/// <summary>
        /// Creates a new BrokerageTransactionHandler to process orders using the specified brokerage implementation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">The brokerage implementation to process orders and fire fill events</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler"></param>
        public virtual void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, IResultHandler resultHandler)
            if (brokerage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("brokerage");

            // we don't need to do this today because we just initialized/synced
            _resultHandler = resultHandler;
            _syncedLiveBrokerageCashToday = true;
            _lastSyncTimeTicks            = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            _brokerage = brokerage;
            _brokerage.OrderStatusChanged += (sender, fill) =>

            _brokerage.SecurityHoldingUpdated += (sender, holding) =>

            _brokerage.AccountChanged += (sender, account) =>

            IsActive = true;

            _algorithm = algorithm;
 protected override void DisposeBrokerage(IBrokerage brokerage)
     if (!_manualGatewayControl && brokerage != null)
Exemple #3
        public override bool ModifyOrderToFill(IBrokerage brokerage, Order order, decimal lastMarketPrice)
            // FXCM Buy Limit orders will be rejected if the limit price is above the market price
            // FXCM Sell Limit orders will be rejected if the limit price is below the market price

            var limit         = (LimitOrder)order;
            var previousLimit = limit.LimitPrice;

            var fxcmBrokerage = (FxcmBrokerage)brokerage;
            var quotes        = fxcmBrokerage.GetBidAndAsk(new List <string> {

            if (order.Quantity > 0)
                // for limit buys we need to increase the limit price
                // buy limit price must be at bid price or below
                var bidPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(quotes.Single().BidPrice);
                Log.Trace("FxcmLimitOrderTestParameters.ModifyOrderToFill(): Bid: " + bidPrice);
                limit.LimitPrice = Math.Max(previousLimit, Math.Min(bidPrice, limit.LimitPrice * 2));
                // for limit sells we need to decrease the limit price
                // sell limit price must be at ask price or above
                var askPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(quotes.Single().AskPrice);
                Log.Trace("FxcmLimitOrderTestParameters.ModifyOrderToFill(): Ask: " + askPrice);
                limit.LimitPrice = Math.Min(previousLimit, Math.Max(askPrice, limit.LimitPrice / 2));

            return(limit.LimitPrice != previousLimit);
        /// <summary>
        /// We simulate activity of market makers on expiration. Trying to get profit close to expiration dates in deep ITM positions.
        /// This version of the simulator exercises short positions in full.
        /// </summary>
        public void SimulateMarketConditions(IBrokerage brokerage, IAlgorithm algorithm)
            if (!IsReadyToSimulate(algorithm))

            var backtestingBrokerage = (BacktestingBrokerage)brokerage;

            Func <Symbol, bool> deepITM = symbol =>
                var undelyingPrice = algorithm.Securities[symbol.Underlying].Close;

                var result =
                    symbol.ID.OptionRight == OptionRight.Call ?
                    (undelyingPrice - symbol.ID.StrikePrice) / undelyingPrice > _deepITM :
                    (symbol.ID.StrikePrice - undelyingPrice) / undelyingPrice > _deepITM;


            // we take only options that expire soon
            .Where(x => x.Key.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Option &&
                   x.Key.ID.Date - algorithm.UtcTime <= _priorExpiration)
            // we look into short positions only (short for user means long for us)
            .Where(x => x.Value.Holdings.IsShort)
            // we take only deep ITM strikes
            .Where(x => deepITM(x.Key))
            // we estimate P/L
            .Where(x => EstimateArbitragePnL((Option)x.Value, (OptionHolding)x.Value.Holdings, algorithm.Securities[x.Value.Symbol.Underlying]) > 0.0m)
            // we exercise options with positive expected P/L (over basic sale of option)
            .ForEach(x => backtestingBrokerage.ActivateOptionAssignment((Option)x.Value, (int)((OptionHolding)x.Value.Holdings).AbsoluteQuantity));
 protected override void DisposeBrokerage(IBrokerage brokerage)
     if (brokerage != null)
Exemple #6
        public override bool ModifyOrderToFill(IBrokerage brokerage, Order order, decimal lastMarketPrice)
            // FXCM Buy StopMarket orders will be rejected if the stop price is below the market price
            // FXCM Sell StopMarket orders will be rejected if the stop price is above the market price

            var stop         = (StopMarketOrder)order;
            var previousStop = stop.StopPrice;

            var fxcmBrokerage = (FxcmBrokerage)brokerage;
            var quotes        = fxcmBrokerage.GetBidAndAsk(new List <string> {

            if (order.Quantity > 0)
                // for stop buys we need to decrease the stop price
                // buy stop price must be strictly above ask price
                var askPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(quotes.Single().AskPrice);
                Log.Trace("FxcmStopMarketOrderTestParameters.ModifyOrderToFill(): Ask: " + askPrice);
                stop.StopPrice = Math.Min(previousStop, Math.Max(askPrice, stop.StopPrice / 2) + 0.00001m);
                // for stop sells we need to increase the stop price
                // sell stop price must be strictly below bid price
                var bidPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(quotes.Single().BidPrice);
                Log.Trace("FxcmStopMarketOrderTestParameters.ModifyOrderToFill(): Bid: " + bidPrice);
                stop.StopPrice = Math.Max(previousStop, Math.Min(bidPrice, stop.StopPrice * 2) - 0.00001m);

            return(stop.StopPrice != previousStop);
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get an instance of the data feed handler we're requesting for this work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">User algorithm to scan for securities</param>
        /// <param name="job">Algorithm Node Packet</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">Brokerage instance to avoid access token duplication</param>
        /// <returns>Class matching IDataFeed Interface</returns>
        private static IDataFeed GetDataFeedHandler(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket job)
            var df = default(IDataFeed);

            switch (job.DataEndpoint)
            case DataFeedEndpoint.Backtesting:
                df = new BacktestingDataFeed(algorithm, (BacktestNodePacket)job);
                Log.Trace("Engine.GetDataFeedHandler(): Selected Backtesting Datafeed");

            //Operation from local files:
            case DataFeedEndpoint.FileSystem:
                df = new FileSystemDataFeed(algorithm, (BacktestNodePacket)job);
                Log.Trace("Engine.GetDataFeedHandler(): Selected FileSystem Datafeed");

            //Tradier Data Source:
            case DataFeedEndpoint.Tradier:
                df = new TradierDataFeed(algorithm, brokerage, (LiveNodePacket)job);
                Log.Trace("Engine.GetDataFeedHandler(): Selected Tradier Datafeed");
        public override bool ModifyOrderToFill(IBrokerage brokerage, Order order, decimal lastMarketPrice)
            // FXCM Buy Limit orders will be rejected if the limit price is above the market price
            // FXCM Sell Limit orders will be rejected if the limit price is below the market price

            var limit = (LimitOrder)order;
            var previousLimit = limit.LimitPrice;

            var fxcmBrokerage = (FxcmBrokerage)brokerage;
            var quotes = fxcmBrokerage.GetBidAndAsk(new List<string> { new FxcmSymbolMapper().GetBrokerageSymbol(order.Symbol) });

            if (order.Quantity > 0)
                // for limit buys we need to increase the limit price
                // buy limit price must be at bid price or below
                var bidPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(quotes.Single().BidPrice);
                Log.Trace("FxcmLimitOrderTestParameters.ModifyOrderToFill(): Bid: " + bidPrice);
                limit.LimitPrice = Math.Max(previousLimit, Math.Min(bidPrice, limit.LimitPrice * 2));
                // for limit sells we need to decrease the limit price
                // sell limit price must be at ask price or above
                var askPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(quotes.Single().AskPrice);
                Log.Trace("FxcmLimitOrderTestParameters.ModifyOrderToFill(): Ask: " + askPrice);
                limit.LimitPrice = Math.Min(previousLimit, Math.Max(askPrice, limit.LimitPrice / 2));

            return limit.LimitPrice != previousLimit;
        public override bool ModifyOrderToFill(IBrokerage brokerage, Order order, decimal lastMarketPrice)
            var stop = (StopLimitOrder) order;
            var previousStop = stop.StopPrice;
            if (order.Quantity > 0)
                // for stop buys we need to decrease the stop price
                stop.StopPrice = Math.Min(stop.StopPrice, Math.Max(stop.StopPrice/2, Math.Round(lastMarketPrice, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)));
                //change behaviour for forex type unit tests
                if(order.SecurityType == SecurityType.Forex)
                    stop.StopPrice = Math.Min(stop.StopPrice, Math.Max(stop.StopPrice / 2, Math.Round(lastMarketPrice, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)));
                // for stop sells we need to increase the stop price
                stop.StopPrice = Math.Max(stop.StopPrice, Math.Min(stop.StopPrice * 2, Math.Round(lastMarketPrice, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)));

