Exemple #1
 protected DataFlowAnalysisBase(ICFG cfg)
     this.CFG            = cfg;
     this.pending        = new PriorityQueue <APC> (WorkingListComparer);
     this.JoinState      = new Dictionary <APC, AState> (this);
     this.widen_strategy = null;
        public ParametersFixMethodCallReturnValue(ProofObligation obl, APC pc, Func <APC> pcWithSourceContext, Variable dest, ArgList args,
                                                  BoxedExpression condition, List <BoxedExpression> premises,
                                                  Method method,
                                                  IDecodeMethods <Method> mdDecoder,
                                                  ICFG cfg,
                                                  Func <APC, BoxedExpression, bool, BoxedExpression> ReadAt,
                                                  Func <APC, Variable, FList <PathElement> > AccessPath,
                                                  Func <FList <PathElement>, bool> IsRootedInParameter,
                                                  Func <Variable, FList <PathElement>, BoxedExpression> MakeMethodCall, Func <Variable, BoxedExpression> MakeEqualZero
            Contract.Requires(mdDecoder != null);

            this.obl = obl;
            this.pc  = pc;
            this.pcWithSourceContext = pcWithSourceContext;
            this.dest                = dest;
            this.args                = args;
            this.condition           = condition;
            this.premises            = premises;
            this.mdDecoder           = mdDecoder;
            this.cfg                 = cfg;
            this.method              = method;
            this.ReadAt              = ReadAt;
            this.AccessPath          = AccessPath;
            this.IsRootedInParameter = IsRootedInParameter;
            this.MakeMethodCall      = MakeMethodCall;
            this.MakeEqualZero       = MakeEqualZero;
Exemple #3
        private HashSet <Cmd> FindPredCmds(Block b, ICFG cfg)
            HashSet <Cmd> pred_cmds      = new HashSet <Cmd>();
            List <Block>  pred_blocks    = cfg.predEdges[b].ToList();
            List <Block>  visited_blocks = new List <Block> {
            Block current_block;

            while (pred_blocks.Any())
                current_block = pred_blocks.First();
                if (current_block.Cmds.Any())
Exemple #4
    public static Dictionary<CFGBlock, List<CFGBlock>> ComputeContainingLoopMap(ICFG cfg)
      Contract.Requires(cfg != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Dictionary<CFGBlock, List<CFGBlock>>>() != null);

      var result = new Dictionary<CFGBlock, List<CFGBlock>>();
      var visitedSubroutines = new Set<int>();
      var pendingSubroutines = new Stack<Subroutine>();
      var pendingAPCs = new Stack<APC>();

      var graph = cfg.AsBackwardGraph(includeExceptionEdges:false, skipContracts:true);
      foreach (var loophead in cfg.LoopHeads)
        // push back-edge sources
        var loopPC = new APC(loophead, 0, null);
        foreach (var pred in cfg.Predecessors(loopPC))
          if (cfg.IsForwardBackEdge(pred, loopPC))
            var normalizedPred = new APC(pred.Block, 0, null);
        var visit = new DepthFirst.Visitor<APC, Unit>(graph,
          (APC pc) =>
            if (pc.SubroutineContext != null)
              // push continuation PC
              pendingAPCs.Push(new APC(pc.SubroutineContext.Head.One, 0, null));
              if (visitedSubroutines.AddQ(pc.Block.Subroutine.Id))
              return false; // stop exploration
            return !pc.Equals(loopPC);

        while (pendingAPCs.Count > 0)
          var root = pendingAPCs.Pop();

          while (pendingSubroutines.Count > 0)
            var sub = pendingSubroutines.Pop();
            pendingAPCs.Push(new APC(sub.Exit, 0, null));

        foreach (var visited in visit.Visited)
          if (visited.SubroutineContext != null) continue; // ignore non-primary pcs
          MaterializeContainingLoop(result, visited.Block).AssumeNotNull().Add(loophead);

      return result;
        public static void Run(Program input, string outputFile)
            Implementation impl = input.Implementations.First();

            CommandLineOptions.Clo.PruneInfeasibleEdges = true;
            ICFG cfg = new ICFG(impl);

