataPoints
                points          = points.ToArray(),
                contiansNormals = true,

            t             = new EuclideanTransform();
            t.translation = RandomVector() * 50.0f;
            //t.translation = new Vector3(0f);
            var axis = Vector3.Normalize(RandomVector());

            t.rotation = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis, (float)(r.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2));
            t.rotation = Quaternion.Normalize(t.rotation);
            //t.rotation = Quaternion.Identity;

            var transformedPoints = ICP.ApplyTransformation(dataPoints, t.Inverse());

            errorElements = new ErrorElements
                reference = dataPoints,
                reading   = transformedPoints,
                weights   = Enumerable.Repeat(1.0f, points.Count).ToArray()
Exemple #3
        private void ScanReading_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // for intersection testing
            //_displayPointCloud = _renderer.ReadData();
            //_rgbv._bvh = BVH.InitBVH(_displayPointCloud);

            var point1 = new Point3D(-0.8f, 0, 0);
            var point2 = new Point3D(-1f, 0, 0);
            var point3 = new Point3D(-0.6f, 0.5f, 0);
            var point4 = new Point3D(0.8f, -0.5f, 0);

            var pcReference = new Point3DCollection


             * var rotationAngle = 0.707106781187f;
             * Matrix3D m = new Matrix3D(
             * rotationAngle, 0, rotationAngle, 0,
             * 0, 1, 0, 0,
             * -rotationAngle, 0, rotationAngle, 0,
             * 1, 0, 0, 1);
             * // Transform the thumb according to m
             * _thumbReading = m.Transform(_readingFeatures[0]);
             * point1 = m.Transform(point1);
             * point2 = m.Transform(point2);
             * point3 = m.Transform(point3);
             * point4 = m.Transform(point4);
             * var pcReading = new Point3DCollection
             * {
             *  point1,
             *  point2,
             *  point3
             * };

            var depthData = _pcv.GetDepthDataFromLatestFrame();

            _reading         = depthData.Item1; // all points
            _readingFeatures = depthData.Item2; // only feature points [4]

            _initialTransformation = Util.ComputeInitialTransformation(_readingFeatures, _referenceFeatures);
            _reading = Parser3DPoint.FromDataPointsToPoint3DCollection(ICP.ApplyTransformation(_initialTransformation, Parser3DPoint.FromPoint3DToDataPoints(_reading)));

            ComputeRMSE(_referenceFeatures, _readingFeatures, _initialTransformation);

            _renderer.CreatePointCloud(_referenceFeatures, Brushes.Pink, false, 0.0125f);
            // Transform readingFeatures
            _renderer.CreatePointCloud(_readingFeatures, Brushes.YellowGreen, false, 0.0125f);
            _readingFeatures = Parser3DPoint.FromDataPointsToPoint3DCollection(ICP.ApplyTransformation(_initialTransformation, Parser3DPoint.FromPoint3DToDataPoints(_readingFeatures)));
            _renderer.CreatePointCloud(_readingFeatures, Brushes.Violet, false, 0.0125f);

            _renderer.CreatePointCloud(_reading, Brushes.BlueViolet, false, 0.0025f);

            // _renderer.CreatePointCloud(_reading, Brushes.Violet,false);

            label_Cycle.Content = "cycle: " + _cycleRuns;