                //change behaviour for forex type unit tests
                if (order.SecurityType == SecurityType.Forex)
                    stop.StopPrice = Math.Max(stop.StopPrice, Math.Min(stop.StopPrice * 2, Math.Round(lastMarketPrice, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)));
            stop.LimitPrice = stop.StopPrice;
            return stop.StopPrice != previousStop;
        public override bool ModifyOrderToFill(IBrokerage brokerage, Order order, decimal lastMarketPrice)
            var stop         = (StopLimitOrder)order;
            var previousStop = stop.StopPrice;

            if (order.Quantity > 0)
                // for stop buys we need to decrease the stop price
                stop.StopPrice = Math.Min(stop.StopPrice, Math.Max(stop.StopPrice / 2, Math.Round(lastMarketPrice, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)));

                //change behaviour for forex type unit tests
                if (order.SecurityType == SecurityType.Forex || order.SecurityType == SecurityType.Crypto)
                    stop.StopPrice = Math.Min(stop.StopPrice, Math.Max(stop.StopPrice / 2, Math.Round(lastMarketPrice, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)));
                // for stop sells we need to increase the stop price
                stop.StopPrice = Math.Max(stop.StopPrice, Math.Min(stop.StopPrice * 2, Math.Round(lastMarketPrice, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)));

                //change behaviour for forex type unit tests
                if (order.SecurityType == SecurityType.Forex || order.SecurityType == SecurityType.Crypto)
                    stop.StopPrice = Math.Max(stop.StopPrice, Math.Min(stop.StopPrice * 2, Math.Round(lastMarketPrice, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)));
            stop.LimitPrice = stop.StopPrice;
            return(stop.StopPrice != previousStop);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new BrokerageTransactionHandler to process orders using the specified brokerage implementation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">The brokerage implementation to process orders and fire fill events</param>
        public BrokerageTransactionHandler(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage)
            if (brokerage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("brokerage");

            _brokerage = brokerage;
            _brokerage.OrderStatusChanged += (sender, fill) =>

            _brokerage.SecurityHoldingUpdated += (sender, holding) =>

            // maintain proper portfolio cash balance
            _brokerage.AccountChanged += (sender, account) =>

            IsActive = true;

            _algorithm = algorithm;

            // also save off the various order data structures locally
            _orders      = algorithm.Transactions.Orders;
            _orderEvents = algorithm.Transactions.OrderEvents;
            _orderQueue  = algorithm.Transactions.OrderQueue;
        public override bool ModifyOrderToFill(IBrokerage brokerage, Order order, decimal lastMarketPrice)
            // FXCM Buy StopMarket orders will be rejected if the stop price is below the market price
            // FXCM Sell StopMarket orders will be rejected if the stop price is above the market price

            var stop = (StopMarketOrder)order;
            var previousStop = stop.StopPrice;

            var fxcmBrokerage = (FxcmBrokerage)brokerage;
            var quotes = fxcmBrokerage.GetBidAndAsk(new List<string> { new FxcmSymbolMapper().GetBrokerageSymbol(order.Symbol) });
            if (order.Quantity > 0)
                // for stop buys we need to decrease the stop price
                // buy stop price must be strictly above ask price
                var askPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(quotes.Single().AskPrice);
                Log.Trace("FxcmStopMarketOrderTestParameters.ModifyOrderToFill(): Ask: " + askPrice);
                stop.StopPrice = Math.Min(previousStop, Math.Max(askPrice, stop.StopPrice / 2) + 0.00001m);
                // for stop sells we need to increase the stop price
                // sell stop price must be strictly below bid price
                var bidPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(quotes.Single().BidPrice);
                Log.Trace("FxcmStopMarketOrderTestParameters.ModifyOrderToFill(): Bid: " + bidPrice);
                stop.StopPrice = Math.Max(previousStop, Math.Min(bidPrice, stop.StopPrice * 2) - 0.00001m);

            return stop.StopPrice != previousStop;
Exemple #13
 protected override void DisposeBrokerage(IBrokerage brokerage)
     if (brokerage != null)
 protected override void DisposeBrokerage(IBrokerage brokerage)
     if (!_manualGatewayControl && brokerage != null)
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new BrokerageTransactionHandler to process orders using the specified brokerage implementation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">The brokerage implementation to process orders and fire fill events</param>
        public BrokerageTransactionHandler(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage)
            if (brokerage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("brokerage");

            _brokerage = brokerage;
            _brokerage.OrderStatusChanged += (sender, fill) =>

            // maintain proper portfolio cash balance
            _brokerage.AccountChanged += (sender, account) =>

                // how close are we?
                decimal delta = _algorithm.Portfolio.Cash - account.CashBalance;
                Log.Trace(string.Format("BrokerageTransactionHandler.AccountChanged(): Algo Cash: {0} Brokerage Cash: {1} Delta: {2}", algorithm.Portfolio.Cash, account.CashBalance, delta));

            IsActive = true;

            _algorithm = algorithm;

            // also save off the various order data structures locally
            _orders      = algorithm.Transactions.Orders;
            _orderEvents = algorithm.Transactions.OrderEvents;
            _orderQueue  = algorithm.Transactions.OrderQueue;
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and portfolio as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">Output new instance of the brokerage</param>
        /// <param name="job">Algorithm job/task we're running</param>
        /// <returns>Bool setup success</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, out IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket job)
            var initializeComplete = false;

            brokerage = new PaperBrokerage(algorithm);

            //For the console, let it set itself up primarily:
            catch (Exception err)
                Log.Error("PaperTradingSetupHandler.Setup(): " + err.Message);
                Errors.Add("Error setting up the paper trading algorithm; " + err.Message);

            // Starting capital is portfolio cash:
            StartingCapital = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;

            if (Errors.Count == 0)
                initializeComplete = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and portfolio as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Existing algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">New brokerage instance</param>
        /// <param name="baseJob">Backtesting job</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
        /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configuration transaction handler</param>
        /// <param name="realTimeHandler">The configured real time handler</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully setting up the console.</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket baseJob, IResultHandler resultHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler, IRealTimeHandler realTimeHandler)
            var initializeComplete = false;

                //Set common variables for console programs:

                if (baseJob.Type == PacketType.BacktestNode)
                    var backtestJob = baseJob as BacktestNodePacket;

                    //Set our default markets
                    // set our parameters
                    //Set the source impl for the event scheduling
                    //Setup Base Algorithm:
                    //Set the time frontier of the algorithm

                    //Construct the backtest job packet:
                    backtestJob.PeriodStart  = algorithm.StartDate;
                    backtestJob.PeriodFinish = algorithm.EndDate;
                    backtestJob.BacktestId   = "LOCALHOST";
                    backtestJob.UserId       = 1001;
                    backtestJob.Type         = PacketType.BacktestNode;

                    //Backtest Specific Parameters:
                    StartingDate           = backtestJob.PeriodStart;
                    StartingPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;
                    throw new Exception("The ConsoleSetupHandler is for backtests only. Use the BrokerageSetupHandler.");
            catch (Exception err)
                Errors.Add("Failed to initialize algorithm: Initialize(): " + err.Message);

            if (Errors.Count == 0)
                initializeComplete = true;

            // set the transaction and settlement models based on the brokerage properties

 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize the realtime event handler with all information required for triggering daily events.
 /// </summary>
 public LiveTradingRealTimeHandler(IAlgorithm algorithm, IDataFeed feed, IResultHandler results, IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket job)
     _algorithm = algorithm;
     _events = new List<RealTimeEvent>();
     _today = new Dictionary<SecurityType, MarketToday>();
     _feed = feed;
     _results = results;
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and portfolio as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Existing algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">New brokerage instance</param>
        /// <param name="baseJob">Backtesting job</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
        /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configuration transaction handler</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully setting up the console.</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, out IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket baseJob, IResultHandler resultHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler)
            var initializeComplete = false;