            EmitCFGGraph(outputFile, cfg);
                public BackwardsPropagation(
                    APC pcCondition,
                    IFactQuery <BoxedExpression, Variable> facts,
                    IMethodDriver <Local, Parameter, Method, Field, Property, Event, Type, Attribute, Assembly, Expression, Variable, LogOptions> mdriver,
                    TimeOutChecker timeout)
                    Contract.Requires(mdriver != null);

                    this.pcCondition = pcCondition;
                    this.facts       = facts;
                    this.Mdriver     = mdriver;
                    this.CFG         = this.Mdriver.StackLayer.Decoder.Context.MethodContext.CFG;
                    this.timeout     = timeout;
                    this.joinPoints  = new Dictionary <APC, Preconditions>();
        public void InstallEntryAssumes(ICFG cfg, IEnumerable <Pair <BoxedExpression, Method> > inferredAssumes, Method method)
            Contract.Requires(inferredAssumes != null);

            foreach (var inferredAssume in inferredAssumes)
                var        assume     = inferredAssume.One;
                var        dummyAPC   = cfg.Entry; // TODO: do something better here! we don't know the APC yet, so we just pick some legitimate APC to avoid null ptr deref when looking up src context
                Provenance provenance = null;
                var        be         = new BoxedExpression.AssumeExpression(assume, "assume", dummyAPC, provenance, assume.ToString <Type>(type => OutputPrettyCS.TypeHelper.TypeFullName(this.MetaDataDecoder, type)));
                var        pc         = new BoxedExpression.PC(be, 0);

                this.MethodCache.AddEntryAssume(cfg, method, pc, ClousotExpressionCodeProvider <Local, Parameter, Method, Field, Type> .Decoder);
        public GenericNecessaryConditionsGenerator(
            APC pcCondition,
            IFactQuery <BoxedExpression, Variable> facts,
            IMethodDriver <Local, Parameter, Method, Field, Property, Event, Type, Attribute, Assembly, Expression, Variable, LogOptions> mdriver,
            TimeOutChecker timeout)
            Contract.Requires(mdriver != null);

            this.pcCondition      = pcCondition;
            this.facts            = facts;
            this.Mdriver          = mdriver;
            this.CFG              = this.Mdriver.StackLayer.Decoder.Context.MethodContext.CFG;
            this.underVisit       = new Set <APC>();
            this.timeout          = timeout;
            this.ExpressionReader = new ExpressionReader <Local, Parameter, Method, Field, Property, Event, Type, Attribute, Assembly, Expression, Variable>();
            this.SatisfyProcedure = new SimpleSatisfyProcedure <Local, Parameter, Method, Field, Property, Event, Type, Attribute, Assembly>(mdriver.MetaDataDecoder);
            this.LoopHit          = false;
            this.mutator          = new ReplaceSymbolicValueForAccessPath <Local, Parameter, Method, Field, Property, Event, Type, Variable, Expression, Attribute, Assembly>(mdriver.Context, mdriver.MetaDataDecoder);
Exemple #9
 public ForwardAnalysis(ICFG cfg,
                        Func <APC, AbstractState, AbstractState> transfer,
                        Joiner <APC, AbstractState> joiner,
                        Func <AbstractState, AbstractState> immutableVersion,
                        Func <AbstractState, AbstractState> mutableVersion,
                        EdgeConverter <APC, AbstractState, EdgeData> edgeConverter,
                        Func <APC, APC, EdgeData> edgeDataGetter,
                        Func <APC, AbstractState, bool> isBottom,
                        Action <Pair <AbstractState, TextWriter> > dumper) : base(cfg)
     this.transfer          = transfer;
     this.joiner            = joiner;
     this.immutable_version = immutableVersion;
     this.mutable_version   = mutableVersion;
     this.edge_converter    = edgeConverter;
     this.edge_data_getter  = edgeDataGetter;
     this.is_bottom         = isBottom;
     this.dumper            = dumper;
        private static void EmitCFGGraph(string file, ICFG cfg)
            using (System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(file))
                /* Document setup */
                writer.WriteLine("digraph slash_conf_assert_graph {");

                /* Emitting Nodes */
                foreach (Block b in cfg.nodes)
                    HashSet <string> blockMemoryWrites = GatherMemoryAccesses(b);
                    if (blockMemoryWrites.Count > 1)
                        writer.Write("[style=wedged,fillcolor=\"" + String.Join(":", blockMemoryWrites) + "\"]");
                    else if (blockMemoryWrites.Count == 1)
                        writer.Write("[style=filled, color=" + blockMemoryWrites.First() + "]");
                    else if (b.Cmds.Count == 0)
                        writer.Write("[style=filled, color=black, fontcolor=white]");

                /* Emitting Links */
                foreach (Block b in cfg.nodes)
                    foreach (Block succ in cfg.succEdges[b])
                        writer.Write(b.Label + "->" + succ.Label + ";\n");

