public IntellisenseIcon Resolve(IBooParseTreeNode node)
            Type nodeType = node.GetType();

            if (treeNodeIconMap.ContainsKey(nodeType))
                return treeNodeIconMap[nodeType];

            return 0;
        public BooParseTreeNodeList FlattenFrom(IBooParseTreeNode node)
            BooParseTreeNodeList flattened = new IntellisenseNodeList();

            // add anything "below" the scope (e.g. locals in a method, methods in a class)

            // add anything "above" the scope (e.g. classes in a method)
            // also walks sideways (e.g. other methods in same class if scope is a method)

            return flattened;
        private IList<IBooParseTreeNode> FlattenUp(IBooParseTreeNode node)
            IList<IBooParseTreeNode> flattened = new IntellisenseNodeList();
            IBooParseTreeNode parent = node;

            while ((parent = parent.Parent) != null)
                foreach (IBooParseTreeNode sibling in parent.Children)


            return flattened;
        private IBooParseTreeNode GetScopeByLine(IBooParseTreeNode node, int line)
            foreach (IBooParseTreeNode child in node.Children)
                IBooParseTreeNode foundNode = GetScopeByLine(child, line);

                if (foundNode != null)
                    return foundNode;

            bool isScopable = AttributeHelper.Has<ScopableAttribute>(node.GetType());

            if (isScopable && node.ContainsLine(line))
                return node;

            return null;
        private static string Output(IBooParseTreeNode node, int indentLevel)
            string indent = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < indentLevel; i++)
                indent += "  ";

            string output = indent +
                            node.GetType().Name + ": " +
                            node.Name +
                            "(" + node.StartLine + "," + node.EndLine + ")" +

            foreach (IBooParseTreeNode child in node.Children)
                output += Output(child, indentLevel + 1);

            return output;
Exemple #6
        public void InjectIntoScope(IBooParseTreeNode scope)
            if (scope == null) return;

            TypeKeywordResolver keywords = new TypeKeywordResolver();

            string[] words = keywords.GetForScope(scope);

            foreach (IBooParseTreeNode child in scope.Children)

            foreach (string word in words)
                KeywordTreeNode treeNode = new KeywordTreeNode();

                treeNode.Name = word;

        private void Push(IBooParseTreeNode node, int line)
            node.Parent = currentScope;
            node.StartLine = line;

            currentScope = node;
 private void Pop(int endLine)
     currentScope.EndLine = endLine;
     currentScope = currentScope.Parent;
        public override void Run()
            currentScope = project;


 public override void Add(IBooParseTreeNode member)
     // allow only other namespaces to be displayed
     if (member is NamespaceTreeNode)
 public static string Output(IBooParseTreeNode node)
     return Output(node, 0);
        private DocumentTreeNode GetDocument(IBooParseTreeNode node)
            var currentNode = node;

            while (!(currentNode is DocumentTreeNode))
                currentNode = currentNode.Parent;

            return currentNode as DocumentTreeNode;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds members from the current scope (flattened, so all containing scopes are included) to
        /// the declarations.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddMembersFromScopeTree(IntellisenseDeclarations declarations, IBooParseTreeNode scopedParseTree)
            var parseTreeFlattener = new BooParseTreeNodeFlatterner();

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds keywords based on the current scope to the declarations.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddKeywords(IntellisenseDeclarations declarations, IBooParseTreeNode scopedParseTree)
            var keywords = new TypeKeywordResolver();

 public override void Add(IBooParseTreeNode item)
     if (item.IntellisenseVisible)
 public CompiledDocument(IBooParseTreeNode root)
     this.root = root;