                //Set common variables for console programs:

                if (baseJob.Type == PacketType.BacktestNode)
                    var backtestJob = baseJob as BacktestNodePacket;

                    //Set the limits on the algorithm assets (for local no limits)
                    algorithm.SetAssetLimits(999, 999, 999);

                    //Setup Base Algorithm:
                    //Add currency data feeds that weren't explicity added in Initialize
                    algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook.EnsureCurrencyDataFeeds(algorithm.Securities, algorithm.SubscriptionManager, SecurityExchangeHoursProvider.FromDataFolder());

                    //Construct the backtest job packet:
                    backtestJob.PeriodStart  = algorithm.StartDate;
                    backtestJob.PeriodFinish = algorithm.EndDate;
                    backtestJob.BacktestId   = "LOCALHOST";
                    backtestJob.UserId       = 1001;
                    backtestJob.Type         = PacketType.BacktestNode;

                    //Backtest Specific Parameters:
                    StartingDate           = backtestJob.PeriodStart;
                    StartingPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;
                    throw new Exception("The ConsoleSetupHandler is for backtests only. Use the BrokerageSetupHandler.");
            catch (Exception err)
                Log.Error("ConsoleSetupHandler().Setup(): " + err.Message);
                Errors.Add("Failed to initialize algorithm: Initialize(): " + err.Message);

            if (Errors.Count == 0)
                initializeComplete = true;

            // we need to do this after algorithm initialization
            brokerage = new BacktestingBrokerage(algorithm);

            // set the transaction models base on the requested brokerage properties
            SetupHandler.UpdateTransactionModels(algorithm, algorithm.BrokerageModel);

Exemple #20
        public void Setup()
            _algorithm          = new QCAlgorithm();
            _transactionHandler = new BrokerageTransactionHandler();
            _resultHandler      = new NonDequeingTestResultsHandler();
            _brokerage          = new TestBrokerage();

            _brokerageSetupHandler = new TestableBrokerageSetupHandler();
Exemple #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and portfolio as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Existing algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">New brokerage instance</param>
        /// <param name="baseJob">Backtesting job</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
        /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configuration transaction handler</param>
        /// <param name="realTimeHandler">The configured real time handler</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully setting up the console.</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket baseJob, IResultHandler resultHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler, IRealTimeHandler realTimeHandler)
            var initializeComplete = false;

                //Set common variables for console programs:

                if (baseJob.Type == PacketType.BacktestNode)
                    var backtestJob = baseJob as BacktestNodePacket;
                    // set our parameters
                    //Set the source impl for the event scheduling
                    //Setup Base Algorithm:
                    //Set the time frontier of the algorithm

                    //Construct the backtest job packet:
                    backtestJob.PeriodStart  = algorithm.StartDate;
                    backtestJob.PeriodFinish = algorithm.EndDate;
                    backtestJob.BacktestId   = algorithm.GetType().Name;
                    backtestJob.Type         = PacketType.BacktestNode;
                    backtestJob.UserId       = baseJob.UserId;
                    backtestJob.Channel      = baseJob.Channel;

                    //Backtest Specific Parameters:
                    StartingDate           = backtestJob.PeriodStart;
                    StartingPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;
                    throw new Exception("The ConsoleSetupHandler is for backtests only. Use the BrokerageSetupHandler.");
            catch (Exception err)
                Errors.Add("Failed to initialize algorithm: Initialize(): " + err);

            if (Errors.Count == 0)
                initializeComplete = true;


Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and portfolio as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">Output new instance of the brokerage</param>
        /// <param name="job">Algorithm job/task we're running</param>
        /// <returns>Bool setup success</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, out IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket job)
            var initializeComplete = false;
            var liveJob            = job as LiveNodePacket;

            brokerage = new PaperBrokerage(algorithm);

                //Algorithm is live, not backtesting:

                //Set the live trading level asset/ram allocation limits.
                //Protects algorithm from linux killing the job by excess memory:
                switch (job.ServerType)
                case ServerType.Server1024:
                    algorithm.SetAssetLimits(100, 20, 10);

                case ServerType.Server2048:
                    algorithm.SetAssetLimits(400, 50, 30);

                default:     //512
                    algorithm.SetAssetLimits(50, 10, 5);

                //Initialize the algorithm
                //Add currency data feeds that weren't explicity added in Initialize
                algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook.EnsureCurrencyDataFeeds(algorithm.SubscriptionManager, algorithm.Securities);

                //Try and use the live job packet cash if exists, otherwise resort to the user algo cash:
                if (liveJob != null && liveJob.BrokerageData.ContainsKey("project-paper-equity"))
                    var consistentCash = Convert.ToDecimal(liveJob.BrokerageData["project-paper-equity"]);
            catch (Exception err)
                Log.Error("PaperTradingSetupHandler.Setup(): " + err.Message);
                Errors.Add("Error setting up the paper trading algorithm; " + err.Message);

            // Starting capital is portfolio cash:
            StartingCapital = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;

            if (Errors.Count == 0)
                initializeComplete = true;
        public void Setup()
            _algorithm = new QCAlgorithm();
            _algorithm.SubscriptionManager.SetDataManager(new DataManagerStub(_algorithm));
            _transactionHandler = new BrokerageTransactionHandler();
            _resultHandler      = new NonDequeingTestResultsHandler();
            _brokerage          = new TestBrokerage();

            _brokerageSetupHandler = new TestableBrokerageSetupHandler();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new BacktestingTransactionHandler using the BacktestingBrokerage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">The BacktestingBrokerage</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler"></param>
        public override void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, IResultHandler resultHandler)
            if (!(brokerage is BacktestingBrokerage))
                throw new ArgumentException("Brokerage must be of type BacktestingBrokerage for use wth the BacktestingTransactionHandler");
            _brokerage = (BacktestingBrokerage) brokerage;

            base.Initialize(algorithm, brokerage, resultHandler);
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new BacktestingTransactionHandler using the BacktestingBrokerage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">The BacktestingBrokerage</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler"></param>
        public override void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, IResultHandler resultHandler)
            if (!(brokerage is BacktestingBrokerage))
                throw new ArgumentException("Brokerage must be of type BacktestingBrokerage for use wth the BacktestingTransactionHandler");

            _brokerage = (BacktestingBrokerage)brokerage;

            base.Initialize(algorithm, brokerage, resultHandler);
Exemple #26
        private bool LoadCashBalance(LiveNodePacket liveJob, IBrokerage brokerage, IAlgorithm algorithm)
            Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Fetching cash balance from brokerage...");
                // set the algorithm's cash balance for each currency
                var    cashBalance = brokerage.GetCashBalance();
                string maxCashLimitStr;
                if (liveJob.BrokerageData.TryGetValue("max-cash-limit", out maxCashLimitStr))
                    var maxCashLimit = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <HashSet <CashAmount> >(maxCashLimitStr);


                    Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): will use job packet max cash limit. Disabled cash sync.");
                    foreach (var cash in maxCashLimit)
                        var brokerageCash = cashBalance.FirstOrDefault(
                            brokerageCashAmount => string.Equals(brokerageCashAmount.Currency, cash.Currency, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                        // we use the min amount between the brokerage and the job packet, if any
                        if (brokerageCash != default(CashAmount))
                            Log.Trace($"BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Job packet amount {cash.Currency} {cash.Amount}. Brokerage amount {brokerageCash.Amount}.");
                            var cashToUse = new CashAmount(Math.Min(cash.Amount, brokerageCash.Amount), cash.Currency);

                            algorithm.Debug($"Live deployment has been allocation limited to {cashToUse.Amount:C} {cashToUse.Currency}");

                            algorithm.Portfolio.SetCash(cashToUse.Currency, cashToUse.Amount, 0);
                            Log.Trace($"BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Skip setting {cash.Currency} brokerage does not have it.");
                    foreach (var cash in cashBalance)
                        Log.Trace($"BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting {cash.Currency} cash to {cash.Amount}");