                /* Emitting Document end */
Exemple #11
        public ForwardAnalysisSolver(
            ICFG cfg,
            Transformer <APC, AState, AState> transfer,
            EdgeConverter <APC, AState, EdgeData> edgeConverter,
            Joiner <APC, AState> joiner,
            Converter <AState, AState> immutableVersion,
            Converter <AState, AState> mutableVersion,
            Action <Pair <AState, TextWriter> > dumper,
            Func <APC, AState, bool> isBottom,
            Func <APC, AState, bool> isTop,
            ILPrinter <APC> printer,
            Printer <EdgeData> edgeDataPrinter,
            Func <APC, APC, EdgeData> edgeDataGetter
            : base(cfg)
            Contract.Requires(transfer != null);
            Contract.Requires(immutableVersion != null);
            Contract.Requires(isBottom != null);
            Contract.Requires(isTop != null);
            Contract.Requires(joiner != null);
            Contract.Requires(mutableVersion != null);
            Contract.Requires(edgeConverter != null);
            Contract.Requires(edgeDataGetter != null);

            this.transfer         = transfer;
            this.edgeConverter    = edgeConverter;
            this.joiner           = joiner;
            this.immutableVersion = immutableVersion;
            this.mutableVersion   = mutableVersion;
            this.dumper           = dumper;
            this.isBottom         = isBottom;
            this.isTop            = isTop;
            this.printer          = printer;
            this.edgeDataPrinter  = edgeDataPrinter;
            this.edgeDataGetter   = edgeDataGetter;
Exemple #12
        private void PerformTaintAnalysisAlternate()
            bool fixed_point = false;
            ICFG cfg         = new ICFG(this.impl);

            while (!fixed_point)
                fixed_point = true;
                foreach (Block b in this.impl.Blocks.AsEnumerable().Reverse())
                    if (!b.Cmds.Any())
                    fixed_point &= !PerformCommandAnalysis(b.Cmds);
                    foreach (Cmd pred_cmd in FindPredCmds(b, cfg))
                        fixed_point &= !PerformCommandAnalysis(new List <Cmd> {
                            pred_cmd, b.Cmds.First()
Exemple #13
        public static Dictionary <CFGBlock, List <CFGBlock> > ComputeContainingLoopMap(ICFG cfg)
            Contract.Requires(cfg != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <Dictionary <CFGBlock, List <CFGBlock> > >() != null);

            var result             = new Dictionary <CFGBlock, List <CFGBlock> >();
            var visitedSubroutines = new Set <int>();
            var pendingSubroutines = new Stack <Subroutine>();
            var pendingAPCs        = new Stack <APC>();

            var graph = cfg.AsBackwardGraph(includeExceptionEdges: false, skipContracts: true);

            foreach (var loophead in cfg.LoopHeads)
                // push back-edge sources
                var loopPC = new APC(loophead, 0, null);
                foreach (var pred in cfg.Predecessors(loopPC))
                    if (cfg.IsForwardBackEdge(pred, loopPC))
                        var normalizedPred = new APC(pred.Block, 0, null);
                var visit = new DepthFirst.Visitor <APC, Unit>(graph,
                                                               (APC pc) =>
                    if (pc.SubroutineContext != null)
                        // push continuation PC
                        pendingAPCs.Push(new APC(pc.SubroutineContext.Head.One, 0, null));
                        if (visitedSubroutines.AddQ(pc.Block.Subroutine.Id))
                        return(false);  // stop exploration

                while (pendingAPCs.Count > 0)
                    var root = pendingAPCs.Pop();

                    while (pendingSubroutines.Count > 0)
                        var sub = pendingSubroutines.Pop();
                        pendingAPCs.Push(new APC(sub.Exit, 0, null));

                foreach (var visited in visit.Visited)
                    if (visited.SubroutineContext != null)
                        continue;                                    // ignore non-primary pcs
                    MaterializeContainingLoop(result, visited.Block).AssumeNotNull().Add(loophead);

 protected ForwardDataFlowAnalysisBase(ICFG cfg) : base(cfg)
Exemple #15
		public ContractFilteredCFG (ICFG cfg)
			this.underlying = cfg;
        /// <summary>
        /// Responsibility to make sure the assume can be properly decoded lies with the serializer/deserializer.
        /// The SER/DES should have enough detail and checks to make sure a deserialized expression can be decoded without
        /// failing due to stack mismatch or failed type assumptions.
        /// </summary>
        public void InstallCalleeAssumes(ICFG cfg, IEnumerable <Pair <BoxedExpression, Method> > inferredAssumes, Method method)
            Contract.Requires(inferredAssumes != null);

#if false
            if (!inferredAssumes.Any())
            //this.Output.WriteLine("Trying to install {0} inferred assumes.", inferredAssumes.Count);