                        algorithm.Portfolio.SetCash(cash.Currency, cash.Amount, 0);
            catch (Exception err)
                AddInitializationError("Error getting cash balance from brokerage: " + err.Message, err);

Exemple #27
         * CONSTRUCTOR
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for the tradier transaction handler
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">Brokerage instance</param>
        /// <param name="results">Result handler </param>
        /// <param name="accountId">Tradier account id</param>
        public TradierTransactionHandler(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, IResultHandler results, int accountId)
            _algorithm = algorithm;
            _isActive  = true;
            _ready     = false;
            _accountId = accountId;

            //Connect with Tradier:
            _tradier = (TradierBrokerage)brokerage;
            _results = results;
 /// <summary>
 /// Error handlers in event of a brokerage error.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="results">Result handler for sending results on error.</param>
 /// <param name="brokerage">Brokerage instance firing the errors</param>
 /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully setting up local algorithm</returns>
 public bool SetupErrorHandler(IResultHandler results, IBrokerage brokerage)
     //Setup handler for access token error.
     brokerage.AddErrorHander("Access Token expired", () =>
         results.RuntimeError("Brokerage access token has expired. In general this should not happen, please contact [email protected]");
     brokerage.AddErrorHander("Invalid Access Token", () =>
         results.RuntimeError("Access token is invalid. In general this should not happen, please contact [email protected]");
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new BacktestingTransactionHandler using the BacktestingBrokerage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">The BacktestingBrokerage</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler"></param>
        public override void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, IResultHandler resultHandler)
            if (!(brokerage is BacktestingBrokerage))
                throw new ArgumentException("Brokerage must be of type BacktestingBrokerage for use wth the BacktestingTransactionHandler");

            _brokerage = (BacktestingBrokerage)brokerage;

            base.Initialize(algorithm, brokerage, resultHandler);

            // non blocking implementation
            _orderRequestQueue = new BusyCollection <OrderRequest>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new BrokerageTransactionHandler to process orders using the specified brokerage implementation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">The brokerage implementation to process orders and fire fill events</param>
        public BrokerageTransactionHandler(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage)
            if (brokerage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("brokerage");

            _brokerage = brokerage;
            _brokerage.OrderEvent += (sender, fill) =>
                // save that the order event took place, we're initializing the list with a capacity of 2 to reduce number of mallocs
                //these hog memory
                //List<OrderEvent> orderEvents = _orderEvents.GetOrAdd(orderEvent.OrderId, i => new List<OrderEvent>(2));

                //Apply the filled order to our portfolio:
                if (fill.Status == OrderStatus.Filled || fill.Status == OrderStatus.PartiallyFilled)

                //We have an event! :) Order filled, send it in to be handled by algorithm portfolio.
                if (fill.Status != OrderStatus.None) //order.Status != OrderStatus.Submitted
                    //Create new order event:
                        //Trigger our order event handler
                    catch (Exception err)
                        _algorithm.Error("Order Event Handler Error: " + err.Message);

            //_brokerage.AccountChanged +=
            //_brokerage.PortfolioChanged +=

            IsActive = true;

            _algorithm = algorithm;

            // also save off the various order data structures locally
            _orders = algorithm.Transactions.Orders;
            _orderEvents = algorithm.Transactions.OrderEvents;
            _orderQueue = algorithm.Transactions.OrderQueue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new BrokerageTransactionHandler to process orders using the specified brokerage implementation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">The brokerage implementation to process orders and fire fill events</param>
        public BrokerageTransactionHandler(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage)
            if (brokerage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("brokerage");

            _brokerage             = brokerage;
            _brokerage.OrderEvent += (sender, fill) =>
                // save that the order event took place, we're initializing the list with a capacity of 2 to reduce number of mallocs
                //these hog memory
                //List<OrderEvent> orderEvents = _orderEvents.GetOrAdd(orderEvent.OrderId, i => new List<OrderEvent>(2));

                //Apply the filled order to our portfolio:
                if (fill.Status == OrderStatus.Filled || fill.Status == OrderStatus.PartiallyFilled)

                //We have an event! :) Order filled, send it in to be handled by algorithm portfolio.
                if (fill.Status != OrderStatus.None) //order.Status != OrderStatus.Submitted
                    //Create new order event:
                        //Trigger our order event handler
                    catch (Exception err)
                        _algorithm.Error("Order Event Handler Error: " + err.Message);

            //_brokerage.AccountChanged +=
            //_brokerage.PortfolioChanged +=

            IsActive = true;

            _algorithm = algorithm;

            // also save off the various order data structures locally
            _orders      = algorithm.Transactions.Orders;
            _orderEvents = algorithm.Transactions.OrderEvents;
            _orderQueue  = algorithm.Transactions.OrderQueue;
Exemple #32
 public void Setup()
     Log.Trace("--- SETUP ---");
     // we want to regenerate these for each test
     _brokerage        = null;
     _orderProvider    = null;
     _holdingsProvider = null;
 public override bool ModifyOrderToFill(IBrokerage brokerage, Order order, decimal lastMarketPrice)
     var stop = (StopMarketOrder)order;
     var previousStop = stop.StopPrice;
     if (order.Quantity > 0)
         // for stop buys we need to decrease the stop price
         stop.StopPrice = Math.Min(stop.StopPrice, Math.Max(stop.StopPrice / 2, lastMarketPrice));
         // for stop sells we need to increase the stop price
         stop.StopPrice = Math.Max(stop.StopPrice, Math.Min(stop.StopPrice * 2, lastMarketPrice));
     return stop.StopPrice != previousStop;
Exemple #34
 public void Setup()
     Log.Trace("--- SETUP ---");
     // we want to regenerate these for each test
     _brokerage = null;
     _orderProvider = null;
     _holdingsProvider = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and portfolio as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">Output new instance of the brokerage</param>
        /// <param name="job">Algorithm job/task we're running</param>
        /// <returns>Bool setup success</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, out IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket job)
            var initializeComplete = false;

            brokerage = new PaperBrokerage(algorithm);

            //For the console, let it set itself up primarily:
                //Algorithm is backtesting, not live:

                //Set the live trading level asset/ram allocation limits.
                //Protects algorithm from linux killing the job by excess memory:
                switch (job.ServerType)
                case ServerType.Server1024:
                    algorithm.SetAssetLimits(100, 20, 10);

                case ServerType.Server2048:
                    algorithm.SetAssetLimits(400, 50, 30);

                default:     //512
                    algorithm.SetAssetLimits(50, 10, 5);

                //Initialize the algorithm
            catch (Exception err)
                Log.Error("PaperTradingSetupHandler.Setup(): " + err.Message);
                Errors.Add("Error setting up the paper trading algorithm; " + err.Message);

            // Starting capital is portfolio cash:
            StartingCapital = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;

            if (Errors.Count == 0)
                initializeComplete = true;
        public override bool ModifyOrderToFill(IBrokerage brokerage, Order order, decimal lastMarketPrice)
            var stop         = (StopMarketOrder)order;
            var previousStop = stop.StopPrice;

            if (order.Quantity > 0)
                // for stop buys we need to decrease the stop price
                stop.StopPrice = Math.Min(stop.StopPrice, Math.Max(stop.StopPrice / 2, lastMarketPrice));
                // for stop sells we need to increase the stop price
                stop.StopPrice = Math.Max(stop.StopPrice, Math.Min(stop.StopPrice * 2, lastMarketPrice));
            return(stop.StopPrice != previousStop);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="universeSelection">The universe selection instance</param>
 /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
 /// <param name="brokerage">New brokerage output instance</param>
 /// <param name="algorithmNodePacket">Algorithm job task</param>
 /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
 /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configured transaction handler</param>
 /// <param name="realTimeHandler">The configured real time handler</param>
 public SetupHandlerParameters(UniverseSelection universeSelection,
                               IAlgorithm algorithm,
                               IBrokerage brokerage,
                               AlgorithmNodePacket algorithmNodePacket,
                               IResultHandler resultHandler,
                               ITransactionHandler transactionHandler,
                               IRealTimeHandler realTimeHandler
     UniverseSelection   = universeSelection;
     Algorithm           = algorithm;
     Brokerage           = brokerage;
     AlgorithmNodePacket = algorithmNodePacket;
     ResultHandler       = resultHandler;
     TransactionHandler  = transactionHandler;
     RealTimeHandler     = realTimeHandler;
        public override bool ModifyOrderToFill(IBrokerage brokerage, Order order, decimal lastMarketPrice)
            // limit orders will process even if they go beyond the market price

            var limit = (LimitOrder) order;
            if (order.Quantity > 0)
                // for limit buys we need to increase the limit price
                limit.LimitPrice *= 2;
                // for limit sells we need to decrease the limit price
                limit.LimitPrice /= 2;
            return true;
Exemple #39
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and portfolio as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">Output new instance of the brokerage</param>
        /// <param name="job">Algorithm job/task we're running</param>
        /// <returns>Bool setup success</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, out IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket job)
            var initializeComplete = false;

            brokerage = new Brokerage(); //Not used.

            //For the console, let it set itself up primarily:

            // Starting capital is portfolio cash:
            StartingCapital = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;

            if (Errors.Count == 0)
                initializeComplete = true;
        public override bool ModifyOrderToFill(IBrokerage brokerage, Order order, decimal lastMarketPrice)
            // limit orders will process even if they go beyond the market price

            var limit = (LimitOrder)order;

            if (order.Quantity > 0)
                // for limit buys we need to increase the limit price
                limit.LimitPrice = lastMarketPrice * 1.05m;
                // for limit sells we need to decrease the limit price
                limit.LimitPrice = lastMarketPrice / 1.05m;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new BrokerageTransactionHandler to process orders using the specified brokerage implementation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">The brokerage implementation to process orders and fire fill events</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler"></param>
        public virtual void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, IResultHandler resultHandler)
            if (brokerage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("brokerage");

            // we don't need to do this today because we just initialized/synced
            _resultHandler = resultHandler;
            _syncedLiveBrokerageCashToday = true;
            _lastSyncTimeTicks            = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

            _brokerage = brokerage;
            _brokerage.OrderStatusChanged += (sender, fill) =>
                // log every fill in live mode
                if (algorithm.LiveMode)
                    var brokerIds = string.Empty;
                    var order     = GetOrderById(fill.OrderId);
                    if (order != null && order.BrokerId.Count > 0)
                        brokerIds = string.Join(", ", order.BrokerId);
                    Log.Trace("BrokerageTransactionHandler.OrderStatusChanged(): " + fill + " BrokerId: " + brokerIds);


            _brokerage.AccountChanged += (sender, account) =>

            _brokerage.OptionPositionAssigned += (sender, fill) =>

            IsActive = true;

            _algorithm = algorithm;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new BrokerageTransactionHandler to process orders using the specified brokerage implementation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">The brokerage implementation to process orders and fire fill events</param>
        public BrokerageTransactionHandler(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage)
            if (brokerage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("brokerage");

            // we don't need to do this today because we just initialized/synced
            _syncedLiveBrokerageCashToday = true;
            _lastSyncTimeTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            _brokerage = brokerage;
            _brokerage.OrderStatusChanged += (sender, fill) =>

            _brokerage.SecurityHoldingUpdated += (sender, holding) =>

            _brokerage.AccountChanged += (sender, account) =>

            IsActive = true;

            _algorithm = algorithm;

            // also save off the various order data structures locally
            _orders = algorithm.Transactions.Orders;
            _orderEvents = algorithm.Transactions.OrderEvents;
            _orderQueue = algorithm.Transactions.OrderQueue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and data subscriptions as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">Brokerage instance</param>
        /// <param name="baseJob">Algorithm job</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
        /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configurated transaction handler</param>
        /// <param name="realTimeHandler">The configured real time handler</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully initializing the algorithm</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket baseJob, IResultHandler resultHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler, IRealTimeHandler realTimeHandler)
            var job = baseJob as BacktestNodePacket;
            if (job == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Expected BacktestNodePacket but received " + baseJob.GetType().Name);

            Log.Trace(string.Format("BacktestingSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting up job: Plan: {0}, UID: {1}, PID: {2}, Version: {3}, Source: {4}", job.UserPlan, job.UserId, job.ProjectId, job.Version, job.RequestSource));

            if (algorithm == null)
                Errors.Add("Could not create instance of algorithm");
                return false;

            //Make sure the algorithm start date ok.
            if (job.PeriodStart == default(DateTime))
                Errors.Add("Algorithm start date was never set");
                return false;

            var controls = job.Controls;
            var isolator = new Isolator();
            var initializeComplete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), () =>
                    //Set our parameters
                    //Algorithm is backtesting, not live:
                    //Set the algorithm time before we even initialize:
                    //Set the source impl for the event scheduling
                    //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:
                catch (Exception err)
                    Errors.Add("Failed to initialize algorithm: Initialize(): " + err.Message);

            //Before continuing, detect if this is ready:
            if (!initializeComplete) return false;


            //Calculate the max runtime for the strategy
            _maxRuntime = GetMaximumRuntime(job.PeriodStart, job.PeriodFinish, algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Count);

            //Get starting capital:
            _startingCaptial = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;

            //Max Orders: 10k per backtest:
            if (job.UserPlan == UserPlan.Free)
                _maxOrders = 10000;
                _maxOrders = int.MaxValue;
                _maxRuntime += _maxRuntime;

            //Set back to the algorithm,
            //Starting date of the algorithm:
            _startingDate = job.PeriodStart;

            //Put into log for debugging:
            Log.Trace("SetUp Backtesting: User: "******" ProjectId: " + job.ProjectId + " AlgoId: " + job.AlgorithmId);
            Log.Trace("Dates: Start: " + job.PeriodStart.ToShortDateString() + " End: " + job.PeriodFinish.ToShortDateString() + " Cash: " + _startingCaptial.ToString("C"));

            if (Errors.Count > 0)
                initializeComplete = false;
            return initializeComplete;
Exemple #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and portfolio as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Existing algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">New brokerage instance</param>
        /// <param name="baseJob">Backtesting job</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler"></param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully setting up the console.</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, out IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket baseJob, IResultHandler resultHandler)
            var initializeComplete = false;

                //Set common variables for console programs:

                if (baseJob.Type == PacketType.BacktestNode)
                    var backtestJob = baseJob as BacktestNodePacket;

                    //Set the limits on the algorithm assets (for local no limits)
                    algorithm.SetAssetLimits(999, 999, 999);

                    //Setup Base Algorithm:
                    //Add currency data feeds that weren't explicity added in Initialize
                    algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook.EnsureCurrencyDataFeeds(algorithm.Securities, algorithm.SubscriptionManager);

                    //Construct the backtest job packet:
                    backtestJob.PeriodStart = algorithm.StartDate;
                    backtestJob.PeriodFinish = algorithm.EndDate;
                    backtestJob.BacktestId = "LOCALHOST";
                    backtestJob.UserId = 1001;
                    backtestJob.Type = PacketType.BacktestNode;

                    //Backtest Specific Parameters:
                    StartingDate = backtestJob.PeriodStart;
                    StartingPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;
                    throw new Exception("The ConsoleSetupHandler is for backtests only. Use the BrokerageSetupHandler.");
            catch (Exception err)
                Log.Error("ConsoleSetupHandler().Setup(): " + err.Message);
                Errors.Add("Failed to initialize algorithm: Initialize(): " + err.Message);

            if (Errors.Count == 0)
                initializeComplete = true;

            // we need to do this after algorithm initialization
            brokerage = new BacktestingBrokerage(algorithm);

            // set the transaction models base on the requested brokerage properties
            SetupHandler.UpdateTransactionModels(algorithm, algorithm.BrokerageModel);

            return initializeComplete;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new BrokerageTransactionHandler to process orders using the specified brokerage implementation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">The brokerage implementation to process orders and fire fill events</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler"></param>
        public virtual void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, IResultHandler resultHandler)
            if (brokerage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("brokerage");