            // We lookup by name
            var locs   = this.MetaDataDecoder.Locals(method).Enumerate().Select(local => this.MetaDataDecoder.Name(local));
            var paramz = this.MetaDataDecoder.Parameters(method).Enumerate().Select(parameter => this.MetaDataDecoder.Name(parameter));
            var fields = this.MetaDataDecoder.Fields(this.MetaDataDecoder.DeclaringType(method)).Select(m => this.MetaDataDecoder.Name(method));
            // TODO: can the name / expr matching get mixed up during deserialization?
            foreach (var inferredAssume in inferredAssumes)
                var assume = inferredAssume.One;
                //this.Output.WriteLine("Installing assume " + assume);
#if false
                #region Ensure that all var's in the assume expression still exist in the new version of the function

                // Check that the variables appearing in the assume to install exists in the scope.
                // We use the name of the variables to make sure they are the same variable
                var foundAllVariables = assume.Variables().TrueForAll(v =>
                    var vToString = v.ToString();

                    // check for var in locs
                    var found = locs.Any(loc => vToString == loc);

                    // check for var in params
                    found = found || paramz.Any(param => vToString == param);
                    //string paramStr = this.MetaDataDecoder.ParameterType(paramz[j]) + " " + v.ToString(); // create str with same format as parameter string; hacky, but needed

                    // check for var in fields
                    found = found || fields.Any(fName =>
                        return(vToString == fName || // "normal" case
                               vToString == String.Format("this.{0}", fName)); // case where field prefixed with "this"

                if (!foundAllVariables)
                // found all locals, going to try to install this assume
                var        dummyAPC   = cfg.Entry; // TODO: do something better here! we don't know the APC yet, so we just pick some legitimate APC to avoid null ptr deref when looking up src context
                Provenance provenance = null;
                var        be         = new BoxedExpression.AssumeExpression(assume, "assume", dummyAPC, provenance, assume.ToString <Type>(type => OutputPrettyCS.TypeHelper.TypeFullName(this.MetaDataDecoder, type)));
                var        pc         = new BoxedExpression.PC(be, 0);

                var calleeName = inferredAssume.Two;

                this.MethodCache.AddCalleeAssumeAsPostCondition(cfg, method, calleeName, pc, ClousotExpressionCodeProvider <Local, Parameter, Method, Field, Type> .Decoder);
 public ContractFilteredCFG(ICFG underlying)
     Contract.Requires(underlying != null);
     this.underlying = underlying;
Exemple #18
 protected BackwardDFA(ICFG cfg, bool skipContracts)
     : base(cfg)
     this.skipContracts = skipContracts;
Exemple #19
 protected ForwardDFA(ICFG cfg)
     : base(cfg)
Exemple #20
 protected DFARootContract(ICFG cfg) : base(cfg)
        private static void EmitCFGGraph(string file, ICFG cfg)
            using (System.Xml.XmlTextWriter writer = new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(file, Encoding.UTF8))
                /* Document setup */
                writer.Formatting  = System.Xml.Formatting.Indented;
                writer.Indentation = 2;
                writer.WriteStartElement("DirectedGraph", @"http://schemas.microsoft.com/vs/2009/dgml");

                /* Emitting Nodes */
                foreach (Block b in cfg.nodes)
                    writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", b.Label);
                    HashSet <MemoryOperation> blockMemoryWrites = GatherMemoryAccesses(b);
                    if (blockMemoryWrites.Any())
                        writer.WriteAttributeString("Group", "Expanded");
                    if (!b.Cmds.Any())
                        writer.WriteAttributeString("Background", "Black");
                        writer.WriteAttributeString("Foreground", "White");
                    else if (blockMemoryWrites.Contains(MemoryOperation.CALL))
                        writer.WriteAttributeString("Background", "Brown");
                    else if (blockMemoryWrites.Contains(MemoryOperation.STORE_BITMAP))
                        writer.WriteAttributeString("Background", "Blue");
                    else if (blockMemoryWrites.Contains(MemoryOperation.STORE_STACK))
                        writer.WriteAttributeString("Background", "Red");
                    else if (blockMemoryWrites.Contains(MemoryOperation.STORE_REST))
                        writer.WriteAttributeString("Background", "Green");

                /* Emitting Links */
                foreach (Block b in cfg.nodes)
                    foreach (Block succ in cfg.succEdges[b])
                        writer.WriteAttributeString("Source", b.Label);
                        writer.WriteAttributeString("Target", succ.Label);
                    foreach (MemoryOperation ml in GatherMemoryAccesses(b))
                        writer.WriteAttributeString("Source", b.Label);
                        writer.WriteAttributeString("Target", b.Label + "_" + ml);
                        writer.WriteAttributeString("Category", "Contains");

                /* Emitting DirectedGraph end */
                /* Emitting Document end */
 public ContractFilteredCFG(ICFG cfg)
     this.underlying = cfg;