            // we don't need to do this today because we just initialized/synced
            _resultHandler = resultHandler;
            _syncedLiveBrokerageCashToday = true;
            _lastSyncTimeTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            _brokerage = brokerage;
            _brokerage.OrderStatusChanged += (sender, fill) =>
                // log every fill in live mode
                if (algorithm.LiveMode)
                    var brokerIds = string.Empty;
                    var order = GetOrderById(fill.OrderId);
                    if (order != null && order.BrokerId.Count > 0) brokerIds = string.Join(", ", order.BrokerId);
                    Log.Trace("BrokerageTransactionHandler.OrderStatusChanged(): " + fill + " BrokerId: " + brokerIds);


            _brokerage.AccountChanged += (sender, account) =>

            IsActive = true;

            _algorithm = algorithm;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new BrokerageTransactionHandler to process orders using the specified brokerage implementation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">The brokerage implementation to process orders and fire fill events</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler"></param>
        public virtual void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, IResultHandler resultHandler)
            if (brokerage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("brokerage");

            // we don't need to do this today because we just initialized/synced
            _resultHandler = resultHandler;
            _syncedLiveBrokerageCashToday = true;
            _lastSyncTimeTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            _brokerage = brokerage;
            _brokerage.OrderStatusChanged += (sender, fill) =>

            _brokerage.SecurityHoldingUpdated += (sender, holding) =>

            _brokerage.AccountChanged += (sender, account) =>

            IsActive = true;

            _algorithm = algorithm;

            // also save off the various order data structures locally
            _orders = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Order>();
            _orderRequestQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<OrderRequest>();
            _orderTickets = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, OrderTicket>();
            _processingCompletedEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(true);
 public override bool ModifyOrderToFill(IBrokerage brokerage, Order order, decimal lastMarketPrice)
     // NOP
     // market orders should fill without modification
     return false;
Exemple #48
 /// <summary>
 /// Disposes of the brokerage and any external resources started in order to create it
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="brokerage">The brokerage instance to be disposed of</param>
 protected virtual void DisposeBrokerage(IBrokerage brokerage)
 /// <summary>
 /// Setup error handlers for the backtest.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="results">Result handler</param>
 /// <param name="brokerage">Brokerage interface</param>
 /// <returns>Boolean true on successful setup</returns>
 /// <remarks>Not used in a backtesting setup handler. This is primarily for setting up brokerage error handler functions</remarks>
 public bool SetupErrorHandler(IResultHandler results, IBrokerage brokerage)
     return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new BrokerageTransactionHandler to process orders using the specified brokerage implementation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">The brokerage implementation to process orders and fire fill events</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler"></param>
        public virtual void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, IResultHandler resultHandler)
            if (brokerage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("brokerage");

            // we don't need to do this today because we just initialized/synced
            _resultHandler = resultHandler;
            _syncedLiveBrokerageCashToday = true;
            _lastSyncTimeTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            _brokerage = brokerage;
            _brokerage.OrderStatusChanged += (sender, fill) =>

            _brokerage.AccountChanged += (sender, account) =>

            IsActive = true;

            _algorithm = algorithm;
Exemple #51
        /// <summary>
        /// Get an instance of the transaction handler set by the task.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="job">Algorithm job packet</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">Brokerage instance to avoid access token duplication</param>
        /// <param name="results">Results array for sending order events.</param>
        /// <returns>Class matching ITransactionHandler interface</returns>
        private static ITransactionHandler GetTransactionHandler(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, IResultHandler results, AlgorithmNodePacket job)
            ITransactionHandler th;
            switch (job.TransactionEndpoint)
                case TransactionHandlerEndpoint.Brokerage:
                    th = new BrokerageTransactionHandler(algorithm, brokerage);
                    Log.Trace("Engine.GetTransactionHandler(): Selected Brokerage Transaction Models.");

                //Operation from local files:
                    th = new BacktestingTransactionHandler(algorithm, brokerage as BacktestingBrokerage);
                    Log.Trace("Engine.GetTransactionHandler(): Selected Backtesting Transaction Models.");
            return th;
Exemple #52
        /// <summary>
        /// Select the realtime event handler set in the job.
        /// </summary>
        private static IRealTimeHandler GetRealTimeHandler(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, IDataFeed feed, IResultHandler results, AlgorithmNodePacket job)
            var rth = default(IRealTimeHandler);
            switch (job.RealTimeEndpoint)
                //Don't fire based on system time but virtualized backtesting time.
                case RealTimeEndpoint.Backtesting:
                    Log.Trace("Engine.GetRealTimeHandler(): Selected Backtesting RealTimeEvent Handler");
                    rth = new BacktestingRealTimeHandler(algorithm, job);

                // Fire events based on real system clock time.
                case RealTimeEndpoint.LiveTrading:
                    Log.Trace("Engine.GetRealTimeHandler(): Selected LiveTrading RealTimeEvent Handler");
                    rth = new LiveTradingRealTimeHandler(algorithm, feed, results);
            return rth;
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and data subscriptions as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">Brokerage instance</param>
        /// <param name="baseJob">Algorithm job</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
        /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configurated transaction handler</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully initializing the algorithm</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, out IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket baseJob, IResultHandler resultHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler)
            var job = baseJob as BacktestNodePacket;
            if (job == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Expected BacktestNodePacket but received " + baseJob.GetType().Name);

            Log.Trace(string.Format("BacktestingSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting up job: Plan: {0}, UID: {1}, PID: {2}, Version: {3}, Source: {4}", job.UserPlan, job.UserId, job.ProjectId, job.Version, job.RequestSource));

            brokerage = null;

            if (algorithm == null)
                Errors.Add("Could not create instance of algorithm");
                return false;

            //Make sure the algorithm start date ok.
            if (job.PeriodStart == default(DateTime))
                Errors.Add("Algorithm start date was never set");
                return false;

            //Execute the initialize code:
            var isolator = new Isolator();
            var initializeComplete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () =>
                    //Algorithm is backtesting, not live:
                    //Set the backtest level asset ram allocation limits
                    algorithm.SetAssetLimits(500, 100, 30);
                    //Set the algorithm time before we even initialize:
                    //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:
                    //Add currency data feeds that weren't explicity added in Initialize
                    algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook.EnsureCurrencyDataFeeds(algorithm.Securities, algorithm.SubscriptionManager);
                catch (Exception err)
                    Errors.Add("Failed to initialize algorithm: Initialize(): " + err.Message);

            //Before continuing, detect if this is ready:
            if (!initializeComplete) return false;

            // this needs to be done after algorithm initialization
            brokerage = new BacktestingBrokerage(algorithm);

            SetupHandler.UpdateTransactionModels(algorithm, algorithm.BrokerageModel);

            //Calculate the max runtime for the strategy
            _maxRuntime = GetMaximumRuntime(job.PeriodStart, job.PeriodFinish, algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Count);

            //Get starting capital:
            _startingCaptial = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;

            //Max Orders: 10k per backtest:
            if (job.UserPlan == UserPlan.Free)
                _maxOrders = 10000;
                _maxOrders = int.MaxValue;
                _maxRuntime += _maxRuntime;

            //Set back to the algorithm,

            //Starting date of the algorithm:
            _startingDate = job.PeriodStart;

            //Put into log for debugging:
            Log.Trace("SetUp Backtesting: User: "******" ProjectId: " + job.ProjectId + " AlgoId: " + job.AlgorithmId);
            Log.Trace("Dates: Start: " + job.PeriodStart.ToShortDateString() + " End: " + job.PeriodFinish.ToShortDateString() + " Cash: " + _startingCaptial.ToString("C"));

            if (Errors.Count > 0)
                initializeComplete = false;
            return initializeComplete;
        /// <summary>
        /// Primary entry point to setup a new algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">New brokerage output instance</param>
        /// <param name="job">Algorithm job task</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
        /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configurated transaction handler</param>
        /// <param name="realTimeHandler">The configured real time handler</param>
        /// <returns>True on successfully setting up the algorithm state, or false on error.</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler, IRealTimeHandler realTimeHandler)
            _algorithm = algorithm;

            // verify we were given the correct job packet type
            var liveJob = job as LiveNodePacket;
            if (liveJob == null)
                AddInitializationError("BrokerageSetupHandler requires a LiveNodePacket");
                return false;

            // verify the brokerage was specified
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(liveJob.Brokerage))
                AddInitializationError("A brokerage must be specified");
                return false;

            // attach to the message event to relay brokerage specific initialization messages
            EventHandler<BrokerageMessageEvent> brokerageOnMessage = (sender, args) =>
                if (args.Type == BrokerageMessageType.Error)
                    AddInitializationError(string.Format("Brokerage Error Code: {0} - {1}", args.Code, args.Message));

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Initializing algorithm...");

                resultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(AlgorithmStatus.Initializing, "Initializing algorithm...");

                //Execute the initialize code:
                var controls = job.Controls;
                var isolator = new Isolator();
                var initializeComplete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(300), () =>
                        //Set the default brokerage model before initialize
                        //Set our parameters
                        //Algorithm is live, not backtesting:
                        //Initialize the algorithm's starting date
                        //Set the source impl for the event scheduling
                        //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:
                        if (liveJob.Brokerage != "PaperBrokerage")
                            //Zero the CashBook - we'll populate directly from brokerage
                            foreach (var kvp in algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook)
                    catch (Exception err)

                if (!initializeComplete)
                    AddInitializationError("Initialization timed out.");
                    return false;

                // let the world know what we're doing since logging in can take a minute
                resultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(AlgorithmStatus.LoggingIn, "Logging into brokerage...");

                brokerage.Message += brokerageOnMessage;


                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Connecting to brokerage...");
                    // this can fail for various reasons, such as already being logged in somewhere else
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError(string.Format("Error connecting to brokerage: {0}. " +
                        "This may be caused by incorrect login credentials or an unsupported account type.", err.Message));
                    return false;

                if (!brokerage.IsConnected)
                    // if we're reporting that we're not connected, bail
                    AddInitializationError("Unable to connect to brokerage.");
                    return false;

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Fetching cash balance from brokerage...");
                    // set the algorithm's cash balance for each currency
                    var cashBalance = brokerage.GetCashBalance();
                    foreach (var cash in cashBalance)
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting " + cash.Symbol + " cash to " + cash.Amount);
                        algorithm.Portfolio.SetCash(cash.Symbol, cash.Amount, cash.ConversionRate);
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting cash balance from brokerage: " + err.Message);
                    return false;

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Fetching open orders from brokerage...");
                    // populate the algorithm with the account's outstanding orders
                    var openOrders = brokerage.GetOpenOrders();
                    foreach (var order in openOrders)
                        // be sure to assign order IDs such that we increment from the SecurityTransactionManager to avoid ID collisions
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Has open order: " + order.Symbol.ToString() + " - " + order.Quantity);
                        order.Id = algorithm.Transactions.GetIncrementOrderId();
                        transactionHandler.Orders.AddOrUpdate(order.Id, order, (i, o) => order);
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting open orders from brokerage: " + err.Message);
                    return false;

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Fetching holdings from brokerage...");
                    // populate the algorithm with the account's current holdings
                    var holdings = brokerage.GetAccountHoldings();
                    var supportedSecurityTypes = new HashSet<SecurityType> { SecurityType.Equity, SecurityType.Forex, SecurityType.Cfd };
                    var minResolution = new Lazy<Resolution>(() => algorithm.Securities.Select(x => x.Value.Resolution).DefaultIfEmpty(Resolution.Second).Min());
                    foreach (var holding in holdings)
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Has existing holding: " + holding);

                        // verify existing holding security type
                        if (!supportedSecurityTypes.Contains(holding.Type))
                            Log.Error("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Unsupported security type: " + holding.Type + "-" + holding.Symbol.Value);
                            AddInitializationError("Found unsupported security type in existing brokerage holdings: " + holding.Type + ". " +
                                "QuantConnect currently supports the following security types: " + string.Join(",", supportedSecurityTypes));

                            // keep aggregating these errors

                        if (!algorithm.Portfolio.ContainsKey(holding.Symbol))
                            Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Adding unrequested security: " + holding.Symbol.ToString());
                            // for items not directly requested set leverage to 1 and at the min resolution
                            algorithm.AddSecurity(holding.Type, holding.Symbol.Value, minResolution.Value, null, true, 1.0m, false);
                        algorithm.Portfolio[holding.Symbol].SetHoldings(holding.AveragePrice, (int) holding.Quantity);
                        algorithm.Securities[holding.Symbol].SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar
                            Time = DateTime.Now,
                            Open = holding.MarketPrice,
                            High = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Low = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Close = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Volume = 0,
                            Symbol = holding.Symbol,
                            DataType = MarketDataType.TradeBar
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting account holdings from brokerage: " + err.Message);
                    return false;


                //Set the starting portfolio value for the strategy to calculate performance:
                StartingPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue;
                StartingDate = DateTime.Now;
            catch (Exception err)
                if (brokerage != null)
                    brokerage.Message -= brokerageOnMessage;

            return Errors.Count == 0;
Exemple #55
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and portfolio as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Existing algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">New brokerage instance</param>
        /// <param name="baseJob">Backtesting job</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
        /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configuration transaction handler</param>
        /// <param name="realTimeHandler">The configured real time handler</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully setting up the console.</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket baseJob, IResultHandler resultHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler, IRealTimeHandler realTimeHandler)
            var initializeComplete = false;

                //Set common variables for console programs:

                if (baseJob.Type == PacketType.BacktestNode)
                    var backtestJob = baseJob as BacktestNodePacket;

                    //Set our default markets
                    // set our parameters
                    //Set the source impl for the event scheduling
                    //Setup Base Algorithm:
                    //Set the time frontier of the algorithm

                    //Construct the backtest job packet:
                    backtestJob.PeriodStart = algorithm.StartDate;
                    backtestJob.PeriodFinish = algorithm.EndDate;
                    backtestJob.BacktestId = "LOCALHOST";
                    backtestJob.UserId = 1001;
                    backtestJob.Type = PacketType.BacktestNode;

                    //Backtest Specific Parameters:
                    StartingDate = backtestJob.PeriodStart;
                    StartingPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;
                    throw new Exception("The ConsoleSetupHandler is for backtests only. Use the BrokerageSetupHandler.");
            catch (Exception err)
                Errors.Add("Failed to initialize algorithm: Initialize(): " + err.Message);

            if (Errors.Count == 0)
                initializeComplete = true;

            // set the transaction and settlement models based on the brokerage properties

            return initializeComplete;
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and portfolio as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">Output new instance of the brokerage</param>
        /// <param name="job">Algorithm job/task we're running</param>
        /// <returns>Bool setup success</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, out IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket job)
            var initializeComplete = false;
            brokerage = new PaperBrokerage(algorithm);

            //For the console, let it set itself up primarily:
                //Algorithm is backtesting, not live:

                //Set the live trading level asset/ram allocation limits.
                //Protects algorithm from linux killing the job by excess memory:
                switch (job.ServerType)
                    case ServerType.Server1024:
                        algorithm.SetAssetLimits(100, 20, 10);

                    case ServerType.Server2048:
                        algorithm.SetAssetLimits(400, 50, 30);

                    default: //512
                        algorithm.SetAssetLimits(50, 10, 5);

                //Initialize the algorithm
            catch (Exception err)
                Log.Error("PaperTradingSetupHandler.Setup(): " + err.Message);
                Errors.Add("Error setting up the paper trading algorithm; " + err.Message);

            // Starting capital is portfolio cash:
            StartingCapital = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;

            if (Errors.Count == 0)
                initializeComplete = true;
            return initializeComplete;
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and data subscriptions as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">Brokerage instance</param>
        /// <param name="baseJob">Algorithm job</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully initializing the algorithm</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, out IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket baseJob)
            var job = baseJob as BacktestNodePacket;
            if (job == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Expected BacktestNodePacket but received " + baseJob.GetType().Name);

            // Must be set since its defined as an out parameters
            brokerage = new BacktestingBrokerage(algorithm);

            if (algorithm == null)
                Errors.Add("Could not create instance of algorithm");
                return false;

            //Make sure the algorithm start date ok.
            if (job.PeriodStart == default(DateTime))
                Errors.Add("Algorithm start date was never set");
                return false;

            //Execute the initialize code:
            var initializeComplete = Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () =>
                    //Algorithm is backtesting, not live:
                    //Set the backtest level asset ram allocation limits
                    algorithm.SetAssetLimits(500, 100, 30);
                    //Set the algorithm time before we even initialize:
                    //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:
                catch (Exception err)
                    Errors.Add("Failed to initialize algorithm: Initialize(): " + err.Message);

            //Before continuing, detect if this is ready:
            if (!initializeComplete) return false;

            //Calculate the max runtime for the strategy
            _maxRuntime = GetMaximumRuntime(job.PeriodStart, job.PeriodFinish, algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Count);

            //Get starting capital:
            _startingCaptial = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;

            //Max Orders: 100 per day:
            _maxOrders = (int)(job.PeriodFinish - job.PeriodStart).TotalDays * 100;

            //Starting date of the algorithm:
            _startingDate = job.PeriodStart;

            //Put into log for debugging:
            Log.Trace("SetUp Backtesting: User: "******" ProjectId: " + job.ProjectId + " AlgoId: " + job.AlgorithmId);
            Log.Trace("Dates: Start: " + job.PeriodStart.ToShortDateString() + " End: " + job.PeriodFinish.ToShortDateString() + " Cash: " + _startingCaptial.ToString("C"));

            if (Errors.Count > 0)
                initializeComplete = false;
            return initializeComplete;
        /// <summary>
        /// Primary entry point to setup a new algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">New brokerage output instance</param>
        /// <param name="job">Algorithm job task</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
        /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configurated transaction handler</param>
        /// <param name="realTimeHandler">The configured real time handler</param>
        /// <returns>True on successfully setting up the algorithm state, or false on error.</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, out IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler, IRealTimeHandler realTimeHandler)
            _algorithm = algorithm;
            brokerage = default(IBrokerage);

            // verify we were given the correct job packet type
            var liveJob = job as LiveNodePacket;
            if (liveJob == null)
                AddInitializationError("BrokerageSetupHandler requires a LiveNodePacket");
                return false;

            // verify the brokerage was specified
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(liveJob.Brokerage))
                AddInitializationError("A brokerage must be specified");
                return false;

            // attach to the message event to relay brokerage specific initialization messages
            EventHandler<BrokerageMessageEvent> brokerageOnMessage = (sender, args) =>
                if (args.Type == BrokerageMessageType.Error)
                    AddInitializationError(string.Format("Brokerage Error Code: {0} - {1}", args.Code, args.Message));

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Initializing algorithm...");

                //Execute the initialize code:
                var isolator = new Isolator();
                var initializeComplete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () =>
                        //Set the live trading level asset/ram allocation limits.
                        //Protects algorithm from linux killing the job by excess memory:
                        switch (job.ServerType)
                            case ServerType.Server1024:
                                algorithm.SetAssetLimits(100, 20, 10);

                            case ServerType.Server2048:
                                algorithm.SetAssetLimits(400, 50, 30);

                            default: //512
                                algorithm.SetAssetLimits(50, 25, 15);

                        //Algorithm is live, not backtesting:
                        //Initialize the algorithm's starting date
                        //Set the source impl for the event scheduling
                        //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:
                    catch (Exception err)

                if (!initializeComplete)
                    AddInitializationError("Initialization timed out.");
                    return false;
                    // find the correct brokerage factory based on the specified brokerage in the live job packet
                    _factory = Composer.Instance.Single<IBrokerageFactory>(factory => factory.BrokerageType.MatchesTypeName(liveJob.Brokerage));
                catch (Exception err)
                    Log.Error("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Error resolving brokerage factory for " + liveJob.Brokerage + ". " + err.Message);
                    AddInitializationError("Unable to locate factory for brokerage: " + liveJob.Brokerage);

                // let the world know what we're doing since logging in can take a minute
                resultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.LoggingIn, "Logging into brokerage...");

                // initialize the correct brokerage using the resolved factory
                brokerage = _factory.CreateBrokerage(liveJob, algorithm);

                if (brokerage == null)
                    AddInitializationError("Failed to create instance of brokerage: " + liveJob.Brokerage);
                    return false;

                brokerage.Message += brokerageOnMessage;

                // set the transaction models base on the brokerage properties
                SetupHandler.UpdateTransactionModels(algorithm, algorithm.BrokerageModel);

                    // this can fail for various reasons, such as already being logged in somewhere else
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error connecting to brokerage: " + err.Message);
                    return false;

                if (!brokerage.IsConnected)
                    // if we're reporting that we're not connected, bail
                    AddInitializationError("Unable to connect to brokerage.");
                    return false;

                    // set the algorithm's cash balance for each currency
                    var cashBalance = brokerage.GetCashBalance();
                    foreach (var cash in cashBalance)
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting " + cash.Symbol + " cash to " + cash.Quantity);
                        algorithm.SetCash(cash.Symbol, cash.Quantity, cash.ConversionRate);
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting cash balance from brokerage: " + err.Message);
                    return false;

                    // populate the algorithm with the account's outstanding orders
                    var openOrders = brokerage.GetOpenOrders();
                    foreach (var order in openOrders)
                        // be sure to assign order IDs such that we increment from the SecurityTransactionManager to avoid ID collisions
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Has open order: " + order.Symbol + " - " + order.Quantity);
                        order.Id = algorithm.Transactions.GetIncrementOrderId();
                        transactionHandler.Orders.AddOrUpdate(order.Id, order, (i, o) => order);
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting open orders from brokerage: " + err.Message);
                    return false;

                    // populate the algorithm with the account's current holdings
                    var holdings = brokerage.GetAccountHoldings();
                    var minResolution = new Lazy<Resolution>(() => algorithm.Securities.Min(x => x.Value.Resolution));
                    foreach (var holding in holdings)
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Has existing holding: " + holding);
                        if (!algorithm.Portfolio.ContainsKey(holding.Symbol))
                            Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Adding unrequested security: " + holding.Symbol);
                            // for items not directly requested set leverage to 1 and at the min resolution
                            algorithm.AddSecurity(holding.Type, holding.Symbol, minResolution.Value, null, true, 1.0m, false);
                        algorithm.Portfolio[holding.Symbol].SetHoldings(holding.AveragePrice, (int) holding.Quantity);
                        algorithm.Securities[holding.Symbol].SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar
                            Time = DateTime.Now,
                            Open = holding.MarketPrice,
                            High = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Low = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Close = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Volume = 0,
                            Symbol = holding.Symbol,
                            DataType = MarketDataType.TradeBar
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting account holdings from brokerage: " + err.Message);
                    return false;

                // call this after we've initialized everything from the brokerage since we may have added some holdings/currencies
                algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook.EnsureCurrencyDataFeeds(algorithm.Securities, algorithm.SubscriptionManager, SecurityExchangeHoursProvider.FromDataFolder());

                //Set the starting portfolio value for the strategy to calculate performance:
                StartingPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue;
                StartingDate = DateTime.Now;
            catch (Exception err)
                if (brokerage != null)
                    brokerage.Message -= brokerageOnMessage;

            return Errors.Count == 0;
 /// <summary>
 /// Setup the error handler for the brokerage errors.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="results">Result handler.</param>
 /// <param name="brokerage">Brokerage endpoint.</param>
 /// <returns>True on successfully setting up the error handlers.</returns>
 public bool SetupErrorHandler(IResultHandler results, IBrokerage brokerage)
     brokerage.Message += (sender, message) =>
         // based on message type dispatch to result handler
         switch (message.Type)
             case BrokerageMessageType.Information:
                 results.DebugMessage("Brokerage Info: " + message.Message);
             case BrokerageMessageType.Warning:
                 results.ErrorMessage("Brokerage Warning: " + message.Message);
             case BrokerageMessageType.Error:
                 results.ErrorMessage("Brokerage Error: " + message.Message);
                 _algorithm.RunTimeError = new Exception(message.Message);
     return true;
Exemple #60
 /// <summary>
 /// Modifies the order so it is more likely to fill
 /// </summary>
 public abstract bool ModifyOrderToFill(IBrokerage brokerage, Order order, decimal lastMarketPrice);